Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 227 I am willing

"Gentlemen, I'm sorry we're late..."

Diane and Ronald finally arrived at the law firm in Chelsea. The lawyer teams of both sides were still arguing about the various clauses in the prenuptial agreement just now, when suddenly the two masters appeared and stopped to look at them.

"Diane, congratulations..."

Still Diane's agent, Paula Wagner, as a woman, was naturally sensitive to discover the large sparkling diamond ring on her ring finger.

"Thank you, I feel so happy...hehe", Diane happily showed her hand to Paula. This is a 10-carat brilliant-cut top diamond, set in a white gold ring, which emits a breathtaking glow under the light. Dazzling light.

"Hey..." Diane's lawyer Robert Cohen's eyes lit up. Such an engagement ring might cost more than 100,000 US dollars. At that time, another item could be added to the property list in the agreement.

"Haven't you talked about it yet? Ronnie and I have decided to keep the wedding on a smaller scale and only invite some relatives and friends. Before the media finds out, we can do it quickly." Diane came over and talked politely with the two lawyers. Please, they hurry up and get the deal done. That would allow the two to get married at the chapel on Staten Island over the weekend.

"Miss Lian En, you can delay the time of the wedding. I think that as well-known Hollywood stars and directors, your wedding must be grand..." Robert Cohen quickly persuaded, if you sign the agreement hastily, then How is his value reflected? Many times prenuptial agreements are made because the wealthy party can't stand the delay and ends up agreeing to many terms that would never have worked out.

"No, I've already made a decision. What's not settled? Just follow what Lawyer Ronnie thinks."

Diane quickly interrupted, she didn't want her wedding to be surrounded by gossip magazines, and then a lot of ugly photos were taken. I also don't want to sell the right to report the wedding to a certain media like some celebrities do.

She wanted the wedding to be intimate and evocative, surrounded by friends and family rather than journalists, to marry her beloved Ronnie.

Most importantly, be affordable. According to American tradition, the father of the bride is responsible for the wedding expenses. Old Burt didn't have much money, and he couldn't afford a grand wedding. In order for everyone to find their place in the customs, the wedding should be small, and Ronnie agreed with this arrangement.

Diane quickly flipped through the terms, and Ronnie gave himself a lot of extra assets, which was much more relaxed than what he proposed. What's not to like about this? "Just do it like this, quickly draft it, and I will sign it."

Robert Cohen had no choice but to throw up his hands and surrender. The various extra benefits and traps he had planned to fight for were completely ruined by this female star who was so dazzled by love.

"Haha, congratulations, Miss Lane. Marriage is a happy thing. Just leave these small things to our lawyers. You should focus on the wedding, which is the most important thing for girls..." Ronald Jaffe, a lawyer, was very happy. From the perspective of his client, the expensive ring was not wronged, and he solved the problem of asset division hundreds of times in one fell swoop.


"Congratulations, Ronnie..." Aunt Karen interrupted her scheduled round-the-world trip and returned home to attend Ronald's wedding. As soon as she got off the plane, she couldn't wait to come to find Ronald and see him get married with her own eyes. This was an idea she had many years ago.

"Auntie, I'm very happy too. The wedding will be held in a Quaker church, and Diane's father Burt will be here today..."

"Okay..." My aunt chirped and asked a lot of details, for fear of forgetting something. But everything was taken care of by Ronald's agent team. Nothing to worry about.

Diane's father, Burt Sr., saved enough money to make his daughter's wedding a splendid one. On the one hand, Ronald did not throw a big banquet. On the other hand, Ronald helped and cooperated with too many people, all of whom were actors. We stretched out our hands to deal with a lot of things. In this way, both Diane's parents were satisfied, and Bert didn't need to spend much money.

Diane's bridesmaids included Donna, and her best friend, Laura Dern, who made girl rock movies with her. Ronald's best man here is Tom Cruise and Cameron who came here specially.

These few are now in pairs, and the partners can form a bridesmaid and best man group of four.

Ang lee, who was filming the MV, brought the filming team to be a wedding videographer for Ronald. Carly Simon and the Manhattan St. Thomas Boys' Choir, who do his backing vocals, happened to be guest wedding singers and choir.


"Congratulations, Ronald, that's what marriage is all about, enjoy it, and let us take care of the rest." Cameron and Catherine Bigelow got off the plane and rushed to Staten Island. experience.

"Thank you, I didn't expect..." Ronald laughed, and Cameron was very experienced.

"Where's Diane?" Bigelow asked Ronald.

"It was said we weren't supposed to see each other until the wedding, she was with Nicole and Laura (Dunne), with my cousin Donna."

Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman have arrived, and they're also glued right now. Cruise also brought his own delicious custom cake for the wedding.

"Okay, I'll go find her..." Bigelow was also recruited as a member of the bridesmaids, and he went to the house where the bride lived-not to mention the mansion of the Douglas family.

"Ronald..." Little Douglas ran over sweating profusely, and chatted with the popular star Cruise. He was kicked out of his house by Donna, so he had to come and spend the night with Ronald's best men.

"Hey, I heard you're a landlord? Tell me, is there any good striptease on Staten Island? It's the day of Ronald's bachelor party." Laura Dern's boyfriend, Kyle MacLachlan Come and put your arms around little Douglas and make fun of it.

He and Laura Dern met while filming David Lynch's Blue Velvet, and now Lynch has turned to TV and invited him to be the leading actor in the TV series "Twin Peaks".

"You will be satisfied. Amy is a well-known dancer on our island. I invited her to my father's bachelor party before his wedding." Douglas laughed.

"Hahaha..." Kyle MacLachlan almost laughed out loud, how old is this?

The dancer Amy is already a mother of three children, and her figure has long been out of shape, but her dance is quite good. Several celebrities and directors were molested by her in turn, and they asked for several autographs for their children.

Staten Island is not as luxurious as Manhattan. Ronald took the four best men to the big house where Coppola filmed "The Godfather". Doug arranged for people to clean everything up and get ready to welcome them.

Several of them were fans of "The Godfather". As soon as they entered the door, they recognized the decorations and furniture specially restored by Ronald, and immediately started archaeological research. It happened that the godfather played by Marlon Brando was in the study where he was sitting at the beginning of the film, and there was a videotape of the godfather on the TV.

Several people immediately began to compare one by one, "It's really restored..." Cruise and Kyle MacLachlan gave Ronald a thumbs up for this deal. Isn't this collection much more tasteful than those stars living in Beverly Hills?

What collects comics, collects sports cars, collects famous paintings, most collects motorcycles, airplanes and so on. You come to ask what Ronald collects? People collect classic shooting scenes of movies.

"Actually, these places where classic movies were shot are rarely preserved in such a good way. We should have more places like this, even as the godfather's museum." Cameron has already taken out his camera and started shooting.

"Have fun, I'm going to pick up some guests." Ronald asked them to explore the house more, and he tried his best to restore 100% of the props and furniture inside.

"Anyone else coming?" Cruise asked.

"It's a mysterious guest..."

The last batch of guests who arrived were the creators of the movie "Streets of Rage" in which Ronald and Diane found love for each other.

Director Walter Hill has discussed with producer Joel Silver a sequel to his hit "48 Hours". This time, Joel Silver brought him to meet Ronald to see if he had a chance to get investment while Ronald was happy.

Silver himself has just arrived from the set of the Die Hard sequel, and he still has something to discuss with Ronald.

In addition to the two of them, there is also Jim Steinman, the music director of the year, who has now found a male singer Meat Loaf who can fully interpret his songs, and is preparing a new album.

After several female singers who voiced Diane in the movie came down, they all went to sit in the Dongying van prepared by Ronald.

The last one came down was the team sent by Giorgio Armani, the clothing director of "Streets of Rage". A set of elegant and simple, hand-stitched wedding dresses were randomly shipped from the Armani custom shop in Los Angeles, and there was also a tailor team who could make adjustments at random. They got into another car and went to the Douglas house to try on Diane's wedding dress.


"When, when, when..."

Early the next morning the bells of the Quaker church rang. Many residents looked at the church from afar, waving to Ronald for the jobs and prosperity he brought them.

"Are you the bridegroom?" A little boy, wearing a tuxedo, sneaked out of the church and asked Ronald by his clothes.

"Yes, what's your name? Where's your family?" Ronald looked at the boy with big eyes and a very clever look.

"My name is Macaulay, and my father is in the St. Thomas Boys' Choir. Today we are going to sing harmony at the wedding... By the way, do you have anything to eat? My father said let me find something to eat by myself."

"Haha, come with me..." Ronald took the boy's hand and entered the church with a group of groomsmen.

The priest is preparing for the liturgy, followed by the choir, brought in by Carly Simon, in choir clothes.

"Dad," Macaulay called to a man above, and he covered his pocket tightly. Inside was the small cake that Cruise gave him.

"Oh, Macaulay... where did you go to make trouble again?" The man hurried down and said to Ronald, "My name is Kit, Kit Culkin. Today Macaulay's mother is going to take care of his mother." Brother and sister, I will bring him here."

Kit was a choir reunion, and the couple, with seven children together, lived on a tight budget in a small Manhattan apartment. Only Macaulay has outstanding acting talent, so he brought him here, hoping to meet Hollywood stars and seek some opportunities.

"Thank you, I hope Macaulay has found his favorite food." Ronald shook hands with him, and then hurried to stand in front of him.

Quaker churches are relatively simple, with ordinary tables and chairs inside. On the window facing Ronald, inlaid is the piece of Tiffany stained glass donated by his great-grandfather's mother in his name.

"Dangdangdangdang..." The music sounded, and the choir sang a beautiful harmony. The guests all stood up and looked back at the gate of the church.

The two doors opened, and Diane was wearing a high-quality handmade white wedding dress with a lace veil, led by his father Burt, and walked forward step by step.

Although the church is simple, its design is very skillful. The morning sun shone through the gate, and the dark silhouette was tinged with gold, and the bride's veil was inlaid with a golden outline from behind.

"Welcome everyone to today's wedding. We are here today to witness the wedding of two newcomers, Ronald Lee and Diane Lane.

Marriage is sacred, a covenant of love between two people. It is a commitment to live together, share joys and sorrows, and face difficulties together.

Ronald and Diane, you are here today, standing in front of your friends and family, and pledging to love each other, respect each other, and be true to each other in rich and poor, in health and in sickness, in good times and bad.

I now ask you to stand facing each other and hold each other's hands. do you have a ring "

Ronald quickly stretched out his hand to the back, and Tom Cruise took out the gold ring from his pocket and handed it to Ronald.

Ronald gently took Diane's hand, and gently put on her a wedding ring that was very plain and unpretentious compared to the engagement ring, and put it on for Diane.

Diane also took the gold ring handed over by Laura Dunn and put it on Ronald. The two just held hands and smiled at each other.

"Ronald, are you willing to marry Diane, love her, respect her, and be loyal to her, rich or poor, in health or in sickness, in good times or bad, forever?"

"I do"

"Diane, are you willing to marry Ronald as your wife, love him, respect him, and be loyal to him, no matter rich or poor, no matter health or disease, no matter good times or bad times, forever?"

"I would."

"Glad to hear your answers. Now, I declare you legally married. You may kiss the bride."

After the priest finished his oath, Ronald couldn't wait to pull Diane over, put his arms around her waist, and kissed her deeply.

A beam of sunlight passed through the stained glass and turned into colorful colors, covering the bodies of the newlyweds.


"Today is my good friend Ronald's wedding, with whom I worked as an assistant at Roger Corman's film company. We were making a rock movie for high school kids, and he was into rock girls back then... "

On the lawn outside the church, a buffet is being served. Cameron was giving a speech as best man.

"At that time, we were all full of dreams, expecting to have the opportunity to direct movies in the future. Then, not long after, Ronald got his first directing opportunity, and then he got out of hand, and you all know the rest.

But his other dream, liking rock girls, never came true until today, I wish my good friend Ronald a happy wedding. "

Immediately afterwards, the band brought by Jim Steinman began to play the theme song of "Streets of Rage", "Tonight is the meaning of youth".

Laurie Sargent and Holly Sherwood, the two rock singers who sang the song as Diane's stand-in, took up the microphone and sang.

"But I don't see any angels in this city

I don't hear any holy choir singing

if i don't get an angel

i can still get a boy

boy would be second best

The next best thing to Angel”

Ronald and Diane waved to everyone, and they walked towards the specially airlifted Ferrari sports car.

This time it was Ronald driving, Diane was sitting in the co-pilot, the accelerator pedal roared, and the Ferrari slid out of the road inside the church lightly.

"I had a dream about a boy in a castle

he dances like a cat on the stairs

His eyes sparkle like a prince

There are thunderous drums in my ears

i have a dream about a boy going to the stars

He's all alone out there dreaming of someone like me

I'm not an angel but at least I'm a girl..."

The cameraman commanded by Ang Lee aimed at Ronald and Diane's car. In the camera, the Ferrari slowly drove towards the door. Behind the car were two large characters written in white spray paint: "Just married!"


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