Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 376 Social Class Divide

Helen went to the set the next day. She wanted to see how Ronald directed.

Unlike the director of "The Secret of Success", Herbert Ross, Ronald relatively respects the actors. If the actors have any ideas, they can bring them up before filming and discuss them.

It is very majestic to direct a team of more than 100 people on the set, but Ronald is also very busy. He has to go to the scene early every morning to solve problems with the director of photography on the spot.

In the evening, I also have to watch the samples from the previous two days and solve various trivial problems. From the position of the camera to the actors' conflicts, even the clothes the actors wear and the makeup they put on, he has to nod in the end.

"Girls, come to our hair show, there will be professional hairstylists to guide you."

Today's scene was shot on the beach by the lake. It was very early in the morning, and Ronald was here waiting for the right light. After running in and resting, the crew is now driving very smoothly like an automatic car.

"We also have Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe style wigs here. You can come and try them on and look in the mirror to see which one suits you."

Ronald sat on the swing arm, and the camera looking down from a high altitude gradually came down, and the grooming class on the beach gradually turned to a close shot.

"If you give me a bigger tip, I can buy an Alfa Romeo."

The waiter boyfriend of the dancer Penny came here and started hooking up with the baby's sister Lisa.

"Alfa, that's my favorite car." Lisa, wearing an Elizabeth Taylor-style wig, teased the waiter's chin with her fingers.

"You can help me cover up later in the evening. I want to go out." Lisa said to the baby. She wanted to go out to have a tryst with the waiter at night. "Oh, damn, I have a pimple on my face."

"I told you to use Keliying anti-acne cream." The baby took out a tube of anti-acne cream and handed it to her sister. "Where are you going tonight?"

"Golf course, the first hole has a nice view."


"You did a good job. Let's try another one. We can try a different acting method. Lisa is not stupid, she just put all her energy into competing to make herself look the most beautiful."

Ronald used to coach the acting of Jane, who plays Lisa.



I am leaving. "While taking advantage of the break, Helen came up to say goodbye to Ronald.

Generally speaking, visitors to the set are not allowed to interfere with anything on the set, and can only stand outside the circle and watch a few shots.

Ronald was so busy that Helen left early.

"I'll see you off." Ronald felt that he didn't spend enough time with Helen.

"You are really good at guiding actors. When I was filming 'The Secret of Success,' director Herbert Ross was very rude. When he saw that I was not acting well, he would attack my acting skills."

"This old bastard", Ronald had seen the tyranny of this old director, but he didn't expect to be so rude to Helen.

"But he is a stage director and is used to treating actors as props."

"Yeah, you really wish you'd never scolded an actor."

"Because movies are one-time art, as long as there is one good thing. I won't get angry at the actors because it will slow down the process, and in the end I will lose money."

After seeing Helen off, Ronald came back to continue filming.

Dancer Penny saw her boyfriend being courteous to the wealthy girl on vacation, her face changed, and she started to pack her things and leave.

Cynthia Rhodes' performance is very good. The expression of the woman in the underground love who sees the South flirting with other women is mixed with jealousy, hatred, and grievance about her situation, which is very vivid.

"Ladies, your hair looks very nice." Johnny knew Penny's inside story and came to rescue his dance partner.

With a smile as bright as a flower, the baby quickly took off her Elizabethan black wig, and then combed her blond hair, trying to make a good impression on the lover of her dreams.

Johnny didn't continue, he turned and walked away.

Baby came over to chat with Penny. She was envious of Penny who was very good at dancing and could also be Johnny's dance partner. She couldn't help but want to get close to her.

"I envy you so much, you dance so well."

"I was kicked out of the house by my mother when I was sixteen. I can only dance. This is the only thing I want to do." Penny was in a bad mood and did not tell the baby about dancing as she wanted.

Unexpectedly, what Penny told was a tragic past, but the baby still didn't realize it. She felt that since she could escape from the family and be able to do what she wanted to do, wouldn't it be a great thing? And Penny dances so well.

"I envy you."

"Ha..." A painful smile appeared on Penny's lips. This young lady knew nothing about the life of the poor. If she didn't dance, how would she get the money to support herself. And we have to face these ignorant rich girls.


The part where Cynthia Rhodes smiles wryly and then pretends to pack her bags and turn away is really good. Penny was a backup dancer and she couldn't make any of the guests angry. The words "I envy you" hurt me deeply, and I had to pretend that nothing happened and quickly escape from this embarrassing scene.

The camera was turned around and showed a close-up of Jennifer Grey's face.

The baby's face looked confused at first, and then he was deeply puzzled that he first showed affection to Penny, only to be ridiculed. This girl who participated in Kennedy's "Peace Corps" program and wanted to change the world still didn't understand.

There are many people in the world who are not like her who were born with privileges, a good education, and wealthy parents.


Ronald looked back at the director of photography, who nodded OK. Ronald turned back and motioned to screenwriter Eleanor.

This script is indeed a work that Eleanor has written for several years. Many details are accurate and rich in connotation. This love story is not just about talking about love and dancing, but there is this class gap blocking the two protagonists.

Ronald likes this kind of script that is provocative but not revealing. It fully expresses various life details without exposing them. Only those who know more about social reality can see the faint and unfocused background story.

This is the first time Ronald has filmed such a script that has a deep foundation in life. His previous films tended to be simpler and more cartoonish than life. You can’t be realistic in reality. In life, I saw Daniel who used crane kicks to win the karate championship, but it is impossible to see a lone ranger who just played cool and was able to shoot down three MiG-28s in a one-on-one duel.

But every high school student has had the experience of having a crush on a handsome and beautiful person in school, but was unable to succeed because of certain class, interest, or social gaps.

Many times, movies like this that seek dramatic conflicts in ordinary life rely on the screenwriter to grasp a large number of facts and then have an idea and accumulate experience to write it. And as long as the casting is right, this kind of scene can be fun to shoot.

When it gets better, there is no need for more acting guidance. Due to the character, there is good chemistry and interaction between the characters, no matter how you act, it will be right.

It was as if the movie god accidentally opened his eyes and saw Ronald when he was taking a nap, and then sent good luck, and the whole performance moved forward automatically.

Apart from……

There are two protagonists, male and female.

After Jennifer Gray finished filming her scene opposite Cynthia Rhodes, she turned her head back and gave Patrick Swayze a slap on the back of his head.

This made Sweets very embarrassed.

When the two of them faced the camera alone for a close-up, their expressions were on point, but when they entered the camera together, they lacked the ambiguity of love.

"Well..." Ronald cleared his throat. Gray, who came from an acting family, began to act petty again. He gave Cynthia Rhodes a look and asked her to find out why.

Cynthia gave him an OK look.

"What did you say to Jennifer Gray's father, Joel, when you sent him to the airport that day?"

Late in the evening, Ronald heard back from Cynthia. Jennifer seems to be having some trouble with her father, Joel. Her father's advice to her was forgotten by her again because she no longer trusted her father.

The call from Cynthia also mentioned Emile Adolino, the assistant director of the crew. But what exactly happened is not clear.

So Ronald called Emil into his room and asked him frankly what was going on. Immediately after filming the scene at Mountain Lake Villa, it was time to change scenes. There was a long scene between the male and female protagonists in North Carolina. Such a chemical reaction would definitely be a mess when filming. All of Ronald's belongings had to be destroyed. Watery.

"It's okay. Joel is one of us. I thought Jennifer already knew it, so I accidentally missed it."

"What one of you? Oh..."

Ronald understood that it was an orientation problem, and then he reacted, "No way? Are you sure?"

"I'm sure he told me personally when I sent him off."

"This? He can't see it at all? Besides, doesn't he have a wife and a daughter?"

"Ordinary people can't see it." Emil touched his nose. This tacit understanding can only be discovered by those who are members of the same group. He immediately explained:

"In that era, we all had to be careful to cover up our differences. Many people got married and had children, but this is difficult to change and will appear again when we get older. It was also because of this that Joel and Jennifer The mother is divorced.

"I have no experience in this kind of thing, how should I comfort Jennifer?"

"As long as she can figure it out on her own, ordinary children will be more understanding than her mother."

Ronald was completely speechless, who could have known that this would happen.

During the filming period, actors encounter things in their own lives that disrupt the mood and rhythm of the performance. This is a very difficult thing to handle, and they can only slowly adjust themselves.

But Ronald's crew had a tight budget, and slowly adjusting it meant that money would be overspent again.

"I'm sorry, Ronald. It's my fault." Emil had no choice but to apologize, and the actor couldn't get back to his state because of his words.

"I can't blame you entirely, but you should never talk about your orientation on the set again. I won't ask, and you shouldn't take the initiative to talk about it."

Waving Emil away, Ronald fell into deep thought.

At this time, what should be done to let Gray and Sweets regain that good chemistry?

After searching his guts, Ronald decided that it would be better to get Jennifer Gray and Patrick Thwaites to shoot a dance scene or two as soon as possible so that they could have some physical contact.

Maybe this feeling of rubbing their ears and temples together will change the secretion of hormones, allowing the two of them, who were already a little knotted, to regain their strong good feelings.


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