Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 177 TV Show Version Working Girl

"This movie reminds me of the filming of "Mother and Daughter Love". That movie was also disliked by many people, but after it was filmed, Shirley McLean and Deborah Winger, who played the mother and daughter, were nominated for Oscars. "

"Oh, you're really flattering. Shirley Maclean won the Oscar for Best Actress in that movie." Ronald still remembered her confident acceptance speech.

"It's not impossible..." On the way to Washington, D.C. with Ronald, Barry Diller, the small boss of 20th Century Fox and mainly in charge of management and development, kept praising Ronald.

"The most important thing is to have a director who can transform the script into something that can move the audience..." President Goldberg answered the question. He didn't expect that the little boss Diller valued Ronald so much that he not only dispatched a business jet for Ronald to use, but also personally accompanied him to attend the premiere in the capital.

"Ha..." Barry Diller looked over, Goldberg's flattery was a bit too much.

"Hi..." Goldberg also smiled. He thought again. It was very rare for Diller to speak to a director in this manner. Does this mean he has plans for Ronald?

Goldberg thought for a long time, and the last thing he could think of was that Barry Diller took a fancy to Ronald's talent and wanted to bring him to Fox. That's how he supported Disney's Eisner back then.

If that's the case, do I have to follow him? I need to increase my cooperation with Ronald!

Several people got off the plane, and then took a bus to a restaurant in Georgetown, where they had a simple lunch. After that, Barry Diller sent Goldberg to deal with the media, and he and Ronald boarded a simple van and set off for the Kennedy Center, where the premiere was held.

Goldberg understood that he had been abandoned, which either indicated that the people they were going to meet were of high status and that he had not yet had the strength to enter that circle. Either show that what they are talking about happens to be about themselves.

Goldberg, who was fighting for a higher position, couldn't help worrying about his gains and losses. He was not in the mood when he was interviewed by ***, and he stuttered when answering questions.

"Goldberg has a good sense for film and TV scripts. But I have to think about more problems, you understand, Ronald."

As expected, Barry Diller came prepared, and Twentieth Century Television began to join the merger and acquisition army, acquiring other small independent television stations in the same state. However, the federal law still has many restrictions on some TVs operating across the state, and everyone has pinned their hopes on the commander-in-chief.

Therefore, Ronald's new film had the future first lady attending the premiere, so he put off other things and rushed over to get to know each other first.

"Barbara is a very assertive lady..." Ronald understood Diller's meaning, but just missed a little bit. It's fine if he doesn't get involved in this kind of thing.

Of course, it was enough for Barry Diller to have a chance. He would not be a hindrance when he heard what Ronald meant, and he was satisfied with a formal introduction.

"Working Girl's box office in the big cities on the east and west coasts is good, but in the vast middle ground, small and medium-sized cities with a small population, the attendance rate of a single hall is quite different. I see that there are movies similar to our situation in previous years, such as The Last Generation The Emperor, after being nominated for an Oscar, and finally winning, was able to draw a large, small-town audience into the theater for the second time.”

Ronald talked about his movie.

"You have a word from me, Ronald, all of 20th Century Fox's public relations resources this year, except for the male performance awards, will be inclined to this working girl. This is our best opportunity this year."

Barry Diller understood and immediately committed. In addition to "Working Girl" this year, Fox's other film that has been well received by critics is "Growing Up" starring Tom Hanks and Diane Lane. Anyway, it happens that the awards of the two do not conflict. As for other movies, there is no extra investment.


"Ronald, come here, ah...you look a little more handsome." Barbara greeted Ronald very warmly. This time, she is giving the staff in the capital a little bit of blessing in advance.


In addition to the free premiere, Capitol Hill and the White House secretaries can see Harrison Ford, and the entire D.C. is saying good things about Barbara.

In particular, the current first lady, Nancy, although she was born in Hollywood, did not give the people below any chance to meet big stars.

"Let me introduce you. This is Mr. Diller, my publisher, the owner of Twentieth Century Fox."

"Ha, I remember you, the last time John Travolta came to the White House to dance with Princess Diana, were you the one who accompanied him?" Barbara is different from Nancy, she still looks at these stars from an ordinary From a human point of view, it is impressive.

"Madame has a really good memory. If you want, I think Hollywood stars are also willing to participate in such White House activities." Barry Diller is very capable of climbing smoothly.

"Oh, ha ha ha..." Barbara liked the atmosphere of this conversation, and she chatted with Diller Ronald for a few words. Of course, the current White House is still ruled by Nancy, and there is no need for her to provoke her at this time, so she will not attend the speech at the premiere, but sit in the back and watch the movie with Ronald.


"You know? I don't like this Tess very much. After all, she is a secretary, and what Catherine does is very common." After watching the premiere, Barbara and Ronald chatted about the content of his movie.

"It's very interesting. Yesterday and today, Sigourney Weaver and I met many people who held this view at the airport, and some people came here specifically to support the role of Catherine."

Seeing Barbara nodding in agreement, Ronald continued, "Contrary to what many people think, we do not have a strong tendency to make movies, but just present the story to the audience.

From the perspective of the story itself, Tess' behavior was also punished as it should be. If she hadn't met the big boss of the merger and acquisition company at the elevator entrance, she would have been kicked out of the house waiting for her and could never find a job in New York. "

"You're right. When I saw it, I thought she was about to fail. She was bullied by various bosses before, and it was quite pitiful. At that time, I hoped that she could turn defeat into victory." Barbara had complicated feelings, The role of secretary made it hard for her not to think of Fitzgerald. And Tess was called around by Catherine as a servant, which reminded her of being bullied by Nancy.

"Movies always want to give the audience a bright ending. Let me tell you a little secret, if the audience is not satisfied in the end, we will definitely lose money when we make a movie."

"Ah, hahaha..." Barbara laughed out loud at Ronald.

"I'm going to see the ratings of other viewers..." Ronald got up and apologized, and went to the feedback investigator at the exit outside. Barry Diller just right in front of him, and Barbara chatted up.

"The audience here has a lower evaluation of the movie than in New York..."

PR manager Michael Gray flipped through some questionnaires and came to a conclusion.

There are plenty of secretaries in Washington, D.C., but in politics, their worth is not determined by performance. Therefore, these secretaries did not have as much sympathy and recognition for Tess as the secretaries in Manhattan.

In their eyes, Tess is just a movie character to look at. She defeated her opponent, got a promotion and a salary increase, and finally got the favor of a handsome guy like Harrison Ford. Of course, she was very happy to watch. But why should I have ambitions like hers? Sorry, in Washington, D.C., doing a good job doesn't mean you're not a good fit here.

"Harrison, Harrison..." With the effort to work hard on your own, it's better to be happy chasing big stars.

"Hello, hello", Harrison Ford still looks cool. His strategy of being friendly to fans but not communicating has been implemented for many years.

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In addition to what they think is real, audiences in other places may view it as a fairy tale.

Tess is "Cinderella", Catherine is the sister brought by her stepmother, and the last pumpkin carriage and witch represent the clothes Tess stole and the night school training she received. As soon as Catherine returns, everything about her will return to its original form.

"It seems that we have to step up some public relations efforts for film reviews and awards..."

Ronald discussed with public relations consultant Michael Gray whether to increase the budget, hoping that Working Girl will have the good luck of the last emperor, and usher in the second peak of the box office after the Oscars.

"I propose that we can properly consider the Golden Globe Awards." Michael Gray said a proposal that surprised Ronald.

"Although you choose the Oscars and buy the Golden Globes," Gray explained his thoughts, "but the audience doesn't know that the Golden Globes are voted by less than 100 members of the Foreign Press Association. In their view, the Golden Globes It is the only film award broadcast on television besides the Oscars..."

The more Ronald listened, the more he felt that it made sense. People in the industry can look down on the Golden Globes. But the audience doesn't know it? The only award ceremony broadcast live on TV means that in the eyes of those viewers, the Golden Globe Awards are the second most influential!

And what's interesting is that the Golden Globes also have a lot of awards for TV shows. It is also second only to the Emmy Awards in the TV industry awards.

"Ronald, have you considered TV dramas?" Goldberg found the opportunity and leaned forward to tell Ronald.

He was in a state of anxiety today, Barry Diller seemed to be closer to Ronald than he expected. He wouldn't want to poach him to be the president in charge of production, would he?

Anyway, it's always good to show kindness to Ronald. Even if he is really chosen to come to Fox to make a film, it will not have much influence on Goldberg. Anyway, he has already saved enough points, so he doesn't have to worry about retiring.

On the contrary, if Ronald stood with him, then Goldberg's chances of taking over as CEO would be much greater.

"But I'm participating in the Golden Globe Awards for movies?" Of course, Ronald thanked Goldberg for his olive branch, but what kind of operation is it for a movie to participate in a TV award?

"No, no, I mean, have you ever thought about adapting Working Girl into a TV series and broadcasting it on our 20th Century Television Network?"

"TV series?" Ronald hadn't tried it yet. Apart from introducing the new version of "Dare to Fight" which was filmed in Australia, I have never been in touch with the production process of TV dramas.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the box office blockbuster has been adapted into a TV series, and I have experienced it twice. One time was "Famous Around the World", those few unknown actors stayed on and continued to act in the TV series, and they became somewhat famous.

The other was "fast-paced Richmond High," which didn't even turn out well for the pilot, and soon put Cameron Crowe in Hollywood for another while.

Therefore, this adaptation has to find a professional team to come and try it out.

"It's not something to be in a hurry, but if you have an idea, come to me anytime." Goldberg saw that the other party was interested, and felt that his goal had been achieved.

So far the most important thing is, if you continue to mention this matter urgently, I am afraid the other party will become suspicious.

"I am truly honored to have a chat with you today. I look forward to seeing you at the inauguration soon, Ms. Barbara."

Barry Diller over there also knows how to deal with these people. Barbara has a good impression of the grades, and it is most important for her to maintain this good impression until the next meeting.

The legal reform of mergers and acquisitions of TV stations did not happen overnight. Let Barbara feel happy every time she sees her now, then the "little thing" of deregulation may be achieved quietly.

"How do the screenwriters of TV dramas do it? It's impossible for one person to complete a season of more than ten episodes, right?" When Ronald returned to New York, he summoned David Simkins who was in charge of the script, and the producer who was in charge. Michelle Cannold, discuss this matter.

Both agree that if this

If the class girl can succeed, then Ronald has accumulated projects over the years. For example, Longwei Boy, Night of the Comet, Hairspray, Ecstasy Master, can these all be adapted?

"Can we still try Dirty Dancing? If we succeed?" Kannold thought about all the movies, only the copyright of Dirty Dancing is a daydream, and it is very convenient to change the TV series.

"I'm afraid not. All the stories in this movie have been told. If we change the TV series and don't make a sequel, how many people will watch the story again?" Simkins denied from the perspective of the script.

"Don't think about Dirty Dancing, Simkins is right, there is no room for plot development in the future." Ronald directly vetoed it. In fact, he wasn't worried that the plot wouldn't change, but...

Anyway, the "Dirty Dancing" video is still bringing him a steady stream of income every quarter, why want to make a TV series to distract him? Don't talk about TV series, Ronald doesn't even want to make serial episodes.

However, Ronald is still not sure about the TV series, he has not written it himself. The highlights of two daydreams, one started as a screenwriter, and the other started as a low-cost exploitation film in the video tape market, and neither of them has changed much for TV dramas. Even if you want to shoddy, I'm afraid it's not enough.

"Forget it, you guys keep thinking and come up with a plan. When I go to Los Angeles to publicize the Golden Globes this time, I'll ask Cameron Crowe by the way."

Coincidentally, the filming of "Deep Love" in British Columbia, Canada has been completed, and Crowe is back to prepare for post-editing.

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