
Ronald crouched inside the hangar below deck, behind the elevator that lifted the fighter jets. The microphone for the live radio was extended in front of the motor of the elevator.

The exit of the hangar shone into the unique yellow light of the setting sun on the Indian Ocean. Under the backlight, only a black silhouette was reflected on the staff on the deck.

"Ugh...", the elevator slowly rose, gradually covering the sun, and the silhouette of the F-14A fighter jet on the elevator platform also slowly disappeared from the camera, leaving a darkness.

"Qiang!" The elevator closed tightly.


Ronald and the others hurriedly climbed up the elevator, which descended again, to the top of the deck.

The scenery of the sunset is very beautiful, and the crew seized the time to shoot.

Ronald once again used a large area of ​​backlight framing under the sunset, and the 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen lens also left a lot of space for the huge fighter.

On the deck, the figure of the Tomcat slowly slid across the viewfinder from left to right. It took ten seconds for the entire fighter to be included in the picture, so it could only occupy half of it.

The sky was getting dark, and the metal color of the fighter jets on the deck, which could not be seen clearly, showed a mysterious hue under the shroud of the white steam emitted by the steam catapult.


Ronald was very satisfied with the results of today's shooting. The dim, beautiful and smoky tones in his dream were indeed the most suitable for shooting this robotic monster in front of him.

"Tomorrow, the carrier-based air wing agreed to shoot the shots of the planes ejecting and taking off, and I hope the weather will cooperate at that time."

DP Kimball speaks to Ronald.

"The weather in the Indian Ocean changes very quickly. We are ready. The shooting time is limited. The USS Enterprise has a patrol mission. It is best for us to complete the shooting within the scheduled time. I don't want to go to the Secretary of the Navy to intercede."

Kimball smiled and patted the young director on the shoulder. Thanks to him, he was able to become the first director of photography to shoot on-the-spot scenes on an aircraft carrier in decades.

"Tom Cruise, can you sign an autograph for me?" A carrier pilot came over and asked Tom for an autograph embarrassedly.

Tom was stunned, then smiled and signed him in his notebook.

"Yo, do you want to sign too?" The ground crew laughed and teased the pilot.

"I just want to appreciate the value. Maybe in a few years, this signature will be worth a lot of money."

The profession in the world that is bigger than a star's ego (Ego) may be a fighter pilot, and the bigger job than a fighter pilot is a carrier-based fighter pilot.

The one-in-a-million quality, master's and doctoral degrees, make it difficult for them to look down on these ignorant actors who play their own roles.

Tom Cruise as the only exception, relying on his affinity and the popularity of previous films, let the pilots recognize him as the carrier pilot Lone Ranger.


Fang Kilmer next to him and Rick Rossovich next to him scolded disdainfully, and they were regarded as fools by the pilot.

There was a pilot yesterday,

With the look of a fool, he explained to the two actors with low IQ that nuclear-powered nuclear means a reactor, and it is not as dangerous as a nuclear bomb. They slept in their original bunk, which was actually very quiet, the best bunk that non-commissioned officers could sleep in.

"I want to give some compensation to the officers and soldiers who will cooperate with the filming tomorrow..." Ronald released a little goodwill during the dinner with the captain and the flight commander, trying to make up for the misunderstanding between the crew and the officers and soldiers of the aircraft carrier caused by Fang Kimer's violation of discipline yesterday. 's cracks.

"Don't forget, taxpayers pay them their wages." The captain felt Ronald's kindness, but reminded him not to give too much, so as not to cause conflicts between the officers and soldiers who participated in the filming and those who did not participate in the filming.

"Ten dollars per person, how about that?" Ronald thought for a while, at least giving people the money to buy ice-cold Coca-Cola. Tomorrow, nearly a thousand officers and soldiers will be extras to fill up the decks and bridges.

"Haha, yes, tell the kitchen and make enough ice cream for the boys tomorrow."

The next day, the sky was clear.

Assistant Director, assigning tasks to the platoon's neat navy.

A large group of officers and soldiers dressed in authentic naval uniforms formed a large circle on the deck. Ronald and the others wanted to shoot the Lone Ranger shooting down three enemy planes alone, and the Iceman returned to the aircraft carrier safely, which was celebrated by everyone. .

This is the final climax of the film.

"Everyone, listen to me, the Lone Ranger's fighter will turn around and drive here." Ronald picked up the electric horn and spoke to the "group performers" present.

The soldiers of these disciplined forces are much easier to manage than ordinary group performances.

"Then the lone ranger came down from the boarding ladder, you surrounded the 'Hollywood' who was rescued after being shot down, and went up with the 'Wolfman', and when they hugged warmly, you gathered around and cheered, and now we Come try it."

"Start cheering!"



After the rehearsal, the shooting was officially started. An F-14A Tomcat fighter jet slowly circled the nose for half a circle and cut into the picture from the right side of the viewfinder. A group of sailors surrounded them, and everyone began to shout the callsign of the Lone Ranger.

Tom Cruise came down the stair and was surrounded, cheering and celebrating his feat of taking down three MiG-28s on his own.

"A 2.35 anamorphic lens is good. With such a wide frame, there is no need to pan the camera to tell the story, and nearly one-third of the picture can be left blank." Ronald is watching from the director's viewfinder behind the camera. This format is really suitable for shooting large scenes.

The two actors who played "Hollywood" and "Wolfman" came over and hugged Tom Cruise hard. As soon as they engaged, they were shot down by MiG missiles, which ejected and fell into the sea. If the Lone Ranger hadn't driven off the enemy plane later, the search and rescue helicopter wouldn't have pulled them out of the sea so easily.

Hundreds of people surrounded the three pilots and walked towards the deck on the other side. There was the Iceman who returned early, and the slider. The two ace pilots were finally going to face each other to settle their grievances.

Ronald stood behind the camera with a small smile. He saw Barry Tabb playing "The Werewolf," the smart guy who wore a straw hat in an airport scene to steal the scene, and this time he thought of another way.

The others all turned their backs to the camera, flanking the Lone Ranger towards the Iceman crew.

He was alone, facing the camera, speaking to the Lone Ranger and his interim radar officer wizard, walking backwards as he spoke.

This method of stealing the scene is very unique. It does not affect the protagonist, nor does it affect the composition and narrative. It is just a clever little trick to make one's own face succeed on the screen for a few more seconds.


Ronald looked at Barry Tabu and nodded to him, indicating that he was doing a good job. Don't hold him accountable for stealing the show in private.

Tabu is very happy. As a supporting role with few scenes, he will definitely leave a deep impression on the audience by showing his face in big productions like this. It seems that the director is quite sure about his improvisation, and being rescued by the Lone Ranger, he definitely wants to chat with him more, and it is common sense to walk backwards.

"Very well, let's hurry up. After shooting the following shots, we will also shoot the fighter takeoff and landing shots, hurry up." Ronald arranged to the assistant director and began to nervously re-set up the camera.


Soon, Val Kilmer and Tom Cruise were pushed into a circle of hundreds of ensembles. Iceman was still questioning the Mavericks' disregarding wingman fighting style before takeoff. But if the Lone Ranger hadn't sacrificed himself to save him, the Iceman would have been surrounded by five MiG-28s, and probably shot down.

The camera captures Val Kilmer walking to the location marked by the tape on the deck and saying, "You're still dangerous, but you've passed the test!"


Ronald reluctantly stopped the filming, picked up the trumpet, and said Fang Keimer:

"Kimer, you remembered the wrong line, read it according to the script."

It's the climax of the reconciliation between the two ace pilots, and the Iceman will say, "You're still dangerous, but you can always be my wingman."

This means that the Iceman recognizes the Lone Ranger's fighting style, and the Lone Ranger has also learned from the stupid accident and is no longer in the limelight without his wingman. The Lone Ranger arrives here, completes the role change, and grows into a better fighter pilot.


"You're still so dangerous..."

Val Kilmer seemed to have forgotten his words again, got stuck here, and looked at the camera. He spread his hands and shrugged, indicating that he forgot his words.


Ronald started to get angry, "Do you want me to make you a teleprompter?"

"Director, I can't say this line."

Val Kilmer approached Ronald, hands on his hips. He tilted his head, Fang Fang's chin was aimed at Ronald like a shovel, as if provocative. There are some ancient ape-man's demeanor.

"You can't tell? What do you mean?"

"I just can't talk. I can't bow down to Tom's character..."

"You fucking..."

Ronald's blood surged.

Fang Kilmer is doing this for his own role, not willing to play his role, bowing his head to Cruise's role, and he also wants to have Iceman preach to the Lone Ranger again at the end of the day, so that Iceman can be highlighted role, he also wanted to compete with Cruise.

Iceman and Lone Ranger have always been two levels of confrontation. One relies on reason and flying like a textbook to annoy his opponents. One relies on intuition, does not think in battle, acts on intuition.

The two end up in a dogfight with a hostile fighter, where the Lone Ranger saves the Iceman, and the styles they represent are reconciled here. This is a reasonable plot climax that a commercial film should have.

"You fucking go honestly and finish that line." Ronald, regardless of the remaining face, pointed to Val Kilmer's nose and told him to go back and shoot.

"I can't promise I can say it."

"Then keep saying it until you can."

"Humph," Fang Kilmer put away his unruly eyes and walked into the middle of hundreds of group performers in disbelief.

Ronald stared at the back of Val Kilmer, who was not very smart.

He wouldn't say anything about a robbery that fit the role like Barry Tabu just now. Such a robbery that completely overturns the development of the characters and the story is really stupid.

Could it be that he would change the priority of the two male protagonists for him on the spot?




It took more than a dozen times in a row, and every time when the ice man was talking, Fang Kilmer either didn't say you can be my wingman, or changed the words without authorization.

Ronald put away his anger on the surface, but his heart was actually like boiling hot water.

This Fang Kilmer dared to openly challenge the director's authority on the set because he had said a few good words to Paramount CEO Frank Mancuso at a high-level meeting.

Now the two sides have reached a deadlock. Either he overwhelmed the director and changed his lines, or he overwhelmed him and forced him to say that line.


Ronald's face sinks like water, if you don't say anything, then I will continue to shoot until you say it. I don't mind taking this shot 30, 50 times...

"Change film," Kimball shouted loudly. A large roll of film was wasted, and Val Kilmer still looked disdainful, he just didn't say it.

The staff could see what Kimer meant, and they were careful not to speak beside them, for fear that they would be dragged into the middle of the two people who were arguing, and they would be used as a scapegoat.

"Ronald", the producer Bruckheimer came over, and Tom Cruise came over, "this is not the way, should we find his agent..."

"Let's go ahead and shoot the effect I need."

Ronald ignored them. There was no direct dial phone on the aircraft carrier, and it was a waste of time to send back and forth telegrams. This kind of thing is actually a contest of wills on both sides.

"Hey," Tom Cruise hit his left palm with a hard right punch and returned to his standing position.

"Guys, here comes the ice cream... eh?"

In the kitchen of the aircraft carrier, a large bucket of ice cream was moved in to relieve the summer heat for the officers and soldiers participating in the filming. When they got here, they saw a stalemate between everyone.

"Put down the ice cream tub. When Mr. Kilmer remembers his line, we'll eat it."

Ronald picked up the electric horn and announced to everyone present.

"Boom..." The officers and soldiers had been on the hot and humid deck for a long time. Seeing that the ice cream in front of them could not be eaten, thousands of people complained together and made a loud noise.


Fang Kilmer's face was not good, and the surrounding group performers looked at him like a clown. Thousands of eyes looked at him, as long as he continued to play tricks, he would be knocked to the ground and beaten.

"You're still very dangerous, Lone Ranger..." The muscles on Fang Kilmer's face were deformed in embarrassment, "but you can be my wingman at any time."

According to thousands of husbands, Fang Kilmer had never enjoyed this kind of treatment. His legs were weak, his tongue was hard, and he couldn't help but say the lines stipulated in the script.

On the opposite side, Tom Cruise showed a wicked smile, and he finally won a big victory in this male No. 1 charm competition.

"Bullshit, you can be my wingman." After Cruise finished his line, he stepped forward and hugged Fang Kilmer, and patted him heavily on the back a few times.


Ronald saw Kimball's OK gesture for himself.

"This print is ready for ice cream."

"Ow..." The sailors rushed up happily, voluntarily lined up, one ice cream cone per person, and happily licked it.


A gust of wind came.

The weather in the Indian Ocean is very changeable, it was overcast immediately, and the sky darkened quickly.

"Mr. Director, the Captain of the Flight Wing asked me to ask you if the rain is going to be heavy right now, do you still want to take off?" Liaison Officer Sergeant James came to look for Ronald.

"Please tell the co-leader, thank you for his kindness, even if you can take off in bad weather, you won't be able to shoot a satisfactory shot."

Ronald felt bad in his heart as he watched the rain that was about to fall. Fang Kemer wasted too much time just now, and I'm afraid he won't be able to catch up with the good weather before sunset today. There is only one day left tomorrow, and only by praying for God's blessing to be able to take a desired picture.

He looked at Val Kilmer, who was walking towards the cabin, and Rick Rossovich, who played his partner, the two black sheep.

------off topic-----

Looking at the data today, I found that Anakincai also became the leader of the book last month.

I didn't find it at the time, but now I'm adding thanks.

Thanks for your support!

Anakincai also often helps me correct typos, thanks again.


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