Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 375 I came to the director to discuss the role

Sunday was off. In the afternoon, Ronald showed a movie to all the staff and actors to let them have some entertainment and relax from the psychological pressure caused by the week's rush to work.

At noon, many members of the crew went to visit the nearby Castle Hotel. After being held in the sweltering villa for six days without being able to have any physical contact with the opposite sex, many staff members and actors were exhausted.

In the old castle restaurant, they talked loudly, flirted with the waitress, and made vulgar jokes to each other, which made every waiter in the hair-dressed restaurant frown and whisper to everyone not to have too much fun.

Ronald repeatedly asked them to keep their voices down so as not to disturb other diners. Actresses Jennifer Gray, Cynthia Rhodes also helped Ronald soothe them.

But it was of no use. The young man who had been holding back for a week couldn't stop trying to express himself when he went to a place where there were many young waitresses.

Ronald had to pay a huge tip that was more than twice the usual standard to prevent the waiter from spitting in the food.

Back at the Mountain Lake Hotel, Ronald quickly put the borrowed copy in the hotel's screening room, allowing these young men and women with no place to vent their passion to find an outlet.

Borrowed copies of "Blue Velvet," which had been playing for a week in major cities such as New York and Los Angeles, had only recently been released on a larger scale.

I heard that this noir film was well received by film critics. Film critics recognized director David Lynch's directing techniques and believed that he would win an Oscar nomination for Best Director for this film.

The movie stars Isabella Rossellini and Diane Lane's best friend, Laura Dern. Ronald sat with others in the dark screening room, waiting to see what appeared on the screen.

The film tells the story of a pair of young boyfriend and girlfriend (Laura Dern plays the girlfriend), who accidentally discovered a villain who used illegal immigration as a threat and detained a beautiful dancer as a slave in the house.


Ronald discovered that in the middle of the movie, a staff member had already felt severe discomfort and went out to vomit.

Ronald could only shake his head.

Director David Lynch seems to have a serious mental illness. The dark side of human nature is always photographed directly without any cover-up, which makes many people extremely uncomfortable with it.

"Ugh, I can't stand it anymore." Ronald stood up and ran away.

Isabella Rossellini,

She is the daughter of Ingrid Bergman, the ex-wife of Marty Scorsese, and she can be considered a friend of herself. Watching her being naked and being treated as a slave on the screen made Ronald feel a little uncomfortable.

Although the erotic scenes were very innovative, the scenes of Isabella kneeling on the ground and using her body to please the male protagonist felt very provocative.

David Lynch's bad taste is probably to challenge the audience's moral bottom line. Ronald suddenly felt that this gentle director had a very dark heart.

Helen Slater was just about to arrive. Ronald quickly left the screening room and came to the door of Shanhu Villa. He covered his forehead with his hands and faced the setting sun until he saw the car carrying Helen and stopped in front of the hotel.

Ronald went up and opened the car door himself. Helen, wearing big sunglasses and a white lady's hat, got out of the car and entered the lobby of the resort hotel with Ronald. The two took the elevator to the large suite on the highest floor of the Mountain Lake Villa.

"You can see mountain and lake views here." Ronald opened the window. This room has a first-class view and is one of the most luxurious rooms in the resort.

"It's so hot." Helen was accompanied by an air conditioner all the way here, and the sultry air suddenly blew onto her face. She quickly shrank back and closed the window.

"What, don't you want to go out and see the scenery? I can only accompany you tonight, and we will start shooting again tomorrow."

"I have been to places like this when I was a kid. It was very boring. It would be better to play with the neighbor kids next door who are not Jewish."

Helen grew up in an upscale community on Long Island, New York. Jews generally mixed with other ethnic groups, so she was not very interested in this kind of Jewish-exclusive resort area.

And by the time she grew up, her father had become a high-ranking executive at the television station, separated from the ordinary civilian class, and would not encounter any discrimination against Jews in life.

"Then where should we go?" Ronald couldn't think of anything interesting in the resort besides the scenery. He took out a bottle of iced Coke from the refrigerator and handed it to Helen, asking her to sit on the sofa and rest first.

"Don't you miss me?" Helen took off her sunglasses, put down her hat, sat on the sofa, and happened to lift Ronald's belt buckle with her hand. The hem of the T-shirt was pulled out of the pants by Helen, and her little hand reached in.

The hand holding the iced Coke suddenly penetrated Ronald's upper body. Goosebumps suddenly appeared on the hot body, stimulated by the cold fingers.

"Of course I do." Ronald was shocked by the cold, and his mind was completely clear.

I just watched the passionate scene in "Blue Velvet" and saw her sitting there, as if she had surrendered to herself and let you pick and choose. Suddenly, I felt something. I raised Helen's face and kissed her lips fiercely. Kissed.

"Oh no……"

Helen didn't expect Ronald's reaction to be so big, and her face suddenly turned red with passion.

Amidst the buzzing noise of the air conditioner, Ronald couldn't wait to pick her up and press her against the wall.

"You are so strong today." Helen lay exhausted on the bed and drew circles on Ronald's chest with her hands.

Perhaps because of his Chinese ancestry, Ronald's body hair is not that lush. The smooth skin made Helen feel very sexy. The sticky feeling on her fingers made her reminisce about the feeling of being swept up into the sky just now.

"I'm going to take a shower." Helen blushed, jumped out of bed wrapped in a white sheet, and went to the bathroom.

The weather was hot, the humidity was high, and Ronald was sweating all over. He put on ck's shorts and took a bottle of Coke to supplement his sugar.

All physical contact between actors and actresses was prohibited, and the same was true for Ronald. I have been watching them dance ambiguously every day for a long time.

"Ding dong, ding dong..."

Doorbell rang.

"Who is it?" Ronald went to the door barefoot without calling for room service.

"Ronald", outside the door was Cynthia Rhodes. Her fair skin had a hint of red. It was inevitable for everyone to sweat in the sultry weather.

Cynthia's sweat also wetted her white shirt, and her whole body was as beautiful as a hibiscus.

Seeing Ronald's upper body naked and sweating profusely, with only a pair of shorts underneath, Cynthia also shyly lowered her head and looked at her feet.

"What's the matter? Cynthia?"

Ronald did not fully open the door, but spoke to Cynthia through the door.

"Um... I have something to do with the script that I want to talk to you about."

"Can't we tell tomorrow?"

"The filming will begin soon, I'm afraid I won't be able to make it in time." Cynthia raised her feet as if to come in.

"What's the problem?" Ronald didn't move and still blocked the door.

"Who is outside?" Helen heard the noise, tilted her head and poked her head out of the bathroom and asked.

"It's Cynthia, my second female lead."

Ronald couldn't hide it, so he simply left the door and put on his T-shirt and loose sweatpants.

Then he opened the door and let in a cramped Cynthia Rhodes.

"This is Helen, she came specially from Los Angeles to see me. This is Cynthia, you should have seen her performance on the screen. I specially asked her to play the second female lead. There is no better actress in Hollywood than her. Dancer.”

Helen also put on silk pajamas and held a towel in one hand to dry her hair.

"You guys chat, I'll order some dinner."

"Tell me, do you think the plot in the script needs to be changed?" Ronald kept the door open and asked Cynthia with a smile.

"Uh...yes, this is here..." Cynthia Rhodes took out her script and pointed to a scene that will be filmed tomorrow.

"Eleanor wrote Penny as a character who sleeps around between dance partners and waiters. But I don't think she is a girl who sleeps around with men for happiness or future.

She should be a good girl, and she fell in love with the waiter who went to college because she loved him, but... she just met a scumbag. So I wanted to add a scene where Penny could defend herself from the perspective of a poor dancer when facing the baby's accusations. She was not the kind of bad woman who sleeps with men everywhere. "

"Hmm..." When Ronald heard that men were sleeping everywhere, he raised his eyes and looked at Cynthia.

She seems to have stepped into the role of Penny, and indeed the Penny played by Cynthia is very different from the Irish girl written by Eleanor.

Eleanor writes about her own feelings. She likes Johnny, the gigolo. Of course, she has a tendency to belittle Penny, who is Johnny's dance partner.

And Cynthia, well...

Ronald thought of Cynthia on the set of "So Far", so she didn't give in to Frank Stallone for the sake of her future.

She should have used her own experience to assume the role of Penny. Speaking of which, her understanding of the character seems to have surpassed that of screenwriter Eleanor, who regarded Penny as a tool.

"Okay, what you said makes sense. I'll call Eleanor and have a chat with her." Ronald picked up the phone and was about to call the screenwriter Eleanor.

"Well, it's too late today."

"No, no, don't let me disturb your creation." Helen had already dried her hair with a hair dryer and was listening to Ronald discussing creation. She found Ronald, who was focused on his work, very attractive.

"Yeah, I don't have extra time to discuss it tomorrow. I have to find the location designer David Chapman to come over and build the location for your plus one scene."

"I think Cynthia's idea is a good one, and I completely agree with it, but will adding a temporary set slow down the progress of the filming?"

Screenwriter Eleanor accompanied Ronald for a week of filming, and she already understood that when making a movie, the most important thing is to complete each day's scenes according to the schedule.

"I think there's no problem. I can work overtime at night and I'll be in position tomorrow night." David Chapman, the location designer, looked at Ronald's hand-drawn sketch and said that as long as Ronald paid overtime pay, he would You can bring several technicians from the scenery team to build the required dressing room interior.

"Okay, you sort out all the files, and we've decided." Ronald asked the assistant director Emil to sort out all the drawings and files, and then opened a bottle of Coke and drank the cold one. The pizza was eaten.

"Honey, let me heat it up for you." Helen came over, took the pizza from Ronald's hand, and playfully slapped Ronald's hand.

"We're leaving first," everyone understood immediately and left one after another.

Ronald sent everyone out the door.

Cynthia Rhodes got her wish for one more close-up scene. Eleanor adjusted the inappropriate parts of the script, and everyone was satisfied.

Especially the exterior design, David Chapman, everyone is very satisfied with his efficiency.

Ronald took him and said privately: "If you are willing in the future, you can sign a long-term contract with Daydream. I will give you a fixed salary and help you pay for medical insurance. You can also go out to take on other projects. But if my company When there are new films, you must give priority to our company’s films.”

"Of course, I've wanted to fuck you for a long time." David Chapman smiled and shook Ronald's hand.

"Come on, open your mouth..." Helen took the warmed pizza and fed it into Ronald's mouth.

"Haha... Well, it's a bit dry." Ronald ate it in his mouth. After the pizza was heated in the microwave, it was very dry and needed Coke.

"Will Cynthia's role cause controversy?" Helen sat in Ronald's arms. Through a layer of silk pajamas, Ronald could feel Helen's amazing elasticity.

Ronald understood what Helen meant.

After the leader came to power, the value orientation of the entire America has rapidly turned to the right in the past few years. The leader himself has repeatedly appealed to Hollywood on television not to show more violent and passionate content.

As for the character Penny, she became pregnant after being played by a man, and borrowed money from the baby for surgery, which led to her father, Mr. Houseman, misunderstanding the male protagonist Johnny.

Mr. Houseman thought that Johnny got Penny pregnant and was irresponsible. Little did he know that it was the disloyal man whom he favored and helped to get into Yale.

"What do you think? Do you support Penny's approach?" Ronald hooked Helen up in his arms.

"I support the Roe v. Wade case. It is a great victory for all women in America. We should have the right to make decisions about our own bodies." Helen expressed her love for this plot without hesitation.

"But, well, I heard from my father Gerald that recently the MPAA rating has begun to tighten again. In order to get the PG rating, their TV station had to delete a lot of ambiguous scenes."

"It's okay, I have a way to deal with it." Ronald put the dry pizza aside. The method he used to deal with the dissatisfaction and pressure of the Jewish boss can also be used in the pregnancy surgery.

"Let's go to the restaurant and eat something. I'm hungry and the pizza doesn't taste good anymore."

"Yeah, but I can't eat too much red meat..." Helen got up, changed into a T-shirt and denim shorts, and walked to the resort's restaurant with Ronald.


There's something going on tonight, there's only one more update.


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