Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 228 The Good Business Ronald Brings

"Good morning, Hubby!"

"Good morning, Wifey!"

Newlyweds Ronald and Diane, never seem to get tired of calling each other husband and wife nicknames.

Ronald found that most of his dreams about getting married back then were right. It is a wonderful experience to have a beautiful wife and spend a new day with myself every day.

"I made you breakfast, come and eat, would you like orange juice or coffee?" Diane took the initiative to work as a housewife after her marriage. Her parents divorced since she was a child. She also looks forward to it very much. Field practice is a kind of happiness for her.

"Orange juice is just fine..." Ronald lowered his expectations, took a bite of the sandwich of bacon and smoked salmon, the flavors of cream cheese and onions matched well, exuding rich layers in his mouth, "Oh, it's really Delicious, how do you do it?"

This really exceeded Ronald's highest expectations.

"I went outside the hotel in the morning. There was a Jewish bakery, and another restaurant next to it also served soft-boiled fried eggs. I bought them all and tried them. This place is really like the lower city of Manhattan, with the taste of many small restaurants. It's all good." Diane went to prepare delicious food for Ronald early in the morning, she knew that Ronald worked hard last night...

"It's really delicious, your vision is really the best..." Ronald and Diane departed from Stanton yesterday and arrived in Washington DC by private plane. Ronald was a busy man in Hollywood, and he didn't have time to go on his honeymoon right away, so the two traveled to several places in America half-for business.

Washington, D.C. is a place where Diane is full of memories. Here she really figured out what she wanted, and then she made up her mind to marry Ronald no matter what she gave. She was so happy to be here as the first stop.

Ronald lived in the big house where "The Reborn Pretty Man" was filmed at that time. This is the most upscale community in DC, with a beautiful environment and good law and order, surrounded by centuries-old stone buildings, and even the restaurants that open are selected slowly over decades, and they are indeed delicious.

"Where are we going later?" Diane put her arm around Ronald and listened to the lovely Hubby's arrangement.

"What's the biggest attraction in Washington, D.C.?" Ronald asked.

"Is it the Monument to the Fallen Soldiers?" Diane recalled that experience again.

"It's the White House, idiot..." Ronald scratched Diane's nose with a smile.


"Happy Newlyweds, Ronald." Little George and his wife Laura welcomed the Ronalds outside the East Wing of the White House. This is the passage for the commander's personal friends to visit him and his family, without going through the cumbersome security check in the west wing.

"Thank you, Diane and I are very sorry that you can't come to the wedding." Ronald hugged them one by one, and little George gave Diane a hand kiss in a funny way.

"As the commander's family, it's too troublesome to be watched by reporters every move." Little George waved his hand. Shares, provoked a group of journalists who claim to be righteous and partial to the donkey party, clamoring behind his ass to investigate the issue of insider trading, which made it difficult for him to go out now. "

"Is the commander-in-chief still busy recently?" Ronald asked. At the beginning of his tenure, the old George quickly visited several countries and often appeared on TV news.

"He's going to Congress today to give a speech calling for the Central American Cooperation Act to support the guerrillas in Nicaragua. He's also going to speak to the press advocating the Whistleblower Act and his granddaughter hasn't seen him for days .”

George and his wife lived in Texas, and they didn't live in the White House at first, but recently they needed the help of their father for a big business. They have been living in the White House for a week. Discuss this. Barbara was already angry, but the commander-in-chief was so busy with international affairs that he really didn't have the time to sell this small face for his son.

In the guest area of ​​the White House, Ronald enjoyed a lunch prepared by the White House's professional chef team. The taste was not the best, but it was passable. But in the end, the waiter brought a bill for Little George to sign. These private banquets are all charged.

Diane accompanied Laura to see her two twin daughters. They were eight years old and still had a good time in the White House, but they didn't play the role of acting like a baby to their grandfather that their parents wanted them to play.

"So, what are you talking about on the phone?" Ronald asked Little George while drinking coffee.

"Do you know the Texas Rangers?"

"slightly heard"

The Texas Rangers that George Jr. is talking about are a team in the MLB Major League Baseball. His boss, Eddie Chiles, recently wanted to sell the team. He happened to be informed by William DeWitt, George Jr.'s college classmate.

After Little George understood the situation, he immediately understood that this was his best chance to realize financial freedom. The asset value of this kind of baseball team has a lot to do with their performance, and the commercial value of the Rangers is supported by the population of Texas, so it has to be placed in the hands of talents who can manage it, and it will definitely double in a few years.

Roland Bates, the owner of the Screen Fund where George Jr. serves as a director, is interested in joining a professional team. George Jr. was responsible for calling key people and persuading some committees in Texas to allow out-of-state capital to enter the team. Roland Bates could take him to play and give him 2% of the shares.

But the problem lies in the 2% of the shares, which require George Jr. to pay for it himself. The participation of the son of the Grand Commander in this kind of "good business" that is sure to make money will definitely attract the magnifying glass of journalists who are generally supporters of the Donkey Party.

Roland Bates invested about 76 million yuan to acquire 86% of the shares. According to the consideration, George Jr. would have to pay about 700,000 yuan in cash, which he could not personally afford.

In order to make enough money, Little George thought of many ways, first borrowing from the bank, but their house is not worth so much money. Then I wanted to withdraw the shares from the Screen Fund, which caused controversy again, and the money was not enough, and there was still a gap of about 500,000.

He discussed with Laura that the last solution is to liquidate the failed investment in Texas, Harken Petroleum Company. In this way, enough money can be collected, let alone the huge loss caused by this investment to their family.

Even so, Barbara warned her son. According to reports from professionals in the White House, Harken will still suffer huge losses, George Jr. will liquidate and quit, and he may be targeted by reporters again as insider trading. Family members of politicians like the Party suffer a lot in front of the news media.

Ronald really wanted to lend the money to George Jr. in exchange for popularity. But again, the problem of the source of this kind of funds will be put under the magnifying glass when the Rangers are acquired.

"So, I want to withdraw my investment in your film production company, don't get me wrong, I will invest again when I make money in this business, Hollywood is my blessed land, and you are my The best friend in Hollywood." Little George really had no choice but to move back the money from private investment, as long as he got back the principal.

"It's not mine, it's Douglas Jr....", Ronald corrected with a smile. He will not let little George get in touch with the assets under his name. In the early days of the filming of "Love Is Not For Sale", Douglas Jr. established a company in Delaware and accepted $50,000 investment from George Jr.

Delaware's new company law can refuse to disclose the names of shareholders, which is equivalent to domestic offshore companies and is the most convenient way to transfer benefits. In the past two years, the dividends paid to Little George one after another are equivalent to twice their investment.

"I'll make a call..." Ronald called Doug Jr. in the White House. "Love Is Not For Sale" has done well at the box office and has fully recouped it, and the video has done well and is slowly making a steady stream of revenue. But this company has more than one investment. Ronald’s daydream was produced at a small cost and received a lot of financing from him.

"How much do you need?" Ronald came back and asked little George.

"About 200,000 in cash is enough, and my house can be mortgaged for 300,000."

"Don't borrow money, or you will be found out again..." Ronald understands this kind of reporter's pursuit spirit very well, "Little Doug's project company is selling big on love is not for sale, and your shares will bring future videotapes to the market." Discounted for the sale proceeds, it is worth $600,000."

Little George was overjoyed, "Is it really that profitable?" He was a little hesitant.

"This is the income brought by a big-selling movie. If the time is prolonged, it will not make so much money. After all, about 70% of the current movies are losing money..."

What Ronald means is that if you make two more movies, you might lose money. You can’t get so much if you withdraw your shares at that time. Now that you withdraw your shares, the major shareholders just want to squeeze you out and will give you a discount. price. After all, production companies, unlike oil companies, have very dramatic revenue fluctuations. The reporters couldn't say anything, they could only lament George Jr.'s "luck".


"Are you tired?" Ronald was about to fly to Los Angeles after seeing his friends in Washington. Several of his current projects are in the early stage of preparation, or during the intense shooting, so he can only go to Los Angeles first, and then spend honeymoon with Diane when he has the opportunity.

Fortunately, weddings are for girls and honeymoons are for boys. Diane was very satisfied with the Staten Island wedding.

"Maybe I was too tired at the wedding, and I always want to sleep now." As soon as Diane got on the business jet, she lay down and rested, and Ronald covered her with a blanket.

"Ronald, Ronald, Diane, Diane, can you take a picture of us?"

After leaving the Los Angeles Airport, a group of entertainment reporters had already surrounded the newlyweds. They got the news from the returning best man and bridesmaid, and then learned about Ronald's flight information from his manager Richard. They surrounded the airport and waited to grab the news. news.

"Hollywood's biggest diamond boss in recent years, the fifth director, was captured by a female star!"

Ronald put on the sunglasses with a smile on his face, and put on Diane's for her, so that he would not be afraid of the flash. Then the two stood together and let the reporters take enough shots.

"Diane, why didn't you and Ronald's wedding be held in Los Angeles?" Amidst the clicking of camera shutters, a reporter asked with a microphone.

"Because Ronnie and I are both New Yorkers..." Diane laughed.

"Ronald, why didn't you invite the news media to your wedding?" All the gossip media in Los Angeles, such as the Hollywood Reporter and variety show reporters, were very dissatisfied. Hollywood star actors and big directors got married, but they didn't get a photo of the wedding.

"We want a quiet, private wedding..." Ronald replied with a smile, "And, once you've decided who you love and want to spend the rest of your life with, you want the rest of your life to be Start quickly."

"Oh..." The reporter was in an uproar, this kind of passionate love show on the spot was simply too sweet.

"Crack, click", the reporters snapped again...

"Ronald Airport showed love violently, Diane Lane reaped love..."

"Where are you going to honeymoon? Ronald?"

"We are discussing, it may be Japan, Huaguo, or Europe, maybe we will go to all these places. But we are both very busy, the honeymoon will be postponed, at this stage...", Ronald put Diane Clenched his hands, "We are only satisfied with being together every day, no matter where we are."

"Ahhh..." The female reporters were going crazy. How could such an ideal husband be snatched away by Diane.

"Hollywood's most lucrative director makes love to his newlywed actor's wife live! How many films will their marriage last?"


Since the new house in Hollywood Park has not yet been repaired, Ronald and Diane temporarily lived in the Pink Hotel near Beverly Hills and rented an independent house to live in.

Jonathan Demme, Kevin Costner, Penny Marshall and other directors all called to congratulate Ronald when they got the news because they were all busy with projects.

Ronald and Diane are well-connected here in Hollywood, and while there won't be another wedding, they'll be visiting close friends so they don't feel left out.

However, the first to visit, of course, was Ronald's leader, Roger Coleman and his wife who let him enter the industry and joined the directors' association.

Roger Coleman is very happy recently. The box office of "The Sid Sisters" is average, but after winning the Sundance Film Festival, the TV broadcast, overseas distribution, and video tape distribution are all good. His Concorde Company has made a profit. a lot.

This allowed him to invest in more projects, and he himself came back, raised some money, started directing one of his favorite low-budget sci-fi films, and fired piu piu piu's green laser gun.

Ronald and Diane came to visit, which made him feel that he didn't help the wrong person. The two had dinner and discussed for a while what new low-cost projects they could shoot.

Ronald talked about his horror, action, love and other low-cost film shooting plans, and Roger Coleman also agreed, and the two decided to cooperate this year.

Julie took Diane to visit the house, and Roger Coleman lit a cigar. Every time a student he taught successfully made a movie, or got married for the first time, it was his happiest moment.

"Ronald, I think you have recently... not you directed, but the movies you produced, and they have begun to waste..." Coleman would not deliberately say good things in front of Ronald, he saw uncomfortable There will be criticism from localities.

"Which movie are you referring to? The Reborn Handsome Man?" Ronald replied.

"Yes, this movie cost too much money. Where did the 18 million budget go? I only saw two old stars walking around in front of the camera. If I find someone new to play, As long as three hundred, not two million can be photographed."

Ronald laughed secretly. Coleman was still so straightforward. He always felt that movies should have real materials and give audiences what they want to see. There are still many children in America who cannot go to school, the poor cannot eat enough, the sick cannot see a doctor, and the veterans cannot get dignified jobs. How many people can this 18 million filming cost help?

"Roger, do you remember the cost of the first movie I made for you?" Ronald thought for a while, how to explain his thinking.

"Rock High School? It's less than two million. I earned three million just by selling it to TV stations and buying out distribution." Coleman is very confident in his ability to make money.

"It's no longer possible for theater movies to be released so cheaply. The life of movie theaters is very difficult now, and TV stations are not as willing to spend money to buy movies to broadcast as before."

"Fortunately, we have videotapes." Coleman also lamented that the old road of the year is now difficult to walk because of the demise of drive-in theaters.

"However, it is difficult for a film aimed at the video tape market to be released in theaters. If the Sid Sisters had not received good reviews from Sundance, it would have been difficult to release. Screened on the big screen, the experience of watching a movie with a group of strangers is great. It's getting more expensive."

"Hey, that's also..." Coleman knew that what Ronald was talking about was distribution costs. Today's small productions, without the blessing of big stars, have higher publicity and distribution costs than large productions.

"Can you think of any new directors in the past five years?" Ronald continued to ask.

"...", Roger Coleman thought for a long time. Except for Ronald and Cameron, there are not many new directors with some momentum in recent years, and even fewer can make money with commercial films.

"I'm worried that film directors will become an endangered species like dinosaurs, so if you have the opportunity to let new directors try their hand, it's worth losing a little money, Roger."

Use a small cost to train new directors, and use medium production to upgrade directors. This mechanism was originally realized by the assistant director turned director under the big studio system. After the 1960s, it was realized mainly by various independent films.

Now that the cost of a movie is getting higher and higher, the risk is getting bigger and bigger, and the studios are willing to give new directors fewer and fewer opportunities. The extinction of new directors is fatal to Hollywood.

"You're right, it seems that I have to give newcomers more opportunities to make low-budget films." Roger Coleman began to settle accounts again, giving opportunities to new directors himself, and then asked them to go to Ronald to try Medium-sized projects, when they become famous, I will re-release the videotapes of the movies they directed here...


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