Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 294 Tom Cruise's Christmas Cake

The test screening of "Longwei Kid 2" went well. Those viewers who were selected by the theater guessed early on that they were going to see the sequel to "Longwei Kid", so they were all movie fans to watch the preview.

Ronald sat in the back, counting the places where the audience applauded excitedly. It is very consistent with several points of my own design.

In particular, the role of Tomita Tan Ling, although not as beautiful as Elizabeth Sue, is in line with the recent fashion of Asian beauties in America. Coupled with the Kumiko she played, she was more assertive in character than Ali in the first part, and was finally slapped by the villain Changshan for Daniel.

The emotional scene between the two makes the audience more enjoyable to watch. The last trick, the "rattle" style of continuous elimination and play, is more philosophical than the crane kick in the first part, and its movements are more professional and beautiful than that crane kick.

Mainly Ralph Mazio's own kung fu is terrible, and he doesn't even stand firm when the crane kicks. On the other hand, "Rattle Drum" has both feet on the ground, combined with the framing and editing of the camera, even with one hand to defend against Changshan's attack, the other hand naturally hits the opponent's flaw.

Ronald observed outside the restroom again after the preview. A lot of boys have started to practice with each other and fight with each other.


Watching the two boys who looked like junior high school students punching punches, he was still chanting, "Rattle!" Ronald basically had a bottom line.


The box office of the sequel film, which was already more stable than the first, made Ronald and Weintraub laugh.

"I have decided to accept Mr. Kerkorian's invitation to serve as president and ceo of the newly independent United Arts."

Weintraub finally got the management right of United Arts after the good reputation of the pilot screening of Longwei Kid's sequel.

"Congratulations!" Ronald stepped forward and hugged.

"Of course, your exploitative...commercial films can still be co-operated with my Weintraub Films and distributed by Columbia." Weintraub intends to restore United Arts' tradition of art films, and put his own controlling Weintraub The film industry became an independent production company.

"I haven't found a suitable script yet, and we'll talk about it in detail when we have an idea." Ronald recused himself. He wanted to be a production company himself, and there was no need to cooperate with Weintraub's company. And with his own touchstone, the company at the helm of two old Paramount friends is scrambling to release his next film.

Twentieth Century Fox, and the new management of Universal also approached caa to express their willingness to cooperate.

Ronald didn't mean to strike while the iron was hot, and when his Top Gun and Longwei Kid 2 were released and achieved a high box office, the bargaining chips would be much higher. During this time, I asked my script assistant David Simkins to submit some good scripts and start preparations in advance.

"I'll invite Barbara and old George, and they usually have a family reunion in their hometown for Christmas. But after the holidays, they'll come to Los Angeles with their grandchildren. Will you come with us?"

Weintraub played the card of the deputy commander of the family again. If Ronald wanted to get closer to the second family, he would have an opportunity to tie him to his company warship.

"No, I have to go back to Staten Island, New York, to be with my aunt and cousin, I haven't seen them in a long time, and if I don't go back for Christmas this time, she'll be very upset and won't give me refills of baked cookies. "

Christmas in America is a time for family reunion. Weintraub patted Ronald on the shoulder. This kind of request to go home cannot be forced.



"Hey, Ronnie!"

Donna, who came back from MIT for Christmas in a car, hugged Ronald and kissed him bitterly.

After studying at mit for a year, Donna's whole body turned a little dirty. Her hair was tied in a bun, and her clothes were also casual. It was completely different from the well-dressed look when she went to school.

"Don't mention it, the time for mit is very tight, study, social, sleep, three s, most people can only do two."

Ronald quickly helped with the luggage, and the two walked into the new house on Staten Island.

Little Bud, his mother, and three sisters all came to help.

The two families, who were originally the widow of a veteran, became more and more close. Little Bud's sisters have all found jobs in the new lightning lamp factory, carefully assembling the accessories shipped there. And then when someone rents it, they help out.

"Donna, go and rest for a while, my biscuits will be ready soon." Aunt Karen saw her daughter come back, and happily pushed her to go to bed after driving for a few hours.

The two families had a reunion dinner the night before Christmas Eve. Tomorrow, Bud will go home and spend Christmas Eve with his family.

"My classmates don't even know that you are my cousin. They all like your movies." Donna happily told Ronald a lot of college experiences. To say that MIT is worthy of being a top school, there are many smart people in it, and the evaluation of Ronald's film is better than what some film critics say.

They especially like "Longwei Boy". Maybe there are many nerds who have had similar experiences in high school.

"Ding dong..." The doorbell was rang.

Little Bud's mother went to open the door, and a courier dressed in purple brought a large box of small cakes.

"It's Tom's Christmas present." Ronald smiled and signed.

And he also gave half of his family to Bud.

"Oh, this is the best cake I've ever eaten. It's from superstar Tom Cruise."

Lucy, whom Bud likes, was also invited to dinner. She was eating a small cake specially sent by Tom Cruise, feeling a little emotional.

Little Bud hugged her, knowing that Lucy was still missing her acting career.

After sending the little Bud family out, the taillights of an SUV came on in the dark, and Ronald waved. This kind of gathering of people at the bottom, and the words of little Bard's sisters, are a bit far from Ronald, who has become famous. He still misses the time of those days.

"Ronnie, let me tell you something."

Donna dragged Ronald into the house.

"What's wrong?"

"Diane wants to come to our house for Christmas tomorrow."

"Well, where's her father, Bert? Come too?"

"No, she came alone. Her father has a new girlfriend."

"Alright, I haven't seen her for a long time." Ronald smiled, "But why didn't she call me herself?"

"She said sorry for you and wanted to ask me to see your attitude. If you want, she will come again."

"I'm sorry?" Ronald frowned. "What's wrong with her?"

"You can ask her yourself tomorrow. She's my best friend anyway. You mustn't let her come."

"Uh, okay." Ronald was a little strange when Donna said, what can Diane Lane have to do for me?

On Christmas Eve, Diane Lane drove to Aunt Karen's house in Staten Island in the afternoon.

"Diane, you haven't seen me for a long time."

Aunt Karen liked this girl who was growing up very much. Looking at Diane who was still a little hesitant at the door, she hurriedly led her in.

"Diane, you're here." Donna dressed up and looked valiant again. She took her childhood friend's hand and pulled her upstairs.

"Ronnie, Diane is here." Then he pushed Diane into the study where Ronald was.

"Diane," Ronald looked at Diane Lane.

Diane wore a floral shirt, jeans and sneakers today. A black woolen coat covered her body to help her keep out the cold.

Diane Lane was a little reserved, she looked at Ronald, a little afraid to speak to him.

"Drink some black tea, I brought it from China." Ronald looked at Diane like this, and the bits and pieces of the past few years came back to his mind. He poured her a cup of wolfberry black tea and brought it to her, and touched her hair again.

Then Ronald put his hands down again. Di An is mature and has her own ideas. She shouldn't be so selfish. After all, the two are not in an exclusive relationship.

"What new movie did you find?" Ronald picked up his cup of tea. If Diane could come to the house to apologize, he still recognized his brother. The relationship between the two can be traced back to when she first returned to New York six years ago. She was also cousin Donna's best friend, and it was okay to get along as a sister.

"No? There is no new movie looking for me now." Diane took off her coat and hung it on the hanger.

"Ronnie, do you have any suitable roles there? Can you help Diane?" Donna said beside him.

Ronald didn't answer. Diane had an idea, which should be a new plan for his career.

"Come on, Donna. Ronald doesn't have the final say on every movie. He's already recommended a new George Lucas movie for me, and I'm just out because I can't sing."

"Are you going into TV?" Ronald heard that Diane didn't have a new movie role. Could her new boyfriend be a TV director or producer?

"No, I don't have any role now, and the green food business has also failed, and I lost a lot of money. So I'm a little afraid of coming to see you."

Diane felt a warm feeling in his heart when he saw that Ronald was still rubbing his head as before, so he simply told his story.

"Oh, my God," Ronald realized that he was thinking differently, "You won't lose all the money you spent on advertising in Dongying, right?"

"I only lost a little bit," Diane gestured with her hand. "I will remember your words. I will keep this money for my life after retirement."

"That's okay. It's not easy for you to act as a child star by yourself. You can go to Dongying every year to shoot commercials. At least life is fine, and the role can take your time. I'm here to help you keep an eye on it."

Ronald breathed a sigh of relief, Diane Lane was tricked many times, and finally gained some wisdom.

"Um...uh..." Diane felt that Ronald's hug was extremely warm, and the things he was worried about were finally relieved.

It turned out that the so-called green food that Diane made was a variety of dietary fiber nutritional supplements produced by a company called America United Science.

His president, Assistant Attorney General Jerese Leonard under former President Richard Nixon, claimed that dietary fiber supplements could prevent cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and even a new disease like Rock Hudson's .

The company's monthly sales are close to $8 million. The only requirement is that to become a distributor, you must first stock a certain amount of nutritional supplements. The more you buy, the greater the discount.

Diane bought more than 100,000 dollars in goods in order to get a discount. With her contacts in Hollywood and New York, she's doing well. Through Burt's relationship, he sold some to veteran Broadway stars in New York.

But before Christmas came, United Scientific's commission check suddenly bounced. Diane suddenly received many complaints from Bert's old friends, and there was no commission for the goods she sold. The remaining half of the nutritional supplements had to be slowly sold as ordinary commodities.

Diane is more responsible. She doesn't want to default on her bills, so she pays all the commissions of Papa Bert's friends. It's a bit of a pain in the ass now.

Thinking of Ronald's repeated instructions to save money to protect his life, he felt embarrassed to see Ronald for a while.

"It doesn't matter, it's fortunate that you woke up early. This is called multi-level marketing, and it's easy to explode. If you do the math, you'll know that it can't last." Donna listened next to her. It was the first time she knew that her best friend had eaten it. Big loss.

"It's alright, if you can't sell it, you can sell it to me. I eat it while I work out." Ronald tickled Diane to cheer him up.

"Cruise also brought a cake. You can taste it. It's delicious. I'll help you pay attention to it after the new year. Your talent is still in acting. There are not many actresses who act naturally like you." Ronald looked at Diane, who was clumsy in other areas of her life, smiled and scratched her nose.

"You will sleep here tonight, and let Ronald accompany you to Manhattan, New York tomorrow. Girls, don't do those jobs that seem to make a lot of money. There are often many traps." At the Christmas dinner, Aunt Karen also pulled Diane's hand comforted.


In the middle of the night, Ronald suddenly heard a knock on the door.

As soon as the door opened, it was Diane in her pajamas standing at the door.

Ronald pulled her in, "It's cold today, you go to warm up first."

The two gently hugged each other on the bed, each other's breathing could be heard, Ronald and Diane both felt peaceful and happy on Christmas Eve.

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