Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 164 Ronald, who knows the psychology of the masses best

Chapter 1024 Ronald, who knows the psychology of the masses best

Fortunately, Weintraub was still cooperating with Columbia Pictures when he developed the first part of "The Dragon Boy". He did not let the unlucky Weintraub Films, which he established later, under the right to produce the sequel of this series because of the contract.

This provides a convenient platform for cooperation. Ronald then asked Susan Eakins to bring in two essential leads, Ralph Mazio as Daniel and Noriyuki Morita as Master Miyagi.

Ronald shook his head when he saw the two of them. No wonder Weintraub didn't develop the third part of Longwei Boys when facing the financial crisis, which is a project with high possibility of making money.

Morita spent a lot of money on the Japanese-American co-production film he led the previous year, but he didn't even have a chance to be released in America, and it was difficult to find a suitable role for him, a Japanese-born old man, in other films.

Depressed, Morita was addicted to alcohol and sex, and had divorced his wife. He had been dating young beauties for several years, and he was drunk every day, his hair turned white, and his mental state was also very poor.

As for Ralph Mazio, he had other worries. Mazio, who always looked like a Latina in a movie, seemed to be underdeveloped in his twenties, and gradually began to gain weight after marriage in the past two years. The hormonal changes have turned him into an adult, and he can no longer play the high-spirited high school student he was in the first two episodes.

The first two parts of "Longwei Boy" actually happened in the same summer, and then Daniel, who came back from Japan, suddenly became an uncle.

Sure enough, it is more suitable to replace the story outline provided by Ronald, and replace it with the story of Daniel and Master Miyagi traveling back to the Ming Dynasty in their dreams.

Anyway, it's a story in a dream. It's not surprising that the two of them have grown mature if they haven't met their ancestors who knew how many generations ago...

Tsui Hark had studied in America. He brought his girlfriend, Ms. Shi, and got in touch with many Chinese-American filmmakers on the West Coast, planning to do a big job.

In addition to those actors who can play the Chinese crowd, there are also many professionals who serve the Tao. Many Hong Kong filmmakers have immigrated to America through marriage or other means. This time, they have the opportunity to participate in a film with the theme of learning Chinese culture between white people and Japanese people, and they are willing to contribute.

Ronald saw the display of the costumes and thought they were beautiful. The extensive use of red and white has a natural hint of Chinese culture in it. The clothes are also beautiful, not like the crude Ming Dynasty costumes that Hollywood imagined.

"I followed King Hu's 'Dragon Inn' and followed suit. He is very familiar with the culture and history of the Ming Dynasty." Seeing that Ronald was satisfied, Tsui Hark proudly explained the source of his creativity.

"This is a newly established project company and has nothing to do with my Weintraub Films.

” Weintraub was relieved from the depression, and he knew that this sequel could give him some cash flow, and he was refreshed.

"We don't care, the box office you make of this movie will first be used for the debts of Weintraub Films." Several debt lawyers held on to Weintraub.

"This is a limited company, the foundation of innovative companies in America. You are still lawyers, don't you even understand this?" Weintraub didn't care about them. As long as he made money, he would bankrupt the old company and his new company would be able to escape smoothly. Maybe I can transfer some of the projects that have obtained the shooting rights to the new company.

"We are lawyers representing Wall Street, and we can do whatever we say." The lawyer left with a sneer. What they are looking at is Weintraub's high-quality assets under his personal name, a large number of live recording copyrights of Elvis Presley, John Denver, and Frank Sinatra... In short, it is more beneficial for Weintraub to continue to fall into the quagmire than for him to make a blockbuster movie and pay back the money.

"Get this matter done as soon as possible, otherwise we won't be able to cooperate..." Ronald reminded Weintraub that if he was involved in the so-called company debt, Ronald's income would not be guaranteed.

"Small problem, Jane (Morgan) has already flown to Washington..." Weintraub smiled smugly. He had a wife and a lover who got along harmoniously and helped him solve the problem.


"Barbara, those Wall Street vampires want Jerry (Weintraub) to continue to sink. Now that he has projects that are sure to make money, I don't want any special care, as long as they abide by business laws and rules." Jane Morgan has already set off early to meet her best girlfriend in Washington, D.C., Barbara, who is busy campaigning.

"Of course it's okay. I'll ask Jeb to make a few calls..." Although Barbara is very busy now, she doesn't have many close friends in the upper class. Jane Morgan was coming, and she must find time to see her anyway.

"I said, can your husband's new project really make money?" Barbara and Morgan knew each other very early, before Jane Morgan and Weintraub got married.

"It shouldn't be a problem. He's going to film the third film of The Dragon King with Ronald Lee. The Hollywood sequel will make money, won't it?"

"Ha, I still remember that when George and I went to Hawaii, we lent him the helicopter to film. However, even if it is Ronald, it is impossible to guarantee that the new movie will make money, right?" Barbara and Jane Morgan are actually suffering from the same problem.

"I don't know, but Ronald is the Hollywood person I've ever seen who knows what the public thinks best. Every time his movie seems to capture the hearts of us women. Hey..."

"That's right," Barbara mused, now worrying about her husband's continued lag in approval ratings. The schedule for the three debates of the general election has been set, and the gap between the two sides' approval ratings is still about 5%. Although George took advantage of the incident that the black Horton escaped and continued to kill during the weekend when he went home, he caught up a lot.

However, when it reached 5%, the approval ratings of both parties stabilized and remained unchanged. The huge amount of money invested here in the advertisement to discredit Dukakis seems to have hit the ceiling, and it is no longer useful.

"Don't worry, my dear. No one will disturb your husband during the filming." Barbara was busy with her affairs, said goodbye to Jane Morgan in a hurry, and went to find her eldest son, George Jr.

"You find a way to contact Director Ronald, I want to talk to him once."

"Mother, I asked him last time, and he didn't have any good solutions."

"Go get in touch...", Barbara was disappointed with the eldest son, it must be that you won't ask.


"Kim, where are you? Here's good news." Ronald was calling Kim Basinger.

The actress Basinger didn't replace, Sean Young, fell and broke his hand while learning to ride a horse on the London Pinewood set.

"I'm calling you from the ranch, do you want to come? I have two thousand acres here, a lot of good horses, you can ride with me. There are westerns that can also be shot on my ranch, hahaha."

Basinger is now, like Ronald, getting a steady stream of money from the "Nine and a Half Weeks of Love" video. Almost every male customer who goes to Blockbuster will get a box of this pornographic film. It's like every female customer comes to a box of Dirty Dancing.

Men and women also have different tastes and hobbies. "Love You for Nine and a Half Weeks" contains only desire and fantasy, suitable for male audiences. And female audiences prefer "dirty dancing", where they talk first and then go to bed.

"The actress of Batman may have to be replaced now, you hurry to London and go to the audition urgently." Ronald said about Sean Yang's fall and injury.

This incident is also very strange. Originally, in the script of "Batman", there were not many scenes of the heroine Vicki riding a horse, but director Tim Burton insisted on adding a lot of horse riding scenes, and made Sean Yang keep training.

Sean Yang practiced for more than six hours a day. She was too tired during the second week of training and accidentally dropped her handle and broke it.

Ordinarily, Wei Qi, the heroine who is a female reporter, just needs to be a good vase. If the director or producer is supportive, Sean Yang still has a chance.

When Orson Welles was filming "Beautiful Woman", the heroine Janet Lee suffered a broken arm. Wells redesigned all the scenes of the heroine carefully, and found a good photographer's angle, so that even when her arm was not good, she also shot a classic.

This is actually all amenable. But everyone in the crew pretended that there was no such option. Sean Yang had almost just been injured, so he contacted CAA and asked for a change of roles.

And Jack Nicholson even called Ronald to tell him what he had promised, and it was still done by accident, and asked him to contact the recommended female star to come to London as soon as possible.

"But you say that, isn't there still hope for Sean Yang to play? Could it be that I went to the Pinewood studio in London to audition, just as a backup, and in the end she was cast. I don't want to give her this opportunity to laugh at me."

"Don't worry, only you can laugh at her, it's impossible for her to laugh at you, but I don't encourage you to do so. Sean Yang is a famous crazy woman."

"Okay, then I'll go to London... However, the business class tickets to London may be sold out temporarily." Basinger had to rush from the ranch to New York... Maybe he would have to endure the torture of economy class.

"Don't worry about this. The earlier you arrive, the more confident you will be in winning the role. You don't think you're the only actress in Hollywood invited, do you? I'll ask someone to book the Concorde for you..." Ronald decided for Basinger.

There are many unreasonable things about Sean Yang's fall, and I'm afraid it's not the only one who wants her to go away. In addition to Nicholson who likes to sleep late in the morning, party at night, and doesn't like Sean Yang's drama, one of the film's producers, Jon Peterson, may have also made great efforts.

In particular, Sean Yang threatened to expose all the men he slept with for the role of "Batman", and there was a strange atmosphere in Hollywood, and no media, whether it was newspapers or TV, continued to follow up on this matter.

Now Sean Young is in London, negotiating with Jon Peterson. Maybe it was because Peterson had promised her something, so when Sean Yang tore up his face and insisted on him fulfilling his promise, everyone hoped that someone who could replace her would appear in London as soon as possible.

"Okay, I'll go..." Kim Basinger understood the urgency of the matter from Ronald's tone, and immediately said to leave immediately.

"Ring, ring, ring..." Ronald, who had just put down the phone, heard the phone ring again.


"It's still me, baby. I forgot to thank you. When I come back from London, let's discuss editing techniques... Mmmmm..." Basinger was so excited that he forgot to thank Ronald, who had contributed the most, and quickly made amends.

"Go now...we'll talk about other things when we come back." Ronald smiled, and Basinger's return was still worth looking forward to.

"Ring ring ring ring..."

The bell rang again.

"Baby, you want to repay me, wait until the big things are done..." Ronald said as he picked up the phone. Although Basinger is tall and outstanding, he actually looks like a little woman, and he likes to talk small things like this.

"What do you want in return, Ronald? You bring it up, and when George's big business is done, he can sit in the Oval Office and talk about anything."

"Um... Ms. Barbara? I thought you were someone else calling." Ronald recognized that the caller was the wife of the deputy commander, Barbara. What he said was so embarrassing.

"That's not important. Tell me, what do you want to help George increase his approval rating? We don't have much time now."

"Ms. Barbara...", Ronald wanted to say, what can I do if none of your highly paid campaign consultants can do it?

"Listen, Ronald, I'm busy and I don't have time to be polite. Jane Morgan told me that you are the director in Hollywood who understands what the public needs best. Campaigning and acting are actually very similar. What good ideas do you have?" Barbara forcefully interrupted Ronald's refusal. Now is not the time to take it easy.

"The people want the deputy commander to show... well, what can I say to support him?" Ronald repeated, and then began to think quickly.

"I think attacking the other party is not enough to change my mind about voting. I vote only for my own benefit..."

"Go on..." Barbara took out a pen and paper and began to record. Ronald is indeed a bit level, this sentence is very reasonable, why didn't I realize it before? (Actually, Little George had conveyed this idea a long time ago, but at that time George was ahead, and Barbara preferred Jeb's strategy)

"Uh... Take me for example. Apart from agreeing with the deputy commander's political views and leadership, another important reason is that the deputy commander promised to continue the economic policy of the current grand commander, as well as various tax policies that are conducive to entrepreneurial creativity..."

"Tax policy..." Barbara wrote in her notebook. She had heard these countless times, but after the attack on Dukakis could no longer narrow the gap between the two, she was very interested in any new ideas.

"Also, I like the deputy commander's attitude towards the armed forces. My father served in the Marine Corps. My grandfather and great-grandfather both served in the US military and died for the country. Dukakis' attitude towards the army..."

"I don't know, you still come from a traditional patriot family..." Barbara felt very inspired, and she was going to discuss with Roger Ailes soon. The army, military enterprises, and their families, many of them were occupied by the north, the east and west coasts, and those states with more intense competition had factories and garrisons.

"I will never forget your help today..." After listening to Ronald's thoughts, Barbara hurried to hold an emergency meeting. The tone of the entire campaign was about to change.

"I said Ge, the support rate of the commander-in-chief hasn't increased yet?" Ronald put down the phone and hurriedly called Douglas Jr.

Donate by yourself and Douglas Jr., and organize a lot of people to donate to Old George, so don't let it go in vain.

"It's not very optimistic. The first candidate debate next month will see the outcome. You haven't forgotten how the current commander-in-chief defeated his opponent and won two big victories, right?"

"Of course..." Ronald was worried about whether he could still enjoy the tax break. Old George was much less charismatic. Aren't TV debates all about who looks more like a leader?

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