Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 101 Red Ribbon

"So where did you hide that poor girl?"

"So why can't I see the lawyer?" Ronald was chained to the stool in handcuffs. He couldn't block the strong light from the opposite side with his hands, and could only narrow his eyes.

Ronald had no experience in dealing with the powerful department at all. He only knew from high school general textbooks that it is one of the inalienable rights of American people that a criminal suspect requires a lawyer to be present during the interrogation.

The FBI agent on the opposite side was angrily laughed, and it is rare to see such a stubborn criminal playing this trick in front of federal law enforcement forces.

"So December 13, 1978, June 1, 1979, October 11, and February 12, 1980, and today, no, yesterday, where were you? What are you doing?"

"In '78 I was filming 'High School of Rock' in Los Angeles, and last June I was filming 'Famous' in New York. Yesterday I was auditioning for the cast of 'Endless Love', I can't remember the other dates."

Ronald was hard at the lights, but the male FBI agent was just asking the same question over and over again, "And when can I see my lawyer?"

"Ronnie, Ronnie, what should I say?" the detective said to him in a caring tone. "As long as you say it out obediently and hide where the girl from yesterday was, I'll make you comfortable."

Ronald was also a little tired of interrogating the same question over and over again, "I've told you many times, Michelle is at my aunt's house, why don't you check it out?"

"She was defrauded of all the money by two liars. Maybe they falsely accused me. You should check them out."

On the other side of the one-way mirror on the wall of the interrogation room, a task force composed of the FBI and the New York police was carefully observing Ronald's every move.

"How? Claire, is that him?" an old man in an FBI vest asked.

"It's not like serial killers usually play a game of cat and mouse, delaying time with us and making victims miserable. And this Ronald is very cooperative except when he first came in, he insists that there is no lawyer and does not speak. You go check him What was the result of the information provided?"

"Still checking." Another FBI agent replied.

The FBI named Claire is a rare female detective. She is proficient in business and has helped to catch several unsolved murderers. She is highly respected by the rest of the task force professionally.


,"The low-level police outside knocked on the door and came in. "A lawyer came outside to bail the suspect, and the so-called victim also came. They made it clear that someone took the opportunity to make a false accusation. This is the document they provided."

The person in charge of the FBI, the old man in a vest took the certificate and saw that he was the same person as the victim's photo received by the task force, and immediately walked out of the interrogation room.

After a long time, the old man returned to the interrogation room and threw several documents on the table heavily, "What do you New York police do with this kind of thing?"

This remark provoked all the policemen in the task force with the words of the New York police.

"Just relying on a verbal report, how did you get the search warrant? You have no relatives of the victim, so you rashly brought people in and said that the suspect and the serial killer have similar backgrounds. Isn't this misleading the direction of the investigation?"

A police officer affiliated with the New York Police Department who was temporarily assigned to the task force took a look at the document and saw that it was the material for applying for a search warrant. After reading it, he became furious. "Who let this go, and dare to approve the search warrant application of madman Leni?"

Crazy Renee is a celebrity in the New York Police Department. He joined a religious sect, and all day long, he persuaded others to be vegetarians, and everyone stayed three feet away from him.

Everyone thought that Manhattan Bundy was caught. Who knew that there was an oolong at the beginning. Everyone looked at each other and were very frustrated. I didn't expect to waste most of the night on an innocent civilian.

This matter happened to be everyone's blind spot. When they saw the police report in the South District of Manhattan that there was such a case of kidnapping, the victim was also a beautiful blonde, everyone was excited, thinking that when Manhattan Bundy went wrong, no one went there. Check who made the arrest and whether the evidence is sufficient.

"Let me explain it to him," Detective Claire said proactively.


"It's okay, Agent Claire... this is your job." Ronald moved his wrist, but he was not injured except for the red mark.

Taking a cup of instant coffee brought by Detective Claire, Ronald took a sip and ate a piece of packaged cake. I have been facing strong lights for a long time, and I haven't eaten, and now I still feel a little dizzy.

"Your lawyer and family are waiting for you outside. It's all about catching a serial killer. I hope you don't mind."

"Do I dare to mind your FBI?" Ronald smiled bitterly. "What happened to the two liars who falsely accused me?"

"This is not under the control of our FBI. You can ask your lawyer to cooperate with the New York police and file a lawsuit."

"Thank you, and can you give me back the script I took away from the police?"

"You have to report it to the NYPD, and they can give it back to you after the process." Claire smiled at Ronald, who had a pitiful expression.

"Aren't you very tough just now? These are all necessary procedures, Red Tape. In this way, this is my business card. If you have any questions about getting your documents back, you can call me."

"Thank you, Agent Claire." The red ribbon was the name for bureaucracy, used in Britain and America. Official documents from the early British Empire were tied with red tape.


Ronald, who signed out of the Southern District Police Station in Manhattan, was hugged by Michelle Pfeiffer, who took the initiative to clarify the facts, "It's great that you're okay."

"Yeah, it's all right," Ronald patted Pfeiffer's back lightly, then hugged his aunt and lawyer Lindsay in turn.

"God bless Ronnie, you scared Auntie to death this time." Aunt Karen crossed her chest sharply.

"Congratulations, I heard that you were very brave in the FBI interrogation room." Attorney Lindsay came up to tease.

"Don't mention it, I can only say that I want a lawyer. They took me to an interrogation room with only a table and chairs. I was quite scared when the bright lights illuminated me," Ronald replied.

"So who is framing me? Are those two liars?" Ronald asked Lindsay as he returned home, eating the scrambled eggs prepared by his aunt.

"Those two scammers reported you, they found a believer in the police station and facilitated them.

Also I suspect they also bribed someone in a key position. Accepting reports on this matter, applying for a search warrant, and approving a search warrant are not in line with the rules. "

Lindsay explained over coffee:

"All of this, it's like someone who knows how the bureaucracy works, just right to blind people in key positions to violations.

For example, when a judge approves a search warrant, one of his assistants happens to insert your search warrant into a pile of approved documents. "

"Fortunately, Helen revealed that you are in the hands of the FBI, and we will take Michelle there immediately. The FBI has nothing to do with the face of the NYPD. As long as it is clear that you did not kidnap Miss Pfeiffer, they can let you go. You don't have to worry about our reaction. Come and sue them for abuse of power."

Bobby also explained it, and then glanced at Michelle Pfeiffer, "If you are still in the hands of the New York police, we will have a little trouble with the procedure."

Bobby, the owner of the law firm, is very handsome and looks a bit like John F. Kennedy Jr., the son of former President Kennedy.

"It won't hinder Miss Pfeiffer's acting career," he added at last.

"So I can still sue the NYPD for abuse of power?" Ronald asked, seeing what he meant.

"I suggest you don't do this. If you have enough money, you can sue them to vent your anger. But you are just a student. If you sue this way, the lawsuit may drag on for a long time. It's better to go through the police station and let them give you some points. convenient."

"What do you think?" Ronald turned to Lindsay. On the ride home, Michelle Pfeiffer, who was in the same car, had already told him the conflict of interest between the two lawyers.

"I agree with Bobby on this point. If you agree to drop the lawsuit, then you can let them make some compensatory actions, such as investigating the two liars who falsely accused you of reporting you, and making it easier for Miss Pfeiffer to sue them for fraud. ' Lindsay said eloquently.

"However, you must file a complaint first, and let the Southern District of Manhattan Police Department know your grievances and anger before negotiating with their attorneys."

"Lindsay, you know that the lawyer representing the Southern District is a partner of my teacher's law firm, Rudy..."

"I'll leave this to you, Lindsay," Ronald set his tone.

"Don't do this, Lindsay. You still have to report to the police station and ask them to return the materials that your client has seized. If they block it with a red tape, you will waste a lot of time."

"I don't care. I was wronged in this matter. Do I need to apologize later?" Ronald smothered the scrambled eggs, then picked up a can of Coca-Cola and drank it.

"Uh..." said Ronald, burping, "sorry, I'm starving."

"Don't worry, Auntie still has it here." Aunt Karen brought out another plate.


"How long will it take for me to get my script back." Ronald filled out a lot of forms and submitted an application to get back his searched materials. The policewoman in front of him was still very indifferent to him.

"Three months. Next!"

"They said it will take three months, and they don't know where our taxes are going? Do taxpayers enjoy this kind of service?" Ronald angrily complained to lawyer Lindsay and agent Richard .

"Don't you have a backup?" Richard asked him.

"There were backups, but they were all in the apartment, and they were all taken away by the police." Ronald said helplessly, "Can you wait for me for a few days? I can write it down from memory. Or I can start the Vietnam War first. script."

"Actually, you don't have to worry." Richard looked at lawyer Lindsay, "I think Miss Dole has a way to help you get the script back quickly."

"And this time, I'm not here to get the script, but to sign you, the future gold medal screenwriter."

Speaking of which, Richard took out two contracts and showed the lawyer lady.

"Paula is very interested in the young actor you interviewed, so after you called, she went to report her idea to the boss."

"I know, I'm happy for Tom too. Last time I auditioned, I thought he deserves a better agent who thinks more about him." Ronald didn't mind, "but you really can't sign Michel. El Pfeiffer?"

"I'm sorry, I just graduated from the mail room, I'm still an apprentice, I have limited authority, I can only sign one of your customers. And Paula has her own ideas. She always feels that the peak period of male stars is longer and more worthwhile. Select and cultivate from young people.

Female stars will face many practical problems, especially young female stars, the risk is actually not small. Agents will be more willing to sign those who are already famous. "

"I understand, I've asked Eddie to help find it in Los Angeles."

"No problem, you can sign it." The lawyer saw the contract and was very sincere. The one-year contract will take 10% of the income. After the expiration, the two parties will automatically renew the contract for three years without any objection. "

"Okay, the signature is above this dotted line." Richard pointed to the location of the signature.

Ronald took the pen that Richard had handed over and signed his name, Ronald V. Lee, under the signatures of Paula Wagner and Richard Lovett.

"In this way, after I bring Mr. Nisita to sign, you are officially a client of our CAA. At your convenience, we will invite you to Los Angeles, and Mr. Ovitz will meet you in person to understand your needs and put Your script is recommended to the big eight studios, which is a perk that all CAA clients will enjoy."

"Welcome to the CAA family." Richard Lovett formally shook hands with Ronald.

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