Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 380 Accidental Injury

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Not far from the Boy Scout camp is Lake Lure.

Ronald and the camera crew arrived early this morning.

The props team had already built a wooden bridge for the two male and female protagonists to practice dancing.

Since "Longwei Kid", Master Miyagi used to wax the car, paint the fence, and so on, after the strange tricks taught Daniel to learn karate. Many scripts include a similar pedagogical trick into the plot.

Screenwriter Eleanor is no exception, adding a story where Johnny teaches Baby to dance on a log bridge.

There is a special movement of the mambo, which is to raise the knees and then push the feet down. With the swing of the hips, it is very beautiful. Kind of like a combination of rumba and tango.

But this movement requires great physical coordination and a slightly more adventurous spirit than other dances.

So Johnny pulled Baby and forced her to practice on the single-plank bridge, forgetting all fears of stepping on her male partner, and only focused on the rhythm, and she would soon be able to learn this dance step.


The single-plank bridge was erected over a creek by the lake, and Patrick Thwaites stood on it, his arms outstretched, balancing like those acrobats.

Jennifer Gray was on the other side of the single-plank bridge, looking very scared, sitting at the head of the bridge, not daring to stand up.

"Right now, the most important thing is balance. You have to remember to keep your balance." Patrick Switz stood barefoot on the log, his hands spread, and he looked confident.

Ronald lost his mind again. In the star acrobatics show on the TV station, Brooke Xiaosi was invited to perform trapeze. But even a girl like Bo Ji, who has practiced gymnastics since she was a child, would not dare to try to walk a tightrope.

For the uninitiated, the balance of walking a tightrope is not easy to grasp, and it is also a watershed for real acrobats, which is different from ordinary people.

"Oh oh oh..."

Patrick Thwaites performs a gymnastics move, jumping up and then back down to the single-plank bridge.

He didn't keep his balance and nearly fell off the bridge. Then he felt swaying from side to side, trying to find balance, and finally, after turning around once and adjusting in small steps many times, he stopped.


Ronald quickly asked the staff to help him down and handed him a blanket.

It's very cold today, maybe because the temperature has affected his muscle coordination, he almost failed a simple movement.

However, it was a blessing in disguise, and the appearance of trying to maintain balance just now unexpectedly became a very interesting episode of this teaching. Ronald intends to use it in the final film.

"Let's use a stand-in for the next shot," Ronald said to Switz. Eleanor also wrote a scene where Johnny wanted to make a vertical jump 180 degrees and land firmly on a log. Show Baby that as long as you focus on the rhythm, you'll be fine.

"I'd better do it myself. I've been practicing ballet since I was a child. It's all trivial." Swayze insisted.

"Pat, it's not necessary. We can have the stand-in take a shot of the legs jumping and spinning and then cutting to give you the panorama. He's registered with the stunt union."

"No, I can get it."

When Swayze heard that Ronald wanted a stuntman to perform, his hormones exploded even more, and he didn't want to let the stand-in perform this action, which was not very difficult to do on the flat ground.

Ronald persuaded him a few words, and seeing him so stubborn, let it go.

When it comes to a man's face, many actors have similar problems.


"Balance is all that matters," Switz said, before jumping barefoot on the log again.

"Oh oh..." When he landed, he encountered the same problem again.

This move is really not difficult on flat ground. But first, this time he was barefoot and without dancing shoes.

Second, the log was soaked by the light rain and was relatively slippery, and it was not so easy for him to stand firm.


Switz sees something bad,

He jumped off the single-plank bridge.

After landing suddenly, Swayze clutched his ankle and squatted there for a long time, unable to get up.

"What's wrong? Doctor!"

Seeing that something was wrong, Ronald immediately called the doctor who was at the scene. This time it was a dangerous action filming that was registered with the stunt union. The union stipulates that a doctor must be present, otherwise the stuntman can refuse to film.

"It's okay, it's the old injury I got from dancing before."

Switz was still saying he was okay.

But the doctor's face was obviously wrong, and he sat Switz down, then looked at the swollen ankle.

"There is effusion in the ankle joint. Your actor has been engaged in dance training for a long time, so the synovial membrane is severely worn, and the sprain just aggravated the problem. He can no longer continue filming."

"Then what? Is he seriously injured? How long is he going to rest?"

Ronald couldn't understand the medical terms and asked directly about the severity of the injury.

"It's not very serious. As long as you lie down, you can return to normal within a week."

"Hmm..." Ronald grinned, he didn't have a week to waste.

The following is a series of big dramas for Swayze, and if the crew stopped and waited for him for a week, it would be seriously overrun.

"Doctor, I can use a needle to extract the effusion." Swayze grinned, obviously in pain. In his dance career, he often encountered knee and ankle injuries, and actually knows more about the treatment methods.

"Are you sure? It hurts a lot. And it affects your dancing career," the doctor confirmed to Switz.

"I don't have a dancing career anymore, and now I want to keep my acting career."

Switz also made a joke, "Come on, it's better and faster, I can recover the day after tomorrow."

Ronald patted Swayze on the shoulder. This disaster was originally caused by his willful actions to save face, but now this is a remedy to minimize the impact on the filming.

The crew had to stop filming for a day, because Swayze's role was carried through the subsequent shooting, and there was no great benefit to shooting other scenes earlier.

Ronald took a long time to shoot and finished all the shots that could be taken in advance, so he had no choice but to take a holiday.

"Fortunately, there are placement advertisements made by Procter \u0026 Gamble's acne-removing products." Ronald and Daydream's general manager, Eddie, settled for a while in the room.

"Fortunately, Swayze has a lot of experience. When he jumps down, he is ready to buffer the impact of the ground. If the injury is serious, I am afraid that you will stop filming for more than a month. Financially, this 'hot dance' is Disaster."

By the third day, Switz's ankle was finally swollen. Although it still hurts a bit, he offered to resume shooting.

After all, the crew was waiting for him alone, and he couldn't bear such invisible pressure.

Ronald hurriedly brought forward the scene in the lake, and Swayze and Gray went to Lake Lure with the crew together.

"I arranged the lift scene in the lake. Your ankles aren't fully healed yet. Shooting this scene will put less pressure on your ankles. After all, it's all dance scenes."

"Okay, I'm fine." Switz nodded in agreement, this was especially because of his physical condition, disrupting the shooting sequence.


A gust of cold wind blew, and Jennifer Gray, who had just got off the car to the lake, had a cold fight and wrapped the blanket tightly around her body.

"so cold……"

"It's really strange." Ronald also felt that his luck was too bad.

While at the Mountain Lake Villa in Virginia, it was so hot that the actor suffered from heat stroke. Transfer to North Carolina, where it entered the late autumn ahead of time, and the wind was actually very cool.

After testing the temperature of the water with his hands, Gray's face was embarrassed. At this temperature, it must be freezing enough, and maybe the lines are not easy to say.

"What's the weather forecast for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?" Ronald also tried the water, took off his socks, and tried it himself.

It may be tolerable for men, but it must be reluctant to let Jennifer Gray go down.

"It seems that there is cold air passing through, the temperature will drop, and there are strong winds."

"Why is the weather so strange! It seems that there is no autumn." Ronald couldn't help but turned his head to look at Gray.

"I'll try, Director Ronald. But you'll have to prepare me for the cold."

Jennifer Gray looked at Ronald's embarrassed look, and knew that she couldn't put off shooting for another three days. Otherwise, the crew may go bankrupt before the filming is over.

For the sake of art, for the box office of the movie, and for the sake of my own acting career in the future, I worked hard!

"You know, the best place to practice lifts is in the water."

Thwaites said the lines from the script and stopped half-squatting in the lake.

Jennifer Gray wore a white dress and trousers, let Switz support her waist, and then pushed up slightly.

She was lifted up by Svetzto.

Swayze stood up from the water, shivered by the wind, and almost didn't hold Jennifer. Fortunately, his upper limbs were strong, and he was barely saved.

Seeing that Swayze stopped, Jennifer immediately opened her arms and made a movement of spreading her wings and flying.

"Speak the lines." Ronald was in a hurry, signaling to Swayze again and again.

"Very good, very good..." Swayze was so cold that he only shivered, and he managed to control his abdominal muscles so that the lines could not hear the trembling feeling.

"Keep this position, don't move, don't move."

"Ah..." Jennifer Gray was also shivering from the wind. She couldn't keep her balance and leaped over Swayze's head.

Both fell into the lake.


Both of them tried their best to keep their voices shivering and shivering.

Just brush the water off your hair and you won't feel so cold.

"Go on!" Ronald ran across from them, waving his hands and making a gesture to them, indicating that he would stop shouting.

Anyway, the energy of the two of them will probably take a long time to return to normal after taking one shot, so just don't stop, take a long shot to the end, and use it as much as you can.

Both actors are very professional, they understand what Ronald means, and they don't look at the camera in the middle.

"Go on, one two three..."

It was another lift, and then it was frozen into the action of spreading its wings and flying. Finally, it couldn't support it and fell into the water together.


Ronald rushed up first and threw the blanket over Jennifer Gray's body.

Ronald "Whiskey" took the spirits handed by his assistant and let the actors take a sip.

Four more assistants carrying stretchers carried the two protagonists wrapped in blankets into their respective RVs.

The air conditioner has been on for a long time, and there is a hot bathroom, so they can quickly return to normal body temperature.

The sun was rising by the lake, and Ronald hurriedly directed them to take some empty shots for editing.

"How?" Ronald asked the director of photography.

"Very good, you'll have enough footage to edit."

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