Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 272 Ronald is a real hero

"So, the Gambino family, did not report the investigation afterwards to Dino de Laurentiis?" Ronald asked Mike Pike, a private investigator who had just arrived.

"They didn't want to provoke Rudy. This time Rudy made a ruthless attack, and the four major families' speakers or agents were prosecuted. Only the Gambino family was the most cunning and temporarily escaped the tracking of their speakers. They fought back in such a roundabout way because they were afraid of Rudy, sending a signal not to push too hard."

Mike Pike arrived in Los Angeles at night, and he was holding a pizza and stuffing it in his mouth before he had eaten.

"No wonder, I always feel that Dino seems to have decided that you are the mastermind behind the scenes. It turns out that he only saw the arrest warrant of the lunatic detective and the report of framing you. He didn't see the second internal investigation and dismissed the lunatic. Report." The brokers suddenly realized.

"Everything went according to plan." The PR consultant began to assign tasks.

"Ronald, can you report my plane ticket?" Mike Pike ate the last piece of pizza with satisfaction, then took a sip of the hot coffee that Aunt Karen had made for him herself.

"I have a falling out with the head, and the pension has not been paid yet. Now I rely on being a private investigator. The money is very tight. You should settle it now."

"Okay," Ronald laughed, pulled Mike Pike into a small room next to him, found his checkbook, and asked, "How much should I pay you?"

"Besides my share, you're going to give that undercover in the Gambino family a share. He was also caught by Rudy because he couldn't be exposed, and the bail cost a lot of money. He has no income, mother The cost of hospitalization is also high.

I also fell out with the boss of nypd because I wanted him to get the income and promotion he deserves. These guys just want to use undercover and don't give them what they deserve. "

The undercover agent that Mike Pike contacted directly has climbed to a higher position in the Gambino family, and I heard that he is working with the second-in-command John Gotti. So this time, he was asked to get the documents that Ronald was stolen by Gotti's insider inside nypd and sent to Los Angeles.

Ronald wrote the number Mike Pike asked for on the check and handed it to him, "Greet your friend for me. What's his name?"

"The name is top secret," Mike Pike shook his head. Even when he was discussing the undercover agent with his boss, he didn't call him by name, but by his codename 4587. "

"This is how the whole thing went. Ronald was framed by the black sheep within nypd, and he was treated unfairly. After that, nypd discovered the problem and launched an internal investigation, which has changed my client's innocence,

This is the conclusion of their final document. "

Lindsay Dole, at a news conference, holds the originals of two documents, showing them to reporters.

"Crack, click", the photographer's shutter was constantly pressing to capture this dramatic scene.

"This is the certificate of merit awarded to my client by the nypd Southern District. It is a model of police-community cooperation."

"Excuse me Ronald, what do you think of the unfounded suspicion and slander against you before?"

This is a well-managed media, the first to ask questions to the press conference to set the tone.

"I feel very innocent. I am one of the victims. Fortunately, the nypd and the prosecutors in the southern district are all upholding justice, and they have returned my innocence.

I don't know why after so long, when I have forgotten about this matter, someone came out to frame me.

I just want to say to them, don't do such boring things again. "

"Ronald, do you have anything to say to Miss Michelle Pfeiffer?"

Another reporter came up to ask questions.

"I just hope that this matter will no longer disturb her peaceful married life. She is a very good actress and usually needs privacy. I hope you will not disturb her too much with this ridiculous thing. "

"Borgy Shields was interviewed in New Jersey and admitted that you had a crush on each other, dated a few times, and said she didn't believe you were a bad guy who would blackmail women. Do you have anything to say to her?"

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the things to be clarified at this press conference, right?"


The reporters burst into laughter. The former America's No. 1 girl and all her rumored boyfriends used to be the focus of their pursuit.

"Don't you like to respond to her comments?"

"I wish her an early completion of her dream and graduation from Princeton."

"Ronald, former child star Diane Lane, was also interviewed in New York, saying that you were not the one who kidnapped her, but on the contrary, you were the one who helped her get out of Tennessee's imprisonment and become truly independent. . Do you have anything to say to her?"

"Ah...?" Ronald didn't expect Diane to be interviewed too.

"What did she say?" Didn't she tell her not to get involved in this matter?

"She said you were a true hero of America, and no one should slander a good man like you."

"Oh, then you help me thank her for her compliment."


After the press conference, Ronald went back to the apartment and began to call back all the friends who had called to care, thanking them one by one.

Michelle Pfeiffer being interviewed on TV.

"So, you were deceived at the time?"

"Yeah, how do you say it? I made a little money doing TV shows, and I went to buy their expensive vegetable juice. If I hadn't met Ronald, I might have been exploited by them for a long time."

"It seems that you are very familiar with him? What do you think of the controversy caused by his recent evaluation of the movie Year of the Dragon?"

It is good to achieve communication without involving the past of the two, so the host also moved the focus with a light touch.

"I only went to see the movie later, how can I say it? I think it is bad, at least impolite, to publicly promote an unfriendly name for a certain ethnic group in the movie if it is not absolutely necessary for the plot. "

"I will donate some more money to Chinatown and the Asian team, and I will use my name to add more fire to the Year of the Dragon." Ronald said to Lawrence watching TV and drinking red wine.

"Okay, after your help this time, things are getting bigger enough now. Many newspapers and TV stations are interviewing the residents of Chinatown. The stereotype that slanders Chinatown is full of illegal violence is also being eliminated. Thank you very much, I want to thank you in person."

"Okay, let's have morning tea together when we have time. The dim sum there is very good." Ronald said with a smile. It seems that the trouble this time has minimized the impact on Chinatown's business.

"Fuck, Gotti actually tricked me and didn't hand me the second document." Dino de Laurentiis threw the red wine glass to the ground after watching Ronald's press conference.

He originally wanted to use it to coerce Ronald into a truce and say something nice about his year of the dragon first. I have evidence of his evildoing in my hand, I can play with him slowly, and after I get hooked, I will make him pay more. For example, let him sign at least a few film contracts and exploit the value.

However, he is a Neapolitan, and he does not dare to vent his anger towards the five New York families who immigrated from Sicily.

"Revoked all marketing budgets for the Year of the Dragon, and PR efforts against Chinatown opposition, and let Cimino bear the Chinese wrath alone."

I was so angry that I had to spread it on Cimino, who was slapped in a fit of rage.

"The Laurentiis Production Company apologizes for the dissatisfaction caused by the Chinese in the Year of the Dragon. The company's president, Mr. Dino de Laurentiis, told reporters that Michael Cimino has the final cut right to the film. , out of respect for the artist, he did not censor the content of the final cut, which caused this incident.

Laurentiis Productions, at the right opportunity, will release a re-edited version of the tape, with all content that causes discomfort removed. "

The next morning, Ronald finally got good news. The Hollywood Reporter had a page with clarification from an interview with Dino de Laurentiis.

"Brother Ronnie, isn't it good what I said during the interview? You see that many newspapers are quoting me on the front pages now."

Diane called from New York and asked Ronald for credit.

"Hollywood's True Hero"

"The hero who saves popular actress Pfeiffer from a vegan liar."

"Borgy Shields, is it possible to reunite with the Hollywood real hero Ronald?"

"Don't give interviews rashly in the future, Diane, if something goes wrong, it will affect you." Ronald was still a little worried about Diane's interview. After all, it involved her mother wanting to imprison her privacy. Being exposed is not a good thing.

"It's alright, I'm measured, I just want to help you."

After hanging up the phone, Ronald felt relaxed. Now that all misunderstandings were cleared up, he was still a good person in the eyes of the public.

The ubiquitous media portrayed Ronald as a good American youth, and many newspapers used the headline of a true hero. After all, it is a hero to save the United States from the bad guys, and the people are also very interested in this kind of story.

"Ronald, Ronald, do you still have feelings for Pfeiffer? How did you break up?"

"Is it possible for you to reunite with Brooke Shields? America's audience wants to know!"

As soon as Ronald went out, he was surrounded by reporters. Everyone wanted to know the progress of the scandal between him and the popular star.

"Tell me? Is there any chance you could make a movie with Pfeiffer?"

"What do you have to say to Brooke when she was interviewed in New Jersey and said she didn't believe you would do such a bad thing? When are you going to see her in Princeton?"

"No comment, no comment."

Ronald was a bit stunned to be surrounded. There weren't so many reporters around when filming a movie before, right? Besides, shouldn't you continue to dig deep into the grievances between me and the director of the Year of the Dragon, Cimino, or talk about how I was wronged?

Why do everyone like to gossip and eat melons?

Ronald, who had fled, returned to the apartment and hurriedly called his agent.

"Nisita, I have to go out and hide. Brooke and Pfeiffer are too hot right now."

Brooke has always been the top female star and female model, and her popularity in college has declined a bit during this period of time, but the American audience has not forgotten her. This time, when I talked about dating Ronald, the public's enthusiasm for her gossip was rekindled.

Pfeiffer, on the other hand, follows the route of an actress, and usually does not reveal much about her private life to the public. The audience can only watch her performances through a few movies such as "Scarface" and "The Legend of the Eagle" which was just released this year.

This time, she suddenly gave an interview, and also exposed the situation of her pre-marriage and her ex-boyfriend, which suddenly broke out the curiosity that the audience had accumulated for a long time.

The attention of the two was superimposed on Ronald at the same time, that is, they couldn't even get out of the door.

"Also, you should stay away. Now your two films are far from being released, and they are not good for the box office. As a director, you don't need this kind of star-like attention. You can go on vacation wherever you want. Tell me and I'll make arrangements for you."


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