Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 234 How much does an aircraft carrier cost per hour?

"What are you going to do with Val Kilmer?" Bruckheimer asked Ronald in the cabin.

"Is it too late to change angles now?"

"Ah..." Bruckheimer was startled, seeing Ronald's smile, he realized that he was joking, "Hahaha, working with stars is like this, their ranking of their images is higher than that of the movie as a whole. appeared."

"I know", Ronald smiled, and that's the big difference between an actor and a star. Celebrities in and out of the play will pursue a fixed image. This is the capital they live on.

From this point of view, he also understands Fang Kilmer a little bit, that square chin can't play anything but tough guys. If you can beat Tom Cruise in this scene, it will be good for his own image.

But that's not good for the movie!

Fortunately, Fang Kilmer's scene on the aircraft carrier has been filmed, and there are only a few shots in the cockpit of the F-14 Tomcat. In short, I don't have to bear him for long.


Val Kilmer and Rick Rossovich moved to a cabin far away from the nuclear reactor, but it was near some unknown machinery, and there was some noise at night.

The two couldn't sleep. Val Kilmer made a fool of himself on the set today, and his goal was not achieved. He was so angry that he picked up the whisky that was smuggled on the ship and drank it to the mouth of the bottle.

"Hey, I can finish filming tomorrow, and I can leave this hellish place the day after tomorrow." Rick Rossovich also opened a can of beer and drank it.

"Humph!" Fang Kilmer drank the last bit of whiskey in four days, and also took a bottle of beer, and the two of them drank bottle by bottle.

"These navy guys are bastards," Val Kilmer began cursing at the troopers who made him embarrassed for an ice cream.

"They are all people who... just for a little sweetness. They have been domesticated by the army and are no longer free American people." Rossovich is also a bit on the top. He plays the iceman's radar officer, and Fang Fang. The two roles of Kilmer are tied together.

"And those pilots look down on us even more."

"Damn, why are they? We sleep in such a ghost place, and the pilot sleeps in the clean and spacious dormitory on the upper floor."

"That's right, it's not fair, you have to show them some color."

The two drunkards supported each other, staggered onto the deck, and walked towards the area where the foredeck flight wing was sitting.

On the dark deck, the two of them were swaying drunk, and they actually bypassed the sentinels and other soldiers and came to the central bridge area.

"Fuck, it's uncomfortable to go up."

Val Kilmer took out the guy and aimed at the gap between the deck and the wall and a bubble came.

"We are farther than anyone else."

Rossovich also began to come.

"Hahaha", Fang Kilmer felt very relaxed after putting down the water. He picked up his Polaroid camera and stuffed it into Rossovich's hand, "Give me a picture."

He made a gesture that he thought was very handsome, pointed one finger at the antenna on the bridge, and saluted with the other.

"Crack" Rossovich pressed the shutter, and a quick photo was squeezed out,

After he pulled it off, he fanned it in the air so that it could develop faster.

"Who's there? Hands up!"

A group of sailors happened to pass by and saw two men dressed as American sailors taking pictures of the most secret antennas on the aircraft carrier, and hurried forward to twist them. The officers behind also took out their pistols and aimed them at them.

"Who are you? How did you get on the ship? Why did you shoot the antenna?"

Rosovich was of Eastern European Slavic appearance and was even more suspicious. He was punched in the stomach by the officer and vomited with an "oh" sound.

"I said that if this kind of unauthorized action happens again, you will be expelled." The captain was awakened by his subordinates in the middle of the night and found that his sailors had beaten two actors in the crew. There are also single-use imaging cameras, candid photos of antennas as evidence.

He knew that it was probably because the actor had drunk too much, not a spy of the Souvelle Union, and he didn't want to involve the investigation team of the higher-level department.

So he also sent someone to wake up Ronald and Bruckheimer and let them come to the captain's room.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Captain. Their re-offending is unforgivable." Ronald looked very angry at the two drunken men who had not sobered up. Today, I will be shooting the shot of the carrier-based aircraft catapulting into the air, and it was disrupted by two fools. It is unknown how much the captain and the flight commander will cooperate this time.

"Gentlemen, aircraft carriers are the weapons of the navy, and the navy is the most disciplined force. What do you think I should do with them?"

"Follow the captain's advice."

The captain was dissatisfied with Ronald. These people really ruined the atmosphere on the aircraft carrier. If the sailors also come out like this in the future... After all, the aircraft carrier is a place that pays attention to discipline.

"Then I will fulfill my promise. As soon as the sun rises, I will ask the two of you to leave the Enterprise."

The two actors, at dawn, were stuffed into a helicopter and transferred to a supply ship in the fleet, where someone else picked them up and left.

The captain reiterated discipline during his morning remarks, the entire ship's sailors were canceled the weekend ice cream supply, and the crew began to become an unwelcome crowd.

Only the carrier air wing that does not belong to the same command system as the captain is welcome to the crew. Ronald and the remaining technicians and actors were transferred to the flight department to prepare.

Towards dusk, it was the last chance for the crew to shoot the catapult takeoff shot on the Enterprise.

"Don't worry, the captain is not targeting you. If you don't pay attention to discipline, this behemoth can't survive a day at sea." The squadron leader of the fighter squadron came to chat with Ronald. They are the most welcome group of people on the crew, after all, the protagonist of the movie is the pilot of the carrier aircraft.

"I understand, but they went a little too far, and they deserved it. I hope the captain won't be too angry and affect the shooting."

"Hahaha, this is probably the first time in the history of the Enterprise that someone sprinkled a bubble under the bridge where the captain was entrenched."

It seems that the captain is not too careful, giving them an embarrassing meaning.

Ronald directs the camera crew, posing on the deck.

The fighter squadron cooperated very well. The landing group, the ejection group, the weapon group, the maintenance personnel who refueled and powered up, wore helmets and vests of different colors, and made various actions very cooperatively.

Two F-14As are also on the deck, allowing maintenance personnel to prepare.

Ronald is still the old way, shooting against the light. In the setting sun, the steel behemoth was guided into the steam catapult in the launch area.

This silhouette-like effect under the backlight is very suitable for shooting take-off shots.


Gun crew special operations, request to take off. "The squadron leader used the pager to communicate with the bridge captain and with the flight control center.

"Agree to take off" came the voice of the Wing Commander's agreement from the flight control center.

"Attention, turn around," the captain also issued an order.

There was a rush of whistles, the red light began to light up, and the huge aircraft carrier Enterprise began to turn around and turn in the direction from which it came just now.

"What are you doing? Don't turn around! I want that direction."

Ronald was going crazy as he watched the aircraft carrier start to turn slowly. I finally found a suitable backlight angle. What is the captain doing?

He looked at the figures on the bridge, at the distance of the stairs, time was precious, Ronald walked over to the take-off and landing plane where the camera was installed, and let the coolie shake him up.

Ronald sat on the platform of the take-off and landing plane and was sent across from the bridge window, shouting at where the captain was.

"I want you to face that direction, I want the backlight in that direction!"

"What did you say?" The captain motioned to open the window.

"I want the aircraft carrier to face that direction, I want to shoot the backlight, go back quickly, the suitable lighting time is running out."

"I'm sorry, this is already the boundary of the USS Enterprise's mission in the Indian Ocean. According to the order of the formation, I'm going to turn around."

"How are you going to turn around?" Ronald shouted at the bridge, holding the take-off and landing plane in one hand.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Li. The navy is on a mission and has not cooperated with your obligations. The subsidy we receive is only two hours a day. Today's time has come."

Ronald is pissed off, Navy bastards. They charged them tens of thousands of dollars an hour for the use of the aircraft carrier. In fact, they were going to go to sea, and this money was only a license fee.

After receiving the money, he refused to be accommodating on the mission route. Even if Val Kilmer had offended him, there was no need for such revenge.

"Time's up? How much does it cost to rent the aircraft carrier for an extra hour?" Ronald called out in a hurry?

"Hehe, twenty-five thousand dollars." The captain sneered, spreading his hands. He didn't want to cooperate with these bastard artists. Take it if you want, or pull it if you don't want to. Also change direction, is the American Navy in the service of Hollywood?

Ronald waved the elevator down, and he called to the assistant director, get my bag.

After taking the bag, he took out the checkbook and pen, wrote a note on it, tore it down, and directed the elevator to ascend to the window of the bridge.

"It's twenty-five thousand dollars, now give me a fucking U-turn."

The stunned captain took the check. The check from Wells Fargo said, USS Enterprise, $25,000. Below is the signature: Ronald V. Lee.

"Turn around!"

The captain didn't expect Ronald to write a check, it seemed that he was really in a hurry. Soldiers like action, and the captain immediately ordered a U-turn.


Ronald saw that the aircraft carrier was back on the correct course, and quickly ordered to start filming, the sunset was gradually sinking.

The flame guards were raised, and the Navy's fighter pilots turned on the afterburner. First on the left, then on the right, the two tail nozzles opened, spewing orange-red flames.

The engine grows from a soft hiss to a roar.

"Bang", the heavy hammer of the steam catapult disengaged at once, and the F-14A Tomcat rushed forward along the deck as if it had been pushed hard by someone.

Very close to the end of the deck, the tomcat raised his head, drew a very chic posture, and flew to the sky.

"Another one!" Ronald shouted.

"Bang", on another takeoff runway, another F-14A was ejected and rose to the ground at the end of the deck.

"Shxt! Only got two shots."

Seeing that Kimball had given him a good signal, Ronald felt a little at ease, not knowing if this material was enough.


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