Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 293 Agreement written on the napkin

When Princess Diana visited the White House, dancing with Hollywood stars was written into the newspaper news.

Photos of the princess dancing with John Travolta have been released. The text also mentions that the grand commander and the princess dance together.

The news report is very formal. Although Prince Charles is not the official head of state, the reception is all in accordance with the specifications of the state banquet.

But what Americans care about is that the glamorous princess blushed obviously when she danced with Hollywood stars.

"Whoever dances for an hour and a half in a row will probably blush." ​​Ronald said to the gossip-hearted McGillis.

"Why don't you have a picture of you?" McGillis was lying on the sofa reading the newspaper, she was wearing a pair of working girl trousers, and her feet were very sexy.

"Look at the back row, I'm next to Eastwood," Ronald said, pointing to a corner behind the photo.

"I really envy her. Every girl will have a fantasy when she sees her long wedding dress when she gets married, and she can be so beautiful when she gets married."

"I didn't know you were the type of person you wanted to marry." Ronald put his arms around McGillis' waist and kissed her on the cheek.

"I'm not, but it doesn't prevent me from fantasizing."

"Get up, I've prepared a vegetarian sandwich, and I'll take you to the airport later," Ronald said.

Ronald was very happy with his brief but warm relationship with McGillis, but he was a little hard to see through McGillis, and at times he felt as if he was making a movie, when McGillis was actually just playing a lingering man with him. female characters.

"Well, it's very delicious. Maybe if you're not a director, you can make a fortune by opening a restaurant."

Ronald smiled and took a look at the more newspapers his agent had brought him. Reports from the British side focused more on the courtesy the prince and princess received in America. They didn't like Travolta's disco star very much, and they pointed out that the actor Princess Diana wanted to dance with was Baryshnikov, a ballet master who defected from the Souvelle Union.

"Nancy had to make Baryshnikov wear three-inch high heels in order to hug the princess' waist." Ronald thought maliciously.

"Honey, are you really not living in Hollywood? After Top Gun is released, you will definitely be a hit." Ronald said, hugging McGillis, who had finished his sandwich.

"Hahaha, you're a hopeless optimist. It's just a good popcorn flick, and I'll still be on Broadway, and maybe Scorsese will catch his eye and play his next movie."

"Are you serious?" Ronald raised his eyebrows. It seemed that McGillis wasn't very confident that the movie would sell well.

"I'm joking, you're a good director, Ronald." McGillis stroked Ronald's face with his hand.

"Half an hour to go to the airport..." she hinted.

After sending McGillis to the flight back to New York, Ronald went back to the caa's office.

"Spielberg's wedding was held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and he didn't invite too many friends in the circle, so in addition to being the bridesmaid, you have to attend the court ceremony as a witness to his wedding.

' Nisita said to Ronald with an invitation.

"Oh? Why are you going to New Mexico?" Ronald took it. "And not in a church? No, it's a synagogue, and Steven is Jewish."


"Why? Because I don't like the onlookers of the media, I think marriage is a matter of two people, so I went to this quiet town to avoid the media. After we witness in front of the judge, we will go to Europe for our honeymoon, then The media hadn't received the news yet."

A few days later, in the small town of Santa Fe, Ronald received an answer from Spielberg himself.

When dealing with the media before, Ronald was very inactive. After several Hollywood actresses and his scandals were exposed, he actually hid on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

Spielberg felt that this was a person who could keep secrets in front of the media, and he had the kindness to support him, so he was the right person for the bride and the witness.

Ronald, of course, wanted to, so he made a secret trip to the New Mexico capital site for the wedding of America's highest-grossing director.

Although Santa Fe is the capital of the state, its resident population is only in the early 50s, and in the 1960s, the government passed a law that buildings must maintain a Spanish-style appearance. Many concrete buildings in the early years were re-added with tiled roofs. Mud wall.

The two played video games in a classic-looking hotel room. This year's new game "Kung Fu" is very interesting. Ronald and Spielberg took turns to fight, but still couldn't beat the second hurdle.

"By the way, what do you gain from going there? I heard that Hollywood crews can be opened to filming?"

"It's not bad. Most of the buildings there have remained the same as they were 40 years ago. If you shoot a period drama, it will save more money than setting a scene."

"Steven, are you here?" Spielberg's friend, lawyer Saul Cohen, found the two who were playing the game. He seemed to have something to say.

"It's okay, Ronald is my friend. What's the matter?" Spielberg is still operating a Nintendo game console. He has never played a lot of Eastern Ying's games. This time, seeing Ronald playing, he still got the hang of it. Interesting.

"Have you got your prenup ready? New Mexico is also a fair state."

Saul Cohen was a little worried about the distribution of his friends' property, so he came to confirm.

"No problem, I've got it done." Spielberg waved him not to worry.

"That's good, in Hollywood, it's not offensive to talk about it, Amy should understand. Her family has arrived, and I'll go talk to them."

Ronald heard about the prenuptial agreement, and he admired Spielberg's confidence. Ronald felt that he could not talk about this with the bride before marriage. Marriage is a sacred thing, and it is a bit awkward to consider the distribution of property for divorce before getting married.

"Steven, can I ask how you talked? Does the bride mind this kind of thing?"

"Hey Ronald, it's a matter of mood and speed." Spielberg pushed up the round glasses, "Actually, actresses understand this kind of thing, so try to minimize the discomfort as much as possible. The shortest. I found a napkin in the restaurant where I agreed to get married, and quickly wrote a prenuptial agreement. In this way, even if she feels uncomfortable, she will be immediately diluted by the upcoming wedding. "

"On a napkin? Is this legal?"

"Certainly, America is a country that values ​​commitment. It's an agreement that's written down and signed."

Spielberg is reluctant to talk about his privacy. "By the way, are there really a lot of cheap movie shooting professionals out there?"

"It's true, I've seen a very high-level lighting engineer, and his salary is only a few dozen dollars a month."

The altitude of Santa Fe is nearly 2,000 meters, and Ronald slept for a night, feeling slightly unwell. He got up, ordered a breakfast, and then waited for Spielberg and his fiancée, Amy Irving.

The two were well-dressed, with Spielberg in a tuxedo and a bow tie. Amy Irving wore a conservative bridal gown with only a hint of lace below the neck.

New Mexico Justice Thomas Donnelly presided over their wedding ceremony. The bride's sister was the witness of the woman, and Ronald was the witness of the man.

After a brief ceremony, with no religious oath, the judge announced that Spielberg, 38, had joined Amy Irving, 31. Marriages are protected by New Mexico law as valid marriages.

The whole ceremony was short but sweet. Amy Owen was very happy. After thanking Ronald and others, she left with her new husband, and they were going to Europe for their honeymoon soon.

I don't know how, Ronald has a feeling of facing McGillis again. When actresses show intimacy, there is always suspicion, and they are simply too skilled to play a woman in love, or a sweet bride.

Perhaps Spielberg is more knowledgeable than his own ability to distinguish acting skills.

I really like the climate and architecture of Santa Fe, but I don't like the dizzy feeling that the highland city makes the mind a little bit dysfunctional.

Ronald soon returned to Los Angeles.

Minahan Golan, who had not seen him for a long time, made a special trip to pick him up at the airport.

"Ronald, you have to do me a favor."

Ronald looked at the high-spirited Minahan, who has made a splash in many European film festivals, especially Cannes, since his "Break Dance" was a big hit. In this year's Cannes, he rounded up the large-scale advertisements outside the venue. The local media sourly called the Cannes (es) Film Festival as the Cannon () Film Festival.

"What can I help you with?" Ronald made up his mind and decided not to make low-cost exploitative films like Minahan.

"I remember you were friends with Frank Zeffirelli? I wanted to ask him to make a film, to come to Hollywood to make the Shakespeare opera he wanted to make."

"Oh, that's okay." Ronald remembered the old Italian man who directed Brooke Shields' "Endless Love". He was disappointed with Hollywood and went back to Italy to direct opera. If he could put his favorite opera on the screen, he would definitely not refuse.

"Excellent, I'm afraid I won't let him. He's a real master, a classic."

Ronald pouted, Minahan always had some inexplicable deviation from Hollywood. He didn't know that although Zeffirelli was famous in the opera world, but Hollywood could give him money, he must have flown in from Italy right away.

"This is our new strategy, to sign big directors who have been famous in Hollywood in the past. This way we can be respected in overseas markets." napkins.

"What is this?" Ronald saw another napkin with writing on it.

"This is an agreement signed by Jean-Luc Godard, the famous director of the New Wave of Hair, who will shoot Shakespeare's classic films for Cannon."

After carefully viewing the agreement written on the napkin, Ronald suddenly understood Minahan. This foreigner from Israel must constantly invite famous directors to create, so that more films can be pre-sold in overseas markets like Cannes.

Those European and Third World movie buyers are blocked, and you tell them that "breakdance" gets a compliment from First Lady Nancy, and they don't respond.

But you said that you hired Jean-Luc Godard and Frank Zeffirelli to direct, and those people will remember ten, twenty years ago, the big directors have been subdued by you, you must be a Hollywood tycoon .

This poor Israeli is still not accepted by the mainstream of Hollywood, but has made some famous names in Europe.

"Don't worry, I'll call Zeffirelli when I go back. He will be very happy to have a boss who understands art like you ask him to direct the movie he wants to make."

Ronald patted Minahan on the shoulder, "How's your other movies at the box office?"

"Quack, very good, that movie parody of Stallone, better than his original First Blood 2, sells better in Europe." Minahan Golan smiled happily.

"The 'Runaway Train' directed by Goncharovsky that you introduced was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor and is also very likely to be nominated for an Oscar."


Ronald felt that Minahan had come to terms with all his hardships, and he had won both the box office and awards. Maybe next year, the executives of the other seven studios will invite him to play golf.

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