"Baryshnikov is so cold to everyone. I don't think he is targeting you because of this." Nisita advised Ronald to calm down.

"I don't think so, otherwise why did he finally ask me to go to his movies and learn his bullshit acting?" Ronald said angrily.

"The key is whether the producers have the same view of Ronald's creativity," Paula Wagner said.

"Let's start..." Seeing that her persuasion was ineffective, Nisita asked the public relations manager Paula found to start her proposal. Having signed a non-disclosure agreement in advance and Paula's old relationship, you can safely discuss Ronald's plight.

"Thanks, we're in a situation where..." the PR consultant begins his usual opening.

"Bell bell bell".

"Your call," Richard answered and handed the receiver to Ronald.

"Ronald, I don't know about this."

It was "Rocky" director John G. Evelson calling to clarify with Ronald. This is all Stallone's personal decision, he didn't know it before, otherwise he would definitely stop him.

"It's okay, I know it has nothing to do with you, I have a little 'history' with sly."

"You have to be careful. When the director encounters such rumors, the producer may question his creative ability."

"I understand, I'll handle it, thank you for calling."

Ronald hung up the phone.

"Please continue..." He raised his hand and apologized for interrupting the PR expert.

A white-collar woman in front of her is Eva, the chief PR specialist of a small Hollywood PR workshop.

The profession of public relations mainly relies on personal abilities and relationships. Therefore, this kind of exclusive small workshop is generally the main one, and everyone recognizes the person who is an expert, not the brand of the company.

"Okay, then I'll continue." Eva, wearing red glasses, twisted her waist and walked to the front of the whiteboard, "Like I said, if there is a scandal, and no one knows about it, then he is not a scandal."

Eva drew a circle on the whiteboard with Stallone's name written on it.

"But this incident of yours,

He has lost the opportunity to control it at the first time. Stallone is a big star. Many people watch his talk show. The audience will immediately believe his statement, no matter how absurd the logic inside. "

Eva draws lines of influence outside the circle.

Ronald nodded, still underestimating Stallone's status in the hearts of American audiences.

"Viewers usually have their own troubles to deal with, kids' teeth straightened, utility bills to pay, annoying clients, stern bosses, etc. They watch talk shows just for fun.

When coaxing their children and thinking about how they will deal with the boss's questioning tomorrow, they have limited energy and can only remember one or two sentences of gossip that are easiest to spread.

That is, there is a "Longwei Boy", which imitated Stallone's Rocky, and it seems not bad. "

Eva, posing as a parent, mimicked Ronald's reaction to the general audience.

"The power of a superstar lies in this, when the audience hears his name, they can concentrate and concentrate on what he has to say for the next 15 seconds.

We can only accept this result now. Most of the viewers who watch TV have now tacitly agreed that they are imitating "Rocky". We have to start from this place and find a way to turn the situation around. "

"Isn't there any way to refute his fallacy?" Ronald asked.

"No way, even if you go on your friend David Letterman's show and show evidence that you are an independent 'Longwei Kid', the audience will still only remember what Stallone said. The public will not go into it independently. Thinking about who's right and who's wrong, they just need a funny gossip from a star's mouth.

Then, bang! That is the truth. ' Eva made a final gesture.

"But I wrote the script myself."

"Stallone was nominated for an Oscar for Best Screenplay."

"But my boy Longwei has a completely different story from his."

"In the end, the protagonist trained with the help of the coach and defeated the defending champion."

"He's boxing, I'm karate... um..." Ronald lost his voice.

"The crux of the problem is that Stallone didn't say you were plagiarism, he said imitation. Although the Writers Guild makes a clear distinction between the two. But in the eyes of ordinary people, your movie is the teenage version of Stallone's 'Rocky'. You can't file an arbitration in the writers' union and let the union make a name for you."

A superstar like Stallone who said on TV that Ronald's movie is very similar to Rocky must have been carefully planned. He used his power to oppress people, and no matter how he responded, there was no way to eliminate the other party's slander.

Both belong to the type of action inspirational film, and the structure of the story is inevitably imagined. Coupled with Stallone's malicious suggestion on the show, in order to save trouble, he used the "Rocky Three" Stallone abandoned the unused episode.

Ronald is a little annoyed, can a star be unreasonable?

Stallone was not very reasonable. He's Italian, and he made his debut in exploitative films for Roger Coleman, and he's very skilled at this kind of trickery between peers.

"So what's our plan?" Ronald asked Eva.

"The first plan is to simply admit that your movie does refer to Rocky's story. In this way, all his blows are equivalent to marketing your movie, right?

Anyway, the Writers Guild knows it, and the Directors Guild also knows that you didn't imitate Rocky's story. I've read Albert's review and your movie is not an action movie per se. Rather, it tells about the philosophy of karate and a kind of father-son relationship. "

"This plan passes," Ronald didn't want to admit defeat. If you are bullied in vain, will you endure it for a little box office? They are not bad at the box office. If you admit it, you will never get rid of this stain in the future.

Moreover, the executives of the studio don't really know what's going on here. If they think they are imitating, they may be questioned about their originality.

"Another plan is to not admit or deny it. Wait for the news to be covered by other entertainment news on its own. The audience's word-of-mouth, in fact, only spreads after watching the movie. Stallone's statement can only affect some people who did not go. Audiences who have seen the movie."

"Anything else?" Ronald heard that he was resigned again, and he couldn't take a breath out of his heart.

This may be a more feasible plan in reality, but being plotted like this, I always want to fight back against him.

Stallone, you can't pick up girls yourself, and you can't take your anger on me Ronald.

"There is another way to let you breathe, but I don't recommend it. Besides, it requires unprecedented resources." Eva took off her red glasses and looked at Paula Wagner who recommended her.

"You said it," Paula knew that Ronald was very angry. It would be good to let him listen to the plan.

"That is to find stars who can rival Stallone in the circle and balance the halo brought by his fame. As long as there are stars who come out and speak for you, then the audience will naturally focus their attention on whether you imitate 'Rocky' or not. ', and on to the disagreement between the two stars.

But the downside of this is that this turmoil will continue. Is it really beneficial to your goal? Perhaps the impression of this incident in the mind of the producer will become deeper and deeper. "

Eva still advised that if you want to eliminate the influence of the producers in the industry, it may not be a good choice to continue to make things worse.

"What kind of star do you want?" Ronald immediately thought this method was good.

"A male star like him, or more famous than him, with more fans. Do you have any big-name friends in the circle who are willing to speak for you?" Seeing that the persuasion failed, Eva had to put forward conditions.

She secretly sighed, and there are not many clients who can listen to their public relations consultants' professional opinions and choose appropriate strategies. Most of the customers in the entertainment industry are always more emotionally impulsive.

"Do we have any?" Nisita asked.

Paula didn't speak, Tom Cruise wasn't famous enough, and she didn't want him involved in this kind of thing.

"Maybe, which star can we find caa's agent?" Richard asked when everyone didn't speak.

The two agents who were more senior than him remained silent. Ronald didn't have such a big influence yet, and he didn't have enough resources in exchange to get caa's big stars to speak well for him.

"If not, I suggest..." Eva saw that everyone was silent and wanted to sell her first two plans.

"No, I have..." Ronald said.

"Is this going to use Coppola's influence?" Nisita thought to himself, "If Coppola, a big customer, is willing to pull Ronald, then let him go. Anyway, he and Stallone They're all Italians, and they have a way of communicating with each other. It's good to be a peacemaker in the end, and it's good to eliminate things."

"I can contact..." Nisita began.

"I wonder if George Lucas has enough influence?" Ronald said a name that no one thought of.

"Lucas? Of course that's enough. If he can help you with a word, it will be very effective." Eva immediately blurted out affirmation when she heard the name that made all the middle school boys scream.

"But...you and him..." Paula Wagner asked halfway.

All four looked at Ronald. Can he ask Lucas to come out and say good things?

Ronald thought straight in his heart that it was a pity that when he was helping Walter Murzy, Lucas said on the plane that he owed him once, and he didn't expect to use this ace so soon.

"As long as you can get Lucas to say good things about 'Longwei Kid', no one will believe Stallone. After all, he's not good at being a director." Eva stared at Ronald, not expecting this young client, And a thick thigh.

"I have a little friendship with him, he will help with this." Ronald took out the phone book, "Please give me some privacy for calls."


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