Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 175 Conquering the New York Audience

"It's Melanie Griffith's movie in the same way that 'The Graduate' belongs to Dustin Hoffman. She wasn't a traditional choice to play 'Tess,' but she was the right choice. We've all seen her wild performance in 'Shotgun Lulu,' but Ronald Lee saw potential in her for this American-spirited role..." Several of the main characters also went on Rona In the private jet rented by Germany, Richard marked all the movie reviews belonging to each person with tags, so that everyone's journey would be comfortable.

Melanie Griffith was grinning from ear to ear. After so many years, she was finally affirmed by film critics. She was going to be popular!

"Supporting roles are crucial in a film like this. Sigourney Weaver's role is a thankless one - she plays the villain who is finally humiliated. But for an actor with Weaver's imagination That said, it's an interesting task. From the first second on screen, she has to say all the villain's lines, but at the same time subtly hints that she may not mean to do those bad things... which gives the film The movie adds more realism." Sigourney Weaver also grinned, the villain has multiple layers and is sympathetic, which is simply the highest evaluation of an actress.

plus there is

The protagonist in "Gorilla in the Mist", this year's Oscar is equivalent to taking double insurance.

"Where's my part?" Harrison Ford eagerly reached out his hand and gestured to Richard. He can act in this movie, isn't he also looking forward to the affirmation of the film critics and broadening the way of acting?

"If Signey's performance is full of subtlety, so is Harrison Ford, with a steady, ruminating passion. When he falls in love with a woman, he doesn't rush to grab her. ; he seems to be mature thinking about the relationship between men and women. Ford transcended the previously labeled cowboy image, and his acting skills, like Sigourney Weaver, provided the indispensable framework for Griffith's character Tess, making People can see her growth and changes in the movie." Well, the three leading actors are happy now.

Ronald looked through all the film reviews and found that besides the three of them, Joan Cusack also had a lot of praise.

Janet Maslin of The New York Times, for example, sees Joan Cusack as a stunning performance beyond a caricatured supporting role.

"Joan, the no-nonsense Staten Island girlfriend, lets Tess know what she thinks of this kind of Cinderella story. 'Sometimes I sing and dance around the house in my underwear, but that doesn't make me Madonna , never.' All in all, critics love the realistic treatment of the story in this movie. The villains are not without a little sympathy, and the decent characters also have places that people don't take seriously. The story feels very real. The big media on the east and west coasts are full of praise. Of course, what Ronald is happiest is the evaluation of himself. Roger Ebert thinks that what he shoots is a new era

"The Graduate" is the legend of a young man working hard in society from ignorance to reality, but this time the protagonist is a woman—Tess from Staten Island.

And compare his movie to the new version

"Cinderella". An old acquaintance of the Washington Post, the female film critic Rita Kempley, is full of praise.

Tess's fairy is the night school where M\u0026A knowledge is taught...the civilian version of mbA. And the evil sister is Catherine played by Sigourney Weaver.

All in all, this momentum makes Ronald feel a bit like they touted last year

The appearance of Bertolucci in "The Last Emperor". directorial ability

"Precise" comments,

The "exquisite" solution, even Ronald thought of it for the first time.

"Perhaps, I have a chance at this year's Oscar?" Ronald thought happily. Along the way, the excited Ronald did not rest, and kept discussing with Richard, Michael Gray and others

Various arrangements for the "working girl" to compete for awards. The public relations for the Oscars this time are mainly the cAA's hints to a large number of actor clients, the regular publicity from the 20th Century Fox film critics, and Ronald's own daydreams, additional public relations actions.

A few hours later, the business jet landed at the business jet airport in New York, and Ronald and his party waited in the waiting room.

As Christmas is approaching, there are a lot of business passengers, and one of their convoys is blocked on the road. The first car picked up Harrison Ford, the biggest name, and Melanie Griffith, who was a bit overwhelmed by the long-distance flight and began to experience withdrawal symptoms.

Ronald and Sigourney Weaver both had permanent addresses in New York, and they were the last to wait for the bus.

"I heard that 'Gorilla in the Mist' you starred in also received a lot of praise?" Ronald liked Sigourney Weaver's acting skills very much.

Her performance is restrained and layered. Whether it's a villain in a rom-com or an eccentric professor in a biopic like Gorilla, she's convincing.

in particular

"Gorilla in the Mist" tells the story of Dian Fossey who studies gorillas in the virgin forest of Africa. This kind of movie, which basically does not have any dramatic conflicts, has actually reached nearly 25 million US dollars at the local box office, thanks to Weaver's performance.

"A lot of critics were upset that I played Dian Fossey and softened her weirdness, ha, what kind of movies do they know. Critics love to find fault."

"I'd say you're right, but they still love our movies."

"Of course, women's rights, professional women, Cinderella strikes, whether it's career or love, they can't say anything bad." Sigourney Weaver winked at Ronald, and this movie occupies a lot The moral high ground, and a commercial film with great performances, are just within the reach of film critics, and they will have to praise them desperately.

Ronald laughed. In any case, Sigourney Weaver has a wide range of acting skills, whether it is science fiction, action movies, nerve comedies, dramas, or even romantic comedies.

He is such a versatile actor, but the audience is not impressed. They often look familiar, but unlike the stars who specialize in one profession, they can go to the cinema to buy tickets to support them.

There are gains and losses. It is very difficult to have both careers as a star and an actor.

"Hi, are you Sigourney Weaver?" The two were chatting, and two or three female elites who seemed to be executives came over to say hello.

"Yes, I am..." Sigourney Weaver greeted them. The passengers at the business jet airport are not like ordinary movie fans. They communicate with the actors more from an equal perspective. After all, they themselves They are also the elite of Wall Street.

"Did you know? We all watched the movie in Los Angeles yesterday, and we all support you as Catherine, cheering for you..." Unexpectedly, several female executives said something that Ronald did not expect Come.

"Tess is a secretary. She stole your career, stole your man, and most unbearable, she also stole your clothes!"

"And your shoes!"

"Uh...women really have a different focus?" Ronald didn't know what to say, he swore that neither he nor the screenwriter Kevin Wade thought about that.

... The premiere in New York is not far behind the stars in Los Angeles. Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal, previously done

"When Harry Met Sally" made up two Christmas snow scenes, and it happened to come to support Ronald.

"Oh, there are so many reporters here today..." Meg Ryan also appeared in professional women's attire with a red scarf on the stage.

"Of course, the three female roles in this movie are all very good... Many people have already discussed who is more suitable to be nominated..." Billy Crystal also looked enviously at Harrison Ford.

Speaking of being limited by the type of movie, he is similar to Ford. Billy Crystal has always played neurotic comedy, and he really wanted to broaden his play.

The successful transformation of Harrison Ford this time has given him great expectations.

"I wish I could be like Melanie Griffith..." Meg Ryan was actually even more envious.

The competition for actresses has always been much fiercer than that of male actors. All actresses who can stand at the top of pay and awards rely on the extraordinary performance of a movie to get on the leading platform.

The two leading actors in the new film are full of hope, looking forward to next year

When "When Harry Met Sally" is released, it will be

"Working Girl" also received good reviews, giving her career a booster.

"Hi, Ronald..." Ronald was greeting the two female stars who came to the premiere together.

Dressed in a very elite style, yes

"Top Gun" star Kelly McGillis, next to the little bird is Jodie Foster.

They starred

"Robbery of Pear Blossoms" has just been released for a month, and the reviews have been mixed. Especially at the beginning of the film, the protagonist Sarah played by Jodie Foster, being taken turns in a bar... made many well-informed film critics feel uncomfortable.

Because of their appearance in the film, the two became very close in life, and Jodie Foster even moved into McGillis' house.

jodie foster passed

"Robbery of Pear Blossoms" has basically disappointed Hollywood. She thought about giving up acting. She had high hopes for this movie, and she played a particularly controversial role.

The role of Sarah is actually adapted from the real victim of the case. She is not like other film and television works adapted from similar cases, which portray the female victim as a complete violated object.

Sara actually has her problems. Jodie Foster, in a way, is actually a slut.

She offered to flirt with a suspect in a bar. Later, the suspect became violent and refused when he wanted to punish her in public.

In fact, this kind of role is not very sympathetic to those audiences in many conservative areas in the central and southern regions.

Judy made a breakthrough performance, but she was still attacked to a certain extent, she saw

Tess in "Working Girl" is also a controversial heroine, but she is unanimously sought after by film critics, and her heart is actually about to smoke with jealousy.

It happened that McGillis heard rumors that Ronald was suspected of having some kind of disease, so he called to inquire about the situation.

Only then did Jodie Foster know that her girlfriend McGillis had a history with Ronald before. Therefore, Jodie Foster kept encouraging McGillis to participate in the New York premiere.

It happened that McGillis also wanted to repair the relationship with Ronald, so the two took the initiative to come to support the premiere.

"You're recovering well now, I'm very happy." McGillis touched Ronald's arm lightly with his hand.

"Yeah, the flu this time is really serious." Ronald was a little suspicious of McGillis' suspicion in his heart.

But facing the cameras of the photographers, he still smiled. The more stars come, the more you help yourself.

"Where is your after-screening party?" Seeing the opportunity, Jodie Foster immediately asked about key arrangements.

"I don't know, it was arranged by my PR consultant, Michael Ronald called Michael Gray,

"Make sure both ladies go to the after-screening party, okay? Good friends..."

"Of course, this is our VIP ticket, the hottest Liz in Manhattan..." Michael Gray was very familiar with this kind of occasion, so he took it naturally.

Ronald watched half of the movie, and the audience's reaction was arguably even more enthusiastic than in Los Angeles.

The overall vibe in Los Angeles is relaxed, even laid-back. The workplace atmosphere in New York has many similarities with those described in the movie.

Especially in the financial industry, the fierce competition is not fully reflected in the movie. If it is really filmed according to the real situation, it will be much uglier.

The east and west coasts are important ticket warehouses, and both have won the praise of the audience. This is Ronald's happiest.

"Ronald, the score is out." Richard came over and said in Ronald's ear.

"We went out and said Ronald got up and went quietly down the aisle with Richard.

"What score? Is there an A?" In fact, Ronald has never been very worried about the audience's evaluation. His movies have always pleased the audience.

"A-" Richard handed Ronald the details of the score he just got.

"Oh, A- is also hard to come by... After all, it's romantic love..." Ronald was a little disappointed that he didn't get an A, and he had to pretend that I was already satisfied.

Otherwise, one would not be a qualified Hollywood person - only one who is full of lies can make Hollywood like a fish in water.

"Hmm..." Ronald frowned, and the audience's evaluation was not very high. Many people thought that Tess's role was not good enough, and she also did some things that did not conform to professional ethics. The tube idea is similar.

"Where is this audience?" Ronald asked Richard.

"Here..." Richard turned to the appendix at the back and pointed it out to Ronald.

"Hmm...so that's how it is", Ronald saw several small and medium-sized cities randomly sampled, the three sampling points were all in the central region and the deep south, and the audience evaluations of the two small cities near Chicago and Dallas occupied the main part. negative opinion.

It was another sampling point in New Jersey, and the positives far outweighed the negatives.

"It seems that the word-of-mouth of this movie is not good enough outside the big cities on the coast." However, the main media that have influence on Hollywood audiences are both New York and Los Angeles. Ronald is not very worried.

"Huh, huh, huh..." After the film was shown, the audience applauded for a long time. The audience in New York is going crazy. They love this movie so much that it's like shooting a story around them.

Many people felt that the applause was not warm enough, and they all started stamping their feet.

"It's rare to see an audience in New York go crazy for a movie," Jodie Foster whispered to McGillis.

"Yeah, Ronald...he can always make such amazing movies." McGillis is also very convinced. New York is the world's most picky audience for movies. If they can be so satisfied, it is conceivable that the movie must Another box office hit.

"Where's Ronald?" Jodie Foster and McGillis were about to turn to the party when they suddenly found that Ronald had disappeared.

"He's also going to Staten Island, for the premiere there," explains Michael Gray, who is in charge of public relations.

"Staten Island?" The two women looked at each other. In such a rural place, there is also a premiere?

"Yes, this story is the story of Tess of Staten Island, so we also had a..." Gray has explained to many people,

"Ronald will come later..."

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