Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 271 The Gambino Family Did It

By noon, Ronald's personal lawyer, Lindsey Dole, and their law firm partner Bobby Donnell, along with Ronald's aunt Karen and her boyfriend, his petite Doug, rushed to the spot. to caa's office.

After everyone greeted each other, Ronald asked lawyer Lindsay strangely, "Didn't I ask you to invite Helen, the prosecutor, and Inspector Claire of the FBI together? Only when they come forward and clarify together, the media will believe it more. "

"Ahem..." Lindsay lowered her voice, "Claire, the FBI's detective, has urgent business. As for Helen..."

"Helen has more important tasks to stay in New York to watch," Bobby Donnell chimed in.

"what happened?"

This time Ronald's legal team brought a bit of bad news, the file Ronald left in nypd, the original of the arrest warrant issued by the lunatic police officer who framed him, and the subsequent high-level investigation into the lunatic's misconduct to frame Ronald. Report, they all disappeared together.

Rudy Gao, the Attorney for the Southern District of New York, is facing the adjustment of the top management of the nypd system, and is facing a big enemy. In particular, the Southern District Police Department that received the report at the time, one of the safest places in New York, had an accident in which documents disappeared for no reason, and all faced internal investigation.

Southern District Attorney Rudy, who is fulfilling his promise when he took office, started to attack the five families of Italian descent in his jurisdiction. He is also prosecuting some abusing the deregulation after the commander took office, and began to collude internally and externally, using inside information to make a lot of money on Wall Street. Special earning financial predators.

Recently, he even invoked a special anti-organized crime bill (the full name is the Extortionist Influence and Corrupt Organization Act, but the public is better known by another spelling of his expansion, the Organized Crime Control Act), the five New York families The four of them were prosecuted, and only the most cunning and ruthless Gambino family was not caught.

Just before the important moment of the trial, there was a fire in the backyard. The prosecutor's main source of evidence investigation, the Southern District of nypd, happened the disappearance of the information about Ronald's arrest, which was a national concern. Rudy couldn't help but get angry.

This kind of suggestion is obviously a trick that Gambino often plays, using a seemingly unrelated incident to shock the real key person. Rudy is also worried about the personal safety of himself and his family, and whether key witnesses will appear in court or not. The family from Sicily is very sneaky about this trick.

District Attorney Rudy gave the nypd southern district an order to find the missing files within 24 hours or launch a corruption investigation within the nypd.

Prosecutor Helen, one of Rudy's favorite generals, stayed at the Southern District Police Station to supervise the investigation into the case of Richie's lost files, and by the way, to see if there was a chance to dig out the inner ghost planted by the Gambino family in the Southern District.

"I also left the former detective who was in nypd and was in charge of contacting the gold undercover who broke into the five families, Frank McPike, who was in New York. He was using his contacts to find your files, and he will let him know as soon as there is news.

It turns out that Mike Pike turned out to be the detective, no wonder the efficiency of doing some background checks is very high. Ronald understood the background of the private detective, "Then should we postpone the event of the press conference until the documents that can prove my innocence are found, the effect of clarification will be better."

"Notify Miss Michelle Pfeiffer, and Miss Brooke Shields, to postpone their appearances and interviews with reporters."

Eva, the PR consultant, assessed the format, and everyone made a decision, waiting for news from New York.

"It'll be fine, my Ronnie has never done anything bad, and God wouldn't wrong a good man like this." Aunt Karen took Ronald's hand and gently comforted the anxious nephew.

"Ring, bell, bell..."

The phone rang.

"It's Ms. Pfeiffer." Richard was a guest operator.

"Hello, Michelle," Ronald took the receiver.

"What's the matter, Ronald? My home is surrounded by a lot of reporters. Did you change your plan? I told Limato that I was going to the show at night."

"You don't move, first find out where the reporter is coming from." Ronald's face was on the other side, and the opponent's combination punches were very fast.

"Pfeiffer said there were a lot of unplanned journalists who went to her house to surround her, and they were not familiar faces."

"Hey, Limato," Nisita went over to communicate with an old friend.

"According to him, small newspapers with Italian backgrounds, who didn't care much about entertainment news, gathered at her door. I've asked Limato to deal with it, and don't let reporters interview Pfeiffer before we publish."

Ronald stood up with a swipe on the ground. Was this premeditated?

He walked briskly in the office and turned around twice, why did the other party do this to him? I didn't even want to understand. Even if the documents are temporarily lost, there are other ways to prove one's innocence.

"By the way, hang up the phone with Brooke." Ronald suddenly remembered that there was another ex-girlfriend who was preparing for an interview. "

"Ronald, why are so many reporters coming to interview me? The last time I saw so many reporters was before college." Brooke's mansion is located in New Jersey, and the security measures in the community are better, and entertainment reporters can't rush in.

But she also received many calls for interviews, and many reporters had not called for a long time.

"Someone wants to get some tabloid-friendly gossip from you. I'll call my PR consultant Eva and ask her to discuss it with you."

Ronald knew that Brooke Shields didn't have a PR consultant, and Terry, the mother who was supposed to play the role, was drunk and unconscious.

In caa's office, two phones were occupied separately, and they were discussing how to unify their voices and face reporters' interviews.

"Ring, ringing, ringing..." The phone that had been vacated on purpose rang again.

Richard answered the phone, his face changed, "It's Dino de Laurentiis, the producer of the Year of the Dragon, and he wants to talk to you."

"Hey, it's me." Ronald suppressed the anger he wanted to greet the female elder, "What do you want? Dino?"

"I should ask you this, isn't it bad to be caught?" Dino de Laurentiis on the other side of the phone smiled.

"I don't understand what you're talking about?"

The call was picked up on the speaker, and Richard quietly pressed the record button.

Ronald's legal team is gesturing to him, don't talk about anything involved in the case on the phone, you don't know if the other party will record it, and then give you a clip.

"E on, we all know what you did in New York, Pfeiffer, Brooke, and Diane. Although the final investigation report denied the Inspector's suspicions about you, we all know what happened. "

"There's something wrong with your brain, Dino. I'm innocent. The nypd investigation report is very clear. Even if you stole the archive, I can ask the inspector of the investigation team at that time to come out and clarify the facts."

"Tsk tsk, don't say it so ugly. Occasionally an insider with a sense of justice sent me a copy of it.

So, I have a proposal for you. There is no need to hold on to the Year of the Dragon, as long as you clarify on TV that the Year of the Dragon does not discriminate against Chinese people, and you and Cimino are still friends who admire each other, I will hand this document to you, right? "

Brush, everyone's eyes are focused on Ronald.

What the other party wants is a reconciliation. Ronald just needs to shift the conversation a little and the Neapolitan will hand over the papers. In this way, in the eyes of the media and the public, Ronald is still the hero who saved the female star from misfortune, and there are no contrary rumors to trouble him.

Ronald frowned, he didn't want to do it.

On the one hand, he was unmistakably Chinese in his previous life, and in this life in America, he is also of Chinese descent. For this kind of film that clearly discriminates against Chinese Americans, it is impossible for him to make it through the bloodline to say that there is no discrimination in his conscience.

And the feeling of being threatened is very uncomfortable.

However, the team of agents, and the team of lawyers, their eyes showed Ronald that they all thought this was an option that could be discussed. How can I convince them?

"My opinion is only from the perspective of art appreciation. But there is strong racial discrimination in the Year of the Dragon. I don't need to say this, the people will naturally see it clearly."

"Come on, Ronald. You don't have a Chinese background, you just donated money to Chinatown's campaign against my movie, I don't care what grievances you have with Cimino, it's not a friendly move, it affects my earnings .

The so-called discrimination is just a subjective artistic view. As long as you can clarify in front of the media, it will be good for everyone. "

"Ronnie, don't give in to evil people. You must not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." Aunt Karen was very angry when she saw Ronald being blackmailed with things he had never done. He came up, held Ronald's hand, and recited a passage of the Bible.

Yes, do not bow to evil. Ronald shook his aunt's hand firmly, and for a very convincing reason, he answered the phone, "I haven't done anything bad, and I don't need to make a deal with you."

"Well, since you are so stubborn, let's see whose story the people will believe. You know, the goodwill of the people is like a gilded idol, and a gust of wind will be blown away..."

"Crack", Ronald made up his mind and hung up the phone.

"That's fine, we'll go to the Inspector of the Southern District Police Station in charge of internal investigation to clarify, and then you can contact the FBI as soon as possible and ask Inspector Claire if he can accept an interview." Eva and Nisita watched By the time Ronald's decision had been made, the assignments began immediately.

"Don't worry, fbi has a better reputation than nypd after all, and we still have the help of prosecutor Helen." Lawyer Lindsay came over to comfort himself.

But this is only consolation, fbi has not had a good reputation since Hoover's death. It can be said that the reputation of those on the southern side of Manhattan is as bad.

Without black and white words, the clarification of Ronald's involvement in the press conference may not be very effective, and it will completely dispel the public's doubts.

At most, when I am talked about in the future, someone will always mention this rumor.

A director who used a scandal to coerce an actress into being a girlfriend is always a popular story. They don't really know how to investigate. Ronald was just a poor kid who had just joined the Screenwriters Guild and had an agent.

"Ring, ringing, ringing..." The phone rang again.

"It's me, Mike Pike. You find a number that can receive faxes. I've got the nypd arrest warrant and the originals of the aftermath document. I'll pass it on to you."

"Great, where did you find it? No news from nypd yet."

"I got it directly from the Gambino family, don't ask. They wanted to take the opportunity to scare Rudy and the witnesses in court, but they did not expect to arouse the anger of the other party. You didn't compromise with that Neapolitan guy, did you? "


"Very well, these immigrants from southern Italy often play tricks and lure you with seemingly innocuous conditions. I'll bring the originals immediately and we'll discuss it later."


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