Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 20001 You can come to me if you have any questions

James Baker wore a big back and showed a typical politician smile.

First Lady Nancy has a lot of influence over the leader, and everyone on the campaign team is trying to get this crappy Hollywood actress out of the way. But she has her own set of logic, and has also studied ancient Indian witchcraft, and wants to cast a spell on her campaign opponent, Mundell.

For her defeat in the first televised debate, Nancy took anger at the campaign team. This time, she targeted Baker's subordinate Daman, and wanted to fire the employee who had worked hard for her for ten years. In order to settle the incident, Baker originally wanted to sacrifice Daman and maintain his influence in the team.

God bless this lucky little Ronald.

The two walked all the way into the depths of the White House to the West Wing. This is where the chief's staff room is located. This year's campaign team is meeting with the commander here to discuss countermeasures.

"The weekend is the day for the TV debate between the deputy leader and the candidate for the deputy leader of the Donkey Party, Geraldine Ferraro. If he performs well, he can earn a point for us." The speaker is a major contributor to the successful election in 1980. , campaign adviser Rawlings.

"Geraldine Ferraro is the first female vice-presidential candidate in American history who has a real chance to be elected, and we are not optimistic about the female vote." Added comment is Lee Evert, a young A wizard who has joined the re-election campaign team for a relatively short period of time.

"Gentlemen, I only face this issue head-on in the second debate and defeat Mondale. Otherwise, the voters of America will only have more and more doubts." The commander changed his amiable attitude. The eyebrows are upside down, and the words are harsh.

With a bang, the door of the staff room was pushed open, and James Baker brought Ronald in.

"Your Excellency, this is the Hollywood director invited by Mrs. Ronald Lee. He talked about his impression of Mundell's attack. I think the campaign team needs to listen to it."

"It's you, what's your name?" The commander had an impression of the young man.

"Ronald, Ronald Lee, Your Excellency the Great Commander."

"I'm glad you can come to the White House again, please tell me what you think." The commander forgot where he met the young director with the same name.

"I heard Mondale attack you, but I think the American people would prefer to be led by an experienced man, rather than to have a young and inexperienced man as their commander-in-chief."

"Bingo," the young campaign manager Lee Evert jumped out of his chair. "You're a genius."

He immediately wrote a few lines on the sorting card,

handed over to the chief.

"I'm not going to make age an issue for this campaign..."

The chief commander read it in his deep voice. Then there was light in his eyes, and he immediately raised his hand to signal that no one should spread the content of today's meeting. This excellent counterattack could make him speechless in the second round.

"Ronald, thank you for your feedback on my work, and I hope that what I said today, you don't spread the word."

The Grand Commander sent Ronald to the door, and then said "hope" he would keep it a secret.

"My family and I voted for you in the last round of elections, and I very much hope that His Excellency the Great Commander can lead the people of America to continue to move forward in the next four years."

"James will take you out, you can contact him if you have anything." The commander officially shook hands with Ronald.

Ronald backed out, and White House Chief of Staff James Baker repeatedly told him not to say anything.

The next day, Ronald and three actors followed First Lady Nancy to a public high school in Washington, D.C., for a visit (show). The TV station sent a film crew to interview.

Minahan has been withering since he was closed at the White House. He is an Israeli and has no strong upper-level relationships, so he is bullied everywhere here.

The TV station's camera was aimed at the students, the first lady Nancy and the three actors, and the students danced a breakdance, arousing applause from the students and the audience for a while.

Ronald's identity is not suitable for appearance today, "Don't be discouraged, one day they will recognize your efforts."

"Hey, Ronald, you don't understand, we're Russian Jews who immigrated to Israel, and we're not in the same group as those Eastern European Jews who flourished in America."

Ronald didn't know how to comfort him, so he patted him on the shoulder.

"Hey, I know, you don't discriminate against us." Minahan rarely had an optimistic attitude. He walked out of the crowd and went back to the car to rest.

"Hey... alas..."

Ronald heard what seemed to be someone sighing and sobbing softly in an empty classroom behind the dance studio.

"Who's there?" Ronald pushed open the door and entered.

"No, no one..." An old woman with white hair was sitting on a chair and wept silently. When he saw someone coming in, he immediately wiped away his tears and put on a strong face.

"Barbara?" Ronald was surprised. Isn't this the deputy commander's wife? Can anyone give her a look?

Ronald got two cups of hot black tea at the small table outside the door with treats, and then brought some biscuits to Barbara.

"There's some dim sum here, let's try it."

"Oh, it's you, let me hug you." Barbara saw that it was Ronald and hurriedly hugged Ronald.

"When little George returned to Texas, it was like a different person. He started caring about his wife Laura and two children, and he was no longer a serious drinker. He went to church every week and began to read the Bible."

"I'm glad he found interest." Ronald picked up the snack and ate it.

Barbara, old enough to be her own grandmother, dresses modestly, without dyeing her hair or in a fancy Hollywood gown, but in a plain, slightly wrinkled outfit, typical of the Hollywood style of First Lady Nancy. It's a far cry.

When Ronald looked at her, he could only think of his dear aunt, who was the most authoritative female elder in the family.

Barbara was very sad. She and Nancy had agreed to come to the public high school together. But when it came to the school, for some unknown reason, Nancy forbade her from participating in activities together.

Barbara felt very aggrieved that she did not know what was wrong to make Nancy unhappy. I have been careful everywhere, not to conflict with the Mistress of the White House. Why is this kind of thing that the two of them participate in, and she is also temporarily disqualified from appearing on the screen?

Dressing up like the grandmother of an ordinary family, she won't steal the limelight like Nancy's Hollywood star.

"...Also always feel that others will treat them maliciously. In their unfounded suspicions and speculations, their unfounded malice is hidden." Ronald remembered a sermon that Aunt Karen often said, which happened to comfort Barbara pull.

"...Public words and deeds can be judged right or wrong, but don't maliciously guess his motives for no reason..."

Barbara knew that this was to persuade him to relax, and she replied for a while.

"It's time for me to go back. In the evening, I happen to be entertaining the Jane Morgan family, so you must come." Barbara took Ronald's hand and said kindly, "Do you know where the deputy commander's family lives? ?"

"Isn't it in the White House?" Ronald really didn't know.

"Haha, we are at No. 1 Observatory Ring Road, which is the official residence of the Deputy Commander."

"Jane Morgan's husband's partner is no ordinary person. Your eldest son in Texas has transformed beyond recognition."

"My dear, then I must see him."

The lieutenant was in his study at home preparing for a televised debate with Geraldine Ferraro in a few days. It is conceivable that the first female vice-presidential candidate in history who is likely to win the general election will naturally have the support of many female voters, and you must prepare yourself well.

The dinner that evening was modest, but Jane Morgan, Weintraub, and Ronald all had a great time. Barbara is a very competent housewife, she handles family affairs in good order, and several grandchildren who come here to play are also very obedient.

"Let's raise a glass to Ronald, my eldest son can change, it's all the good influence you have on him." Barbara toasted.

"This is God's revelation to him." Ronald didn't dare to take credit, and quickly told Barbara and his wife the little miracle that he and Barbara's eldest son found the glass windows donated by their ancestors in the church.

"Really? You are a descendant of the Jerome family. I and they all immigrated to America in a group." The deputy commander was very interested in this little gossip.

"Yeah, but my grandfather did not return to Jerome's family, but took the surname of my great-grandfather Li." Ronald became curious about the deputy commander, "Don't talk about me, the deputy commander is the first student. , how did you choose to go into politics?"

"Ah, that's a long story." The tall deputy commander took off his glasses and wiped them, and began to tell his history.

It turned out that the deputy commander was a Navy torpedo bomber pilot during World War II. During a bombing mission, his plane was hit by Japanese artillery fire. Among the pilots who fell into the sea, only the deputy commander himself was rescued by the American submarine. The rest of the crew became Japanese prisoners and all were killed.

After retiring from the Navy, he married Barbara. Because I firmly believe that God saved me from bad luck. So started thinking about doing something for the people of America. He started his political career as a member of Congress.

But he didn't particularly resent Japanese-Americans, and he became friends with Senator Daniel Inoue, a Japanese-American from Hawaii.

"Mr. Inoue helped a lot with the filming of 'Longwei Kid'."

"I know he's a good guy, and I love working with politicians who have served in the military."

"It turns out you were once a navy pilot too, and I'm now thinking about making a movie about a navy pilot."

"Really? You can come to me directly if you have any questions." How the deputy commander looked at Ronald was pleasing to the eye.

Barbara is from a famous family. After marrying herself, she has many children and several grandchildren. She has everything that First Lady Nancy does not have. In order to live in harmony with the commander-in-chief, he didn't bother about the minor conflicts between the two ladies.

But this time, Barbara was temporarily blocked from TV, and she was alone by her side, making the deputy commander feel that his dignity was being challenged. Wife Barbara is very sad.

Fortunately, there is this boy to comfort his wife, and the eldest son also gets along well with him. When he becomes the director of the Silver Screen Fund, he gets a salary for free every year, which should be enough for him to squander.

"I'm going to prepare for the TV debate, and you are here to accompany Barbara." The vice-president took his leave. This televised debate is a very important debate. If it can deepen the public's impression, it will be very beneficial to the election four years later.

After leaving the deputy commander's residence, Ronald did not return to Los Angeles with the main force. He was back home in New York and had something to ask his aunt for advice.

"I want to take this film, but it's a film that speaks for the army, and I'm afraid you will object."

"What's the plot of this movie? Is it about the war in Vietnam?"

"No, it's a modern-day navy pilot's movie. It's just handsome men and women, and aircraft carrier planes, the kind that teenagers look at with excitement. There's no actual war background." Ronald explained the plot. The script is not finished yet, there are only some concepts.

"I'm not against it, Ronald. What I'm against is letting innocent youth go to a country thousands of miles away and slaughter the unarmed people there.

It is not against my values ​​that the military should protect its own people. On the contrary, I actually have a crush on the military, otherwise I wouldn't have married Steve. "Auntie laughed.

"It's true, you can rest assured if you promise me." Ronald was already inclined to agree to direct the film.



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