Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 193 Hollywood Shuffle

The music gradually came to an end, and Madonna stared at Ronald in the back row and made various provocative movements. She stretched out her finger and ticked several times in Ronald's direction.

"Bichi, this Bichi..." Cindy Lauper next to her thought that Madonna was blatantly provoking herself, and scolded angrily.

"This Bitchi has a deep scheming. She knows that the TV camera lens will not capture her provocative panorama, so she deliberately poses for the camera behind us... In fact, she is facing me."

Cindy Lauper saw Madonna's scheming. She was both a girl singer and happened to be in the same competition category. Although she won the award today, Madonna performed as a guest performer. Who is more popular?

"Hi..." Ronald coughed. Madonna on the stage was lying on the ground, winking at herself.

Maybe it was because Ronald was reminded of the spring breeze that year, maybe it was the atmosphere of the performance that made Madonna become hilarious. She suddenly lifted her skirt and turned over on the ground.

White garter belts and lace stockings were exposed on the scene and in the eyes of all the teens watching the telecast.


Ronald recalled the time when she sent her back to the apartment, who was not selected for the role of "Famous", and beat the wooden wall with the Bang Bang ring.

"This bitch", Cindy Lauper began to scold again, such an outrageous scene, tomorrow's newspapers, TV, and all media will be overwhelming news of Madonna, when I just accepted the award, I deliberately took a picture of the table. When it rang, she was about to steal the limelight from the bad girl declaration.

Ronald raised his hand and applauded like everyone else, taking the opportunity to hide Cindy's attention and cocked his legs.

"Ronald?" After the show, one of Madonna's assistants came and handed Ronald a note. He was stopped by his agent Richard, checked and handed over to Ronald.

"Miss Madonna invited Ronald to her dressing room for a chat," the assistant added.

Richard looked over, Ronald nodded, long time no see, now Madonna can be a guest at the awards party, he wants to chat with her.

"Ronald," Madonna came out to greet him, warmly hugging Ronald, whom he hadn't seen for a few years, and pinching Ronald's waist with his hand while hugging, "Hee hee, you're still so energetic. "

Entering the dressing room, to Ronald's surprise, there is already a lady waiting for Madonna.

"Maripol, my hair stylist, I'm going to a party soon and come here to re-do my hair." Madonna pointed to the lady, "I met at Club 54."

Ronald remembered for a while that Madonna had thrown herself at the door of the club in order to enter the 54 club climbing industry, and it was only after that he met Helen Slater.

"Hello," Ronald smiled at Maripol.

Maripol undid Madonna's tousled hair on stage and restyled it.

"I want you to direct my music video, my new album 'Like A Virgin' will be released at the end of the year, with a single 'Material Girl',

Need to shoot MV. I need you. "

"You should talk to my agent about this kind of thing." Ronald said to Madonna's assistant who followed him, and his agent Richard.

"You wouldn't disagree, would you? Cindy Lauper won the award this year because of your MV. Her acceptance speech was so long that if it weren't for you, she wouldn't have had a chance to say it."

"I'm still saying that, talk to my agent. I'll be busy with a new movie recently."

"Well, it seems that we haven't seen each other for a long time. You have forgotten me. Let me come and let you review it."

Madonna was bold and bold, she hugged Ronald when she came up, and wanted to give him a warm kiss. A hand also went straight to the bottom.

"Okay, okay," Ronald hurriedly begged for mercy, "I'm serious, let your agent contact my agent, I think the time is convenient..."

"Ronald, aren't you going to the party with us? There's a lot of girls out there waiting to meet you, big Hollywood director."

"Let the agent make an appointment," Ronald made a gesture, escaping Madonna's clutches.

Little Bud was already waiting outside the door, driving Ronald back home to rest.

"You are still so majestic, and I am still most impressed by the time you went to my house after all these years."

"You once smashed the walls of my house. Why, don't you like my dress?"

"Bang Bang Bang Bang..." The walls of Ronald's house also began to vibrate.

"Ring, ringing, ringing..." It turned out to be a dream, and Ronald was awakened by the ringing of the phone.

In his sleep, Ronald is somehow blocked at home by Madonna, and he must relive old dreams with him. Luckily, I got a call from Nisita, who had just been in Los Angeles and called from the office.

"Hey...I'm Ronald, ah...hey," Ronald yawned.

"Are you awake? Go to bed late last night?" Nisita asked Ronald.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Ronald looked at the clock, it was almost ten o'clock in the morning New York time.

"I've asked Richard to go to your place. You'll know when you see the New York Times. There are seven major Hollywood and two more major personnel earthquakes."

"Ding dong..."

Richard on the side happened to come in with the New York Times.

Ronald took a look, and it was still the front page of the business news section.

"Frank Mancuso Named Paramount Chairman, Michael Eisner Resigns."

Ronald woke up immediately and continued to watch.

"Frank Mancuso has been named chairman, and CEO, of Paramount, succeeding Barry Diller, who resigned last week. He will report directly to Gulf Western.

In a game of music to grab a seat, Paramount shocked Hollywood. The most vocal successor, Michael Eisner, was out, and he submitted his resignation to the board today. "

Over the past decade, Eisner has produced and released more than half of Hollywood's highest-grossing films. After being unexpectedly out of the race for the top job at Paramount, Gulf Western had planned to offer Eisner a good deal to set up his own independent production company to continue working with Paramount.

But in Hollywood's Game of Thrones world, Eisner rejected the token favor and resigned from the board. After being approved, he said he would continue to explore the possibility of cooperation with other companies in the industry. "

"Where is he going?" Ronald asked Nisita, who was waiting on the other end of the phone.

"Eighty percent of it is Disney."

"Oh?" Ronald continued to read the Times report.

"These are several big changes going on in the industry, and Hollywood has seen its biggest shake-up in a decade. Disney's president and CEO, Ron Miller, the son-in-law of founder Walt Disney, was also asked by the board yesterday. Resign."

"Not so coincidental?" Ronald said.

"Yeah, Eisner must have stayed behind." Richard said beside him.

New York entertainment industry analyst Lee Isger said Paramount's new management team faced 'no one to win'. Isger said: "No company will succeed forever, under Diller's leadership Next, Paramount has a long history of success. As long as the success continues, people will believe in his legacy. When it fails, new people will be blamed."

"You found Eisner?"

"He's not answering the phone right now. It's estimated that he's negotiating with the Disney company, Roy Disney Jr., who successfully drove Ron Miller away."

"What happened to that Ron Miller? How did he get kicked out?"

"His live-action project was a pretty flop, and several of his films targeting the teenage market failed at the box office and didn't get critical acclaim. Combined with the fact that Roy Jr. was Walt Disney's nephew, he got Walt Disney together. His old subordinates, together with the directors, forced him to resign.

Now Ron Miller and his wife, Diane Disney, have gone to Napa Valley to be neighbors with Coppola and run his winery. "

"Will Eisner get Disney's CEO?"

"Hopefully, he and Katzenberg are both advancing and retreating together. Disney's poor performance should be very needed for their vision in choosing movies."

"I guess he will call me, and you will also ensure that the telephone line is unblocked." Ronald had a hunch that Eisner still needed the "Screen Fund" card very much.

"I think so, so that's it, you and Richard are at home waiting for the call."

Nisita was on the phone, with Ronald and the others, after discussing strategies to deal with Eisner, then hung up the phone.

Sure enough, half an hour later, Eisner's call came to Ronald's house.

"Ronald, I think I can still get that guarantee." Eisner cut to the chase, his time was precious now.

"I'm not a board member of the Screen Fund, why don't you just ask the fund manager, Mr. Roland Bates, for his opinion?"

"Shxt! I need a commitment right now, Roy Disney Jr., not just a movie-choice vision, but money."

"Then I can't help you, Mr. Eisner."

"No, you can, as long as you get your Texas friends to declare their support for me to run that fund."

"I don't have that much energy."

"You don't need to persuade yourself, as long as we can arrange a meeting."

"What's in it for me, Mr. Eisner."

"The conditions I promised you last time remain the same."

"Mr. Eisner, Paramount, the most successful company in the Seven Mile, is not the same company as Disney, which is just a little bit higher than MGM, which turned into a casino."

"I can figure it out slowly, but it will take time. Disney is a mess here, everyone has their own plans, and I need at least half a year to sort it out. At Paramount, Frank Mancuso is a fool, Gulf West Martin Davies is just interested in him being obedient and not threatening his status.

I can also exert some influence and give you a last-ditch effort before they get the real insiders. "

"I'll see what I can do." Ronald hung up the phone.


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