Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 200 The First Lady's Call

"What does the First Lady have to do with me?" Ronald asked sleepily.

"James Baker didn't say it, but he's the White House chief of staff, the fifth, not fourth, most powerful person in the house. You decide whether to go or not," Nisita said on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, I'll ask Bud to take me to the airport. You'll buy a ticket for me, right?"

"No, someone is responsible for all the expenses, you just need to come to the airport, and several of your old acquaintances have received invitations together."

"It's you? What's the matter with going to the White House this time? Do you teach the commander-in-chief to break dance?" Ronald met the three protagonists of "Break Dance" in the special waiting room at the airport, Bougallo Prawn, Sabado, and Lucinda Dickey. And Minahan Golan who came with me.

"Don't you know? We were just notified."

"Ladies and gentlemen, please come with me." A White House Secret Service commissioner in a black suit and sunglasses came to invite them to the business jet.

"Man, is this Air Force One?"

The bougainvillea prawn had never seen it before and asked a stupid question. It's a small business jet, not a big guy like Air Force One.

"No, this is a private jet lent to us by a friendly entrepreneur, and this flight is not an official business," someone from the Secret Service replied politely.

Ronald got on the plane and felt a sense of familiarity. Sure enough, the producers of "Longwei Kid", Weintraub and his wife Jane Morgan, turned out.

"Take a break, we're in Washington, and there's still a lot to do." Weintraub motioned for Ronald and his agent Nisita to sit in the front seat and rest first.

Ronald put on his blindfold and earplugs, trying to fall asleep again. It's not easy to dream of a movie once, it's better to keep trying.

"Have you seen the finished film of the sequel?"

"No, I don't want to mention that movie."

"Don't be like this, at least the dance is still very exciting."

"You mean those nurses dance?"


Ronald slept, refreshed, but never dreamed again. He heard intermittently what the three creators of "Breakdance" in the back row were discussing,

So he took off his blindfold and earplugs and turned his head away.

"Hey Ronald, why didn't you continue directing the sequel to breakdance?" Sabado asked with a look of dejection when he saw Ronald wake up.

"I think the stories I'm going to make are finished in the first part," Ronald replied.

"Hey, the sequel was turned into a monster, and I cried when I saw the final film." The expression on Sabado's face didn't seem to be telling a lie.

"It's terrible. The director also built a rotating cylinder and let me perform scenes of dancing on the walls and ceiling in it, saying it was a tribute to Fred Asdale." Start ranting.

"Why didn't you say that you were in the hospital scene when all of a sudden all the nurse girls took off their coats and wore sexy short skirts and started to break dance." Lucinda Deitch, who also starred in the sequel, laughed.

"I literally cried, Ronald. What a great work your first one was, a very realistic reflection of Los Angeles and the hip-hop scene. He did something that the UN secretary general couldn't, to make different races , people of different skin colors unite and dance together...

This second part, it's just...they even made us break dance and fight gangsters. "

"Yes, Minahan asked the director to add it. Street gang fights, break dancing and karate moves. He said he wanted to learn from your Longwei boy."

"Shh, take it easy," Lucinda Dickey pulled the bougainvillea prawn and pointed to Minahan, who was dozing off at the end of the plane.

"Chu...hu..." Fatty Minahan was sleeping beautifully.

"Looks like he's got his old problem again, he always wants to stuff all the elements into the movie..."

Arriving at Dulles International Airport in Washington, D.C., several vehicles took everyone to the White House.

"I'm sorry, you can't go in." At the door of the living area, after the Secret Service questioned Minahan Golan, he refused to let him in.


"You are not an American citizen."

"Me? Ronald, what's the matter? Let's talk when we come out." Minahan's face was flushed, as if he had been greatly insulted. In the eyes of everyone, he silently walked to the tourist area outside the door.

"Hello," Nancy, the first lady dressed in a very Hollywood style and with a good temperament, wore a white suit and walked from the inside to the reception room where Ronald and others were.

"Mrs. Nancy, you are so radiant today." Ronald stepped forward to greet her.

"Ha, I've been away from Hollywood for a long time. Your presence makes me and Ronald feel a little bit of the old days." Nancy shook hands with several "Break Dance" creators, especially Lucinda. Dick, the two held hands and talked for a while.

"I invited you here this time, I want to invite you to come and teach me how to break dance."


Ronald cried out in surprise. Really let them teach Nancy how to dance? Isn't it just a matter of finding a breakdance dancer to be a teacher?

"Don't be surprised, I also made musicals back then." Nancy smiled gracefully.

"I'm recently helping to promote a youth movement to eliminate the trend of drug abuse and promote healthy lifestyles for young people. I need to shoot a promotional video, so I want to use your strength and the unparalleled popularity of break dancing among young people to come Promote this good deed that benefits the country and the people."

"You're the most Hollywood-starred first lady, and it's as simple as a cup of coffee for you, and Lucinda will work out some dance moves with you.

When the time comes, the bougainvillea prawns and the sabadu will be able to choreograph the dance with you. I'll do my director's job and find the most photogenic angles for you.

I hope the directing methods I have learned can keep up with your classic Hollywood performances. "

Ronald, who was dissatisfied with Nancy, who had called the crew members in a big way, just to make some promotional videos for her, saw that Nancy had made up her mind to do this, so he simply stepped forward to cater to her.

The chief commander's wife, since you have been recruited, it is neither wise nor able to show her level without showing any real level and letting her get the desired effect satisfactorily. Might as well use the ability of Hollywood's new generation of directors to make the former Hollywood star happy.

"One two three four... two two three four..."

Nancy learned to break dance with Lucinda to the accompaniment of "breakdance" music found by the Secret Service.

Nancy, like Lucinda, had a foundation in jazz dance, so it was most appropriate for Lucinda to teach her.

How to make the arms rise and fall like snakes, how to twist the hips forward, and how to make a strong sense of rhythm, Lucinda taught very effective.

"Why don't you hurry up..." Ronald patted the two foolish actors and asked them to dance with the first lady, "Don't make it too complicated, everyone do the same thing, line up for a group dance."

Sabado and Boogaloo Prawn woke up from a dream and began to lead the dance in front of Nancy.

One two three four, two two three four...

Several people slammed into a line and jumped a few moves that Nancy had already mastered.

Ronald, on the side, personally manipulated the installed video camera to film the first lady and the actors dancing.

"It doesn't look difficult." Nancy smiled happily.

"The main reason is that you have a very good foundation in jazz dance. If you knew Mrs. when you were filming, I would definitely try my best to convince you to come to the final dance judge."

Ronald's kind words should not be exaggerated like money.

"Oh hahaha... don't tell me, I was a heroine before." Nancy put one hand forward and made a dance move.

"Can you?" Ronald took her hand gently, silently recalling the rhythm of the waltz in his heart, and danced a two-step waltz with her.

"Haha, you made me so happy today. I really want to go back to my Hollywood days with Ronald when we were good friends with Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin.

The same goes for banquets and dancing every day. Not like here in Washington, where all the people are old-fashioned. "

The "oops" first lady pretended to be gaffe, covered her mouth, and laughed like a big star.

Ronald and a few actors also laughed in sympathy.

Nancy pulled Lucinda again and asked her to teach a few more moves. She's going to a public high school in Washington tomorrow, having fun with the kids and the people, and having practice breakdance beforehand is a major part of her people-friendly image.

Ronald returned the camera with the angle and lens adjusted to the Secret Service members. Quietly left the room.

It is a lie to say that they are not unhappy when they go to great lengths to find them and just do this.

"Ronald, how did you come out? Did things go well?" Weintraub suddenly appeared in front of Ronald again as if he had disappeared.

"It's going well, Nancy is learning some breakdancing moves from Lucinda, I see her skills, and I'm still doing a movie with Gene Kelly.

"Hehe, old Ronald's first TV debate for the presidential election was not good, and she was eager to make a little action close to the people to restore the approval rate." Weintraub whispered the truth of the matter.

"No, the economy of the great leader is doing so well, inflation is gone, the unemployment rate is at its lowest point, GDP growth has exceeded 5%, and the successful hosting of the Olympic Games, the tough stance on the league... I listen to TV. The news said that there is no suspense for him to be re-elected?" Ronald whispered his doubts in Weintraub's ear.

"But in the last televised debate, his performance was poor and he often forgot things. Mondale, the candidate of the Donkey Party, took the opportunity to say that his memory is not good because of his age, and he said a lot of things he said back then, but now he forgets."

"Oh..." Ronald knew, no matter how much merit, if the chief commander becomes old and faint, I am afraid that the people of America will not vote for him. Who wants an old fool to be the chief commander?

"Ronald... Ronald..." Nancy's voice came from the door.

Ronald opened the door immediately and went in. Several actors went to the side hall next to them and did not dance with Nancy again.

Only Nancy was talking to a middle-aged man in the room, "What did Ronald say?"

"Madam, you should continue to prepare your campaign. The campaign will be handled by me and his campaign manager."

"How can I not be worried? They attacked my husband saying he was too old to be healthy and continue to lead the people of America. I have the right to ask your coping strategies."

"Oh, Ronald... Ronald, how do you say we should deal with this kind of thing?" Nancy was very different from the personable appearance just now, and her eyes showed anxiety.

Ronald thought that Nancy was asking his opinion, and stepped forward and said, "Age is not necessarily a disadvantage, right? Shouldn't people trust more experienced leaders?"

"Oh, little Ronald, I wasn't telling you, please wait for me in the side hall." Nancy turned around and saw Ronald, and instantly regained her demeanor, and explained to her that she was in It was her husband's name.

"Wait a minute, what did you just say?" The middle-aged man turned his head to stare at Ronald, stepped forward and grabbed his arm with both hands, and then asked, "How did you answer just now?"

"I said age is not necessarily a disadvantage."

"No, the last sentence."

"I said people should trust the more experienced leaders." Ronald didn't know what was going on.

"Fuck, what's your name? Are you an intern here?"

"I'm Ronald, a film director."

"James Baker, White House chief of staff, please come in and have a chat with our campaign."



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