Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 466 The Investment with the Most Generous Return

Ronald came to New York this time, and none of his friends in the circle told him. Kerkorian's reminder is correct. Faced with such a large project, anyone may be his or her competitor or tip off a competitor.

So the person who came to pick him up at the airport was his cousin Donna. Ronald only called her. His relatives were the most trustworthy people. She drove over specially, picked up Ronald and drove to the Marriott Hotel.

"Donna, thank you for coming to pick me up. My trip this time must be kept secret from Hollywood. You are the one I can trust most. If you ask for leave to pick me up, it won't delay your work." Ronald himself said that year On the passenger side of the car that was given to Donna, the Japanese car had a good design. Although it was small, Ronald, a tall man of over six feet, could sit very comfortably.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, it's hard for me to ask those bankers out to chat. It usually takes me more than a dozen times to get one willing to meet."

Donna's dress gradually became closer to that of an office girl, and her overall appearance was much better than when she was in college. Although his words and actions sometimes have a childishness unique to college graduates.

"They will beg you to meet one day in the future," Ronald said with a smile, the sister of the president of World Media Distribution Group, hahaha, Wall Street bankers will have to line up at that time.

"I hope so." Donna also smiled. "Actually, those bankers who work on Wall Street are not bad people. They are also under a lot of pressure. It's just that sometimes they can't judge how much benefit I bring to them, so use them with caution. It’s just time.

I am now making unremitting calls to their secretary to express my sincerity. After all, our fund manages funds for several Ivy League universities. When they see that I have made appointments with them ten times in a row, they will believe my sincerity.

I am just a rookie who has just graduated from college, and Mr. Simmons is particularly supportive. He said that understanding how Wall Street bankers do things will be good for my career development. After all, I am not the child of one of those rich people who drives a Porsche and comes to visit with a luxury watch. Those bankers can tell at a glance that they are rich people..."

There will be nice cars and luxury watches. Ronald felt that this cousin had suffered a lot of grievances, and when I...

"By the way, you seem to admire your boss, Mr. Simmons?" Ronald changed the subject.

"He is actually more of a mathematician. He just came to invest because he felt that he could not be top-notch in the field of mathematics." Donna is a top student in the MIT Department of Physics. She talked about Simons' investment ideas, and many Rona Academic terms that Germany doesn't understand.

The two arrived at the Marriott Hotel. After Ronald checked in, he and Donna had dinner in the restaurant.

Seeing that Ronald was full, Donna hesitated and asked him, "Ronnie, what's the reason for your visit this time? You can't be so mysterious just because you invited the son of the current deputy commander to dinner, right?" ?I called Diane, but she didn’t even know you were coming.”

"What did you say to her?" Ronald put down his knife and fork and asked.

"I said it was the deputy commander's son who came to discuss the film fund with you," Donna replied, and she also wiped her mouth. Diane, her childhood best friend, felt a little uncomfortable on the phone when she heard that Ronald had come to New York mysteriously.

"This matter needs to be kept strictly confidential. I didn't even tell my agent. None of my friends in Hollywood told me, so don't tell anyone else." Ronald wiped his mouth.

"What's so mysterious? No one wants to invest in you, right?" Donna was familiar with Ronald's behavior in investment companies, and she felt a little familiar with Ronald's behavior. Many investment bankers just like to keep projects secret.

"Actually, it's pretty much the same," Ronald told Kerkorian about what the three giants, MGM, Universal, and Paramount, were preparing to form a joint venture to enter the Chinese market.

"Mr. Kerkorian is going to nominate me as the person in charge. For the time being, I'm here to talk to little George and see what his father thinks about the opening of the Chinese film market."

"Ah? Is there a big movie market somewhere? How come I heard that they are so poor that they can afford so much foreign exchange to import copies of American movies?"

"Of course, you don't know yet. Although their income is not high, not many families have TV sets. We are facing a huge market with five times the population, and everyone wants to watch 20 movies a year."

Ronald told Donna the concept of the $25 billion market, "What do you think of this business ambition? Future bankers on Wall Street?"

"Well, I think it is indeed possible based on numerical analysis." Donna was serious and did not hear Ronald's teasing tone. Instead, she started to work as a consultant for her cousin.

"And it's a great concept. Wall Street money will like this idea. It's big enough, crazy enough, greedy enough, and it makes people's blood boil."

"I'll just say it's good. It seems you know how to invest." Ronald was very happy, and Donna thought so too.


"But what?"

"But Mr. Simmons said that when using numbers to invest, the only thing that can go wrong is not in the mathematics, but in the source of those numbers. If those numbers are not deliberately distorted or fabricated, then according to the mathematical formula, it will not Something went wrong.”

"Well, what you said makes sense." Ronald touched his chin.

Donna has been working in a fund company for several months and already has some ideas for thinking about issues as Wall Street investors do.

What she said is indeed very reasonable. There is no problem with the logic of this business plan. If there is a problem, it will not come from here, but hidden in...

"The devil is in the details, Mr. Simmons always said."

"You have almost become a die-hard fan of Mr. Simmons." Ronald said to a fund boss when he saw Donna.

"Okay, I'll go home first. I told my mother that she will be ready at home."

"Little Douglas will make arrangements so that Auntie won't be too busy."

"She said she would prepare some baking cookies for you, and leave the rest to little Douglas." When Donna talked about little Douglas, a look of disgust appeared on her face. This brother's classmate was still very attentive to her when he saw her. You look like a fool. Could you be as superficial as those female stars in Hollywood?

"Say hello to aunt for me, I have to meet some people here tomorrow." Ronald sent Donna to the car and waved goodbye.

Maybe Hollywood's secrets can be kept a little longer, but Wall Street's secrets obviously leak out quickly.

Ronald had just accepted Kerkorian's invitation and was considering the job carefully. Steve Bannon, who used to be on Wall Street, got the news from nowhere. Before Ronald left for New York, , was the first to call and request an interview in Manhattan.

Ronald was surprised that he was well-informed, but Bannon said that this matter had been discussed on Wall Street for some time, but Hollywood artists were not aware of the business operations yet.

As for why the news of Ronald as a new candidate was able to reach him, Bannon said that Kerkorian took the initiative to let a limited number of senior bank executives on Wall Street know.

So this time Ronald stayed at the Marriott Hotel in Lower Manhattan, close to the Financial District. The two made an appointment to talk in person the next day. Kerkorian's approach made Ronald feel a little uncomfortable. He told himself to keep it a secret from people in Hollywood, but he went to Wall Street to show off, not knowing what he was going to do.

What Donna said just now also aroused Ronald's doubts. When he was in Los Angeles, he was deducing the steps of the grand plan in his mind every day. Every detail was logical and no flaws could be seen.

But if the numbers entered as parameters in a mathematical formula are wrong, no matter how correct the logic is, it is impossible to get the correct result.

Alone in the room, drinking Coke silently, Ronald felt that he still needed to confirm Kerkorian's big plan in detail.

He took out his phone book, looked through it and found Xiao Yan's phone number, and called Xiao Yan, who was taking community college courses at Stanton College.

"Xiao Yan? I'm your Brother Luo. I just arrived in New York and I remembered you. Are you free tonight? Come to Manhattan to chat with Brother Luo. I promised your father that I haven't paid much attention to you recently."

"Brother Luo, look at what you said. I owe all my TOEFL and schooling to you, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to go to school. I'm in the dormitory, and the Staten Island ferry is still open. I'll go find you. , what hotel are you in?"

"Come here, I'm staying at the Marriott. I can just take a walk to the pier in Manhattan and wait for you." Ronald put down the phone and put on his coat. We slowly walked to the Battery Marine Ferry Terminal in the southernmost part of downtown.

It is close to Roosevelt Street and Whitehall Street, and not far behind is Wall Street, the financial center of the universe. The twin towers of the World Trade Center, the symbol of Manhattan's skyline, are reflected on the wide water surface. The light from the twin towers and some of the surrounding lower buildings is reflected on the blue-black water. The heights are staggered and colorful, which is very beautiful.

Ronald was fascinated for a moment. Such a beautiful night scene was rare in America. The population density on the West Coast is relatively low, and such a super-metropolitan scene can only be taken for granted in New York City, the Big Apple.


With a whistle, the yellow ferry docked. Ronald, who was deep in thought, was awakened. At a glance, he saw that among the several small boats on the water, the yellow ferry JFK Kennedy was slowly approaching. It was several times larger than the other boats and was very conspicuous.

The crowd began to commotion. There were many low-level secretaries on Wall Street who could not afford to rent a house in Manhattan and settled on Staten Island. Several female secretaries wore their hairstyles high, then rushed to the pier with expensive high-heeled shoes in their hands and lighter running shoes on their feet, waiting for a seat after boarding the ship. After a busy overtime work, Being able to take a break.

When they get home, they still have to clean the room and other household chores waiting for them, and maybe their boyfriends will come over to eat the dinner they cooked. Ronald thought of his partner in leg warmers, Theresa Kate. She used to be such a hard-working secretary, but later she met herself. After selling her leg warmer business, she continued to work in the store and sell goods. She and her husband David had a lovely son, and her life was out of the sea of ​​hardship.

All these scenes gave Ronald a familiar feeling: New York, ferries, the Statue of Liberty, the World Trade Center, and hard-working secretaries. He seemed to have dreamed of such a set of shots.

"Brother Luo, Brother Luo..."

Xiao Yan rushed down from the Kennedy against the flow of people and waved to Ronald.

"Xiao Yan", Ronald's thoughts were interrupted and he stepped forward to hold Xiao Yan's hand. After the two hugged, Ronald looked up and down for a while. Xiao Yan's clothes were already similar to those of native Chinese. In addition to his temperament, there were hints of the mainland and his English accent. It seemed that he had done well to integrate into the school. good.

"How about it? Are you happy going to school here?"

"I thought you were going to ask me if my grades were good." Xiao Yan answered in English, regardless of his accent. He speaks English much more fluently now than at home.

"I like Stanton University very much. The atmosphere here is very free. I can choose any course I want, and I can sneak in and audit classes that are not my own. My grades are still very good. We Chinese can endure hardships here. I I also worked a part-time job distributing flyers in schools.”

Xiaoyan was very grateful to Ronald and explained his situation.

Ronald took him to a good restaurant in Chinatown. The two ordered barbecued pork and green leafy vegetables, soaked a pot of Pu'er chrysanthemums, and chatted.

"The master chefs here are better than those in China. The waiters are also very polite, unlike those in China who are indifferent." Xiao Yan lamented that the Chinese food here is no less good than in China.

"You have to give a tip, too." Ronald replied with a smile. There are advantages and disadvantages.

"I came to you and wanted to ask about the situation of the domestic movie market. How much is the ticket price for watching movies?"

"Us? The children of our film studio get free invoices every month, and there are also some imported copies that are only shown internally. With these tickets, you can go out and date girls." Xiao Yan answered while drinking tea. arrive. He relied on this trick to establish a relationship with his original partner.

"What if I buy a movie ticket myself? How much does it cost? Can I buy it for one dollar?" The most important thing Ronald wanted to verify was the unit price.

"One dollar? That's for renting a movie. The ticket price for scheduled movies is very cheap, only one or two cents."

"Rent a movie? Arrange a movie?" Ronald thought, and he still wanted to verify the accuracy of the data.

"The film schedule is the original planned screening, the head office's acquisition plan, and then distributed to various cinemas. They are all not good-looking, and there are re-screenings of old films.

Movie rentals refer to imported movies, such as Luo Ge's Break Dance, and those popular movies with good copy bookings. Cinemas have to pay copy rentals.

Nowadays, movie theaters have become more efficient, and they can just cope with the kind of film arrangement. If they can get copies of rental films, that means they have the ability. "

“What’s the ratio of those two types of movies?”

"The main thing is to schedule movies, and the proportion of renting movies is not high. Only a few movies are liked by the audience every year. Film companies from all over the country see movies that are snapped up at movie screenings, but not many. Now domestic directors don't like them either. Shoot. Anyway, they are all planned purchases, and the prices are the same. You will get bonuses if you complete the planned tasks."

"What about the duration of the screening? There are always more movies to rent, right?" Ronald's heart was already a little worried. He thought about it and asked about the allocation of screenings.

"Hey, domestic copies are now produced according to the production tasks set by the head office. Many cinemas cannot get copies of rental films and have to find someone to run them. This cinema released the first two copies and they were immediately transported by bicycle. In a movie theater, there is no break for even a minute.

There are many movie theaters, especially those in the south near Xiangjiang, that still secretly show pirated copies, and the head office doesn't care anyway. "

Ronald's expression changed. All of a sudden, the expected revenue shrank again and again. As for McKinsey, I think they all make up reports while sitting in the office.

"Drink tea, drink tea, and call for snacks?" Ronald was in a bad mood and didn't want to touch the dishes anymore, so he asked Xiao Yan to eat more.

"Then, do the average employees in your unit buy many TV sets now?" Ronald thought about it and still couldn't reconcile it. Even if the revenue is only 20% of the original, it is still a very powerful market size. Besides, the economic development over there It looks good too. What if more people watch Hollywood in the future? As long as TV doesn't enter homes so quickly, it still has great potential.

"Brother Luo, do you know that TVs are in short supply over there? When I got here, I realized that TVs are not such expensive appliances. It's not like where we are. If you don't buy a TV, you can't even get married."

"Huh?" Ronald was confused, why couldn't he get married?

Xiao Yan talked about his own situation. His target family was not willing to live with his father after marriage because his family had housing difficulties. They asked Xiao Yan to buy various electrical appliances for his family, including a TV, a refrigerator, and a washing machine. The little girl was a college student and it was impossible to marry someone who could wash clothes by hand.

We also need furniture with 48 legs, a chest of drawers, a large wardrobe, and a dressing table, none of which can be missing.

Xiao Yan's father's salary was not high, and he spent a lot of money on his inventions. When he couldn't raise that much money, the girl's family broke off the relationship. It wasn't until Xiao Yan went to study abroad that he tried to renew the relationship.

"Don't TVs there cost more than a thousand yuan now? How much is your family's salary, can you buy so many electrical appliances?" Ronald was surprised to hear that there are so many regulations for marriage, how can you buy it all with this salary? ?

"There is no way. Today's young girls are all looking at foreigners and people with overseas connections. If I didn't have Brother Luo to help me, my parents would have to live frugally and borrow money to buy all these household appliances before we can get married. , especially this TV, you can’t save it, otherwise people at work won’t be able to talk to you.”


Ronald felt that it was impossible to eat the huge pie that Kerkorian drew.

The cultures of different countries are different. Who knew that if you want to get married, you have to buy a color TV?

"You study hard in Staten Island. Let me tell the daydreaming people that you should go do some part-time work there to broaden your horizons. I will take you to buy some clothes. Don't wear this one all the time."

After Ronald finished eating, he realized that Xiao Yan was actually not well-off financially, so he found him a part-time job, took him to buy some ordinary clothes, and then let him take the ferry back to school.

When he arrived at Marriott, Ronald found the phone number of Director Wu of the Northwest Factory and dialed it.

"Director Wu? I'm Ronald."

"Hey, Director Luo, are you calling from America?" There is a phone in Director Wu's office, but the international call has to be transferred before being connected. He was very happy to hear Ronald's call.

"I'm asking you to verify some data. Someone here wants to sell movies to you."

"That's good, we people just want to see more advanced cultural life." Director Wu was happy to hear that he could see more Hollywood movies. As a director, he was happy.

"I heard that last year, 25 billion people went to movie theaters to watch movies there?"

"Who said that? How could there be so many?" Director Wu denied, "I went to the head office for a meeting, and I didn't know yet? Oh, by the way, if you include the rural projection team, it's almost the same."

“What is the screening team?”

"I just take the copy to the countryside to show the movie to my farmer friends." Director Wu explained.

It turns out that this is a unique system in China. In order for the majority of farmers to see movies, each county has a special projection team to go to the countryside to show movies to the farmers in the village.

Usually when a movie is shown, people from neighboring villages will come to watch it, which is as lively as the Chinese New Year.

"How much are the tickets for the screening team?"

"Hey, where are the tickets? Just use whatever is available in the village, pork or local specialties. And they are all old movies. They are not 35mm copies used in cinemas, but specially made 16mm copies, suitable for outdoor screenings. The machine and Put the curtain on the back of a bicycle and ride it down to the village.”

"How much does this copy cost?" Ronald felt even colder when he heard this. 16mm copies are something some amateur photographers play with in America. It's a little better than children's 8mm toys.

"Those are all allocated by the national planned production. Every movie will have a production plan for 35mm and 16mm copies. For popular movies and local-themed movies, there will be additional production. These are all planned, unlike 35mm copies. You can rent movies at the post-reform prices.”

"I understand, you've been a big help, Director Wu, thank you..."

"Well, next time you come, you must see the Terracotta Warriors and Horses."

After putting down the phone, Ronald was so angry that he hammered the table several times.

"Damn it, I almost fell into your trap! Those who open casinos in Las Vegas are all liars, liars!"

"Ding dong", the doorbell rang.

Ronald, who slept until dawn, regretted trusting Kerkorian's inflammatory sales techniques and no longer had any hope in this business.

He opened the hotel door, and outside was Bannon who came to chat with Ronald about a big project.

"Why haven't you gotten up yet?" Bannon looked at Ronald in his pajamas and unshaven, and was very puzzled. Ronald has always been a very hard working man.

"Hey, don't mention it. I called all night last night."

Ronald yawned, "Tell me, what do your Wall Street friends want to know?"

"Wall Street is excited about this project, and many people have great expectations for the prospects. Kerkorian wants to use this new project to continue to raise funds in the capital market, and his MGM sale to Turner Television Network was unsuccessful. , Ted Turner has a deep relationship with the political circles, and he does not dare to make mistakes.

So Kerkorian wants to continue financing in the capital markets, improve cash flow, and then wait for the next buyer. "

Bannon shared some of the information he had learned.

"Originally, everyone had doubts about who could open up the Chinese market, but when they heard that it was you, everyone felt that although it was surprising, it was also unexpectedly suitable. So..." Bannon's eyes showed the vision of Ronald two days ago. That greedy light comes.

"Don't count on me, I won't accept this position."

Ronald yawned profusely, picked up the phone and called room service to bring breakfast.

"Why? Are you worried that you won't have time to continue your career as a director? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You spent two years in exchange for wealth and freedom. In the future, you can shoot whatever you want? You can collaborate with whomever you want. ?”

"Ronald said nothing, waiting for the waiter to bring the delicious breakfast, then closed the door and started eating.

Looking at Bannon, who was very anxious but couldn't bear to rush Ronald, Ronald smiled, took a sip of orange juice, and waved to him.

The two approached, and Ronald said in a low voice, "Whether it is an investment or a business venture, if there are no logical problems, the only thing that can go wrong is not in mathematics, but in the source of those numbers..."

"you mean……?"

"Why don't you go and learn about China's box office structure? I'll tell you two key words for free: planned film schedules and rural screening teams."

"Although I don't know what you mean, it must be important. You have my wholehearted gratitude."

Bannon was so anxious that he left immediately to confirm the important clues given by Ronald.

Ronald finished his meal, tidied himself up, and then put on his carefully arranged handmade suit. After getting dressed, he called a car and went to his home on Staten Island.

"So what you're saying is that you were deceived by Kerkorian? He was using your relationship and your name to raise funds for himself in the capital market?" Douglas Jr. brought the barbecue chef to Karen in advance. The aunt's house is preparing to receive little George's family.

He discussed the details of the matter with Ronald in detail in the room upstairs.

"Yes, thanks to my cousin Donna who is a smart person and she was right to remind me."

"Donna, you are indeed a smart person." Little Douglas was silent for a moment, "What should we tell little George now?"

"It doesn't matter, let's just keep in touch with each other, right? He's actually a pretty good buddy. If you don't count his father's background, let's just have a barbecue with the neighbor."

"George, Laura, welcome." Hearing the sound of little George's car, Ronald went out to the yard to greet the Georges and his wife.

"Where's your bodyguard?" Ronald looked back deliberately.

"Haha, they only provide protection for the family in the official residence. Laura and I are just ordinary people when we go out." Little George, still wearing a plaid shirt, walked in with his wife Laura on his arm.

"This is my aunt, Karen. This is my high school classmate and one of Daydream's shareholders, Mr. Douglas P. Hansen."

Several people sat in the garden, eating freshly grilled meat by the chef and drinking fresh home-brewed beer from Hansen's family. Little George was very happy. Here he could relax and talk about random topics.

"Let me tell you, by the end of the year, the General Commander will have an interview with Mikhail, the General Secretary-General of the Alliance, about the reduction of strategic nuclear weapons by both parties. In this way, the people of America will finally be satisfied.

You didn't see the anti-nuclear activists marching in DC. I saw them upstairs holding signs and some girls were topless to attract media attention. "

Little George talked vividly about some things in Washington, D.C., after a few glasses of beer.

"Hahaha, they must be too hot." Ronald and Little Doug laughed with him in amusement.

"Look, look, my wife Laura, how beautiful she is!" Little George pulled the two of them again to look at Laura who was exchanging baking cookie secrets with Aunt Karen.

"You're a lucky guy!"

"No, I defeated many competitors back then."

The guests and hosts were having a good time, and little George and Laura were about to say goodbye. It had been a long time since he had been so free, having such a happy party with friends who were like college fraternity buddies, barbecuing, drinking beer, and making vulgar jokes.

"What a happy day, we must come here more often." Ronald saw the couple to the entrance of the yard.

Little George let Laura get in the car first, and he took Ronald to talk. He knew that Ronald would not come to him for no reason.

"Do you have anything to ask me for help? We are friends. Just say it. Although I can't do much, my mother, Barbara, likes you very much..."

"No, no", Ronald thought to himself, it was really okay now, "We have said several times on the phone that you want to have a barbecue and drink beer together. I am free this time in New York, so I asked you if you are too. Empty? There are not many people in New York or on the East Coast who can find like-minded friends who appreciate Texas barbecue."

"Hahaha... You are right. I think you are the only one who has the most vision after all these years in DC!"

Little George was amused and laughed, "Laura and I have to go back. The child cannot be left with the nanny for too long. We are very happy today, and Laura is also very grateful to your aunt for the secret recipe.

But I really have to leave. If you have anything to say, just ask. "

"Can't I invite like-minded friends to have a barbecue?" Ronald said with a smile. Originally, he really meant something, but now it's all in vain.

"You are the best friend I have on the East Coast. Those politicians in DC and New York are all fools who want us, but in the blink of an eye they say behind our backs that we know nothing except that we are blue bloods."

Little George didn't expect that Ronald really didn't ask for anything, just to invite them to dinner. I really haven't felt so relaxed in a long time.

"Call me when you are free in the future." George patted Ronald on the shoulder and got into the car.

"Bye!" Laura held a box of Aunt Karen's cookies in the passenger seat and waved to Ronald with a smile. With this Hollywood director, Laura felt that her husband was back to the way he was when he was pursuing her, and he looked at her differently.

"Ronald!" Little George stuck his head out from the driver's seat, "I thought about it, but I still have to tell you that you are my true friend. True friends shouldn't hide from each other, right?"

"Of course!" Ronald didn't know what the other party was going to say and took a few steps closer.

"My father is going to announce his candidacy for the next leadership. I will serve as a campaign manager and join his campaign team. You are the first among my friends to know. If you are interested in helping me, I will be very grateful. .”

"Of course, of course."

Ronald suddenly received an unexpected piece of news, murmured a few words in response, and then said goodbye to little George.

"What's wrong with you? What did he say to you?" Little Douglas came over, looked at Ronald's surprised expression, and asked.

"Do you know what happened to the manager of the T\u0026T campaign team?"

"He...?" Douglas Jr. glanced at the car that was driving away. "This is a big investment, Ronald. It is no less than the opportunity Kerkorian said. It is even the riskiest and most rewarding in America." investment."

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