Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 213 Acquisition Master

Latest website: Kenzo Tsujimoto, the boss of Capcom Co., Ltd., was worried about dealing with the lawsuit. Ronald's invitation to acquire shares reached his office desk via telegram.

"It's a difficult choice..." Tsujimoto Kenzo fell into deep thought.

In Japan, Nintendo is a giant in the gaming industry. If any game can enter their NES platform and sell well, it can achieve huge financial success. However, expensive platform fees and distribution constraints have made these manufacturers who develop games specifically for Nintendo fall into a trap from which they cannot extricate themselves.

Capcom is famous for developing arcade games, and has also developed best-selling series such as "Mega Man" for Nintendo's Famicom. But Tsujimoto has never made up his mind whether to work for Nintendo wholeheartedly.

Capcom is following the high-quality route, and it is not their style to follow the trend and make shoddy products. However, this also makes the investment in development very high and the cycle long. A failure will cause serious damage to the company.

This was also the original intention of Kenzo Tsujimoto to develop the "Street Fighting" game. He deliberately asked the development team to refer to Hollywood action movies, and almost named "Streets of Fire" directly. This movie set off a movie-watching craze in Japan a few years ago and deeply influenced the creation of comics, movies, and games. The "Double Dragon" developed by rival Technōs was also created with this background story, which made him very jealous.

Sure enough, the development team lived up to expectations and copied it even more thoroughly than Double Dragon. Even the costumes of the protagonist, the story settings, and the skills of the villains were all "borrowed" from that movie.

Sadly, these developers loved this movie so much that they plagiarized it so thoroughly that they even copied the leading actor's name "Cody" intact. resulting in a lawsuit from Ronald Sandh, the copyright holder of the film.

Capcom is currently developing three large-scale games, and it has just acquired another game company, Mitsumi Co., Ltd., and it was sued just when it was out of cash. Its business in Japan is okay, but its North American branch That's under the American legal system...

Although he spoke calmly to his employees, Kenzo Tsujimoto was still very worried. Because America's arcade market accounts for a large proportion of Capcom's revenue. If there is a sales ban due to the case, Capcom will face a huge crisis.

This matter spread quickly in the Japanese industry. Nintendo took the opportunity to make an invitation, allowing Capcom to fully integrate into Nintendo's system, and let Nintendo be responsible for the release of America. They had a rare and brilliant victory over the Americans in America.

"In this way, they directly proposed to acquire shares without any introduction. Americans are really too direct... How should their sincerity be measured?" Kenzo Tsujimoto decided to rely on himself, but the American director's investment was nothing but honey. Or poison? Let’s ask our friends from the Ministry of Finance.

"It's better to ask Sony, who is organizing mergers and acquisitions in America, about this matter. He is the company that knows the most about the United States in Japan. By the way, remember not to let the idiots from the International Economics Section of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry know about it. ”

The political secretary of Minister Tamura of the Ministry of Finance pointed the way to Tsujimoto. Let him ask Americans what they really mean.

Although economic exchanges between Japan and the United States are very developed, the cultures of the two countries are still very different. In Japan, investing in a company requires an introduction by an important person known to both parties. Only after repeated introductions can the substantive content be discussed.

The straightforward style of the Americans made Tsujimoto hope to find a strong ally in America to protect the North American market, but he was also afraid that they would have any additional ideas for his company.

Through Minister Tamura's nephew, he contacted Norio Ohga, the president of Sony, and asked him, who was in America, to help investigate.

"Tsujimoto-san, please rest assured. Ronald-san is a good friend of mine. I don't think he has any ill intentions and is just a normal investment. But you have gone too far. If this matter is achieved, you and the developer will The team must come together to Ronald Sang to bow and apologize..."

"Hai, Hai, please."

Kenzo Tsujimoto was busy bowing in front of the phone. Japanese companies are basically divided into two groups.

One faction is a wealthy family that emerged from the traditional colonial and industrial era that existed before the war, and has a close relationship with the local Ministry of International Trade and Industry. They adopt a closed attitude towards the domestic market and use banks to vertically control many industries. Most of the politicians they support are disciples of Nobusuke Kishi.

The other group is the emerging manufacturing industries that emerged after the war, represented by Panasonic and Sony. Their main markets are in America and Europe. They hope for free trade and oppose trade barriers. Most of the politicians they support are from the Ministry of Finance, with Shigeru Yoshida as the leader. Spiritual leader.

Capcom is a small company, but it is a rare company that focuses on the international market. They didn't want to be fully controlled by industrialists like Nintendo, and finally took an important step.

"Ronald-san, long time no see." Sony's president Norio Ohga found Ronald in New York and asked him to meet at Avery Fisher Concert Hall to listen to the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra's performance of Straw Waltz.

"Dahe Sang, a friend really came from afar today...I feel very happy." Ronald shook hands with him, and the two bowed to each other and sat down.

The two first chatted about tonight's conductor, the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, and the legendary Karajan of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. Dahe is his good friend and invited Karajan to visit Japan last month.

The eighty-year-old man still conducts like a lion, but he has become more amiable and no longer conducts symphonies with his eyes closed.

Norio Ohga was very excited. After chatting with Karajan after the concert, he invited Ronald to have dinner at the Ikoku restaurant.

"Such a classic is really a wonderful enjoyment for human beings." Dahe was full of praise for the performance piece Blue Danube.

"It is simply a crime that such a masterpiece is not seen by more people." Ronald also shook his head. He would only appreciate these simple pieces of classical music. "Next time, I will help the radio broadcast this kind of concert live. ".

Ronald was still thinking about how to use news events like this to create buzz after acquiring the radio station.

"DG Records is going to release a Karajan collection. I'll give you a set next time." Norio Ohga took a sip of red wine and said, "Ronald-san, why did Capcom's Kenzo Tsujimoto offend you?"

"Did this matter reach Dahe Sang's ears?" Ronald smiled and talked about the whole matter. The main reason for his attack was that the film property rights of his good friend Diane Lane were infringed.

In addition, the other party relied on the difference in laws between the two countries and resisted very resolutely, so they were angry and wanted to pursue the matter to the end.

"Now I have taken a step back. I only want them to hold a small amount of shares so that their games can sell well and Diane's rights can be protected. It's fair, right? Instead of paying a lawyer's high fees, it's better to spend the money." On buying shares. I just want my friends’ interests not to be infringed. The image of that game character is too obvious..."

"So you don't want to acquire Capcom as a whole? Tsujimoto begged me on the phone..." Ohga asked with a smile.

"Why should I acquire them? I don't know how to run a game company? They don't pay copyright fees, so I will buy shares and use the dividends to pay for the copyright fees." Ronald also laughed.

"Hahaha, that's really cheap for Kenzo Tsujimoto." Dahe laughed.

"Although I am not a professional investor, I also understand that the most important thing for an investment company is to have a professional management team that is stable." In front of the president of a large company like Dahe, Ronald couldn't help but want to show off. .

"For what some people don't know, Mr. Buffy invested heavily in Coca-Cola. I also bought the shares at about the same time as him. At that time, I even alerted the president of Coca-Cola, thinking that I was also one of Buffy's co-actors."

"I didn't expect Ronald Sang to be so proficient in corporate mergers and acquisitions. He is really capable of everything. No wonder he can make a movie like Working Girl that reflects business operations so realistically. I really admire it..." Da He listened. He was also stunned for a moment when he saw Ronald's bragging. To be able to think of Buffy together is not the luck that amateurs can encounter.

"Put me through that bastard Tsujimoto's phone..." Da He immediately asked his secretary to make an international long distance call. "Tsujimoto, Ronald-san is here with me. Please apologize quickly!"

"Hai, Ronald-san, I'm extremely sorry..." Kenzo Tsujimoto heard Secretary Oga's introduction on the other end of the phone, and jumped out of bed with excitement. As expected of Sony, he also has connections in America. So broad.

"Haha, Mr. Tsujimoto Kenzo, we are strangers to each other. Don't worry, I am just a shareholder to support you. I will help you get the copyright for any Hollywood movies you need to adapt in the future. There will be no distribution in America in the future. question.

In fact, you can also think about it the other way around, if your game becomes famous, we can also remake it into a movie..."

"Tsujimoto, you kid, why don't you thank Ronald-san for your magnanimity." Dahe lectured the other party again on the phone. With the help of Ronald, who is familiar with the North American market, their international position will be stable.

"Ha Yi, Ha Yi, thank you Ronald Sang. I will immediately take the Street Fighting project team and fly to New York to apologize to you and Dian Sang face to face!"

The two briefly discussed the conditions for Ronald's investment, which basically meant using his status as a small shareholder in exchange for a solid market and legal adaptation rights in America. Both parties felt that rather than giving the lawyer a chance to make their own money, it would be better for the two of them to work together to expand the business.

"Speaking of which, Hollywood movies are still the source of creativity that leads the world's cultural industry..." Norio Ohga sighed while watching this scene. Japan's current manufacturing industry is unparalleled in the world, but in terms of soft power in marketing and culture, it is still far behind. America has distance. Otherwise, Sony would not have spent huge sums of money to acquire Colombia and stabilize the foundation of the manufacturing industry.

"Speaking of which, how is the acquisition of Dahe Sang going? I haven't thanked you in person for the care I received from Columbia and Samsung." Ronald has gotten into a big trouble like this, but he is still very grateful to Dahe. .

The business culture in Japan is very different from that in America. The size of the company and the status of the entrepreneur can also play a role in business operations. In America, a society where freedom is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, entrepreneurs are all individuals with full personalities, and there is no such thing as respect for their predecessors. In other words, the biggest ultimate goal is to defeat your idol in competition.

"It doesn't hurt to talk to Ronald San. We have contacted enough small shareholders in Colombia. We can propose to convene the board of directors and shareholders' meeting just after the transaction is completed..."

"Huh? Aren't you proposing an acquisition in the open market?" Ronald felt strange when he heard the method adopted by the other party.

"We consulted a very senior person in Hollywood, and among the plans he gave me, this price was the lowest. He has deep connections in Hollywood, and through his matchmaking, we felt the professionalism of professionals in your country. "Norio Ohga is a little proud. He has a deep understanding of Western business culture. As long as the money is spent in the right place, there are many Jews who can lead Japanese enterprises.

"I'm afraid that this senior person only looked at this acquisition from a business perspective and did not look at this acquisition from a higher position." Ronald was happy, drank another drink, and commented on the other party's acquisition in front of Dahe.

"How do you say this?" Norio Ohga asked humbly. These Americans like others to respect their opinions.

"I also said last time that Hollywood is the American dream of many American people. It is the place where their hopes rest. It is the Holy Grail in many people's lives. It just so happens that your country has done a lot to open up the domestic market during the trade conflict. limit……"

"It shouldn't matter. We are the corporate representatives of Japan Goodwill America. Besides, the senior person has repeatedly assured us that there will be no problem with public opinion. This is just a business operation." Dahe heard different opinions, He hesitated.

"Hahaha, you can't be a Jew who is saying this, right? Their grasp of public opinion has always been bad..." When Ronald heard this statement, he couldn't help but suspect that the Jews were deliberately trying to trick Sony.

"Huh?" Dahe's suspicion increased, "No, we have always attached great importance to the American market, and we have also done a lot of work in advertising and public relations..."

"But in the eyes of ordinary American people, you will always be Japanese. Have you seen the recent Die Hard? The CEO of the Japanese company in it is a very good person, friendly to his subordinates, and respects women, but... Such a good man who was innocently beaten to death by kidnappers, when the character died, there were still many viewers cheering..."

Well, Ronald's brows furrowed when he saw Da He. He was mostly sober from the wine, and he was wondering if I said too much.

"Of course, this is just my casual comment. Dahe Sang is the great entrepreneur who leads multinational companies."

"No, what you said makes sense..." Norio Ohga was convinced by the audience in the cinema who cheered that Japanese entrepreneurs were beaten to death.

"Ronald San is not only an expert in film supervision, he is also an expert in corporate investments and acquisitions. I should listen to your opinions more. Today is a very instructive day for me."

"Huh?" Ronald felt a little embarrassed to see that such a big entrepreneur as Dahe respected him. I said this casually.

"If you need more confirmation, you can go to Cinema. They are very good at doing random surveys, and their box office predictions are very accurate every time. You can ask them to do a survey for you on the image of Japanese companies among the public. .”

"Cinema?" Dahe asked his secretary to take a piece of paper and write it down, "In what aspect will the problem Ronald Sang mentioned appear?"

"I think it's just that some people in the political world want to use this to gain votes from certain groups. You can pay more attention to the Communications Regulatory Commission. In addition, a friend of mine happens to be the best lawyer in Hollywood..." Ronald said Mickey Kanter was also introduced to Dahe. His case against Capcom was over, and it would be even if he introduced him to a major customer.

"Thank you. I won't say any words of thanks now. I will keep Ronald-san's thoughts in mind." Dahe tore off the paper and put it in his pocket, "Ronald-san, I have one more thing to take the liberty of saying. Request, do you have any connections here, can you help us contact the senior political officials?"

After all, Sony is a foreigner. If he can have communication channels with the ministers of the Ministry of Finance like in Japan, he will be much more confident in getting things done. He also heard some rumors in America. Ronald and the commander seemed to have a personal relationship.

"This? Our American legal system is fair to everyone..." Ronald thought to himself, we really don't play this trick.

"Wait a minute..." Ronald suddenly remembered Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia. We also played this trick, but I didn't know much about the level I was at.

"A friend of mine who grew up happens to be in the political circles on the East Coast. He has a somewhat false reputation. If you have any questions, you can consult him..." As he spoke, Ronald carried little Douglas out.

"He can have barbecue and drink beer with the commander's eldest son..."

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