Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 467 Ronald is a real good friend

"Yes, Confucius said: Rare goods can be held for a long time." Ronald said something boldly.

"Do you know how to deal with politicians?" Ronald has only voted for the leader and has not participated in deep political activities.

"I don't know," Douglas Jr. shrugged, "but I know who knows."

"Come with me, I will take you to see grandpa."

Both good friends know that this kind of friendship from America's top political family is not easy to obtain. There was an opportunity between Ronald and George that ordinary people could not encounter. This made two people with very different origins, backgrounds, careers, etc. become good friends who can talk a little intimately.

Opportunities like this should be managed well. Little Doug doesn't know how to deal with these people. Fortunately, he has been in the family since he was a child and knows who to ask for advice when he encounters problems.

Douglas Jr.'s grandfather, Douglas Hansen Sr., was a World War II veteran, the largest local landowner, and an old-school gentleman. He is also one of the biggest supporters when local MPs are elected.

In the big house where he lived, old Douglas read a book alone. In the whole house, there was only a secretary and a nurse to accompany him.

He politely complimented Ronald on how well shot "Top Gun" was, reminding him of the documentary about aircraft carriers in the Pacific theater shot by director John Ford. He also said that Ronald's shots of aerial combat were more exciting than those of Ford shooting Japanese turkeys.

Ronald had never met Douglas Sr. except for a few Veterans' Days. When we met this time, we found that he was quite kind. Little Doug looks a lot like him, perhaps the most similar of all the grandchildren.

The old man banged his pipe and took Ronald to visit the room of honor where family members who had served in the military for generations were wearing military uniforms. He was extremely satisfied with his grandson as a friend.

Back in the smoking room, Douglas Sr. asked Ronald to try his pipe. The mellow taste of Virginia tobacco made Ronald feel better than cigars. Little Douglas relayed what the deputy commander's eldest son said to his grandfather.

After listening to what his grandson and good friend Ronald had to say, Douglas Sr. put down his pipe. Nodding and smiling happily.

"Celebrities help presidential candidates endorse local candidates, which is a shortcut to participating in politics. It is easy to tie one's fame to the votes needed in the political arena and try it out. However, if it does not succeed, there will be a heavy price to pay. Ronald, are you confident in your appeal?”

"I'm afraid I can't\

,"Ronald thought about it seriously. When he went to attend the movie announcement, many fans didn't know him, and they were more than ten times more crazy about the star than the director.

"If that's the case, you might as well help him in other ways. For example, help him contact the endorsement candidates he wants to find, or... I remember that you have shot advertisements and can help the campaign team with some work in this area. Generally speaking, When it comes to the interests of the campaign team, it is also the campaign manager of the team who presides over the distribution of benefits.”

Ronald nodded. This was just as he had guessed. Little George probably asked him to help because he was referring to this aspect.

"Then, do I need to endorse the candidate? I think Frank Sinatra got a lot of benefits during the last presidential election?" Ronald thought of Sinatra endorsing his old friend, and then the president After taking office, he was not only given a medal, but also pardoned him from being investigated by the FBI. Regained the property rights to a casino in Las Vegas.

"This is a good idea, but do you really support the Elephant Party?"

"What does this have to do with it? I personally like the deputy commander's family." Ronald didn't understand.

"That's not how American politics works, young man." The elder Douglas put a lot of effort into politics for his family's political career and to support the local congressman in the 13th District of New York.

"First of all, when you endorse a certain candidate, it means that you support his political ideas, rather than liking the person. Do you support all the political ideas of the current deputy commander?"

"Uh..." Ronald didn't know how to answer, "I don't know, I haven't had time to ask yet."

"You have to ask clearly. Your support for any political figure is a drain on your most valuable asset - your credibility in the eyes of others. If the politician you support is inconsistent with your own ideas, Then there is no return on this investment.”

Ronald understood what the old man meant. If a celebrity endorses a candidate, he is using his reputation as a guarantee to call on his followers to endorse that candidate. If something goes wrong with the candidate, his followers will be angry and even dislike the celebrity.

"And this is not just your business. Your friends and circles, how they feel about the candidates, will also affect how the voters feel about you..."

That is to say, if most people in your industry circle side with another candidate and you have a unique endorsement, you will be rejected by most people in the industry. For a person who is not a professional For politicians and celebrities, this may not be a good thing.

Frank Sinatra was old, after all, and could live just fine in that casino. Ronald still has a great future in the industry. Everyone knows that after the disgraceful war of Vietnam, most of the people working in Hollywood are supporters of the liberal-left-leaning Donkey Party.

"I understand, thank you for your teaching."

Ronald was very satisfied with old Douglas's guidance and stood up to leave. Little Douglas also wanted to go together, but his grandfather stopped him.

"Doug, should you consider marrying a wife who conforms to traditional values?"

Seeing little Douglas being scolded by his grandfather, it was not convenient for Ronald to be there, so he slipped out first.

"Grandpa, aren't I looking for you? It's not that easy to find a woman who suits my needs, has received higher education, has traditional values, and is willing to live in Staten Island."

"Life is like a battle, I don't want to listen to your excuses... Good girls are also very rare, you have to keep attacking!"

"Grandpa, why did you advise Ronald not to endorse the deputy commander? I thought this was a good opportunity." Douglas Jr. nodded and agreed to continue the attack, then changed the subject and asked another question that he found interesting.

"This is for the good of your friends, kid. American politics is a feudal system. The congressmen and senators everywhere are the lords of large and small fiefdoms.

Your friend's career is based in Hollywood, California. It wouldn't be a bad thing for him to get closer to a commander-in-chief who is loved by all the people like the current commander-in-chief. Ronald Sr. was an anomaly. Only JFK Kennedy was like him before. As long as he spoke to the TV camera, voters would fall in love with him. This is a wholesale approach to campaigning.

But not every politician can win an election without the endorsement of powerful local factions. The current deputy commander, similar to Richard who was impeached back then, relies on the establishment faction in power by carefully weaving a network of relationships with local powerful factions.

Their strength lies in the continuous blending and exchange with the retail art of the powerful local factions that control votes. And you, my child, can be a powerful person on Staten Island, whether you run for Congress in the future or support a politician with traditional values.

I don't want Staten Island to be relegated to those Brooklyn districts after I'm dead, with subsidy suckers elected to represent us. "

"I understand, Grandpa." Little Douglas nodded. His roots are all on the island, and the old man is preparing to train him to take charge of the family's future.

"With friends like this, you can have the opportunity to build a relationship with the deputy commander's family. This is also the reason why I let you go to a public high school. Friendships formed during youth do not include any interests.

Ronald values ​​you as a friend, and you treat him well. You can become lifelong friends. Such a true friendship needs to be carefully cared for and not damaged because of any short-term interests. "

"What took you so long?" Ronald asked little Douglas, who seemed to be worried when he came out of the big house.

"Hey, if it's not the same old thing, grandpa will scold me. It's still early today, where are you going? Back to your aunt's house or not?"

"I have to buy some gifts for Donna. She is on Wall Street now and is a bit looked down upon. Plus she gave me good investment advice, which helped me avoid a lot of losses. I must reward those who avoided losses for me. people."

"Let's go together..." Douglas Jr. drove out his sports car, let Ronald sit in the car, and went to the ferry terminal back to Manhattan.

"Donna!" Ronald waited for Donna on the ground floor of Building 1 of the World Trade Center. The wait for the elevator here took several minutes at a time.

"Ronnie, have you finished your work?" Donna was very happy that her busy cousin could come to meet her, but there was a nasty guy behind him.

"What you said to me that day was very helpful in my decision. I have to thank you. Will you be okay next time? Come with me and I will give you a few gifts that will help your career development."

"Yes, yes, you really need some good clothes. Here on Wall Street, people are just pretending to be good."

Douglas Jr. echoed.

"Humph..." Donna didn't give him a good look and walked forward holding Ronald in her arms. "Really? Did my advice really help you?"

"Of course, I have always followed America's traditional virtues of equal exchange. This is what you deserve." Ronald replied with a smile.

"My car is parked in the parking lot!" Douglas Jr. immediately took two quick steps to pick up the car.

A few people first came to a buyer's store on Fifth Avenue, which contained a variety of beautiful office suits, women's clothing for social occasions, as well as some brand-name bags and accessories. Nowadays in New York, this kind of one-stop shopping shop is popular, which relies on the taste of the shop owner to match all aspects.

A tastefully dressed lady came out to greet the three people, "Gentlemen, Miss, hello, how can I help you?" She quickly glanced around, and then took the initiative to ask Ronald.

Little Douglas looks very rich, but his clothes are all custom-made and he will not buy these brand clothes. The beautiful girl's clothes are not expensive enough, and she dresses like a secretary or a newbie in the workplace. Only Ronald is handsome and has a hairstyle that looks expensive. This kind of person is usually the most willing to spend money on appearance.

"You guessed wrong. It's not for me, but for my cousin Donna." Ronald let Donna out, then took out his wallet from the bag behind his butt and took out a Wells Fargo VIP credit card with a large amount. handed it to the other party. "

"Let my cousin shine, that's all I ask."

"Sparkle?" The shopkeeper's eyes lit up, she took the credit card, called out two assistants to help Donna choose, and went to the back to call the bank to verify the credit card.

"Sir, may I venture to ask, how bright do you want Miss Donna to be?" The shop owner quickly finished the call. The quota number had already doubled her enthusiasm. She didn't know how much of the quota she could fight for. .

"Very sparkly!" Ronald said, go ahead and find some nice clothes.

"Add this one to me." Little Douglas also took out his credit card and gave it to the other party. "And find some ladies' handbags to match with beautiful clothes and some nice watches."

Donna picked out two formal suits for work and some matching pairs of shoes. The shop owner tried his best to persuade her to buy another dress for social occasions that highlighted her feminine charm.

"Oh..." When Donna came out wearing a black skirt with a very thin waist and small pleats, little Douglas exclaimed.

Donna was wearing a skirt, holding an elegant small bag, and a low-key luxury watch. She immediately transformed from a young college graduate into a charming workplace veteran.

"Isn't this a bit...well, ostentatious?" Donna glared at Douglas Jr. and asked Ronald for his opinion.

"No...it's confidence." Douglas Jr. was not praising her this time. Donna did have a capable temperament, and this outfit well highlighted her temperament that was different from that of ordinary women on Wall Street. Calm and rational, yet charming.

"Indeed, it's very simple and elegant. This outfit seems to say that you are a confident person who doesn't mind the attention of others, and then conquer them with your intelligence." Ronald felt that this outfit made Donna that The contradictory temperament of rationality and sensibility in this MIT science major beauty is well reflected.

"Okay, then add this set." Donna was happy.

Several people were holding boxes containing clothes and shoes, with Douglas Jr. acting as the driver in front. The group arrived at the appointed BMW dealer again.

"This is a gift for you. Didn't you say that people often see the car you drive and don't want to give you time? Now they should give you time."

A red BMW imported car was lying there quietly.

"Go and try." Ronald liked to see the light in Donna's eyes. This time his cousin's words really woke him up, and he should repay those who have helped him a lot.

Donna happily got in the car, started it, and took it for a test drive.

"Thank you," she kissed Ronald on the cheek as soon as she got out of the car.

"What about me? I found this dealer." Douglas Jr. smiled beside him.

"Okay, thank you too." Donna held Ronald in one hand and little Douglas in the other, happily letting them get in the car and drive back to Staten Island to show her mother.

Back at Aunt Karen's house, she and her boyfriend cooked a sumptuous dinner for Ronald and little Doug. I heard that Donna helped Ronald avoid the loss. Aunt Karen still didn't believe it, but in the end it was little Douglas who vouched for Ronald. Nader smiled happily because what he said was true.

In the evening, Ronald received another call from the Chinese actor Chao Li.

"Ronald, I got in touch with my brother in China. There are also different views on this matter in China. Some people think this is a normal business and artistic exchange and can be started slowly. Some people think it can be done all at once. Too much foreign exchange will be lost. This is a conspiracy of some people in America. They want to hear your opinion."

"I think their concerns are reasonable. China is still a country that has just begun to develop and has great potential. In fact, there are not many movies worth watching in Hollywood in a year. There is a choice, which may be a better choice for you. "

Ronald had no ideas anyway, so he looked at the problem more objectively. This country is willing to spend money to show free movies to farmers. In fact, it is more attentive than the American government.

The income of Staten Island residents is low. Because the island’s movie theaters don’t have much box office revenue, they can only buy some movies from the past two or three years to show. Now Ronald’s “Break Dance” is still showing in the island’s movie theaters. The copies of the second screening have gradually become scratched. And new movies like "Dirty Dancing" have not yet had their turn to be released in Staten Island.

Speaking of which, this dragging release speed is not much different from the progress of Breakdance's release in China.

In a country like this, it is very difficult to earn back billions of dollars in copy rentals, and I was really fascinated by Kerkorian's sales skills.

"Is this what you really think? I will convey it to the other side." Chaoli replied on the phone.

"Yes, actually I think that importing more of the best movies every year is a window for cultural exchanges between the two countries. After all, movies are not ordinary commodities. If you watch them once, it does not prevent me from watching them again and enjoying them. So as long as you focus In several well-received movies, the effects are actually not much different from large-scale imports.”

"Your idea is very interesting, and I will convey it, especially the communication you mentioned, rather than the one-way output from one party to the other."

"That's right. If you have good movies, you can export them. America is open to movies from all countries."

After hanging up the phone, Chaoli immediately called the country. Over there, his brother's department and the leaders of the cultural department all valued Ronald's opinion.

"It's rare that such a Hollywood director can give such direct and pertinent opinions. I think Director Luo is very realistic." A leader wearing glasses commented.

"Old Yan, he is not only a director, but also a capitalist who makes movies by himself. His movies have earned more than 100 million at the box office." said a deputy minister who looked like an actor. He spoke good English and had been to America. Do you know? Less details there, and Ronald's box office ability.

"More than 100 million? US dollars? Darling, this is more exports than several of our provinces..." A comrade from the foreign trade department who was seconded to assist in this matter exclaimed.

"This further shows that they are sincerely committed to the cause of friendship between the two peoples. Not all capitalists only want to make money."

"That's right, he also has a joint venture in Xujiahui. Every year, his production equipment is exported to Hollywood, earning us a lot of foreign exchange."

"Is there such a thing? Can we export Hollywood? Then I have to call their mayor and ask Boss Luo to keep Lilandu in the country and invest more. In the future, it will also be considered as our department's achievements on the economic front. .”

"You don't need to say that this is a treasure in the city. Every time people from the Xujiahui factory come, they report that there is no such thing as a lightning lamp? As our country's technology has reached the world's leading level, that is quite Proud. Lao Xu and Lao Shen always put it at the end and report it as a great contribution."

"What you said makes sense. How could this person be friendly to China? What connection does he have with China?" The leader wearing glasses was also amazed. Why is such a world-leading technology produced in China?

"I heard that at the 1984 Olympics, he accidentally saw the performance of the women's volleyball team and became a fan of our women's volleyball team on the spot, and that's how he became obsessed with China."

"I heard that there is a rumor in Xujiahui that his ancestors are Chinese, so he looks at us differently." Another leader wearing a Mao suit interjected.

"Huh? That's a good thing. I'll entrust comrades from the relevant departments to investigate. People like this are our wealth. The president of the American Film Association, named Valenti, always says good things every time he comes. , without saying a word of opinion. Ask him that the Chinese culture is very good, the people are kind, and the scenery is beautiful.

There are also those who like America and talk about how good it is there every day, as if there are no shortcomings there at all.

Only directors like Ronald, who speak truthfully about both good and bad, are true friends of our cause. "

Ronald, who has become a true friend of the Chinese people, was scolded by his agents Niceta and Richard at his home on Staten Island.

"Ronald, you must never run out without saying a word like this in the future. We are all so anxious in Los Angeles. We have received so many calls looking for you."

"Yes, Ronald, we have been working together for many years. You should believe that we are loyal to you. As long as it is your private life, we will strictly keep it secret.

We just need you to leave your whereabouts and contact information. As a broker, it is very unprofessional not to know where your clients are. "

"In short, this matter is my fault, but I also have my own special reasons. This matter is not in the Hollywood circle, nor is it my personal matter. I have a compelling reason to act on my own. I will tell you more about it when I return to Los Angeles. talk.

Who has been contacting me these past two days? "

"Okay, Ronald. We all know that you are the most model client in Hollywood. You must have a great reason. If anything like this happens in the future, you can designate a contact person through whom to find you. "

"In the past two days, Tom Pollack from Universal and Ned Tanning from Paramount have been looking for you continuously. They both said they have urgent matters."

"I'll call them back right away. It's the same thing that I should handle." Ronald reacted. Kerkorian deliberately named his competitor in order to prevent him from getting involved with the other two companies. The president contacted prematurely. In this way, he can monopolize information and get more benefits from Ronald.

"Then there's Joel Silver. He said that he wants to wait for you to confirm the leading actor in the new movie, so he wants you to call back as soon as possible."

"Okay, didn't he mean Schwarzenegger? He probably has an idea."

"There is also the chairman of the MPAA, Jack Valenti, who wants to talk to you about the Hollywood overseas market."

"I know, I will contact him." Valenti has been committed to exploring overseas markets all year round. I am afraid he has heard rumors this time and wants to discuss it with Ronald in detail.

"And finally your Dirty Dancing music producer, Jimmy Lehner, said he was going to New York to talk about the record."

"Oh, I know." Ronald wrote down the phone numbers of all the people who came to him and called them back one by one.

"Ronald, are you in New York?" The first person to call was Jimmy Lehner. He was very excited on the phone. The "Dirty Dancing" record was selling well, and RCA notified us to go to the second checkout. Now, we still need to discuss releasing another album. "

"Aha, hahaha, that's a good thing. I'm in Staten Island. I'll go to Manhattan tomorrow. Come find me."

Then Ronald called back one by one, including Tom Pollack and Ned Tanin, both of whom came to inquire about Ronald's appointment as World Media Distribution Group.

Ronald denied his intentions and came to New York for other things. They were a little doubtful, but now that they had contacted Ronald, they didn't have to worry so much about being manipulated by Kerkorian.

Then there was Joel Silver. He called and said that Schwarzenegger had other ideas and wanted to meet Ronald to talk about playing this role in person.

Demi Moore also agreed to talk to Bruce Willis to see if there was any chance of her boyfriend coming back.

Ronald agreed to return to Los Angeles to deal with the matter.

Finally, there was one more phone call to make.

"Hello, Mr. Kerkorian."

"Ronald, how are you? Are you making any progress in New York? Is there any news from the deputy commander? Does he support our plan?"

"The deputy president has other things to be busy with, so he probably won't ask about this matter." Ronald replied.

"Oh, this is very important for our cultural export in America and opening up overseas markets..."

"Mr. Kerkorian..." Ronald interrupted the casino owner's sales call, "I'm not finished yet."

"..." Kerkorian seemed not to have expected that Ronald would talk to him like this.

"I have some friends in China. According to what they learned from the senior officials, there is almost no possibility of passing this matter. Therefore, I cannot agree to take up this position..."

"Oh?" Kerkorian didn't expect that Ronald really had connections in China. He was silent for a while, "Ronald, we are real friends, right? In this matter, if it is not convenient for you to join, I want you to be silent in front of others too.”

"Real friends help each other, right Mr. Kerkorian?"

"did you mean……?"

"Speaking of another thing, 'Moonlight', which I shot at MGM, will be released at the end of the year. I wonder if we can increase investment in publicity and distribution? People who have seen the sample film are all It is said that the quality of the movie is good and it is possible to get high box office."

"Speaking of which, I also want to see the performance of that Armenian female star, Cher."

"Mr. Kerkorian, I'm afraid I'm going to be very busy at work next. I regret that I have to refuse that job opportunity. I can only accept your kindness.

I accept your offer, and in order to prevent embarrassment to other candidates, I would like both parties to remain silent on this, so that it will be more fair to everyone else in this competitive game. "

"Very good, that's it." Kerkorian put down the phone, then rang the bell and called the secretary.

"Call the vampires on Wall Street and speed up the bond issuance. Call both banks."

Ronald also dialed Bannon's phone number and said, "I quit and the matter is cancelled."

"I know, Ronald. I was about to call you. The atmosphere on Wall Street has been a bit off recently. It's a good thing for us to wait and see."

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