Exploiting Hollywood 1980 Main Volume Chapter 58 Stealing "This is Ronald's house. I have something inconvenient to answer the phone right now. Please leave a message after the beep." Ronald put the newly bought answering machine Packed up, put on the tape, and recorded his welcome speech.

"You give me a call." Ronald picked up the new phone, dialed Richard, and asked him to make a call to try it.

After the phone company was broken up by anti-monopoly, users no longer needed to rent old-fashioned phones from the phone company, and all kinds of new phones began to be sold in electronic stores everywhere. When Ronald bought the answering machine, he also replaced it with a Panasonic telephone, which is very light and the keys feel good.

"Beep beep..." The bell was no longer a harsh electric bell, but a crisp electronic sound. Ronald didn't answer. After the bell rang twice, with a beep, Ronald's pre-recorded welcome message began to play.

"This is Ronald's home. It's inconvenient for me to answer the phone now. Please leave a message after the beep."

"I'm Richard."

"It's me, fine." Ronald said to him and put down the phone.

Seeing Ronald finished playing with the new toy, Nisita reminded him, "Let's go to Jerry Weintraub's house. Don't delay business."

"It's okay, I've been rehearsing what to say these days." Ronald took the storyboards of the key plots he had drawn, and went to the appointment with Nisita confidently.

Arriving at the mansion on Beverly Hills, Ronald rang the doorbell.

"Hi, are you Ronald?" A girl in a narrow bikini swimsuit opened the door. She had long blond hair, fair skin, and a well-proportioned figure, especially her strong thighs.

"It's me. Is Jerry there?"

She opened the door wide and let Ronald and Nisita in.

"Jerry is taking a shower. He said you'll be back later. He didn't expect it to be so early."

Ronald saw that the relationship between the girl and Jerry Weintraub was not shallow, and walked in without looking away.

"Who's here?" Jerry Weintraub's voice came from the bathroom inside.

"It's Ronald and his agent," the girl told Jerry as she walked into Jerry's master bedroom, near the bathroom door.

"Ah... um..." The girl was hugged by Jerry, who came out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel, and the two kissed passionately.

Ronald and Nisita heard the sound, looked at each other, a little embarrassed, and instead of entering the master bedroom, they retreated to the living room outside. This Hollywood millionaire is a bit reckless when it comes to doing things.

"Boom..." A roar of the engine of a Porsche sports car came from outside the door.

"Oh, shxt!" Jerry Weintraub yelled, pushing the bikini girl away, "Quick, where are my pants?"

The bikini girl wasn't very nervous, maybe she was used to the habitual drama in Beverly Hills, "Is that your wife? What should I say?"

"You said you were here for a swim, yes, you said you were Ronald's girlfriend. You were bored listening to us and went to the swimming pool at the back."

"Hahaha..." The girl was amused by him, "Are you so afraid of your wife?"

"Don't joke, it's too late."

Jerry Weintraub put on his clothes in three strokes, then dragged the girl to the swimming pool outside the living room while drying his hair vigorously with a towel. This is the outdoor swimming pool he spent a lot of money renovating. Natural stones are lined on both sides, and the heated swimming pool allows one to enter the water right from the entrance of the living room, which leads to the garden.

"Ronald, you have to say Wendy, that's her, your girlfriend." Jerry grabbed the girl's clothes in the master bedroom and threw them on the poolside carpet.

"Wendy, Ronald. Ronald, Wendy." Jerry introduced the two of them, then coughed twice,

After drying the little hair, he rushed into the bathroom again, grabbed a bathrobe, and threw it to Wendy.

The bikini girl named Wendy smiled, and the yukata was on the rug. Then went into the water and swam out.

"Jerry, are you there?"

The voice of Weintraub's wife, the famous singer Jane Morgan, came from outside.

"Oh, are you on business? Jerry." Jane Morgan saw Ronald and Nisita standing up from the sofa to greet her.

"I happened to be passing by the house and came back to change a set of clothes. I'm going to see Barbara later. After her husband is elected as the deputy commander, it will be difficult to come to Los Angeles. I haven't seen her for a long time."

"Okay, my dear. I'm talking to the talented director Ronald, you can do your own thing."

"Oh, who's that girl?" Jane Morgan saw Wendy chopping waves in the pool.

"That's Wendy, my girlfriend. It was boring to hear me and Mr. Weintraub talking about the script, so I asked Jerry's permission to go swimming."

"Does your girlfriend wear a swimsuit everywhere?" Jane Morgan saw Wendy resting by the pool, wearing a fiery red bikini that could barely cover her figure. Then turn to Ronald.

"Wendy is a model, and her agent told her to swim every day to stay in shape," Ronald said calmly.

"Wendy, this is Mr. Weintraub's wife, the famous singer Jane Morgan."

"Hello, Jane." Wendy waved her hand to Jane Morgan obediently.

"Have fun." Jane Morgan reassured her suspicions and went upstairs to change.

"Quick, come and talk to me about your plans for the script."

"Mr. Weintraub, that's what I thought, I'm going to shoot this film mainly in Venice, Los Angeles..."

Ronald spread out a few storyboards and began to describe his plans. He wrote more than 120 pages of screenplays with many complex scenes. Ronald intended to shoot the exterior in a warm tone to give a warm scene to a skinny boy without a father.

"Well, very good, is there anyone in your heart who chooses to play this Master Miyagi?"

"I think a Japanese actor is definitely needed, because his spoken English in the script is not good, so going to Dongying to find an actor can also be considered."

"Well, who are you going to use as the male lead?"

"I haven't made up my mind yet," Ronald said. "Coppola has directed two teen movies, and I think the male actors in them can be considered."

Although Ralph Marzio has a similar temperament to the hero in the script, and is also the original film candidate in the dream, Nisita and him have analyzed that Weintraub may need a star to support the distribution department's resource tilt , so Weintraub probably already had plans. Ronald just vaguely said the name of "the urchin of the world".

Weintraub, apparently absent-minded, asked a few questions, which Ronald answered.

Seeing that Weintraub had no other questions, Ronald stepped forward and asked, "Jerry, are you still happy with my idea? Can I direct this movie?"

"Are you blackmailing me?" Weintraub raised his eyebrows diagonally upwards and asked Ronald softly but firmly.

"Cough cough," Nisita wanted to come out to smooth things out.

"Don't interrupt, let Ronald speak for himself. Are you trying to use Wendy's business to blackmail me into giving you the directorship?" Weintraub's eyes were fixed on Ronald, "don't be afraid to say Honestly, it's normal for you to think this way, is this what you think?"

"No, Jerry. I feel like I'm the perfect person to direct this film. I have experience directing teen films and know how to make them work. I'm also the writer of the script, and you say I haven't directed this kind of run-through. It's always a full-length drama, but I wrote the script, and I think of course I know how to get it right."

"Besides," Ronald said in a low voice after glancing at Wendy in the pool, "Even if you don't pick me, I'll keep this secret for you."

"Very well, that's all for today. We'll make another time to talk, and I'll make another time with Columbian Frank Price later. We'll go to him another day."

Jerry Weintraub breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed he was under a lot of pressure too. Jane Morgan was not only his wife, but also the first famous client of his career. Jane Morgan suffered great grievances from Weintraub's mother for his divorce from his ex-husband and because he was not Jewish. It took three years before he took over the famous singer as his daughter-in-law.

If he was found to have a falling out with Jane Morgan because of his stealing food, Weintraub would not be able to accept such a thing in terms of past history and the relationship between the two.

Ronald snapped his fingers at Wendy, motioning her to come out and go first with him.

Wendy climbed up from the pool, soaking wet.

Ronald and the other two men swallowed at the same time.

Wendy knew that, smiled sweetly, then put on a towel bathrobe, and went to the dressing room to change into her own clothes.

"Mr. Weintraub, Mrs. Morgan," Ronald greeted Jane Morgan upstairs, who had changed into her banquet outfit, stretched out her arms for Wendy to hang up, and went out with Nisita.

"Why, you like that girl too?" said Jane Morgan, coming downstairs and taking Jerry Weintraub's arm.

"How could it be, that's Ronald's woman, who is the screenwriter of my new movie and trying to convince me to let him be the director."

"Why, are you going to give him this chance?" Jane Morgan half-smiled, testing her husband.

"No, it's not that he's not competent enough, but that I need a star director for my new film. I'm going to hire John G. Iverson, the director of 'Rocky'."

"Hey, to be honest, that girl is really beautiful. If you want to be with him, um, it's not impossible."

Jerry Weintraub tightened his body and his scalp was numb. He quickly recalled his performance, as if there was no place to wear it.

"Don't be kidding, Jane."

"I'm serious, if you ever want to hang out with that pretty girl again, just sign me a check for a million dollars so I won't stop you if you mess around at home."

"Haha, Jane" Jerry knew that he had passed the test temporarily, "you are so beautiful, when are you going to meet Barbara?"

"She's about to arrive in Los Angeles. This time it's for his son. Hey, I heard that little George started drinking again."

Jerry Weintraub hugged Jane Morgan, and they had no children. Just adopted three girls.

"Listen, Jerry. If you do fall in love with another woman, and have a new love, I won't stop you, but you must confess to me."

Jerry Weintraub kissed his wife deeply. It's one thing to be in the show business, but it's another thing to love. Jane Morgan takes the love between the two very seriously.

"Where do I drop you?" Ronald asked Wendy, the beautiful woman sitting next to him.

"Just put me down in front, and I'm going to do yoga."

Wendy grinned out of the car and blew them a kiss before leaving.

"Hey..." Nisita let out a long sigh of relief. "Fortunately, you didn't threaten Weintraub."

"I saw your gesture," Ronald said. "I didn't want to hold him, anyway, he didn't have the only option to hire me. If he annoyed him, he could withdraw at any time without fear, or change a screenwriter to make a new face, I It's worth it."

"More than that," Nisita said. "Jerry Weintraub has a lot of friends in Hollywood, and he has a lot of friends in politics. Jane Morgan is a lot more popular with conservatives like the party, and it's best not to use him against him. What special means."


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