Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 103 The Broker's War

"Ed and I have known each other for a long time. He was my assistant director at the time." Zeffirelli said to everyone, as if explaining to the people at CAA why he couldn't change jobs.

"It was a very good time, Good Old Days," Ed Limato echoed. "You introduced me to my first brokerage job, Franco."

"Ha, Ashley - famous brokerage firm. I knew Ted Ashley back then, and his firm had just merged with a famous artist brokerage and needed young people."

Paula Wagner and Richard Lovett exchanged a quick glance, and neither CAA employee expected Limato, the veteran star agent of William Morris, who was well-known in Hollywood, to think that Limato would be here. The attentive service of customers is known. It seems that the poaching of Zeffirelli needs to be re-evaluated, and they did not know the relationship between the director and the agent in advance.

"Brokers now have a tendency to see the client as a commodity to help their own business. I still think of the client as someone who needs to be served." Ed Limato finished speaking with Zeffire Lee's history, the conversation changed, and he began to take the initiative to attack.

"You guys, keep your eyes open, don't look for an agent who puts your own interests ahead of yours," said Tom Cruise, Ronald, and Michelle Pfeiffer swept back and forth.

Paula Wagner raised her eyebrows, and her round face that used to be kind and round became fierce, and she was about to fight back. She managed to sign Tom Cruise, and her intentions were similar to Limato's words.

How much money can a broker make just by serving clients? Only by being tightly bound to the head male star can you achieve a leap in life. Now she can't sign established male stars, she can only find potential new stars like Tom Cruise.

Ed Limato actually tried to pry off Tom? This Italian is full of mouth to treat customers like Family. In fact, he is very aggressive, and he will poach people when he opens his mouth.

Before Paula could speak, another voice sounded, and the one who responded first was Richard Lovett, who had always been low-key:

"The interests of brokers and clients are naturally bound. Only when clients can earn more money can we earn more. Considering the careers of clients is the only way to progress in our own careers. "

This is quite right, Tom Cruise agrees with a smile, and Ronald is thoughtful.

Richard Lovett hasn't finished, "For example, Sylvester Stallone, who you represent, can make another leap in his acting career and become a Hollywood star if he is run by CAA.


"Boy, your skills are still a little tender, and you need to say this in front of the client." Ed Limato smiled, "Your CAA's idea has crossed the line, helping clients plan their careers, you feel that you are Do you know yourself better than your customers?"

"Why don't you come to CAA? I know it's hard to believe, but CAA's model really helps clients better plan their careers."

When Richard said this, Ed Limato was also surprised by his appetite. It's not about poaching customers in person, it's about poaching Limato and all of his customers.

"Boy, you've crossed the line. Michael (Ovitz) should come and tell me this in person. Hahaha..."

Speaking of Limato never mentioning the brokerage business, everyone talked about the movie "Endless Love".

Peter Guber only cares about the heroine Jed, the central character of the whole film, and a small character Billy. The director and Ronald are all there, and they have enough influence on the casting. When chatting, it was basically determined by Tom Ke Ruth plays.

Michelle Pfeiffer looked at Paula and Tom with a bit of envy. With a hard-working and professional agent, it seems that it is not so difficult to get the role.

Ronald noticed Pfeiffer's expression, thought about it, and deliberately mentioned the heroine's choice:

"How is the casting of the heroine now? Does Mr. Guber still insist on Brooke Shields?"

"Young man," WMA agent Ed Limato pointed to Ronald, "Are you too ambitious, so you're going to win a heroine for your client? It's better to do it gradually."

"You misunderstood, Ed," said director Zeffirelli. "Ronald is my casting assistant, and he's a director himself. Have you seen the latest Chewels gum ad? It's his handwriting."

"He's my client and a screenwriter." Richard Lovett hurriedly defended the territory.

"It turned out to be like this, really young and promising." Ed Limato praised, his eyes involuntarily looked at the remaining Michelle Pfeiffer.

"Michelle participated in the leading actress audition in the early stage. Do you have any other candidates in the next two days? Mr. Director." Ronald changed the topic and dried Limato first.

"Deborah Wenger is a little bit less stunning and has black hair. She doesn't want to dye her hair, and it seems a little difficult to cooperate." Zeffirelli is a talkative person outside work.

"But the next day there was a blond girl who was very competitive, a student at the University of Connecticut. Her name was Meg."

Ronald hadn't heard the name Meg in a long time, but the blonde girl didn't seem to be talking about her.

Zeffirelli took out a small notebook and put on the glasses that were attached to his chest with a necklace. "By the way, it's Meg Ryan."

"What about Michelle?" Ronald asked.

"Meg Ryan is very sweet, and Miss Pfeiffer is more sexy." Zeffirelli did not comment.

"What? Are you Michelle Pfeiffer?"

Ed Limato was taken aback. "I've heard people talk about you. Did you play a role in ABC's B.A.D. Cats?"

"Yes, I'm playing Agent Samantha. But only the first season." Michelle Pfeiffer tried to put on her best pose.

"My God, I heard someone say there was a blonde girl, I thought it was Marilyn Monroe, but I didn't expect you to be slim, no wonder I didn't recognize it." Ed Limato laughed, Turn the conversation in another direction.

Paula Wagner was about to open a room for Tom in a hotel, and she was wary of Limato, who had just signed on, and when he was in New York, he tried to keep Tom under his control.

Richard and Paula, and Tom wait for a taxi back to the Holiday Inn. Ronald and Michelle Pfeiffer were at the door waiting for the waiter to drive the car. Zeffirelli and his agent were also waiting for their car.

Ed Limato's car came first, the people who saw CAA were far away, he quickly approached Ronald and handed a business card, "This is my business card, tell me your phone number with Michelle. ."

Ronald picked up his business card that he had prepared a long time ago and handed it over, "It has my apartment phone number on it."

Limato handed a dollar to the waiter who was driving, brought director Zeffirelli into the car, and waved goodbye to Ronald and Michelle.


Michelle Pfeiffer came out of the bathroom, wrapped a bath towel around her body and wiped her hair with a large towel, "Ronnie, why do you have Lux soap here? Which girl left it? I know someone in the film and television industry is playing. It's too much, but I don't want to be with another girl..."

"You're thinking too much." Ronald spread his arms and patted the sofa beside him, motioned for Pfeiffer to sit next to him, then put his head on his lap, picked up the towel, and began to dry Pfeiffer's hair.

"It was used by my cousins, who lived here with me before, and then I bought them a small apartment with the money from the commercials, so they moved there."

Pfeiffer leaned on Ronald's leg, his silk-like hair was draped on the sofa, Ronald helped him dry slowly with gentle force, the body that had been exercising all the year round, a heat radiated to Pfeiffer through the clothes It made her feel very comfortable.

Drying his hair, Pfeiffer opened his eyes and met Ronald's, staring at her. Pfeiffer was a little embarrassed, and put his hand around Ronald's neck, and the two kissed together again. This time the kiss was a bit long, much longer than the Hayes rule that Hollywood kissed for no more than three seconds.

Pfeiffer was so hot from the kiss that he simply stood up and straddled Ronald. Both of them had high noses, so they had to stagger at an angle when kissing.

After kissing again, Pfeiffer gently approached Ronald's nose with his nose. The two of them breathed and heard each other, and they both felt an unprecedented stimulation.

Pfeiffer's face was a little red when he was seen, his breathing was getting hotter and hotter, and he smelled of Lux soap all over his body, which was very nice. Ronald put his arms around her waist, maintaining a kissing but not kissing position, a little intoxicated.

"Do you want girls to take the initiative in everything?" Pfeiffer slapped him, pulling Ronald's hand to the seam of the towel.

"I'm waiting for an important call about your future."

Hearing this, Pfeiffer opened his big closed blue eyes and stared at Ronald, as if asking, "Really? Or is it your way of flirting? It's special."

"Ring, ringing, ringing..." The phone rang just right.

Ronald still kept his eyes on Pfeiffer, reached out and picked up the telephone receiver placed beside the sofa, "I'm Ronald."

"Ed Limato, can you and Miss Michelle Pfeiffer come to the Peninsula Hotel tomorrow morning at eight o'clock? I'm going to sign an agency agreement with her."

"At 8:00 tomorrow morning, at the Peninsula Hotel, look for Mr. Limato. I know, I'll take her there."

Pfeiffer, who was clinging to Ronald's body, was mad with joy when he heard his answer. Stallone's agent was about to sign him, and Pfeiffer was excited to get up and celebrate. The posture was wrong, the legs were weak, and he leaned against Ronald again.

Ronald felt that the beautiful girl in his arms was very excited. He supported Pfeiffer's waist with one hand, tilted his head, and kissed Pfeiffer's nose at an angle. The other hand held the receiver to find the location of the telephone.

"Hey, can you hear me clearly? Peninsula Hotel, at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, I'll be waiting in the lobby tomorrow..."

Click, click, Ronald looked for the location twice, finally found the phone base, and hung up the phone.

"Well..." Michelle Pfeiffer finally got his wish.

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