Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 165 This is the Teenage Rocky

"Thank you, I'm here." Ward reached the door of the apartment where he lived, took out a bunch of keys and shook it.

The sound of "ding ding ding dong" made Ronald stunned for a moment.

Ward came up to hug him and say goodbye, "Thank you very much for today, Ronald. You are a true gentleman." Ward, who stood on tiptoe, barely reached Ronald's ear, and gently thanked him.

"Are you coming for a cup of black tea?" Ward took his hand from Ronald's shoulder and looked up at Ronald.

"Okay," Ronald's body honestly followed into the apartment.

"I want to stay in Hollywood, which is the world's largest movie market after all." Ward put down his bag in front of the sofa, took off his high heels, walked barefoot on the floor to the kitchen, and began to prepare Ronald tea.

"But it's a pity that no one invites me to shoot films anymore. It could be my accent, it could be my size."

Ward put the teapot on the gas stove, turned on the fire, and came out to chat with Ronald, stroking her chest with her hand to show that she wasn't one of those American sex bombs.

"But you have a unique temperament, and not all beauties can still be beautiful with short hair." Ronald looked at Rachel Ward, who had cut a boy's hairstyle, and admired it from a different angle.

"I cut it for the movie, and it's going to stay for a long time." Ward touched her hair with her hand, and she sat down with her bare feet on the sofa. This Australian beauty is informal and has the temperament of a wild child in "Thorn Birds".

"You say I have a unique temperament, don't know what it is?" Ward raised his head and looked at Ronald curiously, "From the perspective of the director seeing the actors."

"You're more literary than the American actresses and wilder than the Shakespeare actors in Britain. Like your thorn bird, a very independent woman who doesn't depend on men."

"Oh," Ward sighed. He didn't expect that the man who knew him best was Ronald, who had only met a few times before.

"Then do you have a role for me?" Ward approached and asked Ronald.

"I'm sorry, I haven't decided on the next movie project yet. If there is one in the future, I will remember you."

"Really? You'll remember me," Ward got closer, leaning out of the sofa.

"Why not?" Ronald looked at the collarbone exposed in Ward's collar,

The slender figure is not as prominent as she claims, but the skeleton is relatively small.

"Do you really want a gentleman to the end?" Rachel Ward saw that Ronald hadn't moved, and he took the initiative to step forward and put his arms around Ronald's neck, "I'm going back to Australia soon, let me remember you."

Ronald's hand rubbed into Ward's short hair, and their lips finally met.

Ward is very light, and it can be seen that his body is well maintained, but when hugging each other, he can feel amazing heat.

"Oh," Ward called out, being kissed by Ronald's ear.

"Woooooo..." The kettle in the kitchen boiled, and white steam came out.

"The water is on," Ronald tried to go to the kitchen.

"Crack," Ward slapped Ronald's hand that was about to leave his body, "The gas stove in the kitchen has an automatic shut-off system."

"Puchi, puchi", the water steam boiled out in a stream of boiling water, dousing the fire. The automatic protection system detected it and cut off the gas.


"I made breakfast." Ronald simply made two sandwiches with sliced ​​bread from Ward's refrigerator, cut diagonally, and cut the crust off. With hot milk, put it on a tray, and bring it to Ward on the bed.

"Have you always been so good at taking care of women? I feel very respected." Ward picked up a piece and ate it. "It's comparable to Beverly Hills Hilton's craftsmanship."

Ronald smiled and helped her wipe the salad dressing off the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah," Ward reciprocally added Ronald's salad dressing fingers.

"I'm leaving first, and I have to see the producer today. Next time you come to America, you can call me at any time, and if I'm not around, you can call the agent to find me."

After lingering, Ronald carefully wrote down his contact information on a piece of paper and folded it on the table.

"Um..." Ward waved at Ronald from the bed. I'm going back to Australia soon, maybe I'll marry my boyfriend, so it's a memory.

"The second week's box office statistics are out, which is basically the same as the first week's weekend." Weintraub was very happy in the office, holding the box office statistics table, and said to Ronald, "This is a good phenomenon. , Columbia says our films have the potential to stay in theaters longer."

"The second weekend is the same as the first weekend?" Ronald was very happy, which showed that the audience's word-of-mouth effect was unexpected. In this way, more than five million yuan per weekend may not be much lower than "break dancing".

"Ronald, congratulations, Mikhail Baryshnikov from 'White Night' has invited you to meet on Thursday to discuss the details of the new film."

When he got back to his apartment, the broker Nisita called again, and it was a double happiness.

The film reviews are good, and the box office is unexpectedly strong. Now I am finally regarded as the number one person in the circle...

On Wednesday night, Weintraub called again, "Ronald, you really have you, and the big stars are welcome, eh? Isn't this another fire for our movie?"

"What big star?" Ronald was inexplicable, his agent did not arrange for any star to tout him.

"Isn't it you? He said it spontaneously? When Stallone was interviewed, he vigorously praised 'Longwei Kid', saying that it was simply the teenage version of 'Rocky'. Back then, 'Rocky' was at the domestic box office, but over a billion."

Ronald felt something was wrong, how could Stallone say good things to himself.

Sure enough, not long after, Paula Wagner, another agent of his own, called with bad news.

"Ronald, did you offend Stallone?"

"How? What did he say about me on TV?"

"I asked Richard to drive to pick you up. It's a bit of a hassle."

Ronald and the three agents all rushed to the caa's office, where they watched footage of the nightly talk show.

"sly, how's your Rocky IV and First Blood II going?" Stallone's stiff face appeared on the TV.

"It's all in progress... I hired John Evelson, the director of Rocky's first film. In fact, I also participated in the script for the second film of First Blood."

Paula reminded everyone, "It's here."

"What do you appreciate in the movies from this year to the present?"

Sylvester Stallone smiled with his unproblematic half face, a pre-appointed question.

"I think the 'Long Wei Kid' that is currently being shown is good, that is a teenage version of 'Rocky'. When I watched it, it was like watching Rocky again, but the director changed boxing to karate, and finally Rocky The heavy punch was changed to a flying kick."

"You mean, 'Longwei Kid' is like following the story of 'Rocky', but the role is changed from an adult to a teenager."

"Almost, I think it's a movie full of Italian style. In fact, I know a little bit of gossip about the crew." Stallone pretended to be mysterious, "This movie was supposed to be directed by my old friend, Rocky's director Evel. Sen came to direct, and he didn't change until the start of the film. Fortunately, I can let him come back to direct Rocky's fourth film."

"A high-level struggle in Hollywood?" The host felt that he had caught the big news and hurriedly asked.

"You can see, whether it's the plot or the final battle, there are Rocky's shadows. In fact, the final episode used Rocky's leftovers. At that time, there were two episodes competing for the theme song of Rocky III. , I finally gave up the song 'You are the best' and chose 'Heart of the Tiger'."

Stallone did not answer the questioning, but talked about the use of the "Rocky III" episode by "Longwei Kid".

"Humph!" Ronald slapped the table hard.

"If this level of interviews is carried out, it shouldn't affect the box office of the movie." Richard said next to him, "Maybe it can be improved..."

Nisita stabbed Richard, and Ronald's face was very ugly.

Paula Wagner spoke on the side, "This is not right. This is a shameless slander and questioning of Ronald's ability to direct."

The executives of the studio, who were originally attracted to Ronald, questioned Ronald's directing ability because of the accusation of plagiarism, and had to find a way to fight back.

Paula knows that in Hollywood, trust is everything.

In this way, the original Tom Cruise film, until Ronald can effectively fight back, should not let him compete. Ridley Scott is a famous director after all, and being in charge of that project can also meet the requirements of Tom and the famous director to cooperate.

"Damn, this stinky Italian", Ronald was as disgusting as he had eaten all the time, but this level of interview did not seem to accuse Ronald of plagiarism, but every sentence implied that Ronald was in the story , action, music and all aspects, are imitating Stallone's 'Rocky'.

It may be difficult for me to say that Stallone is slandered, but if it is also publicly clarified, will it be considered a fuss by others? Ronald touched his forehead, this trick is very tricky, how can he fight back?

"I think you need a PR consultant to deal with these issues," Paula Wagner suggested.

"You're right, I do need one." Ronald felt a little confused.

"I'll find the best one for you, the day after tomorrow," Wagner assured.

The next day, Ronald had an appointment with Mikhail Baryshnikov, a famous ballet dancer and former Principal of the Leningrad Ballet.

"Hello, Mr. Baryshnikov, how have you been?" Ronald shook hands with him.

"What's good? What's bad?" Baryshnikov spoke slowly, but his content was cold.

"I think the studios also want to be able to shoot on location in Leningrad, and they're negotiating with the Soviet Union."

"How can I go back to Leningrad, do you want me to be detained there like the protagonist of the movie?" Baryshnikov was furious.

"I didn't mean to let you go, just shoot a team out there to shoot the location," Ronald explained.

"I think you need to add some common sense of the alliance, instead of adding America's thinking to the alliance for granted." Baryshnikov said very badly, "Also, according to Russian custom, you should call I'm Mikhail Nikolay Go Baryshinnikov. I want the Russian in this film to be in the real Russian language, not the English-style Russian in the old Hollywood movies. "

Ronald held back his temper and bid him farewell.

"Your Dragonfly boy has been very successful in imitating Rocky, so I hope you will also watch another ballet movie I starred in before, 'Turning Point', and I hope it can bring you some inspiration." The husband added a sentence as he stood at the door to say goodbye.

"shxt!" Ronald shut the door of the car viciously and ordered Richard, "Go to Paula's place and urge her PR consultant, this matter has begun to have a very bad impact on my career. ."


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