Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 194 Tiffany's Glass

Although America's deputy commander has a high position, his power is not heavy. To be precise, apart from being concurrently the President of the Senate and voting only when the votes for and against are the same, there is only the power to take over automatically in the event of the death of the chief commander.

But the majesty of the deputy commander is the same.

When necessary, the deputy commander's special plane, Air Force Two, can be used. The usual Secret Service protection for himself and his family members is all the same as the treatment of the commander-in-chief.

After all, when there is a need to attend state affairs, this is where the two empires line up.

Barbara's son does not live in the White House, but when he travels, he still has a Secret Service agent to guard his safety.

"Just pretend that you didn't see him." George Jr. saw that Ronald was a little restrained when he saw the agent with the gun, and said to the big-armed Secret Service officer, "Hey, give me and my friends some space."

It's not easy to talk about Eisner's request directly with Barbara's son, so Ronald thought about it, and used the excuse of looking for the Jerome family's own relatives to call him and ask the other side's Yale Brotherhood. Contact details of people in the Roma family.

Sure enough, because of alcoholism, he was having a cold war with his wife Laura. As soon as he heard such a fun thing, he immediately flew to New York and asked Ronald to go to New Haven to play together.

Roland Bates, the experience of the screen fund, also came to New York to meet him. It happened that Michael Eisner came over to "meet by chance", and the two knew each other's intentions, and they quickly chatted together under the guidance of Ronald and Barbara's son.

Michael Eisner hooked up with Jeff Katzenberg, and the two have produced roughly half of Hollywood's top-grossing films over the past decade. Roland Bates just needs this kind of strong producer and manager, and they quickly reach a deal, Eisner can only use this fund for the shooting of live-action movies, not Disney's traditional cartoons, then But the cost is bottomless.

Roland Bates endorsed Eisner, adding one of the most important weights to the negotiation of his previous Disney president.

Ronald took little George and went to New Haven, where he studied at Yale University, to find clues.

"I tell you, when I was young, Laura was a beauty, I fell in love with her at first sight at a barbecue party, and it took me three weeks for her to agree to date me, but three months later, she You agreed to my proposal."

Ronald was in the town of New Haven and walked to the home of Jerome, a classmate of little George. On the way, he showed Ronald a lot of pictures of his wife and a pair of beautiful twin daughters.

"But now she's a nagging housewife, every time she drinks..."

Ronald shook his head, not all marriages looked good.

He grumbled for a while, then cheered up again when he saw the old fellow at Yale Skull and Bones, "Roger, Roger."

Roger Jerome is a local and now works on Wall Street. When he came back this time, he made a special trip to meet little George and get in touch.

"You must be Ronald, George told me about you, and my father knew about your great-great-great-grandmother, Jeanne Jerome, your great-great-grandfather Gilbert's sister. She was born in 1979. When she died, the cemetery was buried with her brother and mother in the Evergreen Cemetery."

"Oh," Ronald thought, if he had known this in his first year here, he might have been able to meet the old aunt.

In the Jerome family cemetery in New England, Jenny Jerome's tombstone is the latest, with a photo of her when she was young, very beautiful. She lived to be ninety-one years old and never married. No heirs either.

The will she left behind stated that the ancestral home and some small property behind her were donated to the church.

Only one letter is left to the descendants of the younger brother Gilbert, hoping that they can come to find the glory of their ancestors.

"It seems that there are no immediate relatives." Ronald didn't want to have a relationship with those Jeromes. Their watch factory was long gone, and most of the remaining clansmen were engaged in education and finance.

"The old aunt said that the glass made by Tiffany donated by her mother in the name of her brother is still in the original church?"

"Yes, but it's already in ruins, I can accompany you to see it, it's not far." Roger pointed to the road, and a few people walked to an ancient building.

"It doesn't seem to be a church, but a Jewish synagogue?"

"Yes, the Quakers were in great decline in New England, where in the 1950s, new immigrant Jews got rich and bought it and turned it into a synagogue."

Roger found the entrance and walked in.

"Then they moved to a building with better conditions, and the place fell into complete decline. The real estate developer took a fancy to this land, and it is said that it will be demolished soon."

Ronald walked in, and the ground was covered in dust. The tables and chairs in the church were also taken away, and it was actually just an empty hall.

"Cough cough..."

Ronald choked and coughed at the dust stirred up inside. He looked at the window the old aunt described. The wooden windows in the high places have been knocked out, and it seems that some property has also been taken away.


Just as Ronald was disappointed, little George tapped him on the shoulder.

Looking down his fingers, the sun came in from the broken window above, and in the dusty old church, a clear beam of light shone on a piece of window wood that was broken off on the ground.

Ronald stepped forward and saw that, miraculously, the window glass donated in the name of his great-grandfather was still lying there quietly.

Maybe when the Jews changed it into a guild hall, they didn't spend any money to reinstall the new glass, and still kept the old one.

Ronald carefully wiped away the dust with a handkerchief, and the donor's name was faintly visible on the wood under the back of the glass.

Seeing all this, little George quickly crossed his chest, "Oh my God, this is a miracle."

This trip to recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors made little George very satisfied. In particular, he found the window glass in the church, which made him think it was a manifestation of God.

On the way back, he also picked up a Bible and flipped through it, "Maybe Laura is right, I'm going to start reading the Bible every day, maybe I can quit alcohol."


After carefully re-cleaning the glass by craftsmen, and then making it into a decoration, Ronald put the only connection between himself and the world, and put it in his aunt's home on Staten Island.

Ronald himself, back in Los Angeles.

Eisner left Disney, they completely negotiated the terms, and it would take some time to announce to the outside world. The pilot's movie that was originally promised can only be put on hold for the time being.

Nisita contacted Dino de Laurentiis, who owns the rights to the "Year of the Dragon" novel for him.

"You want to direct this movie? Laurentiis looks very Neapolitan. After listening to Ronald's thoughts on Chinese movies, he made an offer.

"Yes, but you have to sign two film contracts with me."

"Why?" Ronald wondered.

"That's how I make movies. When I meet a director I like, I want to collaborate with him on a few more films. For example, the screenwriter of the 'Year of the Dragon', I hired Oliver Stone. I like his creations very much. , Conan the Barbarian, he also wrote it for me. If he wanted to, I would make the Vietnam War movie he always wanted."

"So, has he already written the script?" Ronald didn't expect the film to progress so quickly.

"Yeah, you have to hurry, if you don't come, I'll leave it to Michael Cimino." Dino Laurentiis mentioned a familiar name.

"If you're willing to take over, I'll let you come. But time can't be delayed any longer. It must be turned on next month."

"His adaptation rights are about to expire," Nisita, the agent who accompanied Ronald, reminded in his ear.

"I'd like to see the script if I can."

"Here, give me an answer as soon as possible."

Ronald went home and read the "Year of the Dragon" script rewritten by Oliver Stone, and the more he read it, the more wrong it became. How good is the Chinese-American story, which is related to the Vietnam War.

"Mr. Laurentiis, there is a problem with this adaptation. It turns out that the novel is about two generations of leaders in Chinatown, hoping to maintain the existing order of Chinese Americans, and the conflict between the mainstream order dominated by whites, to reflect the unique culture of Chinese Americans and concept.

Now that it has been changed, most of the pages involve the Vietnam War. Are Chinese and Vietnamese not the same country? Are they still at war? "

"As long as there is a face in the eyes of the American audience, they don't know the difference between Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese anyway."

"This?" Ronald was rather disappointed. Originally, this was the Chinese story he wanted to shoot. Now that the time is running out, it’s almost too late to rewrite it. According to Stone’s script, the film must have a Vietnam War flavor. He doesn’t want to make the Chinese American a race that has emotional entanglements with white people because of the Vietnam War.

"If it doesn't work, just give up." Agent Nisita persuaded him that this Dino used to take advantage of the director. Seeing that Ronald had a strong motivation to make "The Year of the Dragon", he wanted to bind him. He has two films. If he agreed, kicking Michael Cimino, who was already in preparation, would not be a burden for him at all.

In fact, he was very disapproving of Ronald going to shoot. Now his two films are still making great progress in the cinema, and it seems that they have been withdrawn from the show for a long time. According to Ronald's historical achievements, he should pursue his victory and make some block-office blockbusters in order to consolidate his position as a successful director of commercial films.

"Forget it", Ronald is not like making such a screwed Chinese film, so let Michael Cimino go. I don't know what he will make this film. It is estimated that it is the same old deer hunter, war distorts the human mind.

"Then go ahead and help me find the script." Ronald agreed to give up, and still look for a commercial production that he likes and knows how to shoot.

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