Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 57 Submitting the script

Exploiting Hollywood 1980 Main Volume Chapter 57 Submitting the script Ronald drew the sketches, got a good idea, turned on the computer, called up the latest archive, began to revise the ending, held the two crane-shaped hands high on the two parts of his body to feint, Then use the left foot to feign fake movements, and finally use the right foot crane to kick the opponent's head, and describe it in detail.

After saving the file, Ronald was about to print it out when suddenly his heart moved.

He saved the document again as "Karate Project New", then deleted the newly written part of the specific action description, and added back the original ending part description.

"Danny used a crane kick, took off with one foot with his uninjured right foot, flew up and kicked Johnny's head to score, and then landed on the ground with his right foot. After the silence, the audience seemed to be taken aback by this move. The killer move was shocked.

The referee announced that Danny had won, and the audience suddenly burst into the loudest and longest cheers of the two days of competition...

full text"

"Squeak... squeak", the dot matrix printer made a sound, stamping a dense dot matrix on the ribbon, and the last chapter of the "Karate Project" script was printed out.


The next day, Ronald and Nisita went to producer Jerry Weintraub's office to hand in the script. The Jew's office is also a converted house he owns, not far from his home in Beverly Hills.

After entering the door, Ronald saw a huge desk with a young secretary sitting inside.

"Hello, we're here to find Mr. Weintraub. I'm Ronald Lee. This is my agent. We've made an appointment to talk about the script."

"Oh, let me see." The young secretary seemed a little flustered, and began to find the notebook on the desk with the appointment arrangement. Stacks of magazines, documents, faxes make the desk a little messy.

"Oh, I found it," the secretary-general let out a sigh of relief. "Ronald Lee, um, please wait a minute, I'll call Jerry, I mean Mr. Weintraub."

Ronald smiled at the red-haired secretary, motioning her to ask for instructions first. She looked a little clumsy. The secretary is of medium-to-high appearance, but there is a kind of innocence in her temperament that is not common in the workplace.

"Susan, who's here?" Jerry Weintraub asked when he saw secretary Susan Akins, the daughter of an old friend, walk in in the large office in the corner.

"Ronald is here."

"Ronald, have a drink?" Weintraub greeted Ronald and Nisita, then waved his secretary, Susan, to sit down and listen to their meeting.

"Is it early in the morning? Well, I'll have a glass too." Ronald reached out and took a glass of whisky. The sunshine this morning was very good, and Weintraub was in the same mood as sunshine, very good.

"Longwei kid"? Weintraub saw Ronald's name on the script.

"Yeah, I think it's simple and straightforward. It's also arousing the curiosity of the audience." Ronald took a light sip of the wine, which tasted good, what appeared to be an aged scotch, with a woody aroma and a grainy taste. .

"Very good." Weintraub continued.

Secretary Susan sat aside, looking at Weintraub's tall figure and wise face, an expression of admiration appeared on his face. It's really a very attractive person to be able to decide the production of a movie project.

"Very good, I am very satisfied". After a long time, Weintraub, who read the script in one breath, looked very excited, "This is the kind of movie I thought about in my mind. It has a sense of humor and a story. It's very good."

"It seems that you are satisfied with my script, Mr. Weintraub." Ronald felt that the singer-manager and live performance organizer did not hide his feelings in front of others, and was considered a gentleman.

"Of course, of course, after I made an appointment with Mr. Price, the president of Colombia, we went to see him,

Try to get the green light once. It's a pity he's leaving soon, he's a very insightful man. "

Weintraub called Columbia immediately, and agreed with Price's secretary to go to Columbia.

In fact, because the film's shooting budget is all Weintraub's money, Columbia is only responsible for the distribution. Generally speaking, there is no special reason, and the script will not be rejected.

"Then it's settled. When the time comes, you come to my house, and we'll go to Colombia together." Weintraub liked Ronald's script very much, and hugged Ronald.

"I don't know who the director is...?" Ronald asked tentatively.

"Well, I'm going to invite an Oscar winner to direct this movie. He is good at directing stories of small people counterattacking, and he is the best person to direct this story."

"Oh? I thought you would choose me, Mr. Weintraub." Ronald quickly recommended himself.

"Of course, Ronald. You are a very good director, and I have seen two of your films. But this story of yours is a film that focuses on character development. The film you direct focuses more on the story, more on the story. Group play.

Of course, I will not treat you badly. My first production film, it needed to be a hit. We can also have more cooperation opportunities. Besides, the director seems to be paying attention to his own interests, so I may not be able to invite him. If he refuses, let's have a good talk about it. "

"Okay, you're the boss. I don't know who you're going to hire?" Ronald saw that he made it clear, so he had no choice but to not mention it for the time being.

"John G. Ivelson, the director of 'Rocky', is 'Rocky' also a typical ordinary man's movie? Or it can be said that the greatest ordinary man's movie. Ever since I When I saw the story in the newspaper, I thought he would be the most suitable director."

"But the story of this 'Longwei Kid' is not very similar to Rocky in essence, is it?"

"Oh, why do you say that? I think what I asked you to write was a counter-attack story, a teenage version of Rocky?"

"It's not like that, what 'Rocky' is talking about is actually a story of a person who was looked down upon after giving up his career, and then, with the encouragement of his lover, regained his courage to fight for his future and complete personality.

And "Longwei Boy" is essentially a heroic adventure film. The young man is bullied, he meets an expert as a master, teaches stunts, and finally defeats his opponent and holds the beauty back. It's actually a 'Star Wars' kind of story. "

"But Danny is, in essence, an ordinary man fighting back. Don't be like this, Ronald. My reputation is well known in the record industry. As long as I promise, there is nothing I can't do. You can rest assured that this After that, my company got on track, and I will definitely give you a chance to be a director."

"I feel like I have the right to give it a shot, Jerry. Why don't you give me a chance? I can go into detail about what I'm going to do about directing this film, what kind of film I make it into. I think as a Writer, I know the core of the story better, and I know better what he should be made of."

"You're such a stubborn young man. Well, it's not a bad thing to hear. Then you come to my house earlier, I'll listen to your statement at noon, and then go to Price's in Columbia in the afternoon."

"Thank you for your generosity." Ronald shook hands with him, left the script, and left with Nisita.

"Susan, send them off for me."

"Oh, okay, Ronald, please come with me." Susan Atkins with red hair quickly stood up and hurriedly led the way to see them out.

"What an interesting young man." Jerry Weintraub, began to open Ronald's "Longwei Kid" script again, and began to read it again.

"Unfortunately, in order to get a good distribution for the first film of my company, it must either find a famous director or a famous actor, otherwise, it will be the same as the last 'dinner' that I named myself as a producer, obviously The box office is good, but it doesn't get the tilt of Colombian resources."

Jerry Weintraub looked at the script, and the more he read it, the more he liked it, and the more he admired Ronald. He decided to give Ronald at least one chance to direct, and maybe bind this young man to direct the next movie.

"Looks like you really like this script, Ronald," Nisita asked when sending Ronald home, "Last time Stallone asked you to write 'Falling in the Air', and then he has to drastically change your script, You handed it over without much resistance, and this time you have to hold on a lot more."

"Of course, this story is very interesting. I think American audiences may have never seen this type of film before. In the past martial arts films, like Bruce Lee's, the protagonist was a master as soon as he appeared, and our expectations were In how he defeated those fierce enemies.

And this story is different, Danny Kid started out as the weak side and was bullied. The audience watched him from the weak side, through the guidance of his master Miyagi, and gradually rely on hard training to become stronger. And then defeated Johnny who couldn't be beaten.

I think the previous movies of this type were like "Star Wars", and the protagonists had a kind of super power. And in this karate movie, what the audience can see is that Danny is struggling. This is a real-world, possible story that they will love. "

"You know what? I think you have a special magic power to perceive what kind of stories the audience likes to watch." Nisita sighed, "When the script of Night of the Comet came out, I didn't feel where the story was. Attract the audience. After the release, I realized that the audience likes it everywhere.

Some people like that popular interlude, some people like sci-fi elements, some people like zombie horror movies, and some people like the independent story of girls. It seems that at that point in time, you kneaded all the popular elements together and presented it to everyone.

I don't know what other people think, but a director who has this ability to capture what the audience wants to see will often make a career. "

"The popular elements are integrated together?" Ronald thought of another aspect, "Is that the popularity has passed, and no audience will like to watch this movie in the future?"

"It's possible, but you've made it, haven't you? The box office has exceeded seventeen million."

"Yeah," Ronald stopped talking. His dream was to make a movie that would be remembered twenty years later, and even better if someone would remember forty years later.


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