Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 10008 Endorsement

In the last year of their term, the president and his wife also began to reduce their leadership in state affairs, and began to plan to visit various places and leave memorable footprints (visiting all the places they have never been).

They have previously visited allies such as Mexico, Belgium, and Finland. At the end of the month, I will visit Moscow, the capital of the alliance, my biggest enemy, and have a summit meeting with General Secretary-General Mikhail. Immediately afterwards, we will go to Britain, our largest ally, to visit the Queen and her partner, Prime Minister Margaret.

The same is true at home. The Grand Commander and his wife have a full schedule. They just went to the National Radio and Television Alliance to speak to persuade the strike to be reconciled. They also went to the International Expo Organizing Committee and the National Strategy Forum.

In short, their wish is to see more activities organized by non-governmental organizations and large companies and familiarize themselves with retirement life in advance.

Similarly, the frequency of various informal dinners held at the White House has also begun to increase. Just find any business association and excuse, and you can get an audience with the commander-in-chief and the first lady at the White House, and take a group photo or something.

"Ryan, welcome to the White House." First Lady Nancy has long known Ryan O'Neal, a star who became famous in the 1970s.

"Ronald..." Nancy came over and shook hands with Ronald again.

Today, in the name of "paying homage to Broadway classics," Nancy also invited a large number of famous Broadway actors to the White House to reminisce about the past. Ronald and Ryan O'Neal also received an invitation from Barbara to attend as representatives of Hollywood adaptations of Broadway plays.

In fact, these stars are all famous actresses in famous dramas such as "Annie", "A Chorus Line", "The Sound of Music", "Cats", etc. Nancy, who is also a second-rate female star in Hollywood, originally didn't think much of it. respect. But now, the title of first lady has them all surrounding Nancy.

Ronald and Ryan O'Neal join in the fun with a bunch of female celebrities basking in the glory days of the past. The two handsome guys were also liked by these female stars, and everyone had a great time chatting.

Ryan O'Neal is famous for his beauty, and his girlfriends are all beautiful women and celebrities. Ronald didn't have his reputation, so he gradually moved away from the center of the conversation, doing some service and pouring coffee for them.

Today, Ronald's task is to let these male and female celebrities hold Nancy back for as much time as possible, creating opportunities for Barbara to communicate with the commander-in-chief.

She and the commander-in-chief have been staying together recently. There are some things that it is not convenient for Old George to discuss with the commander-in-chief in private. Barbara, who could complain as a wife, was hated by Nancy. She would bully her and drive her away within a few minutes of staying in the White House.

"It's a pleasure to meet you here..." Nancy chatted for longer than the scheduled time,

Start talking about the situation. Logically speaking, everyone should leave in a sensible manner at this time.

"Mrs. Nancy, we have been discussing that the protagonist of The Sound of Music is also very suitable for you." Ronald quickly interjected and brought the topic back to Nancy's interest.

"Ha...you are really..." Nancy made an expression like "I can't stand you anymore", and the Broadway stars around her started complimenting her again.

"I think your temperament is more like that of a nun-turned-governor," Ryan O'Neal lost no time in flattering you. It had been a long time since he had enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded by so many heroines, everyone vying to talk to him. It’s just that these heroines are older.

On the set of "The Twilight Zone", Sybil Shepard was completely fascinated by Robert Downey Jr., was very kind to him on and off the screen, and gently taught him the secret of getting into the role. Ryan O'Neal, who once enjoyed this kind of treatment, was very disappointed.

In this way, every time Nancy showed an expression that she was done, Ronald added a compliment at the right time, and a group of people could chat around the first lady for a few more minutes, take more photos, and report them tomorrow.

There was only one black female star who didn't squeeze in. She was always squeezed out of the white circle, which made her look sullen. Ronald quickly went up to comfort her.

"Ms. Holliday, how long will your 'Dreamgirls' be on Broadway? My aunt loves it, and I'm going to take her to see it again."

This is Jennifer Holliday, the star of the musical "Dreamgirls" based on the personal experience of black singer Diana Ross. Ronald didn't want her to do anything bad.

"Really, my play will be revived this time and will be played for a while." Jennifer Holliday plays the protagonist Effie, and her solo song "I'm telling you I'm not going (and i am telling you im not going) once topped the charts. Several leading actors were like rockets, becoming famous and receiving more opportunities.

"I asked my agent to give you some front row tickets when the time comes. I didn't expect you to come to my show, Ronald." Jennifer Holliday benefited the most among these actors. She was feeling depressed. , suddenly a big-name Hollywood director came to talk to me, and he was suddenly filled with surprises, and his voice became much louder.

"I really have to go, everyone, my husband is still waiting for me." As if awakened by Holliday's loud voice, first lady Nancy said goodbye to everyone gracefully and walked towards the aisle to find her husband.

"I'll go with you..." Ronald felt that he didn't want to regret talking to Jennifer Holliday. He quickly stretched out his arm like a Marine Corps guard of honor and asked the first lady to take hers, and walked towards the side hall. Go.

"Thank you, Ronald. I feel that you treat our couple sincerely," Nancy said with emotion. She held her arm with Ronald, who had done the job that a young Marine Corps boy should do. The new election was about to begin again, like The black hole quickly absorbed all the attention, and reporters began to chase the first couple less enthusiastically toward the election campaign.

"I think my husband, George Sr., deserves your endorsement. He has earned it. He has respected you for eight years, and he has firmly stood by your side during the Persian Gate scandal. This primary election is his own." For his hard work and success, as a fellow member of the same party, I think he deserves this endorsement.”

In the side hall, the silver-haired Barbara was communicating privately with the commander-in-chief. It's more appropriate for her to talk about this kind of thing. As a wife, there is room for advancement and retreat when speaking out against the unfair treatment faced by her husband.

"Huh? Barbara? Why are you here? Where's Nancy? I endorse..." The commander looked confused, not knowing why he was here.

"Ronald..." Nancy heard her husband's voice and hurriedly walked into the side hall. Ronald was complaining secretly in the back, and he also heard Barbara's voice.

"Nancy...where are you?" The commander heard his wife's voice and began to look around.

"I'm here, Darling." Nancy quickly walked over and took his hand.

"Barbara is here too..."

"I think old George deserves your endorsement." Seeing that Nancy rarely lost her temper immediately, Barbara repeated her request. The commander-in-chief seemed very confused today. He kept talking to himself for a long time, but he always absentmindedly dug into his pockets.

"Old George, he was your party primary opponent in the 1980 election, remember, dear. You always said that he was your biggest opponent and colleague." Nancy spoke softly in her husband's ear.

"Ha... I still remember that microphone. No problem, Barbara, I originally planned to announce it at the party conference. Since George needs support, I will find an opportunity to announce it next week. Dear, remind me to prepare a speech."

The commander was supported by his wife, as if he suddenly regained his humorous cowboy image and was filled with energy again.

"Ronald...you met the commander-in-chief today." Nancy held her husband's hand, and the two passed by Barbara and walked outside. When she passed Ronald, she glanced at him and said softly. sentence.

"Master Datong is still so energetic. I'm glad to see you again, student Datong." Ronald smiled and bowed his head in greeting.

The commander nodded to him, and then walked out slowly with his wife.

The remaining two people, Ronald and Barbara, looked at each other with doubts and didn't know what was going on.

The two of them no longer thought about this weird episode, having gotten what they wanted anyway. This time Ronald took Barbara out and chose another side room without Nancy. Barbara was relieved and started to get some snacks.

Ronald poured her a cup of coffee and stood aside to watch. It is not easy for this person either. For the sake of her husband’s career, he has endured Nancy’s bullying and unwarranted abuse for several years, and he has no choice but not to retaliate. Today I can finally feel proud.

"Ronald..." a southern accent came from behind.

"Mr. Buffy?" Ronald was surprised to find that it was the investor Buffy. He and his girlfriend Mrs. Graham came to the White House to socialize again.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm still doing the same thing, and I'm starting to follow your lead in buying some stocks. I bought Berkshire Hathaway's stocks, and I read your letters to shareholders every year carefully."

"Today is actor night. I never discuss the stocks I bought on such occasions. Do you have any new projects?" Buffy waved her hand and firmly refused the topic of stocks. This was his principle.

"There's a writers' strike right now, and I'm very embarrassed."

"Strikes are always a problem that American companies have to solve. When I acquired Berkshire Hathaway, I retained the shirt textile business, which was disrupted by strikes and labor unions for nearly ten years... Since then, I have paid special attention to finding ways to Entrepreneurs who have leadership.”

"Isn't that right? The writers' strike is so bad because they lack leadership..."

While Ronald was chatting with Buffy, he watched Barbara talking to the owner of the Washington Post, Katharine Graham, who had an ancient hairstyle. The wife of an Elephant Party politician was talking affectionately to the newspaper owner of the Donkey Party, and Ronald was also amazed.

"It's not surprising," Buffy seemed to see through Ronald's thoughts, "The oil company that Barbara's husband founded in Texas when he was young had an investment of $100,000 from Catherine."

"Oh..." Ronald then understood that these upper-level figures, regardless of their political views, still helped each other on other matters.

Two days later, another dinner was held at the White House, this time an event for Elephant Party donors. When the commander-in-chief was delivering his speech, he suddenly changed the subject and said to the guests:

"I will work as hard as I can to make George the next Commander-in-Chief of America."

"Ronnie, thank you very much for your help. My husband finally got what he deserved..." After seeing the video clip on TV, Barbara called Ronald in person to thank him.

"I admire you very much, Barbara. You are a role model for an American wife..." Ronald really admired Barbara's courage to stand up for her husband. Even though she was a housewife, she did it for her husband and My child, you have extraordinary courage, guarding the family like an old hen.

"I will wring the neck of anyone who dares to say something bad about my husband and children." Barbara accomplished great things for her husband and smiled happily... Originally, public opinion was always against the commander-in-chief for not endorsing old George. The situation feels strange.

The results of this primary election are out, but there is still no movement. Many media have begun to speculate, and some rumors are getting more and more outrageous. Some people also found out the background of Hinckley, the murderer who shot the commander-in-chief, saying that his family was George Sr.’s perennial campaign funder...

This statement officially ended all rumors about the discord between the two.


After making the call, Ronald saw his aunt appearing at the door dressed formally.

"Just come..."

Jennifer Holliday delivered VIP seats to the musical "Dreamgirls" as promised. Ronald had to stay in New York for a few more days and go to the theater with his aunt.

This "Dreamgirls" is very popular on Broadway. It was first performed in 1982 and has always been a musical with extremely high attendance. There were two national tours in 1983 and 1985, and then a revival in 1987.

But after this summer, the show will stop running. Michael Bennett, the director of "Dreamgirls," died of an increasingly debilitating disease. Members of the troupe were afraid that they had been infected, and no one was focused on the performance. Jennifer Holliday also gradually began to lose her role to the B role. This may be her last time playing Effie.

"Jennifer Holliday sang so well. I love this play." Aunt Karen took Ronald's arm and walked down the steps of the Candy Box Theater.

"I think so too." Jennifer Holliday plays Effie's top voice. She sings in the highest pitch. Ronald, who doesn't understand music, thinks she is the most powerful.

"Hi, ang? Is that you?"

Ronald saw a group of Chinese couples walking in front of the steps, and their figures looked like his classmates at New York University.

"Huh? Ronald?" Ang Lee turned around and said in surprise.

"Go and talk to him more..." His wife poked him next to him.

"This is my aunt, this is my college classmate ang, a very talented Chinese director, and this is his wife..." Ronald introduced them to each other, "We just happened to meet each other, why don't we find a place Sit down?"

"What? Your new movie has been cancelled? Why?" Ronald inquired about Ang Lee's current situation and found out that the project that Samuel Goldwyn Jr. had agreed to was a new film starring rising star Julia Roberts about a prostitute who witnesses a murder. Filming stopped.

"The strike delayed the filming, and Godwin didn't get an exemption. He didn't want to do it anymore, so he withdrew the capital." Ang Lee was a little disappointed. He just got an opportunity to direct a theatrical production...

"Is the impact of the strike so big?" Ronald asked, "But yes, Godwin may be under a lot of financial pressure." This is the owner who came back to make money while the market was good. Back then, the three MGM seniors, Goldwyn, whose initials formed the name of the company, were stabbed in the back by their sons and took away the management power of the company.

Later, the company was not doing well, and my father came back to save the day. This guy can do backstabs depending on the direction of the wind, but his moviemaking skills are terrible.

"So what's your new project?"

ang Lee is a bit embarrassed. After this movie was scrapped, there is no new film. For a director who has no works yet, it is so difficult to get a director's ticket in Hollywood.

"It's a matter of trust. My husband has no one to back him up. Those producers prefer directors with successful experiences..." Ang Lee's wife, Jane Lin, is a biological scientist. She sees her husband's situation clearly, but there is no one to help. Well.

"I know ang's artistic standards, and I'm here to endorse him. If you have a project, let the producer come to me." Ronald immediately patted his chest and promised to help.

"However, I have to be honest. This is a rule in Hollywood. It is easier for producers to give you the opportunity to direct film projects if you have a film. But for those who have never filmed and have no work to prove it, this is a 20th Catch-2.

I just looked for a low-cost movie, and first got the director's resume... If ang is willing to start with a low-cost, as long as he comes up with a script, my company is very willing to support a capable new director. "

"What's the script?" Ang Lee was moved. An old classmate helped. This is a great opportunity.

However, my English level is not good enough, and my English scripts are really difficult to read.

“Can a Chinese script be okay?”

"Chinese?" Ronald pondered. Not many people watch Chinese movies in America. But what I just said has already been said, "Chinese is also fine, but I have to pass the company's script meeting. The Chinese film market here is very small, and I also have to be responsible for the board of directors."

"No problem, I'll bring it to you when I get back..."

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