Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 270 Now the whole country knows it

The latest website: "The director's integrity will also be reflected in the film. My work is the best proof." Michael Cimino posed for an interview with Los Angeles local TV station and cbs five TV stations.

"What do you mean?" The host looked at Cimino's fat chin, and couldn't see how honest he was when he lied about his age.

"I mean, Year of the Dragon is a realistic movie. The Chinese are a good group of people. I have several Chinese girlfriends. I mean there are many Chinese female friends. They are in Chinatown. Besides, it is a group of people who are being discriminated against, I just show the status quo of being discriminated against..."

Cimino is still insisting that his me is just an objective representation of the status quo, and I do not discriminate against a set of logic.

"Let's put the Year of the Dragon aside for now and talk about your recent confrontation with another young Hollywood director, Ronald Lee." The host put down the manuscript and changed the subject.

"We're not actually hostile. When I filmed the deer hunter and won the Oscar for best director, Ronald was also an audience member in an interview with your TV station."

"Let's take a look at the video clips at that time." The host called out the clips found in the warehouse, and Ronald yawned after watching the movie, commenting on Cimino's deer hunter as an audience member. Then the TV station nicknamed him Sleepy Luo, and the movie that came out to make fun of Cimino made people sleepy.

"Sleepy Luo, Sleepy Luo, Sleepy Luo..." Many show hosts were repeating the scene of Ronald yawning, and finally gave it to Jane Fonda, who was on the show in order to win the Oscar for best picture. She also smiled. Said the nickname of the sleepy Luo.

"He thought your movies were long and sleepy at the time? What do you think of his recent scandals?"

"Still that sentence, a director's integrity will be reflected in his films. As for his personal privacy and his views on my films, why don't you ask him yourself?"

"Cimino is challenging you," Eva, the public relations manager, turned off the TV, "You have two choices now, ignore him, so that the public's interest in you will gradually fade, and no one will go out of curiosity. Watch his movies to increase his box office.

The second option is to come out and respond publicly and expose Cimino's lies. But you haven't had any movies coming out lately, so it won't do you much good. "

"I don't want to fight with him and increase the box office for him. But he suggested on TV that I have a problem with me, and I don't want him to succeed."

"Yes, this kind of thing should not give people room for imagination,

If he doesn't deny it this time, the next time Ronald is interviewed again, the reporter will dig out these old stories. Over time, the audience may have a bad impression. "

Paula Wagner, who was hired by Nisitara as a staff officer, has a very good idea of ​​the personal image of business stars. She insisted that Ronald should be interviewed to fight back.

"You guys think of a way, let me not give interviews so deliberately, and hit back Cimino by the way."

Ronald ordered it down, and several team members began to discuss.

"So we can look forward to the second part of Longwei Kid, went to Ryukyu to shoot?" ABC's Channel 7 in Los Angeles happens to be a competitor of CBS Channel 5. The host is a Japanese-American with a natural preference for Ronald, who made movies and voiced for Asians.

"There will be some framing, and we will also shoot some scenes in Hawaii, where the scenery is similar to that of Eastern Ying, and there are many Japanese people who can do group performances."

"Then we are looking forward to Daniel's second adventure." The host knocked on the stage and asked the pre-arranged question, "There is an Oscar winner recently, Cimino has some comments on you. , did you respond to him?"

Ronald put on what he thought was his most handsome smile, then panned the close-up, waited until the red light turned on, and when he confirmed that he was being watched by millions, he gave his response, "I'm in the business. At that time, he was already an Oscar winner. I don't know why director Cimino said that, I still appreciate 'The Deer Hunter', it's just a little long. I agree with what he said, the director's integrity, will manifested in his films.

An unprovoked attack on me is very inappropriate. We Americans pay attention to personal privacy. The attack on me involves all the actresses I have worked with. Do they think that the director chooses the heroine not based on her appearance, acting skills, and chemistry with other actors, but based on the director's personal relationship relationship?

If so, I suggest interviewing those who make and believe these rumors. Ask them, is the heroine forced to be the director's girlfriend in their movie? Do you want to make up some plots and say that this is your own experience? Is it true that directors and producers will definitely use their power to coerce actresses? "

"Okay, thank you Director Ronald, welcome to tonight's show..."

"Good question," Dino de Laurentiis watched the livestream, then he picked up the phone and dialed a number in New York, "It's me, Dino. Let's have a good memory of our friend, he was on nypd Those footprints left in the archives."


"The new director used the scandal to control the female star to be his girlfriend! She didn't escape the clutches until she met true love in Los Angeles."

"The new director is actually such a person, suspected of kidnapping and intimidating female stars, and was detained by the FBI."

"Shocked, Brooke Xiaosi also had a relationship with him. The cutting-edge director was photographed appearing in Princeton with Amelia Jade Girl. Jade Girl later denied dating, whether it was because of his violent tendencies."

"Bang bang bang!"

Ronald was awakened early in the morning and his agent Nisita rushed in.

"The tabloids over there in New York are full of scandals about you today."

Slap, a stack of faxes from the tabloid pages was left on the table.

The sleepy Ronald picked up a copy and looked at it. New York time is three hours faster than Los Angeles. The caa colleagues over there found that a lot of entertainment news was full of Ronald news, and some copies of nypd's case reports, after some key parts were crossed out, they were printed as they were. on newspaper.

"Pfft, are they crazy? It was I who rescued Pfeiffer from those vegetarian extremists, how could it be written that I threatened her?

And this scandal with Bo Ji Xiaosi, why was it turned up again? And this candid photo of me and her in Princeton. "

"And this story, what does it mean? I went to Georgia to save Diane. How did the police interviewed seem to call me a kidnapper?"

Ronald looked at the story in the fax and wrote as much exaggeration as he could, describing him as someone who relied on power to squeeze actresses and force them to be his girlfriends.

"So what happened to Michelle Pfeiffer?" Nisita knew about him and Diane and Brooke, but what about Pfeiffer's kidnapping before he signed Ronald? , Miss lawyer Lindsay Dole, and prosecutor Helen, took the "kidnapped" Pfeiffer himself and went to the FBI to ask someone to solve it.

"Of course it wasn't written like this. At that time, Pfeiffer was controlled by a group of vegetarians and defrauded her of her savings. I helped her escape. Later, the fbi was a misunderstanding. Someone deliberately framed me and said that I kidnapped Pfeiffer. . Richard and Paula knew it at the time, you can ask them."

Ronald couldn't help but worry. The documents of a powerful department like nypd have good credibility in the hearts of the public. Anyone who sees it will inevitably doubt himself.

"I'll call them right now. The people who helped you solve this matter at the time, as well as the insiders, called them all and told them to fly to Los Angeles as soon as possible. I'm afraid we need a press conference." Nisita Started making phone calls to get back his wife, who was reading the script with Tom Cruise, and then called Richard.

"We still have a bit of time to make a statement before the Los Angeles media publishes it." After Paula arrived, she told Nisita about the situation at that time, and then patted her head, I asked Eva to deal with it urgently. .

"The best way is to let the so-called victims stand up and speak for you, so that all doubts will be dissipated. You are not the boss of the studio, they don't need to talk about you to please you in this situation. If you're good, the public will immediately believe you and reverse their perception of you, you're a hero, a hero who blocks bad guys for female stars, just like the protagonists in those movies you've made."

Eva, the public relations manager who arrived in a hurry, immediately proposed the best solution for now.

"Is that so?" Ronald stood a little on the spot.

"What's the matter with you, Ronald?" Eva handed Ronald a glass of water.

"I'm a little worried about Brooke, Diane, and Pfeiffer. They all have their own lives, especially Pfeiffer. It may not be a good thing for them to reveal the privacy of these past romances now."

"Are you still thinking about them now? It's time for them to do something for you." Paula Wagner was a little dissatisfied with her husband, the most important customer. Ronald is good in everything, but his character It's a bit of a face, and I'm still thinking of others at this time.

"No, what he means is that others may not be willing to come out and clarify for him." Eva has been engaged in public relations for many years, and she has a better understanding of the psychology of all parties involved in this kind of thing. Michelle Pfeiffer's star path is relatively smooth now, and there is nothing to beg Ronald now. On the other hand, Brooke Shields has nothing to do with her acting career, and her mother Terry made a promise to the public to keep her chastity before the wedding.

At this time, when he came out to stand on Ronald's platform, he would hesitate to give testimony that might not be so beneficial to his own image. It was Diane, who happened to be out of luck right now, who was most likely to come out and speak for Ronald.

"No, I haven't had any malice towards them, and they probably won't see me being wronged."

Ronald sat in a chair and said calmly.

"What I don't understand is, why would my opponent take these obviously questionable documents to frame me?"

"Hahaha..." Eva smiled, and she picked up the fax of the newspaper. This time, unlike the previous scandal report, which was still chasing the wind, some so-called nypd archival evidence was also brought up. There is a newspaper that has begun to mention Ronald by name. "

"In the eyes of those people, it's possible to be a film director and producer, isn't that what you do? Seize the actors and threaten them to make films at a low price. With this file, it's natural to think of it. , you and him are on the same road. In this way, you can't help but take your role."

"It seems that my opponent is a person who is accustomed to using evil methods." Ronald also had a more certain guess about the opponent's candidate.

"Don't take this matter lightly. It is very likely that what they have obtained is a copy of the arrest warrant file issued to you by the lunatic detective in nypd, which is used as a bargaining chip with you."

Richard was at the scene at the time, and for those vegetarian extremists, who used a mad fellow in nypd and did not comply with the arrest warrant issued by the law, Ronald was involved in the serial killer case, and he was arrested by the fbi. fresh in memory.

"I'll give Weintraub a call."

Ronald explained the situation to Weintraub and then offered to borrow a private jet. Weintraub had set up the lease and was ready to take those insiders who were present at the fastest speed, lawyer Lindsay Dole, her prosecutor friend Helen, the female detective Claire who was in charge of the fbi at the time, and then again. In addition, Aunt Karen, who was already anxious, came to Los Angeles to hold a press conference.

"By the way, the private detective last time, Frank McPike, invited him to come over as well." Ronald remembered Frank who had done the background check on his aunt's boyfriend last time. He was very efficient and called him too.

"It's Michelle Pfeiffer," Nisita answered Pfeiffer and handed it to Ronald.

"Michelle, it's me, I'm sorry, my affairs have turned your privacy over again, which is really inappropriate. The reporter will definitely go to interview you, and then you can push things on me, I'll come It will be dealt with uniformly. The matter will only involve the kidnapping case and it will be a misunderstanding to end. I have already found the detective who was in charge at that time to prove my innocence."

"Don't say that, I can't let you be wronged for me. It's nothing to show the public my stupidity. The people of America should know what kind of good person you are." Pfeiffer heard Ronald's words. , was very moved, and offered to clarify to the news media.

"Hey, Michelle, don't be silly, Ronald is the best way to deal with it, you can just listen to him." The Italian-American friend of Nisita, who accompanied Pfeiffer to answer the phone, and his rival's agent, E. De Limato quickly interrupted the client's emotion.

"Ed, this is your client's own idea. We have already found a public relations agency. All we need is her to accept a news program interview and deny it."

"Since it's an interview, I want a big one, how about the interview with David Letterman..."

The two agents simply found another phone to discuss the details.

"Thank you very much, and apologize to Horton for me. I know you are very private and don't usually give interviews to the media."

"It's okay, I'd love to. Holden will support me too, after all, I owe you once. If it wasn't for your help, I might have been controlled by those vegetarian extremists and drained all the money."

"It's Brooke Shields," Paula Wagner called another ex-girlfriend of Ronald.

"Borgy, I'm sorry I got you involved."

"Ronald, how did you promise me, you actually... Do you still have a conscience? As soon as I didn't pay attention to you, you would do such a thing behind my back. I was in front of all Americans and let Brooke made an oath."

Ronald took the receiver away, and there was Brooke's mother, Terry, who became hysterical when she learned that her daughter and Ronald were already in a relationship.

"I'm here to talk to him." Brooke took the phone. Her mother was very controlling. This time, the scandal between herself and Ronald was in the newspapers, and there were other negative news about Ronald. The mother who was accompanying at home broke the defense and started talking drunkenly.

The two quarreled for a long time in the morning, and Brooke simply had a showdown.

"Ronnie, my mother is in a very unstable situation now, and I don't plan to stimulate her emotions. This time I will tell the news media that we have dated a few times, but then because of the different places, we did not continue to communicate. I It will say that you are not that kind of person, and you will solve the rest by yourself, and I can only help you here."

"I'm sorry to get you into this unnecessary trouble, but I didn't do those things, they made it up."

"I know, be careful yourself. I'm going to prepare for the interview. The press conference will come soon."

"It's Diane," Paula found Diane, who was resting at home in New York, through her agent's network.

"Brother Ronnie? How did you get framed? Ask them to interview me, and I'll make it clear, Georgia police, because I finally fled across the state to Tennessee, which made them lose face, so I deliberately didn't say anything. If it really doesn't work, I'll force my mother to testify for you, otherwise I won't help her sell nutritious food."

"Hey, don't mess around. I may just need you to clarify the situation at the time. The public relations consultant Eva will arrange the whole process. Just listen to her."

"Get ready, the reporter has arrived."

Eva comes over to remind her agent, Nisita. He adjusted his suit, walked out the door and read a statement to reporters, "My client Ronald Lee has always been a good and law-abiding citizen, and he was once awarded by the nypd for his courageous actions. This accusation , It is completely distorted and accused by some people with ulterior motives. My client will hold a press conference in the evening to further explain all the links. Answer everyone's questions. "

"May I ask if Ronald was subpoenaed by the nypd for his alleged kidnapping of Michelle Pfeiffer?"

"Is it true that the fbi arrests your client for 24 hours?"

"May I ask if he is Brooke Shields' boyfriend?"

"No comment, no comment, everything, we'll announce it at the press conference."

Everyone was watching Nisita's performance at the door, only Ronald took a can of Coke, sat on the sofa without watching, and drank the Coke slowly by himself.

"Hey, now the private lives of myself and the female stars will be exposed, and the whole country will know about it." Ronald was not happy about this sudden and inevitable exposure, but rather a little scared. He thought of the paparazzi who hired helicopters to shoot at Madonna and Sean Penn's wedding. Could this be his daily life?


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