Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 214 Ronald is a true friend

Norio Ohga is very anxious. He has actually begun negotiations to acquire the shares held by small shareholders. Ronald's point of view is not unreasonable. In any country, foreigners have to go through the people's test to acquire a great company that is the common memory of the people.

From a legal perspective, there is nothing wrong with Sony's original plan. But if the public's dislike of Japanese people is so serious, even if it is acquired, there will be serious opposition. When Toyota entered Detroit, it aroused workers' opposition and resulted in the tragedy of Chinese American Chen Guoren being beaten to death as a Japanese.

The audience in Colombia is hundreds or thousands of times that of Chevrolet workers. If something happens, the acquisition is likely to be seized by some government department and then dragged on for a long time.

Dahe quickly found Douglas Jr., and Douglas immediately contacted George Jr. and arranged a box room for the two of them at a symphony performance in Washington, DC. The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra’s trip to America ends here.

Little George was not very interested in the symphony. He chatted with Norio Ohga about the barbecue and beer in Texas, as well as the tap dance and cancan dance there. His wife, Laura, kept reminding him not to be rude.

Strangely enough, Norio Ohga praised George as a good-natured person, and he liked to deal with such people.

"You know Ronald and have such a good relationship. In fact, you should come to me earlier. In the White House, Congress, and Senate, many people are ready to make moves. After all, taking a tough stance against Japan is a very good way to please voters. s method."

Little George seemed very happy to be praised by Dahe, and he mentioned a few key points of the deal.

Sony's acquisition of Columbia involves Columbia's television network and movie theaters, so the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in charge is bound to have a say. The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), which is responsible for the acquisition of domestic enterprises by foreign capital, is legally responsible for reviewing every major acquisition transaction.

In particular, CFIUS, a review committee established in 1975, was originally designed to monitor and investigate the impact of foreign direct investment in U.S. companies on national security. It has no review power over ordinary acquisitions.

But in 1988, the House and Senate passed the Exon-Florio Amendment, which greatly expanded the power of CFIUS. This allows them to investigate and block foreign investments that they suspect may pose a threat to U.S. national security.

In other words, if this committee wants to, then they can put their nose into every acquisition transaction of foreign companies, regardless of size, regardless of industry.

Any newly established or newly expanded agency will naturally look for victims. Australia’s Qintex Group’s previous motion to acquire MGM happened to escape the hands of CFIUS after its expanded powers, and now Sony is the last one to do so. The right person.

Secretly waiting for Sony to complete negotiations with small shareholders, and then jump out to conduct national security inspections. In proposing this amendment, Donkey Party Senator Ackerson from Nebraska and New Jersey Representative Florio are the real hunters quietly lurking in the corner.

Of course, little George didn't know these details. He just remembered his mother Barbara's instructions and wanted to fight for the interests of his family.

"I heard Ronald Sands say that Mr. George is a very outstanding director of a fund that invests in Hollywood. We at Sony really hope to get the help of such a talent." Norio Ohga understood what he had to pay in order to get the key Guidance.

"Little George does have an extraordinary vision for investing in movies, and Da He Sang really has a keen eye for identifying talents," little Douglas added.

George Jr. had previously obtained a screen fund and achieved good returns from Disney. Now a big boss like Sony has personally promised that if a new fund is established on Wall Street to invest in Hollywood movies, Sony will have priority investment rights and will receive priority dividends in good projects.

This kind of exchange does not violate any laws, and the excess returns obtained can also be said to be obtained because of George's leadership and connections. This kind of thing will only get everyone's praise and envy in America, and it is completely legal.

"Hahaha...", little George was very happy. He learned and applied the principles explained by his mother Barbara very well. Thanks to true friends like Ronald, after his father entered the White House, he was the only one who still paid so much attention to him and had reliable benefits for him.

"Do you know who is the pivot in the White House, the hub of interaction between the White House and Congress?"

"Which one is it?"

"That's the White House Chief of Staff, Mr. John H. Sununu." After little George got what he wanted, he revealed the person Barbara told him about.

The director with a strange name is the son of an Arab father and a Latino mother, and he himself was born in Cuba. He is also the first White House chief of staff of Arab descent in American history.

This position is not too high, but the power is very important. If CFIUS wants to make irresponsible remarks on Sony's acquisition of Columbia Pictures, it must go through the cooperation of the general manager. After all, the standard of what constitutes a threat to national security is too subjective. Without the endorsement of the White House, it is likely to fall into endless delays in Congress.

Little George accompanied Norio Ohga to visit one of Mr. Sununu's secretaries. The candidate recommended by the commander-in-chief must be reliable. So everyone saves the process of testing each other.

As a meeting gift, Dahe first offered a private jet at Sony America Branch for the director to use for his vacation. After learning that Mr. Sununu likes to collect stamps, he thoughtfully reminded him that at the Christie's auction in New York, there will be mysterious collectors selling a few precious stamps that are ignored by ordinary collectors, and there is a possibility of missing them.

"Please, Ronald-san..." After Norio Ohga returned to New York, he made an appointment with Ronald alone. Little George leaked the secret. He didn't know that the so-called Little Douglas was Ronald's agent. Is he the best friend who lent his precious network to Sony for use at critical moments?

Just like George Jr. said, Sununu's secretary can quickly reveal the arrangements of the anti-Sony acquisition camp. Ronald's introduction also allowed George to let go of his guard and cooperate with them with confidence.

How much precious time and trial and error does this save? Dahe's voice was already trembling slightly when he thought of this.

"We will never forget Ronald Sang's kindness to us. I feel very honored to have such a good friend as Ronald Sang..." Dahe bowed deeply to Ronald.

"You're welcome, you're welcome. If there is anything I can do to help, please feel free to tell me." Ronald also bowed. It seems that this trip to Washington was fruitful.

"This taught us a profound lesson. The cultures of Japan and America are very different. Although we have tried our best to integrate, there are still many places that need the guidance of real experts. I was also confused for a while and was confused by some Hollywood experts. I was deceived by the propaganda and thought that the boss of the agency was the person closest to the Hollywood order.

But I didn't see the real key to the matter, and I actually learned a lesson this time. There is still trouble for Ronald Sang next, please continue to help us and show us the way. We will never forget this kindness. "

"Easy to say, easy to say..." Ronald didn't quite understand what important favor he had done to Dahe, so he had to say haha.

Afterwards, Norio Ohga flew to Los Angeles, directed the acquisition team, quietly changed his tune, and proactively contacted two important members of the Congressional CFIUS Committee, Exxon and Florio, saying that he had no ambitions and would acquire the company at a premium from the open market. stock.

The two stalwarts on the committee, who were bent on making achievements, originally wanted to take advantage of Sony's critical time to complete the acquisition to attack. This time, under the arrangement of the White House Chief of Staff, I met Sony, which took the initiative to cooperate. I was a little disappointed and lost the opportunity.

On the one hand, they submitted a review report to the commander-in-chief to see what his attitude was. On the other hand, through his wife and mother, he also increased his holdings of Columbia Pictures and TriStar Pictures stocks.

Likewise, this behavior is entirely due to the unique vision of their family members as amateur investment experts. Senators and representatives enjoy many investigations, including immunity from investigations by the Securities Regulatory Commission. As long as this kind of thing is not done too ugly, everyone has a tacit understanding.

The two houses on Fifth Avenue are currently undergoing security renovations under the command of bodyguard Daniel. The public housing apartment at the junction of the Bronx and the Upper East Side has been raided several times by the NYPD under pressure from the public.

In this area with the highest housing prices in New York, such a cancer has appeared. Owners who are heartbroken about paying property taxes have come to the city councilors and city hall officials to express their dissatisfaction. It happened that Rudy took a fancy to this opportunity and launched a joint operation to clean up the areas where thugs gathered. In one fell swoop, he uncovered several major black and Latino criminal gangs and arrested hundreds of thugs.

Now that the threat has been lifted, Ronald and Helen are ready to move back after the renovation is completed. Today, the two happened to come to Helen's apartment to see how the designer decorated the interior.

"This is the script I'm talking about..." Helen Slater brought the script over and showed it to Ronald. She does not pursue expensiveness in these decorations and decorations, but cares about her own style.

Ronald spent all the money to decorate and renovate furniture and appliances. The living room is filled with furniture that looks restrained but is actually made of famous designers and expensive wood, which suits Helen's personality very well. Only the Yamaha piano given by Ronald was a cheap entry-level product.

However, this is a token that bears witness to the relationship between the two of them, and it perfectly complements each other when placed here. Helen played the piano and sang, while Ronald read the script.

This script was called "Happy Together", but it made Ronald frown. The script tells the story of a conservative white boy from the suburbs of Chicago and a party girl who grew up in Manhattan, New York, who were mistakenly assigned to be roommates in a dormitory by a computer system in college.

One of them is a liberal arts major and the other is a science major; one is a bookworm and the other is a social butterfly; two extreme personalities, but they attract each other. Finally, when they graduated, the two had a falling out because of their fear of the future. Finally, on the rooftop, the two reconciled and continued the story of working hard together in the magical city of New York.

This story looks good at first glance. It takes the high school romantic comedy filmed by John Hughes and Ronald two years ago and moved it to the university, and then constructed some more mature relationships between men and women.

But here’s the problem, the number of college students is far less than that of high school students. The potential box office markets of the two are vastly different. After all, college students can watch high school comedies because they've been there, and many college students haven't had any experience with relationships (like the nerd type).

When high school students look at college life, it is difficult for them to imagine things they have not experienced. Moreover, this script makes the college exams very scary, and you will fail at every turn. Not many high school students are willing to watch it.

"What, don't you like it?" Helen asked Ronald.

"Ah, no, I'm just worried..."

"What are you worried about?" When it comes to performances, Helen has a strong opinion.

"Worried..." Ronald wanted to talk to her about this problem.

"Are you worried about me filming a love scene with the leading actor?" Helen came over and hugged Ronald, and a familiar scent of perfume rushed into Ronald's nose.

"It's not that... I'm just worried..."

"Don't worry, screenwriter Craig J. Neves is a rising star in Chicago theater circles. He is a blockbuster there and many theater critics consider him a genius..."

Ronald shook his head inwardly. This script might be suitable for a stage play because it was limited to a scene in the dormitory, making it easier to perform. But for the movie, he wasn't strong enough.

However, Helen likes this movie so much that if someone is willing to distribute it, then the compensation will not be much.

"How about you ask Kathryn Bigelow to direct it like you did last time? I think this script will be more effective in the hands of a female director..." Helen Slater's idea is quite interesting.

"That's good." Ronald thought that was also good. It's always a good thing for a female director to film a scene about her girlfriend. "But Bigelow has Cameron to help him with new projects. I'll go and ask." A promising female director, Nora Ephron, the screenwriter of my last film.”

"Well, honey, you are so good to me..." Helen didn't realize that Ronald was trying to reduce the time she spent with the male director. Nora Ephron's "When Harry Met Sally" was previewed She also watched it at that time and was very moved. With such a person directing her, wouldn't her acting skills explode?

"Ring ring ring ring..." The phone rang, interrupting the two people who were hugging each other tightly and kissing each other.

"Hello?" Ronald was so excited that he picked up the receiver and wanted to scold him before hanging up and telling him not to call.

"Ronald, the President of the United States of America, wants to speak to you." Richard's voice on the phone showed a strange feeling. He seemed to be suppressing his excitement.

"Oh..." Ronald quickly put Helen down from the air he was holding and let her sit half on the desk.

"Datong leads the students", Ronald's body stood straight.

"Ah..." Helen, who still hugged Ronald and refused to let go, was also very nervous when she heard Ronald's name. Her legs didn't know whether to continue walking around Ronald or to find a place quickly. good.

"Ronald, I have something to ask you." Old George's tone of voice was different from before, and he was straightforward.

"Please tell me, Datong will lead the students."

"What do Japanese people mean? Will they come to snatch our right to speak and our proud cultural traditions? Our freedom... XX... XX..." Old George learned about his son's involvement. In other aspects, Ronald helped him handle it perfectly. Only with his identity as a Japanese company, he was not very sure whether this behavior would cause public reaction and thus affect his own support.

"If you ask me what I think, I think Sony is doing it as a business to sell their video recorders. I don't see any plan they have to promote Japan's culture and compete with us for the right to speak in culture. ." Ronald felt a lot more relaxed when he heard this.

"Can you guarantee it, Ronald? I need solid guarantees, not analysis. There are enough crappy analysts in the White House." Old George had an idea, if Ronald could serve as president of Sony Columbia after the merger That's good, this company will still be under the traditional management of America in the future. It just so happens that there are too many Jews in Hollywood and the media industry.

"I can't guarantee that Datong will lead the students."

"If you can't guarantee it, just let little George participate?" The leader's power is growing day by day.

"Sir T\u0026T, if I can tell you what I think, why it is absolutely impossible for Sony to promote their Japanese values ​​culture."

"you can say."

"That's right. I met with several entrepreneurs in Japan this time. There are actually two types of them. One type is the conservative and stubborn MITI faction who hold on to the outdated ideas of closing the market and monopolizing the Japanese economy... …The other type is the Tibetan sect who actively embraces the international market and the values ​​of the allies led by America…”

"Well, go on."

"Sony's domestic business only accounts for a small part of their overall revenue. Their largest markets are America and free Europe...so they will not struggle with money.

Such companies have no hope of growing if they do not cater to American values. And we can also use this opportunity to use their money to promote American values ​​​​around the world..."

"Very good knowledge, Ronald, you impress me with admiration." Old George thought of the Japanese prime ministers he had dealt with, and those who were born in the Ministry of International Trade and Industry all had crooked melons and cracked dates, which made him uncomfortable. On the contrary, people from Tibet are very humble and even have a lighter English accent.

"Barbara still told me about you. I haven't seen her for a long time..."

"Ah, I will go to Washington to visit her..."

"That's it..." The commander hung up the phone.

"Is he really the commander-in-chief of America?" Helen's eyes sparkled, and she looked at her lover with tenderness and affection. He was really a good man.

"It's nothing, he asked me for advice..."

"Oh..." Helen was made weak by this way of speaking, her face suddenly turned red, and she hugged Ronald tightly, "I like you so much, Ronnie."


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