Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 382 The last leap

Popular recommendation:

The next filming is all about dancing.

Musical films require a grand dance at the end.

Ronald shot some of the plot parts first.

Dr. Hausman found Johnny and admitted to him that he had seen him wrong. It wasn't the most-looking dance partner who caused Penny's unplanned pregnancy and surgery, but the shameless waiter who was admitted to Yale Medical School.

Johnny and Baby ended up dancing together with the camera close to them, filming the close-up dialogue.

"Johnny, I'm going to work in the Peace Corps soon, and you're going to continue dancing. I'm scared. Everyone will say we don't deserve to be together, and maybe we'll feel the same way, what should we do?"

"We will work harder, we must be together." Johnny hugged Baby, as if everything was fearless.

Baby spread a smile, this is the sweetheart he likes, let the two fight for the future together.


"It's almost time for your pas de deux, take a good rest and prepare."

The lights were beaten pink, and the people's faces were beaming with joy, and the big dance at the end was cheerful and joyful. This color really makes me happy from scratch.

"Usually we do the last dance of Kellerman's holiday season, but this year someone didn't want us.

So tonight we're going to do our own dance. and a special lady. Because she taught me to stand up bravely for others.

She also made me understand what kind of person I want to be. "

The two leading actors took to the stage, and Johnny's tape was put into the tape recorder.

"Now, I have found the time of my life..."

The theme song began, and the deep baritone sounded. Johnny hooked his fingers to Baby, and the two came together.

Ronald gestured to the gaffer crouching high.

A beam of spotlights hit the stage, illuminating Johnny and Baby.

Switz put his arms around Gray's waist, causing her to lower back, then circled her upper body from side to side around her waist.

Jennifer Gray returned her upper body to the ready position with a proud smile on her face.

For such an actor who has no foundation in dance, he was able to be gradually taught by Swayze and the choreographer during the filming, and to be able to dance the difficult mambo dance to the present, which is also proud.

Ronald was also very happy. The camera unexpectedly captured Baby's expression, which was in perfect harmony with the mood of the characters in the play.

The decision to keep Jennifer Grey out of dance in the beginning is showing value in this moment. The true performance is always the most impressive to the audience.

Because the actor's own reaction is always more natural than any acting.

The rhythm of the theme song jumped again, and it began to speed up to the rhythm of Mambo.

Thwaites flicked his hand, and Gray spun out and was dragged back by Thwaites.

Specially tailored dance clothes with many pleats at the hem. Under the rotation of Jennifer Gray, it flew up under the action of centrifugal force and turned into a circle.

The two were sometimes side by side, sometimes facing each other. Under the guidance of Swayze, Gray kept spinning, and the skirt flew up and down like a butterfly.

"I've found the time in my life...", the song reaches the climax, the two approached in a swirling manner, their eyes met, and their lips gradually approached.

Patrick Thwaites waited two seconds, and just as they were about to kiss, he twirled and Gray flew out and was dragged back by him.

Jennifer Gray didn't expect Swayze to have this surprise, and laughed.


Ronald took the lead in applauding. The two actors have gone through several storms and have now entered a very strange state. It's like basketball players often get into a zone where they can hit balls of any difficulty.

The current state of the two is also highly concentrated.

Entering a state of tacit understanding that was never achieved during the original rehearsal. You can know the other person's intentions in any action, and the dance steps are even more outstanding.

Next is the male protagonist Johnny, who jumped up on the stage, a big jump jumped down from above, and danced with many backup dancers, and invited Baby from the stage to recreate the one they rehearsed in the lake. A difficult move, jumped on Johnny's arm and made a flying gesture.

"Your big jump should be as far and as elegant as possible."

Ronald asked Swayze a few words. Switz, who was born in ballet, is no stranger to this kind of big jump. He could have done well.

But a recent ankle injury has him a little worried. Even so, he was confident that he was fine.

Ronald had the camera facing the stage for the shot of Swayze jumping.

This shot is very harsh. The front of the actor is all exposed in front of the camera. If the audience is to buy it, along with the plot, if the actor is emotional, the actor must shoot it himself.

If a stand-in is used, it will be obvious that the movement is not smooth, so it will be difficult to mobilize the audience's emotions to a higher level to meet the final flying action.


Thwaites jumped off the stage with a big jump.


Ronald stepped forward to see that he didn't jump far enough. The action is also not elegant enough.

"I need a real big jump, the long one. You just use all your strength, and I have confidence in you."

Ronald had seen the jumping ability of a real ballerina. Thwaites still couldn't let go, perhaps because he was afraid of a recurrence of the ankle injury, and was not able to use his full strength.




Ronald took three shots, and Swayze couldn't really pull off the ballerina's dynamism.

Ronald was a little anxious, this kind of action was very physically exhausting. On a ballet stage, it is impossible for male actors to dance continuously. Seeing that the filming continued, Swayze was about to lose his strength.

Is it necessary to extend the shooting time for another day and pay tens of thousands of dollars for this shot of Swayze?

Switz was also very anxious, Ronald was always dissatisfied, and his knees began to ache without saying a word. At the age of thirty-four, his scarred body could not withstand more damage.

He rested for a while, then asked his assistant to hand him a bottle of mineral water and took a few gulps.

"Director, I only have the energy for the last time. This time I will do my best to dance. I'll do it today, if I can't, I'll just let it go."

"Okay, don't be under pressure and play normally."

Ronald also didn't want to show his anxiety and put more pressure on Switz.


After everything was ready, Schwyz made a great leap on the stage accompanied by music.

"it is good!"

As soon as Ronald took off, he knew it was done.

Sure enough, Swayze jumped more than two meters away and knelt down on one knee.


Thwaites was fully in shape, and then he moved towards the dancers with a vigorous solo dance. They lined up together, three turns in one step, and sent an invitation to the Baby waiting on the stage.

The camera was facing the stage, and Jennifer Gray's smiling eyes narrowed after filming, she nodded shyly, and promised her lover to do that flying lift and challenge her own limits.


The second-to-last shot of the entire film has been filmed.

Ronald sat in the director's chair and watched the crew move the camera to the side of the seating aisle.

Only the last flying lift remains.

Ronald is hoping for a one-time success.

The large number of dance moves just now consumed most of Swayze and Gray's energy. They happen to be in an interval. If the action cannot be finished quickly, it will be difficult to exit from this state and enter again.

"All departments in place?"

One by one, the staff signaled to Ronald that they were ready.


"full speed."



The field recorder ran quickly from the side and quickly played the board in front of the camera.

"Spicy Dance Scene XX, Article XX"


The camera is aimed at Jennifer Gray standing alone on stage.

She was rushed to the front of the stage for the four ensembles and lifted off the stage.

The camera captured the action just under a meter from her side.


The director of photography silently gave the four coolies of the photography team, the chief coolie, a mouth shape.

The coolies' muscles skyrocketed, and they exerted their strength to quickly start the heavy camera on the rail, and quickly accelerated to the speed of Jennifer Gray's running.

This is a very professional, cold-start fast traversing lens that can only be accomplished with a tacit photographic team.

Before today's filming, they had already rehearsed to perfection.

The camera closely followed Jennifer Gray's footsteps, and completely captured this Baby's run-up scene from the side.

Jennifer Gray's run-up was fast and powerful. When she reached a place two meters in front of Swayze, she made an emergency stop, and after her feet were off the ground, she landed at the same time.

Just like when a gymnast does a vault, convert the forward energy of the approach into upward energy.

With one force, she flew forward forty-five degrees.

Patrick Swaytz, who was already in front of him, saw Gray take off, his hands firmly on her hips.

Then Switz squatted, like a barbell, and lifted Gray over his head.

Then he slowly stood up straight, holding Gray all the way over his head.

Jennifer Gray struggled to keep her balance, and above Swayze's head, her hands spread out in a flying posture.

Swayze blushed, squeezed out the last bit of energy, and held Gray abruptly for more than six or seven seconds.

Then he put Gray down again slowly.

Jennifer Gray was also very excited. After she landed, she hugged Swayze's neck.

This is the most perfect dance in so many rehearsals.

She didn't think she could dance so perfectly.


Ronald didn't expect to really succeed once.

Looking at Patrick Swayze, who was slumped on the ground with his hands trembling slightly. Ronald knew there would be no more shots.

He looked at the director of photography, and after confirming that the film was valid, he let out a sigh of relief.

Ronald shouted at Swayze and Gray, and the countless expectant glances behind him.

"I announce that the filming part of the spicy dance is packed!"

"Roar, roar..."

The dancers cheered and began to applaud and stamp their feet, and gradually all the actors and staff began to tune in to a neat rhythm.

The recorder was cranked up, and everyone started dancing frantically to the intense rhythm of the theme song, "The Time of My Life."

Ronald was also pulled into the crowd by Cynthia Rhodes and jumped up cheerfully with everyone.

"I had the best time of my life

No, I've never felt this way before..."

What a joyous crew, Ronald also started to indulge and jumped up.

The scene became a sea of ​​joy.

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