Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 10009 Acquisition Intention

“the weddi”

Early the next morning, Ronald saw the script that angle had brought in the office. Except for the title and the summary of the first dozen pages, which have been translated into English, the content is all written in Chinese, and the English is also a bit bad.

This story tells the story of a Chinese male international student who lived with another young Western man. In order to cope with his parents' expectations, he had a fake marriage with a female international student from Xujiahui. The female international student could also get a green card through this.

Who knows that as family disputes and cultural conflicts continue to develop, their plans gradually become more and more complicated...

Ronald read quickly and also read the Chinese part at the back. Then he closed the script and put it on his desk. After hesitating for a moment, he asked the angel opposite:

"Are you going to shoot with English dialogue or Chinese dialogue?"

"The main thing is Chinese, and a few of them can speak English." Ang Lee was still wearing the suit that she went to see Broadway yesterday. In order to celebrate that his wife successfully got the teaching position, the two of them spent money to watch a musical. Thinking of meeting Ronald by chance.

"Hmm..." Ronald sighed, knowing that was it.

"We have known each other for a long time, ang. If I have anything to say, I will say it directly. In fact, judging from your script, the cost of this movie will not be very high. But as an investment in the company, I am also responsible for the company's board of directors and employees. , the market for Chinese films in America is very small."

"I understand, and many people have told me that there is no future at the box office in America, but I feel that this story can touch me. This is a script I started writing at the beginning of the year. My wife is very annoyed that I am not working at home. , I ran to my friend Feng Guangyuan, and we discussed it while writing." Many of the plots in it are my own experiences. So if it were changed to English dialogue, my original idea of ​​writing the script would be lost. "

"Tsk..." Ronald knew as soon as he heard that Ang Lee was a person who insisted on his own artistic opinions, and artistically speaking, his opinions were not unreasonable. This is originally a story about the conflict between Eastern and Western cultures.

"Well, let's do this. I will make the final decision and sign the option on your script. I asked my colleagues to ask if any American Chinatown Cinema Distribution Company likes your story. If so, my Daydream can finance half of it.

If you can find someone else willing to invest during this period, we can also transfer it at the original price. It would be great if this movie could be made. "

Although Ronald said he was talking about business,

But his feelings about the script told him that although the film had a sensitive subject matter and a language barrier, it could be an artistic breakthrough.

"Thank you, Ronald." Although Ang Lee didn't get a promise to shoot immediately, he was even happier inside.

Previously, Samuel Goldwyn Jr. was talking about a lot of money, praising himself very high, saying that he would become a blockbuster in Hollywood, but when the heroine was already settled on Julia Roberts, he suddenly said that he would withdraw funds and not shoot.

In contrast, Ronald's approach of putting on a front and speaking frankly about his reasons and reasons is what a Hollywood producer who takes the right path would do.

"By the way, do you have other jobs now?" Ronald glanced at Ang Lee's leather shoes and asked casually.

“I just wrote a script called ‘Mail Order Bride’ with Joel Roth, and I was writing for him, and he had a vacation home on Long Island, and I could go out and work every day without being disliked by my wife.”

Ang Lee speaks very slowly, his spoken English is worse than his writing, and he is a bit introverted and shy. Although they are classmates, after not practicing for many years, Ronald has made rapid progress in his career, so the two of them always talk a little awkwardly.

"If that script can be solved as soon as possible, I would like to ask you to help my daydream be an expert in the script department, help with selection, and do some rewriting work as a script doctor if necessary. When you are not busy at work, you can also You can participate in the work of other crews and get familiar with the set."

Ronald was still worried about Ang Lee's face and asked him to come to his company to help, "We are a small company and cannot afford a big price, but we can give you a salary based on the industry level. If you are willing..."

"Of course I do," Ang Lee was very happy. Ronald was worthy of being the man who promoted the delta omega epsilon fraternity at New York University's Tisch College. It's still like a timely rain.

Although he dropped out of school after one year, the legend of this guy spread throughout New York University, including other universities in New York - a fraternity that invited Playboy cover girls to be party girls.

"That's great. We have an office in New York, and the script department is yours to use. You can work until any time you like. If you want to rest, just ask the secretary to get the key. We have two apartments next door for your convenience." Luo Nader stood up and shook hands with him, "Welcome to join..."

"Thank you, thank you." Ang Lee held Ronald's hand very hard now. She was at her worst moment, with only a few dozen dollars in her body. I can only be a househusband at home. "What... I have a question about the company's treatment." Ang Lee's face turned a little red. Ronald gave him such treatment, but he still had to make demands.

"Please tell me..." Ronald raised his hand to signal him to speak.

"Can Daydream Company help me apply for a green card? If it's not convenient for you, I will take the route of my wife's partner, which will have to wait a few years after she officially enters the university teaching position..." Ang Lee's personal paragraph The experience was also included in the script he wrote.

"Ha, no problem. My lawyer will help you write a letter of recommendation. We have a good relationship with Congressman Mr. Molinari of Staten Island. With his recommendation, your green card will be approved soon."

Ronald smiled. If Ang Lee didn’t get the green card, he wouldn’t be able to return to his hometown, and he would have to apply as his wife’s accompanying student. Now he can get the green card based on his own ability, and he also has a job in Hollywood. For him, The family status has been greatly improved.

"The head of our script department is David Simkins. I will introduce him to you when he comes to New York. You have to read all the scripts here, and then write your comments and estimate the shooting costs. I am here I need help from people like you in the future.”

Ronald seemed to be encouraging his old classmate, "In addition, your comments and evaluations must be written in English. You can practice your English. Hollywood scripts, if there are problems with English, will be difficult to send to the real decision-makers." It’s in. This is also to prepare you for making movies in the future.”

Ang Lee has been in America for so many years and has a wife and children. Why is her English still so bad? How do you communicate complex meanings on the set and how do you guide actors?

Ronald was not only helping an old classmate, Ang Lee's script's talent was visible to the naked eye. The four-act structure of the script was very compact. The ending of the reconciliation between father and son also moved him very much.

Judging from Ang Lee's graduate work and his ability to help him shoot commercials, this person not only has artistic talent, but also understands various techniques on the set. Once he has a good opportunity, he will definitely succeed, and he can be considered a good person. edge.

"This is your classmate's green card application materials. This is the recommendation letter written by Congressman Molinari. This is the certification material written by her daughter, Councilor Susan. This is your certification material, saying that Mr. Lee is a An extremely talented director..."

Private lawyer Lindsay Dole quickly helped Ronald handle all the materials. Now, as a single mother with a one-year-old child, she works at a slower pace than before, focusing on serving several big clients including Ronald.

The strong woman who once graduated from Harvard Law School has now become a happy mother. After talking about her work, she started to show Ronald the photos of her son that she took.

Ronald liked it very much and took an unopened Sony home video recorder from the office and gave it to Lindsay, "Children grow up very quickly. You can keep more images of their childhood so that they can watch more when they grow up." interesting."

Lindsay Dole opened it. This video recorder is so small that she, a woman, can hold it with one hand and shoot. The videotape is neither VHS nor Sony's Betamax, but a format called Video 8.

This videotape technology was inherited from movie cameras. The video quality is high, and the video recorder can also capture stereo sound. The video tape is small, so the video recorder is also compact. Unlike VHS video recorders, which are all shoulder-mounted.

The only disadvantage of this video recorder is that it cannot be played on a VHS recorder (now the most common home video recorder in America). It can only be played directly through an external TV and then transcribed onto a VHS tape.

However, partner lawyers like Lindsay Dole will not care about these extra costs. Sure enough, she happily handed over the gift.

"By the way, I have helped you find a suitable target for what you told me last time." The lawyer lady took out several documents from the leather briefcase and handed them to Ronald, "This is the most suitable target. The mid-sized Hollywood production and distribution company you requested is now in financial trouble and has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy."

Ronald took the document. He had previously entrusted Lindsay to help him keep an eye on the Hollywood court. The Screenwriters Guild continues to go on strike, and the projects they originally invested in continue to suspend filming, and they have to pay high interest rates. Many small and medium-sized production and distributors that are already operating with high debt are going to be ruined. This is a good time to pick up bargains.

Chapter 11 A number in the bankruptcy laws of America. A company that applies for this bankruptcy method can also seek investment from investors to restructure its business and debts while operating the company. It is very suitable for companies like Hollywood.

The information from Hollywood producers and agents was true and false, and was not timely, so Ronald found another way and asked the lawyer to keep an eye on several bankruptcy courts in Los Angeles. Once you hear from the court clerk, you can act early.

"Twenty-first Century Pictures?" Ronald couldn't help but laugh. Isn't this a mistake? Twentieth Century Fox was formed by the merger of two established film companies, Twentieth Century and Fox. This small company was only established in the 1970s, and it's still a century older than others, just by playing tricks on its name.

But as he watched, Ronald's expression gradually faded and he stopped smiling. I have to say that the professional quality of the lawyer is very good. Now the bankruptcy court receives new applications every day. The conditions of this company are very suitable for Daydream's expansion needs.

When this company first opened in the 1970s, it was also a Roger Corman-style integrated production and distribution company for low-budget exploitation films.

In addition to producing horror action films such as "The Devil" and "Blood Tide", this company also introduced many foreign films like Corman and put them on the market with English dubbing.

These include the sequel to Italy's "Yin Manyu" series and many action films in Hong Kong. Among them are Bruce Lee's Wing Chun documentary and "Tricky Tricks" by Ja before he became famous.

Ronald smiled. Doesn't this just fit in with his strategy? Once I have the copyright to these films, I will immediately reorganize the video tapes, and then in the 21st century, all the talents who are familiar with Hong Kong Kung Fu films, purchase channels for Italian pornographic films, and one-stop dubbing can be put to my use immediately.

"How much do you estimate it will cost to restructure this company?"

"It won't be very expensive. They are now in debt. After Chapter 11 bankruptcy, you don't have to pay full compensation. Instead, you can work with them to negotiate a compensation plan with the creditors. They still have a distribution contract with EMI, and It can be worth some money. As for the copyrights of these old films, I guess no one else thinks they are valuable except you. It can be obtained with a total of one or two million funds. "

"Very good, I now ask you and my accountant Ed Bastian, gray-eyed Mickey from Los Angeles, to form an acquisition negotiation team, and then go buy 21st Century Pictures."

"I still have to spend time with my child, so I can't serve you all the time." Lindsey Dole shook her head. Now her son is a more important part of her life. "I can't travel more than three days a week. You have to be responsible for my business trip." Travel and babysitting expenses.”

"Everything is easy to talk about. You are the person I trust most in the negotiation team. Just help me keep an eye on the entire negotiation process." What Ronald needs is a trustworthy person to represent him.

"In addition, I suggest you find a consulting firm. They may not be as smart as Mickey Kanter, but a team with different interests can come in and give you a second opinion."

"Very good, you can help me take care of this, so I won't bother you with anything."

An acquisition team was quickly formed, with lawyers as the main core, and sent an invitation to 21st Century Pictures for acquisition and reorganization. Under the coordination of the bankruptcy court, they will soon sit down with the management of the 21st Century and the creditors to discuss (quarrel with) the debt restructuring plan.

Ronald also happened to be back in Los Angeles, and he had other things to deal with.

This time when I returned to Xiangjiang and explained Ronald's conditions, many dragon and tiger martial arts masters became excited. They wanted to go to Jinshan to make money by making movies and sleeping with foreign girls. How majestic and elegant would they be?

Similarly, because Ronald insisted that he come up with a complete script before filming started, he found a talented person in the industry who had studied in America, Ronald's translator during his time in Hong Kong, Tsui Hark, and invited him to come to Hollywood to discuss cooperation. It's a matter.

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