Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 102 Everyone has an agent

"As long as you sign here, you become an official customer of CAA." Paula Wagner said, pointing to the dotted line on the contract.

"So I have an agent when I sign?" Tom, the sunshine boy, felt like he was hit by the lottery jackpot. "I could only find a temporary agent before the audition, and help me sign in case I get selected."

"Don't hesitate, isn't this what you've always dreamed of? And lawyer Lindsay has already read the contract for you." Ronald called Tom to talk about something, and he took him to dinner to celebrate Ronaldo's Nader signed with CAA.

Just after Paula communicated with the headquarters, she confirmed Tom's signing and contract details, and came to the hotel. Anyway, Miss Lawyer was there, so she took a look at the contract and asked Tom to sign it on the spot.

"Thomas Cruise Mapother IV." Tom signed his full name.


Seeing Tom Cruise sign his name, Paula let out a sigh of relief. Then take the lead in toasting, and everyone toasts to the official agent of Sunshine Boy.

"I will be your main agent in CAA, you need to organize the things you need to bring, and go to Los Angeles with me in the next stage, I will find you a suitable apartment in Los Angeles." Paula is a qualified agent Man, think of everything.

"No, Sean Penn called me and told me to go to Hollywood as soon as possible and I could live in his guest room. You know I haven't officially acted in a movie or TV show, so..."

"No, you'll be making your debut soon. Don't worry about the money, Tom. You're now a contract agent with CAA, and I, no, we can pay you your first three months' rent."

"I'll have a debut? (Debut)" Tom asked excitedly. "What subject? Movie or TV? I've been preparing for this day, Paula. Don't worry, I'll play it well."

"Tonight I have an appointment with Director Zeffirelli to talk about your role in the 'Endless Love' crew." Paula smiled,

"Do you want him to play the leading role?" Ronald wondered. CAA is indeed very powerful. As soon as the contract was signed, the Italian director was settled? But is the old glass Zeferelli willing to give up his "welfare"? Or will CAA's agents urge actors to "sacrifice"?

Ronald looked at Tom Cruise and then at Miss Attorney. In that case, he didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing for Tom to sign Paula.

"No, that role is not suitable for you." Paula wiped her lips with a tablecloth, took a sip of water and said, "Tom is the spokesperson for handsome Amelica, and he can't play such a gloomy villain."

Ronald thought about it for a while, it was true, the hero of endless love was actually a villain who seduced a wealthy girl, was banned by the other's father, and then lit a newspaper at the front door of the other's house, hoping to rush in to save him while he was smoking. Man, who knew that he made a mistake and set the house on fire.

Later, he was convicted of arson in court, and he was imprisoned in the notorious Elizabeth mental hospital. His parents sold the house to rescue him, and then went to harass the wealthy daughter, causing the death of the other's father in a car accident, and hooking up with the other's mother. It is love that saves itself.

"Tom, you haven't been to an acting school, so your debut should not be too much of a test of your acting skills. I've picked a role for you who doesn't have many roles, but plays a key role in the progression of the plot."

Ronald thought for a while, "Is that Billy?" Billy was David's classmate. While chatting, he accidentally mentioned that he once put a wet newspaper outside the neighbor's house and lit it, producing a lot of smoke, and then He went to put out the fire again and won the favor of the neighbors. Inspired Dave to set fire to it.

"Yes, you are very smart, Ronald." Paula said, "If you are free at night, let's go together." Ronald and Director Zeffirelli were familiar and could talk, Paula wanted to pull him up He went with him and gave Tom some weight.

Ronald looked at Miss Lawyer.

Lindsay Dole said, "In the afternoon, I will represent you in a meeting with the opposing attorney representing the NYPD. You need to be present, but it won't be long, and you will have enough time."

"Can I bring Michelle Pfeiffer?" Ronald also wanted to win another role for Pfeiffer. Even if he didn't choose the protagonist, he could play a supporting role as a classmate, which would be beneficial to Pfeiffer's agent. .

"Of course, bring her along." Richard agreed.

"Ronald, brokers generally don't reject clients' requests head-on, you have to remember." Richard instructed when he sent Ronald and the lawyer away alone.

"What he means is that you don't need to ask them to agree to this kind of thing, just take Pfeiffer directly. Paula asks you, you bring someone to balance the two sides, don't give the other party a chance to reject you." Lindsay Seeing that Ronald was a little confused, Dole mentioned it.

"Yeah, I'm not quite used to the life of an agent."


"Rudy, my client was searched by the Southern District of Manhattan Police Department in violation of the law, resulting in the loss of two important screenplays. The sale, what the Southern District Police Station did, has violated the legitimate rights and interests of my client and caused huge economic losses."

Attorney Lindsay Dole, Ronald sat on one side, and on the other was a representative from Manhattan's Southern District Police Department, and his attorney, Rudy.

"Lindsay, my client is willing to immediately return his seized materials as long as your client abandons the claim. You can also apologize to your client in person in private."

"This is what you should have done, not a bargaining chip."

Rudy and the police representative whispered a few words, "Well, as long as your client can drop the prosecution, the Manhattan South District Police Department is willing to return Mr. Ronald Lee's property immediately and help to hunt down two God's who falsely accused your client. Child believers."

"A police officer who deliberately violated the rules?"

"The Internal Investigation Section will initiate an investigation."

The lady lawyer also turned to Ronald and whispered, "The police station's attitude is just like this. If it doesn't make a big deal and go all out to prosecute, I guess the so-called search and internal investigation of the Southern District Police Station are also pretentious. It's better. You can make some money by offering to settle with them. I heard Karen say her shop is often harassed by hooligans..."

Ronald nodded frequently, and then said, "Actually, I support police work. The amount of state tax I paid this year is among the highest at my age. I support the New York Police. For example, I have a police station on XX Street in Midtown Manhattan. In a small shop selling dance supplies, when the patrolling police come, there will be far fewer gangsters and fireflies harassing nearby.”

The representative of the Southern District Police Department smiled for the first time and whispered a few words to Rudy.

"We are very grateful for your client's support to the police. The patrolling police work very hard, and there is often no place to use the bathroom. If your small shop can..."

"We will also prepare some coffee so that the patrolmen can better protect the people."

"In this case, we hope that Mr. Ronald Lee will be able to attend a meeting of the Southern District Police Service in recognition of enthusiastic people to quell certain rumors."

"Deal." Ronald and the lawyer agreed to this solution after exchanging opinions.


After parting with the attorney, Ronald went to the RTKD store to tell his aunt, Karen, that the patrolman was back for coffee.

"In this case, those nasty Italian gangsters controlled by Liu Ying will come less. If Bud is not blocking the door, they will always drive away customers when they come in." Aunt said.

Ronald took Pfeiffer with him, and the two drove to meet director Zeffirelli.

"That's the way it is, Paula is mainly there to sell Tom Cruise, and I think it's an opportunity. If Zeffirelli can meet you, maybe he'll think he can give you a role as well."

What the agent Richard said when he was parting inspired Ronald. No one in this world is omnipotent, and some things can take advantage of each other's blind spots and misunderstandings.

"Why are you helping me? Ronald" Michelle Pfeiffer had been silent on the co-pilot, and suddenly asked while waiting for the red light.

Ronald looked back at Pfeiffer and smiled, "Actually, I don't know either. I don't want to ask for anything in return. This is a very competitive industry." Ronald put his hand on his neck and compared, Made a throat cut gesture.

"I think it's especially hard for actresses to get ahead, you know? The tradition of agents is to only sign famous stars, but now CAA has a new idea and starts to sign young male stars who are not yet famous. La Wagner recommended you, but they thought it was too risky to invest in lesser-known actresses."

"I don't want to see potential actresses being turned down by the right opportunity, plus you asked me for help at the time, I think you must trust me a lot."

Michelle Pfeiffer looked at Ronald with a pair of charming blue eyes, "You know, I gave up a lot to be an actress, and I don't want to stop."

"I know, I just read Ingrid Bergman's autobiography, and I know that before a female star has a solid status, it is an extravagant hope to talk about relationships. Before you can pick a script, life is a series of auditions and shooting, always busy. "

Ronald looked at the traffic light in front of him, thinking of the women he had dated, and felt a little sad for a while. American women have to give up a lot if they want to fight their careers.


Ronald turned his head and saw that Michelle Pfeiffer's face was in front of him, with blond hair draped over his shoulders, a cat-like face close at hand, a pair of beautiful blue eyes slightly closed, only fiery eyes. Lips trembled slightly.

With a sound of "um", Michelle Pfeiffer felt that her lips were gently printed and wrapped by another pair of lips. The whole body seemed to be stimulated by male hormones, and it was soft and couldn't help making a satisfied sound.

"DiDi..." A horn sounded from behind. Ronald saw that the light ahead had turned into a green light. As soon as he stepped on the clutch, he switched to first gear and continued forward.


"Hello, Mr. Director, this is Michelle Pfeiffer, you have already met." Ronald introduced Pfeiffer again.

"This is Tom, and this is his agent, Paula from CAA. This is his colleague, Richard."

Ronald deliberately sat Pfeiffer between Richard and himself, hoping to mislead the director.

"Ha, you guys at CAA really find time."

A word came from the mouth of a stranger at the door.

The person and director Zeffirelli hugged and posted it twice.

"Some brokers are like rats, they just start digging holes and stealing your cheese."

"By the way, this is my agent, Ed Limato of International Creation Management (ICM)," said director Zeffirelli.

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