Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 192 The 1st MTV Music Awards

"Go to the Peninsula Hotel."

Ronald arrived in New York, got off the plane, and Bud Jr. drove to pick him up.

Reunited with his mother and sisters this time at home, Bud Jr. enjoyed a few days of family fun, this time preparing to travel to Los Angeles with Ronald, serving as his driver and informal bodyguard.

With him came Ronald's full team of agents, Nisita, Paula, and Richard. This time they came nominally for the first awards show.

Cindy Lauper's video "Girls Just Want to Have Some Fun" directed by Ronald and performed by Cindy Lauper was nominated for six nominations, including Best Female Vocalist Video.

It's the most nominated singer and song at the ceremony, with Michael Jackson coming in behind her. Ronald, the director, was also invited to attend the awards show.

Of course, this award is held for the first time. Even if it means something to those in the music industry, Ronald can actually not come, at least it does not require the entire team of managers.

The real reason they came was to approach Michael Eisner.

Eisner and Katzenberg formed a two-man alliance, and during negotiations with Gulf West president Martin Davis, Ronald was invited to New York for a secret meeting.

Heard that Martin Davis wanted to cut the original Barry Diller post in two. A vice president of Gulf Western, and CEO of Paramount, let Eisner take over. Another copy of Simon \u0026 Schuster's president, and Paramount's chairman, was handed over to Frank Mancuso, now Paramount's executive vice president for the selection and distribution of films from other independent producers.

Eisner was at the juncture of negotiating with the other party. In addition to attracting Katzenberg and forming a team, a more powerful card was the 200 million production budget of the "Screen Fund" introduced by Ronald.

Only if he is responsible for the distribution of these two hundred million funds, it will be the trump card to decide the outcome. The son of the lieutenant commander had a close relationship with Ronald, so Eisner planned to hide this card until the end and play it at the most critical moment.

Being able to directly discuss some major events that will determine the future direction of the industry with Michael Eisner's level of industry tycoon has made several agents very optimistic about Ronald's future. They dropped everything together and came to New York to help Ronald deal with the relationship.

As long as Eisner's thigh can be reported, whether it is Ronald's future or the status of the three of them in CAA, they will be guaranteed.

With three agents crammed into the backseat of the Honda Accord, Ronald took the co-pilot and drove towards the Peninsula Hotel, where Eisner and Katzenberg were staying.

"Mr. Eisner," Ronald quietly came to Eisner's executive suite, hugged him and said hello. Three agents lined up to form a lineup of supporters behind Ronald.

"How about your pilot movie, what are your thoughts on the script?" Eisner, knowing the temperament of these artists, started chatting about their favorite movies.

"I think the flight technologist should be rewritten as a female naval officer, and the protagonist changed from a photographer to an ace pilot. Those good technical details,

All are used as material to fill this romantic story.

In fact, the aerial combat footage of fighter jets doesn't look very good. For an advertisement, I once found all the aerial combat footage in Hollywood to see it, and it is difficult for the audience to applaud this old-fashioned aerial combat.

Why don't we add some romance. "

"I support your opinion, but only support you." Eisner acted like Ronald's old friends.

"Only you can make those boring technical details beautiful and romantic. Whether it's a break dance or a karate fight. One side is the romanticized battle in the industry, and the other side is the romantic love that matches the development of the plot. It's not overwhelming, but it can be organically integrated. I don't think there is anything in Hollywood right now that can do as well as you."

"Thank you. I appreciate the compliment."

Ronald thought, Is Eisner asking for something from himself? How can you boast that you don't want money. Not to mention the kind of master Lucas who filmed Star Wars, Adrian Lane, the director of "Lightning Dance", is a master at romanticizing plots, and he has also learned a lot from himself.

It is very easy for a person like Eisner to please a young director. The same words, said in the mouth of one of the seven major studio presidents, have an effect that others do not have. The two talked about film art for a while, and with their previous exchanges, Nisita and Paula cooperated, and they held each other's hands, and the guests and host enjoyed it for a while.

"Ladies and gentlemen, can you give Ronald and me a little private time?" Eisner agreed, and offered to chat with Ronald.

Several agents remained outside the door, while Eisner and Ronald entered.

"Barry's sudden departure is very sudden. Although there have been many signs before, I didn't expect to switch jobs at the time of the year. Maybe Fox's first nine months of losses have reached that oil businessman can't stand it. level."

Ronald nodded to express his understanding. Generally, there is room for such high-level executives to change jobs, and at least six months in advance will be buffered. It is rare to have to run away in less than a month.

"I was at Paramount, and Jeff (Katzenberg) had been in charge of the direct-investment production business, and Frank Mancuso was just buying films from independent producers to fill Paramount's distribution gaps.

So I am determined to win in this competition. "

Ronald also understands some of the current state of the competition, and maybe Gulf West president Martin Davis wants to get a handle on Eisner.

"So," Eisner moved his legs forward and leaned back from his sofa, his knees almost touching Ronald's knees on the sofa next to him. "

"You're going to support me, right, Ronald? I've made little promises, but when I promise, I'll keep them. As long as you support me, I can make you the next Spielberg, America Eight. The most successful young director of the decade."

Ronald smiled. It's good to listen to this kind of words. I don't know how Eisner wants to get his own support. He took the opportunity to exchange some good things to talk about, so he also replied softly:

"How do you want me to help you, Mr. Eisner."

"Call your friend, I need the right to use the money from the Screen Fund. I have to decide how much to put into the movie and how much to put into it." Eisner's eyes flashed, and he was actually a job title. Fake name, as long as you firmly hold the right to use this more than 200 million funds, then sooner or later, you will climb to the power that Barry Diller once had.

"Is there anyone in Hollywood who is better suited to distribute this money than me?" Eisner added, seeing that Ronald was silent, "As long as I take down the CEO of Paramount and the vice president of Gulf West , I can sign a contract with you for three movies, and all the scripts are open to you."

"Including Sidney Pollack, does Spielberg want that kind of script?" Ronald also tried to see it.

"You can compete."

"I'll give him a call."

Ronald got satisfactory conditions, and in Eisner's room, he called the eldest son of Barbara, a beer barbecue lover.

"Hi, George. It's me, Ronald. When are you coming to New York or Los Angeles, let's go get a good beer."

"Hey, Ronald. It's such a pleasure to hear from you, I've been in touch with my classmates at Yale, the Jerome family has members in our fraternity, and our ancestors did indeed arrive on a Mayflower. New England, when are you going to visit the history of your great-grandfather?"

"Of course, I'm always at your call, George, I have something to ask you about that screen fund..."

Eisner heard the conversation between the two about the family history next to the phone. He was prepared, but also frightened. There were no kings and nobility in America. The earliest pioneer families in New England were the nobles of America.

"Yes, my friend Mr. Eisner, would like to know how you allocate the budget in each film."

"I don't care about the details, Ronald. Like I said, I'm just looking for the best producer. Eisner will make all the investments if he wants, we just have to take fixed income first. Roland Bates told me that Wall Street investors think Hollywood returns are good and they just want to get above the industry average.

Well, when Eisner becomes CEO, Roland Bates will go to him for a private chat. The first installment of the screen fund was given to HBO's production, and the returns were unsatisfactory. Hope Eisner gives us a good grade. I hang up first..."

Ronald looked at Eisner, who was listening behind him. "You heard that, Mr. Eisner? I think your vision is exactly what they expected."

"Call me Michael," Eisner laughed as he grabbed Ronald's arm.


The three brokers were also overjoyed and went back to report the latest news to the CAA partners. Only Richard was left to accompany Ronald to deal with matters.

"Welcome to the first MTV Awards, Radio City Music Hall, I'm Dan Aykroyd."

"I'm Betty Midler"

The two hosts opened the ceremony. The first music festival attracted many big names. There were hundreds of guests and spectators at the scene, but the atmosphere was relatively relaxed. The two hosts wore T-shirts and jackets and went up with big glasses.

"The award for best MV director goes to MJ's shivering director John Landis"

Ronald applauded below. The award deadline was in early May. Landis was selected by Quincy Jones to direct MJ's Thriller MV. It was a matter of the second half of the year, and he could only be the presenter.

"I don't know how much money he can earn, whether it's enough to compensate Jennifer Jason Lee for the loss of his father." Ronald thought maliciously.

In order to promote this new award, it has cost a lot of money to invite Lord Stewart, David Bowie, Tina Turner and others as performers.

Diana Ross, Quincy Jones and other big names have served as presenters. Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger also recorded a video introducing the Pioneer MV Award winner "The Police".

"The Best Female Vocalist MV winner is that girls just want to have some fun!"

Two British musicians presented the award.

Ronald took Cindy Lauper to the stage to accept the award. She didn't get the previous nominations. It was a very sad time.

"Most of this award should go to Cindy. Her energy, imagination, and enthusiasm are the biggest factors in the success of the MV." Ronald held a trophy in the shape of an astronaut who landed on the moon and held it with Cindy rise.

Anyway, it's okay to say a few good things about an award that is not particularly important for a film director.

"Thank you, thank you, Ronald is the most talented MV director I've ever dealt with. You've all seen breakdance."

Hahaha, the audience responded with laughter and applause to Cindy Lauper's introduction.

"Let me tell you, girls really want to have some fun, especially when working with Ronald." Cindy Lauper, who was only one of six, slapped the awards table happily and angrily.

"Oh, Shxt. It's actually him, why didn't my agent ask him to direct my MV?", a female singer in the backstage who was preparing to perform, heard the sound of Cindy Lauper slapping the table , come and see.

Seeing Ronald holding the trophy and hugging Cindy Lauper warmly, she was filled with the seeds of jealousy.

"Next for us is..." Dan Aykroyd pointed. "Madonna...Like A Virgin"

"Like a virgin,

Touched for the first time...

like a virgin,

With your heart beating by my side..."

Ronald, who walked to the auditorium, looked up and saw the next guest performer.

She was wearing the bride's white wedding dress, sitting on a platform and singing.

"Isn't this Madonna?" Although Ronald was far away, he still recognized the little girl who failed to audition for "Famous".

Madonna sings and takes off the white veil, waving one hand...  

She sang more and more, walked to the edge of the stage and waved her veil.

"God", Ronald and Cindy Lauper next to him could see clearly, Madonna's wedding dress was hollow, and there were two words "boy's toys" on a belt.

"Bichi", Cindy Lauper scolded secretly, is this Bichi trying to steal his halo moment? Obviously I am the best female singer MV winner.

Madonna walked to Ronald's direction, turned the hand holding the white veil in a circle, and pointed at Ronald.

"You are so beautiful, you are mine,

I will be yours till the end of time because you make me feel,

Yes, you make me feel like I have nothing to hide..."

These lines seem to be sung to Ronald.

Then something even more explosive happened. Madonna knelt down on the stage, pointed in Ronald's direction, and then twisted her body one after the other, one high and one low.

"Like a virgin...

You feel so good in there

When you hold me, your heart is beating, you love me"

"Oh Shxt!" Ronald, like everyone else, was stunned by this bold "dance move".

"Madonna didn't recognize me and danced at me?" Ronald covered his face.


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