Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 165 The polls are tied

Chapter 1025 The polls are tied

"The American Legion has always cared for our veterans. You are committed to advocating for veterans' rights and benefits, promoting patriotism, and providing support programs for veterans and their families.

Twenty-five thousand veterans have been helped by your selfless employment and training..., you funded cancer research and disability support, your wonderful boys state program led the way to the national game - the popular national baseball...the list goes on and on. "

George Sr. began to change course at campaign rallies. When he participated in campaign rallies organized by the American Legion, he began to vigorously speak out for veterans. The American Legion is a veterans organization with no specific political affiliation. This time when old George came, he was firmly on the side of the veterans.

"I am proud to say that I am a member of the Legion and have been involved, sharing the responsibility and the burden...I believe this country owes a debt of gratitude to those who have carried this burden.

Abraham Lincoln once said to look after those who won the battles, and his widows and orphans. Let me briefly mention some of the actions I will take as a veteran as President -- I will support our veterans. I will support the continuation and strengthening of Veterans Priorities…

I will never forget and will do my best to address POWs and missing persons. I will help all Vietnam War veterans receive the honor and respect they deserve, which is long overdue. I will pay particular attention to the needs of the six million veterans, especially those who turn 65..."

"Well done, I saw that the veterans in the audience were all in tears. It's been a long time since anyone cared about them this much." Barbara held her husband's hand tightly and said very well. Especially that sentence, I am also a veteran...

George Sr. abandoned his original main speech at the rally, no longer said that the increase in holdings promised to continue the policy of the current commander-in-chief, and no longer mentioned the establishment of a "kinder and more moderate country". Instead, he firmly said that there are still many threats in the world, and the free world needs the protection of force.

"Hey, I hope your method is useful..." Old George went to two or three places every day to give speeches at selected rallies, and even with his physical fitness as an Air Force pilot in World War II, it was a bit too much for him. He wiped off his sweat. The strategy proposed by the film director Ronald was appreciated by the campaign consultant Roger Ailes. Today was the first time he spoke about the new strategy. He didn't know what effect it would have.

"It has to work, you have to succeed..." Barbara was much firmer than George in character, she held her husband's hand, and once again strengthened the other's belief.


"Tuk Tuk..." The producer and director, Rob Reiner, knocked on the office door and poked his head in, "Ronald..."

"Um, uh...", Ronald made a gesture that I was on the phone, and then motioned to Reiner to wait. "Very well, I actually didn't expect such an adjustment to have such a big effect... Well, remember to let me know if there is anything, Doug"

Douglas told him on the phone,

George Sr.'s approval ratings, as he turned to the country's six million veterans, their loved ones, and many more who built weapons for them, began to climb slowly but surely.

"I'm here to send you the wedding invitations for me and Michelle..." Reiner and film still photographer Michelle Singer have decided to get married early next year, "Also, my father Karl would like to invite you to a potluck."

"Of course, I feel very honored...and happy for you and Michelle...", Ronald stepped forward and hugged Reiner, who is now proud and always speaks with a smile.

"How are you preparing for your new film?" Ronald asked him, because of his personal opinion on the ending of the plot, Reiner did not direct "When Harry Met Sally", but his newly established Castle Rock Production still needs a famous film to be directed by himself.

"I bought an adaptation of Stephen King's novel again. He was very satisfied with my 'Stay With Me' in 1984. After that, his own director's 'Fire Chariot' failed at the box office, hehe..."

"Oh, Stephen King's movies always have box office potential... I can invest part of it... You have to give me a better investment ranking." Ronald was a little envious when he heard that it was adapted by a famous American horror novelist. I don't have the success of changing movies like Reiner, and those novelists are not willing to sell the adaptation of the novel to him.

"Of course it's okay, I can't wait for it, hehe..." Reiner was quite grateful to Ronald, if he hadn't asked him to supervise the production of "Steel Magnolia", he might not have met Michelle.

"I don't know which of his novels this time?" Ronald knew that Stephen King's novels had won the box office and Oscars several times, but it was his first attempt at directing, and he met the unreliable producer De Laurentiis and the unreliable leading actor Emilio Estevez. The box office didn't even reach half of the production cost.

It seems that he gave up directing, and returned to the old method of only selling novels to suitable directors and taking points from the profits.

"Misery, a story where a fanatic reader kidnaps a novelist and asks him to change the end of the novel to his liking..."

"Hey?" Ronald felt amused. Isn't it self-deprecating when a writer writes such a story?


"Many of Stephen King's novels are related to the novelist, such as "The Shining" directed by Kubrick, which is also the unique sense of fear that the novelist brings to a place isolated in winter."

Ronald and Diane went to Carl Reiner's house together, and had dinner with his wife and eldest son Rob Reiner.

After a simple Jewish dinner, everyone drank tea and chatted in a circle. Ronald liked the atmosphere of the Reiner family. Although he is Jewish, he does not have that persistent religious belief. In fact Karl Reiner told them that since the tragic experience of the Jews in World War II, he has not believed in the existence of God.

"Why is this? The writer went to a place isolated from the world in winter, and was with readers and fans. What's so scary about it?" Diane asked, not understanding.

"Ha, I am afraid that being urged by readers is the greatest source of terror for writers." Carl Reiner laughed.

"Hahaha...", everyone was amused. Carl Reiner is a well-trained comedian, and his skill in telling jokes is extraordinary.

"Tell you something, Estelle and I are very grateful to you, Ronald." Carl put on an expression that made people want to laugh at the first sight, and Rob's mother, a jazz singer, Estelle, who played a cameo in "When Harry Met Sally", also looked at him with a smile.

Seeing Ronald and Diane looking forward to the last part of his joke, Carl Reiner said with satisfaction, "He went to Louisiana and finally met the woman he loves. We can finally drive this poor guy out of the house. It's time to be independent, Rob."

"Hehehe..." Diane couldn't help laughing now.

"Most parents only have to kick their kids out of the house once..."

"Puchi...", this time even the prospective daughter-in-law Michelle also laughed. Diane laughed even harder. Rob Reiner's wife in his first marriage was Penny Marshall, who once directed Diane.

The Reiner and Marshall families were originally good friends, but who knew that after their children got married, their conflicts reached the point where they had to divorce. As the father, Karl actually feels sorry for his son. Now that Rob has a marriage contract, this fiancee obviously cares more about and is suitable for his son. He is very relieved.

Reiner's family belonged to the Jewish reformist sect, and he himself did not believe in religion, so he did not have any requirements for his son's marriage. Both wives were not Jewish, nor did they become religious after marriage.

Even Estelle and her daughter-in-law-to-be, Michelle, had a discussion about breaking a glass at the wedding. In traditional Jewish weddings, only the groom is allowed to do this kind of good luck.

Ronald is not disgusted with this kind of Jewish family. He also felt that getting along with the Reiner family was very pleasant. After Estelle and Aunt Karen cameoed in the movie together, they also became good friends, and they often talked on the phone and cooked.

"Their family is really interesting..." On the way home, Diane leaned into Ronald's arms. She was also very envious of the harmonious family atmosphere of her parents. I can't help but start to imagine my future family life, whether it will be so wonderful.

"Yeah, their family is a comedian, isn't it interesting?" Ronald picked up the car phone and called Douglas Jr.

"How was the debate tonight?"

The first televised presidential debate is tonight at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. Knowing that most people in Hollywood support the donkey party, Ronald did not bring up this topic at the dinner.

"George Sr. hit a home run, and Dukakis had nothing to say about several questions." Douglas Jr. was very excited. In his opinion, George Sr. performed very well.

"The problem of drug abuse, George Sr. said to strengthen education in schools and crack down on it. Dukakis will only repeat his clichés and let leaders demonstrate correct values.

He also proposed to raise taxes, cut defense spending, and let the government invest in economic growth, which is ridiculous! The government is always squandering taxpayer money, he said, and he said that everyone who works needs to have health insurance. Not forgetting his Massachusetts medical groups.

I see after today, Dukakis is going to be screwed. "

Douglas Jr. was very optimistic, but Ronald was a little confused. Voters must care about their own interests. It is too tempting to provide everyone with medical insurance. Will there be insurance coverage for medical treatment in the future?

"Ronald..., Ronald..." Diane arrived at the hotel and immediately called her girlfriend Donna. The two whispered to each other for a long time. Seeing Ronald distracted, Diane finished speaking and gave him the phone.

"Hey? Donna, where are you?"

"I'm in Manhattan. I said, when are you coming to New York with Diane? I haven't been on vacation with her in ages. We're going to have a spa treatment."

"Let's see when she is free. I have to edit a movie recently. I will pay for all your vacation expenses."

"Yeah...thank you bro." Donna was about to hang up.

"Wait a minute, let me ask you, did you watch the TV debate tonight? Who do you think performed better?"

"Dukakis," Donna thought that Dukakis performed better.


"Our federal deficit is too big, and now everyone is a little suspicious. Are all our tax dollars used to buy weapons, and many people are not well taken care of by the government. You don't know how many homeless people and warblers are there at night in Manhattan's Times Square and Wall Street, and there are also people who sell XX drugs. Those people are also entitled to vote..."

"Hmm..." Ronald didn't expect Donna to have another idea. It seems that the outcome of this debate is hard to say.

"I'm going to take a shower..." Diane untied her braids, let her hair down, and prepared to take a bath. She was a little disappointed that Ronald didn't answer that he would go to New York with her.

"You smell really good, don't leave yet..." Ronald hugged Diane in his arms.

Diane, who was a little unhappy at first, felt the heat of Ronald's breath in his neck, and his whole body softened again. A burst of joyful sweetness rushed up from the lower abdomen.

"Well, ah..."

"Oh, Diane...", Ronald also felt her input, and a sense of conquest made him feel extremely excited...

"Oh, Ronnie, Ronnie...brother..." Diane was immersed in this familiar feeling that he had experienced many times, and finally hugged Ronald's neck tightly, trying to keep this feeling for a little longer.


Early the next morning, Ronald sent Diane away and went to the editing room of Daydream. Editor Robert Layton was here waiting for him.

Originally Ronald intended for Walter Murch. But Murch made it clear that he doesn't like to re-cut such unchallenged commercial films. The dividends from the clipping tape allow Murch and his wife Angie to live a simple life without financial pressure.

Murch's wife, Angie, also found a part-time radio host and invested in a blueberry orchard.

Maybe Ronald has given enough dividends, and there is no problem with the college tuition of Murch's four children. Being free by nature, he hopes to spend more time on projects he likes.

Ronald searched around again, and it was Rob Reiner who recommended Robert Layton, whom he had worked with. Last time Reiner edited "Walk with Me", which was highly praised, and he showed the friendship of several children very touchingly.

And this movie, like Ronald's "When Harry Met Sally", has no major drama overall, and Layton is good at editing this kind of slow-paced movie.

As soon as the two got on the editing stage, Robert Layton discovered that Ronald was also an expert in editing. Can stop on the same frame of film every time.

"Actually, you can cut it yourself..." Robert Layton himself could hardly achieve this kind of precision, so he didn't quite understand why Ronald asked him to do it.

"No, no, I definitely need your help, Robert. It's not good for the director to edit by himself." Ronald quickly explained that he needed an editor to provide different angles. After all, I have shot all the shots, and sometimes because of the difficulty of shooting, I don't want to give up the shots I finally got. Layton, on the other hand, can provide opinions from a completely objective perspective.

The two edited for a few days, and both felt that the other had a lot of insights, and wished they could spend more than ten hours in the editing room every day.

"It's time to rest..." Layton was not young, and he was not as strong as Ronald. That night, he proposed that the two of them go out to rest.

"Shall we go eat something good, or order takeaway?"

"Get out, I have to move around"

Ronald picked up the leather jacket, and Layton came to a pizza shop with a lot of people. The pizza here is bought by locals, and the price is not expensive, so there is a queue.

"The statements made by the two candidates on veterans caused protests from anti-war groups and welcome from veteran groups..."

There was a small TV in the store that was showing CBS News.

"Old George's poll support rate has caught up a lot, and there is still a slight gap with Dukaski. Let's see how voters' perceptions will change after the first televised debate? Veterans and the weapons industry, as well as social security for all, these may be the two focuses of voters at this stage. Let's connect two election experts..."

The two pundits, each supporting their own candidate, are bickering as well, just as closely as polls do. The two of them agreed on only one issue, and that was that both candidates made clear that more resources needed to be devoted to finding a cure for AIDS, providing widespread education and prevention, and providing care and treatment for patients.

"Your pizza..." Layton came over and handed the pizza to Ronald, "Why, you still care about politics?"

"No", Ronald was very careful not to let his political support tend to talk too deeply with people in the circle. He pointed to the customers who were watching TV news around him, "Do you think that if the general election was made into a movie, would many people watch it?"

"Maybe a good idea..."

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