Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 381 No one can keep Baby in the corner

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Two days later, Patrick Switz's ankle was barely preventing him from doing dance scenes.

And Ronald's budget also began to dry up, and the dance hall built in the hot spring resort hotel finally ushered in the last dance scene.

Dr. Hausman's anger at his youngest daughter, Baby, has not yet subsided. On the last day of the Kellerman Resort Hotel, when the family attended the farewell party, Baby was sitting alone in the corner, and Dr. Hausman did not pay much attention to her.

Baby didn't speak, and looked at her sister Lisa who was participating in the chorus on stage.

Lover Johnny has been fired, and his dancer friends have also been deprived of participating in every farewell party, and they have the opportunity to perform on stage and can only watch from the back row of the ballroom.

Baby was sitting at the corner of the round table, alone in a sullen mood. Only her mother, the attentive Mrs. Hausman, looked at her status from time to time.

"Summer is coming to an end, autumn is about to begin,

Tonight, the memories will come up again, gracefully emerging in my heart..."

Ronald went on to shoot several shots, with the doctor's eldest daughter, Lisa, and the hotel owner's son, singing the final song of the holiday on stage.

It is the theme song of the Kellerman Hotel in the script, "Kellerman's Happy Hour". The chorus of guests and staff sang very badly, especially Lisa, which sounded like the cry of a hen when she was killing a chicken.

"Very well, you guys are doing very well."

Ronald gave special thanks to Jane Brook, who played Lisa. She herself has a good voice, and can act like a tone-deaf girl, thanks to the solid foundation she has laid on Broadway.

Ronald became more and more fond of these Broadway actors over the course of the film. The basic skills are solid, and the supporting roles can also be played very well. And not afraid to play an unpleasant character. In their philosophy, it is not because a role is not good-looking, it will not be played seriously.

So these actors can really do every supporting role and convince the audience.

"Prepare for the next play"

As soon as the camera turned, it swept across the faces of the staff who played the hotel one by one, and everyone gave a close-up of one and a half seconds.

This is a scene that was not in the script, and Ronald added it to show everyone's reluctance to send off guests this holiday season.

Of course, the real reason was that Ronald wanted to give these little supporting roles who played the green leaves a chance to show their faces.

All their previous scenes were on the side of the scene, wearing waiter costumes serving tea and pouring water. Even if there are close-up shots, the focus of the audience's eyes will not stay on them, but focus on the protagonist's story.

But these off-Broadway, off-Broadway actors, even if they have human backgrounds and dragon roles, are very diligent and meticulous in their performances. The audience will never see a play that they don't feel like a waiter.

In order to thank these dedicated supporting roles, Ronald decided to give them a little reward when the filming came to an end.


"You acted very well, thank you... I like your smile very much, thank you... I will have you all to cooperate with the last dance scene later, it will be shot very late..."

Ronald shook hands with them one by one and thanked them, making them very moved.

Who doesn't know the value of a faceless shot? To be able to have a close-up on screen, to be able to appear in the final credits. In the future, when the agent helps him find a new job, he can add a line of qualifications for filming on the resume behind the audition photo.

"A!" Shooting continues

The waiter, who played Penny's pregnancy and later hooked up with Vivian, the wealthy businessman's wife, came in through the gate.

Jerry Auerbach, who played Dr. Hausman, stood up, stopped him, took a check from his jacket pocket, and handed it to him.

"Good luck in medical school, my boy."

Dr. Hausman was a good man who believed in and practiced the philosophy of President Kennedy.

"Don't ask what your country has done for you,

Ask what have you done for the country? "

So Dr. Hausman saw this waiter, saved up the tuition, and finally went to Yale Medical School, which he appreciated very much. Wrote a check to help with the child's tuition.

"Thanks, I also wanted to thank you for helping me with Penny. She messed us all up."

The waiter knew that it was Dr. Hausman who helped with Penny's surgery.

"What?" Dr. Hausman was shocked, his brows furrowed, his expression changed from admiration to doubt within a second.

"Huh?" The waiter didn't expect that Dr. Hausman didn't know, "I thought Baby told you, ah, I'm not really sure it was... You know a woman like Penny, who is with everyone. possible……"

Dr. Hausman's expression changed from doubt to disgust again.

He swiped the check that the other party hadn't had time to put in his pocket, put it back in his pocket, and sat back in his seat.


Ronald enjoyed watching it next to him. These old Broadway-trained actors can play this kind of play with a piece of cake. They are natural and smooth, and the audience will like this role very much.

The groups started moving their devices, and the focus turned to the entrance to the ballroom.

The plot is here, the story of the protagonist has sunk to the bottom, and the audience has to wait for a big explosion.

The following shot is the beginning of the big turning point at the end. Ronald had to be careful.

If done well, it can immediately push the audience to the climax of the play.


Two hours later, with an order, in the long shot, Johnny and Penny, and all the dancers, all appeared at the door.

"Prepare for the next game", waved his hands to stop everyone in the scene from applauding, and began to turn the camera to the door of the hall.

I am afraid that the next big scene will take a long time, Ronald will not do these polite applause, and seize the time to shoot the following scenes.

The interior was brightly lit, with several headlights shining on the two doors.

A shadow appeared outside the gate, imprinted on the ivory curtain that covered the part of the glass on the gate.

The door slams open, and Johnny, played by Patrick Thwaites, reappears in the Kellerman Hotel.

The dancers standing in the back of the hall were all dancers who had been deprived of their right to play. They greeted Johnny one by one. The fat girl was still smiling. Everyone knew that Johnny and Baby were lovers. They were very happy to see him come back. .


Ronald is happy that this shot was shot according to his own design, which is also how he imitated the appearance of the bad guy played by Willem Dafoe in "The Streets of Fire".

The audience has a hope, hoping that Johnny and Baby's lover will eventually get married, and a shadow appears on the door, which is a pre-indication.

Then the bottom line came out, and the audience's emotions pressed down by the previous picture of the two parting began to rise rapidly after this ingenious turning point.

All the beginnings and turns in the movie are for the final climax. This is the most rewarding for the audience.

Wearing a black leather jacket, the very handsome Johnny looked around and finally found Baby in the corner.

He walked over and stood by the table.

Baby found out that his sweetheart had gone and returned, with a look of excitement.


The crew began to rearrange the camera a bit, preparing to zoom in for close-ups and close-ups.

While the lights were being re-lit, Patrick Switz came over and offered to talk to Ronald alone.

"What's wrong?" Ronald asked.

"I think that line is a little out of the way."

"What can't you say?"

Ronald knew what Switz was saying "Nobody Put Baby in the er"

"Don't you think that's too naive? It's like something a middle school student said to his prom partner."

Ronald backed away, not expecting Patrick Thwaites to be waiting for him here.

In fact, he was right, this sentence was imitating the tone of those middle school students with excess hormones at the prom.

"Johnny is a mature and sophisticated dancer, and it's very offensive for him to say that, and I think he should be a kind of man who can say something a little more mature, like 'Baby, you're here.' "

"Eleanor," Ronald didn't argue with him, and turned to call the screenwriter Eleanor. See how she convinces her favorite single-eyed actor.

In fact, Swayze's dilemma, Ronald understands very well.

This sentence is indeed very similar to the naive language spoken by ninth graders, but this movie was originally intended for teenage women to watch. Isn't this kind of confession just right into their hearts?

Patrick Switz may be afraid that this iconic line will be very viral, and this line may follow him for a long time in the future. Already in his thirties, if the naive ninth-grade language is remembered by the audience, how will he get a leading actor in a serious production in the future?

"Patrick, you don't understand the minds of our women. Especially the minds of girls graduating from high school. This sentence is better than any love words. After the lover left, he couldn't let himself go, and he came back and invited himself to the last dance, and said Who can resist a moment like this and make yourself the center of attention at the dance?"

Eleanor was in a hurry, how could she change her lines with her own girly dream, this is the most important sentence in all the lines. Wasn't the girl's dream back then that his sweetheart came to save him and become a prom queen?

"But, I can't say this." Patrick Swayze is also thirty-four after all, this kind of line is really...

"Let's take one shot according to Eleanor's idea, and another shot according to your idea, and let's see which one is better."

Ronald came out and muddled.

This trick is a small trick often used by directors. Actors are a group of emotional people, and sometimes their emotions are dictated by their emotions. They will be obsessed with a certain idea on the spot, and it is difficult to persuade them on the spot.

But over time, they can often understand why the director wanted them to do it at the time.

But Ronald couldn't wait until Thwaites figured it out himself, and all he had to do was coax him into taking two shots. When it comes to the later stage, which one to use is up to the editor.

It's impossible for an actor of Switz's stature to go into the editing room to see his own footage.

"Okay, I'll try it all."

"No one can keep Baby in the corner." Johnny said rhetorically to Baby, then raised his hand and invited him to dance with him.

"You..." Dr. Hausman was about to have a seizure when he saw Johnny ignoring that he was still next to his daughter.

Johnny and Baby walked to the stage together. Dr. Hausman also stood up and wanted to go up to stop it.

Fortunately, Mrs. Hausman found out that the two were only going to dance, not to run away. He also got up and grabbed her husband.


Ronald laughed, and although Thwaites said it was embarrassing, as if he had eaten something unpalatable, but from a bystander's point of view, the effect was very good. Teenage female audiences will love it.

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