Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 176 I want to go to night school

By this time, Ronald was at the first movie premiere ever held on Staten Island at a newly opened movie theater in the town of Tottville on the southern tip of Staten Island.

The ferry and traffic were heavy and Ronald had come by helicopter and he didn't want to miss this opportunity.

Although Staten Island belongs to the administrative division of New York, it is a place where cultural transmission is extremely backward.

Not to mention that it is far away from Manhattan across the river, and even some normal small towns can't keep up. Maybe next to such an international metropolis, there will be one or two

The "Desert", all the great talent, was sucked out by neighboring Manhattan. The movie theaters in Staten Island are not even as good as those in New Jersey.

Always a year or two behind New York, or even the rest of the country. Only the second round of screenings can catch up.

Played in the original old movie theater on Staten Island, all still

"Top Gun," and

The copy of "Dirty Dancing" has been screened many times, and it was only when it was riddled with holes that it was time to go to Staten Island.

However, the manufacture of leg warmers and film equipment brought by Ronald made the town of Tottville in the south of the island gradually prosperous.

Both population and income have grown enormously. Some food chains, such as McDonald's, have also opened chain stores here.

New Walmart stores are also opening. These businesses are all opened in the new Tottville shopping center built by Douglas Jr.'s family.

Large areas of the service industry have gradually increased because of these high-income employees. Standard in shopping centers is a state-of-the-art multiplex.

Douglas Jr. contributed part of the money, plus part of the investment from Ronald himself, and the New Jersey fortune

Thomas Stephenson, Jr., the young owner of the Hollywood Cinemas, had put in his management, and a new multiplex had opened in the shopping center in Tottville.

Trisha Kate, the partner of Ronald's leg warmer business, is already a mother of a child. She managed the remaining leg warmer business very well. The store in Manhattan has also become a lot of dancers. Those who come to the pilgrimage must go to the place.

Teresa Kate is the representative of the secretary hired for the Staten Island premiere. Everyone here knows her. She used to be a secretary on Wall Street and commutes by ferry every day.

Now facing many Wall Street secretaries who came to watch the premiere, she was extremely excited.

After stammering out his feelings, Ronald came on stage and hugged her. To the female secretaries who are rushing here after get off work, announce the start of the movie.

After the opening scene, Tess took the ferry to work, wearing sneakers, and only changed this detail when she arrived at the company, which aroused a strong resonance among the female secretaries who work in Manhattan and live on Staten Island.

There is rarely a movie in Hollywood that is made for them. For Hitchcock, who especially likes to shoot secretaries, the secretaries in his movies are all vases as playmates of the male protagonist.

In such a story where the secretary is the protagonist, like Cinderella, facing the sister brought by the stepmother, turning over, they almost rushed to kiss Ronald a few times to express their gratitude.

They shed tears for what happened to Tess. Is there any secretary who has not been bullied by the boss? In particular, the plot where Tess is used as a free servant by her boss, Catherine, resonated greatly with them.

Afterwards, Tess' thoughts were taken over by Catherine, and she became a little person to be played with. For a while, there were low-pitched sobs in the movie theater.

When Tess pretended to be the manager of the company, together with Jack played by Harrison Ford, she met the big boss of the merger and acquisition company astutely, and persuaded him to accept their plan, the secretaries were so proud that they almost jumped up.

Finally, in the elevator of the World Trade Center, Tess used her creative source to convince the big boss and reversed Catherine's success. She won a big victory, and the audience began to applaud.

From the beginning, there were only a few people, and then everyone applauded. This is the applause they gave themselves. Although most of them still have to go back to be bullied by their bosses after the festival, it is really good to have such a movie and take them to have a sweet dream.

At the end of the movie, Tess is hired by the big boss and unexpectedly learns that she is the manager, not the secretary, in the new office.

The true ending after the false ending, singing three sighs, made the audience experience a climax-trough-climax reversal, and the secretaries were pinched so that they could no longer sit steadily in their chairs.

Like Joan Cusack's Sheen in the movie, they all stood up and cheered Tess as she broke through the glass ceiling.

"This is the charm of movies. The first day you entered the film industry, I was looking forward to this day..." Ronald and his aunt, Donna, watched this scene together.

My aunt was very excited, and she was very moved by Ronald being able to make such a movie.

For a long time, Ronald's movies have been commercial first, and there are many ice cream shots. Aunt Karen is reluctant to blame her nephew, but she doesn't praise her too much.

Today's scene made her truly feel the overwhelming influence of a film director.

"I don't know, they will love this movie so much..." Ronald looked at the crowd raising their hands, following Carly Simon's

The secretary audience who danced to "Let the Great River Flow" was also very excited. Making a movie infects the audience, and the satisfaction it brings to the director is really intoxicating.

Maybe all the troubles and unsatisfactory things can no longer be obstacles because of this moment.

"What night school did Tess attend? I think her courses are very good. I don't know much about mergers and acquisitions. Tess has never been to college like us. It seems that the night school really taught her a lot. thing."

"I feel like it's night school in Manhattan. You see, she only goes back to Staten Island for her birthday party after class."

"Well...you remember wrongly, it was a lecture. There are many lectures shared by the industry in Manhattan, many of which are free. But her night school should be on Staten Island, and only the night school here can cost as cheap as one The secretary can also afford it..." After the subtitles ended, the secretaries were still reluctant to leave the auditorium where they could realize their dreams on the screen, and inquired about the night school courses one after another.

"Hi everyone, I'm from Daydream Company. Please go to the door. There is a 20% discount coupon for evening classes at Stanton Community College. With today's ticket stubs, we have another chance to draw a lottery. There is one lucky winner You can take one year of business courses for free." A staff member stood up and announced the good news.

When the secretaries heard that there was such a good thing, they began to walk out the door quickly. Killing two birds with one stone, and the secretaries who rushed over after working overtime were waiting to watch the second scene.

"Oh my god, they like this movie so much?" Donna was also very surprised. In her opinion after mit graduation, those secretaries were not talented enough and could only do some simple clerical work.

Surprisingly, they were inspired by the movie, and they all decided to go to business night school like Tess in addition to their daily work and family.

Unless there is Tess's firm will to stand out, it is not easy to persevere.

Ronald, who was on leave from university, understood them very well. These people have a different perception of movies than the Wall Street executives Sigourney Weaver met at the airport.

They simply rely on the courage brought to them by the movie, and feel that their struggle will definitely have a good result, whether it is career or love...

"Ronald, the helicopter is here..." Richard came to urge, the celebration party in Manhattan had already started, and many people called to urge.

Ronald walked quickly to the helicopter, the hatch closed, and he jumped up forcefully, flying towards the Ritz Club in lower Manhattan.

"Where is Ronald? I want to congratulate him..." In the Ritz Club, there is an ice skating rink, enough champagne for a water fight, and the best hot dogs are served, but in the twentieth century Fox president Barry Diller couldn't find director Ronald.

"My dear, don't be so loud. Ronald's family is in Staten Island, New York. I heard from their people that he will be back soon." Mrs. Barry Diller, to the husband who spoke loudly advise.

"I just can't wait to congratulate him, a masterpiece!" Barry Diller's nose turned red after drinking.

It is not easy to obtain such an audience evaluation in New York. New York is also the center of national media, and the influence of film critics is also great.

Barry Diller has already begun to imagine the situation of being on the cover of magazines after the success of Fox's several big investments this year.

"Are you the screenwriter of the movie?" Next to her was veteran actress Shirley Maclean. She bumped into Kevin Wade, who was wearing a badge, and congratulated him loudly: "You know what happened in the theater?"

"It seems the audience likes it."

"They like it? That's a pretty high rating, you know, the New York audience, the toughest audience in the world. It's Melanie Griffith, Tess, it's amazing. .”

"I...I really..." Kevin Wade was surrounded by big figures for the first time, saying his kind words, and for a moment he didn't know how to respond.

"I like this movie very much..." Shirley McLean continued, and was suddenly attracted by a commotion at the door.

It turned out that it was Ronald who walked in.

"I'm very happy, I still have a script here, if you are interested...uh..." Kevin Wade was halfway through, Shirley Maclean was gone, and she and a group of stars flocked to Entrance, talk to Ronald.

"Good boy, this movie is really exciting." Although everyone wanted to talk to Ronald. But one of Fox's bosses, Barry Diller, was here, and everyone was waiting for him to come first.

"Thank you, Mr. Diller, congratulations on our success!" Ronald shook his hand tightly. He has also cooperated with Fox a lot, such as the sequel to Die Hard... and the movie

"Working Girl", he also wants to try his best to win Fox's award public relations resources.

"Not to mention, New York's performance speaks for itself." Barry Diller's seat is actually not the most concerned about the movie's box office.

He oversees Fox's film and television division, and the success or failure of a film at the box office has little effect on him.

However, the film, film and television linkage strategy he leads is very concerned about this kind of film with deep potential in various awards.

Barry Diller's strategy is very simple to put it bluntly. Use TV stars like Bruce Willis to act in movies, and then put

A movie like "Working Girl" that has the potential to become a phenomenon has been adapted into a TV series. The Australian tycoon didn't buy Fox Group for charity.

This way of relaying each other and forming a joint force will save Fox a lot of marketing costs. Ronald chatted with him for a while, and the two quickly reached a consensus that both sides of this film need to work together to win the major awards.

"Ronald, Ronald..." Jodie Foster finally squeezed in from the crowd of female stars, holding Kelly McGillis with one hand and Ronald with the other, whispering in his ear whisper,

"Where are you going? We'll go with you..."

"I'll go home later, you and Kelly have fun, here is Mr. Diller's arrangement." Ronald also responded in her ear, the sound of the scene was very loud.

"To your house?" Jodie Foster's eyes lit up, isn't this another step forward?

"Actually, I'm a little tired. I have to take a rest. You know the schedule is very tight these days..." Ronald politely declined Judy's kindness, and Kelly McGillis was actually a little embarrassed.

On the one hand, she joined the female stars who consulted on the test results, and her agent was very frustrated when she got the exact news of the test results.

Most of the good foundations laid in the past have been lost. On the other hand, she is the one who lives with Judy, and now Judy is courting Ronald in front of her, and she has to pull herself in, it's just...

"Oh, well... But you have a new role, you must find me, I like working with you very much..." Jodie Foster is small and exquisite, but has a very good figure.

She kept rubbing against Ronald. After graduating from university, it was not smooth to return to the film industry. What does a big director who can make popular female stars mean to her? No need for her agent to mention, this Yale graduate also clear.

"Of course, if there is a suitable role, I will contact you..." Ronald looked at her sad eyes, swallowed the manager's words without saying anything,

"And you, Kelly, if you have any good scripts, you can recommend them to me...even if you want to be a producer..." Anyway, Kelly McGillis' slot is still relatively high, if she wants to If so, daydream is also a bargain.

"I'm glad you said that," McGillis cheered. It's not impossible to mend the relationship and go to his house...

"I really have to go, and I have to go to Washington DC tomorrow..." Ronald smiled, indicating that he had no other intentions.

"I'll come to you tomorrow morning and go to DC. This is the guest list for the premiere." Richard sent Ronald to the apartment, and he still had various tasks to deal with.

"Go to bed early too..." Ronald was really tired, and the impact of the flu on his body had not been completely eliminated.

"Tomorrow morning, I will bring the box office statistics."

"The box office for the weekend was $6.3 million..." Richard came the next morning with the latest box office statistics.

"It's not seven million..." Ronald looked up, and the figure was much less than he expected... Even the one released last week

"Rain Man," with Arnold Schwarzenegger, starring Danny DeVito

"Brother Dragon and Mouse Brother have not surpassed.

"Isn't it an a-? How could this be?" Ronald said to himself and took the box office details.

"Except for New York and Los Angeles, the attendance rate in other places is not ideal." Richard carefully worded,

"It will take time for the word-of-mouth of the two major influence centers to spread to the whole country through the media."

"Hmm..." Ronald looked at the box office figures in the central region. The average box office in many places is only more than 2,000 US dollars per game.

It's okay, maybe Richard is right, this movie just has a short board in the level of appreciation required by the audience.

Many secretaries, mergers and acquisitions, and Wall Street matters need to be understood slowly by outsiders. and

"Rain Man" and

"Dragon Brothers and Mouse Brothers" has no such threshold for understanding. Let them go for a while, wait

The word-of-mouth of "Working Girl" is slowly fermenting, coupled with the news of the award, it will definitely be a long-running movie.

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