Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 119 Ronald needs to make more award-winning films

"Look, this computer is much better than the one we use for office work now, and it looks good too. Just buy the software of the Encyclopedia Britannica, type in a celebrity you want, such as John Ford, and all the related content in the encyclopedia will appear..."

Ronald was in the office of Daydream, and the black administrative manager was reporting to him the purchase plan for the new year.

Since everyone already had a computer for office work, this very capable manager added a few new computers to the purchase report. Ronald was a little confused and asked her to ask.

"I see that many people in your script department have to spend a lot of time to go to the library to look up information. Wouldn't it save a lot of costs to have such a computer? They can also spend more time doing their work." The black manager knew the young boss very well and was not stingy, as long as your purchase had a suitable reason.

"Okay, purchase some for both the Los Angeles and New York offices. You ask this company to send one to my home, plus that encyclopedia and the voice module." Ronald was also curious when he saw that there were all kinds of classical music and modern pop music on the materials, and the melody could be played as long as he selected it. How can such a small computer store so many things?

"Okay, boss." The administrative manager got up and left.

This computer was the new product of the new boss of Pixar Studios that Ronald saw two days ago. Since he purchased a batch of computers, the people at Pixar have been delivering some information about "Journey to the West" every day, obviously wanting him to invest.

In order to determine whether this kind of movie can be made under the current conditions, or how much money it will cost to make it, Ronald is going to ask James Cameron, the friend who can give him the most advice.

"You came at the right time. I'm going to the Cherokee Nuclear Power Plant in South Carolina soon. The big pit there can be filled with water. I will leave in two days. At that time, I will dive down to see the scene and the operation of the underwater camera myself."

Cameron had a long beard and a face full of excitement. The "Abyss" was about to start shooting. After learning about Ronald's purpose, he took him to visit the special effects team he had temporarily formed for the special effects shots in "The Abyss".

Except for the clay and model special effects, which were still handled by Industrial Light \u0026 Magic, the rest of "The Abyss" was handled by a company called Dream Quest Iages.

This company once produced the low-cost special effects movie "Escape from New York" and has a certain reputation in the industry. The main reason why Industrial Light \u0026 Magic was not asked to handle all the special effects was that the people of Industrial Light \u0026 Magic were mainly busy with the projects of George Lucas and Spielberg.

The main architecture of the special effects was set by Industrial Light \u0026 Magic, and Dream Quest Iages only sent some skilled engineers to participate in this project.

"It's roughly like this. First, build the model, then introduce mathematical formulas to specify the actions of these models and particles, and finally process them on the minicomputer for rendering. Jim gave us a general concept and the storyboard of the final shot. We expect to generate about two minutes of special effects completely generated by computer in the end, and then synthesize them with real shots."

The person who introduced Ronald was Stan Winston, who produced special effects for Cameron in Terminator and won the Oscar for Best Special Effects with Alien 2.

Ronald knew that the process was similar to that of Pixar, that is, the software used was different. Even the hardware and the workstations used for production looked similar... Wait, it's not similar, it's completely the same, right? Ronald touched a workstation computer on the desktop, the same dark green shell, the same round shell. "This is SGI's latest generation of IRIS desktop workstations. This one costs $20,000, and the one used for modeling is a high-end configuration, which costs $80,000. We use it for preliminary work, and then render it on that minicomputer. It takes a week of continuous rendering to generate more than ten seconds of usable images." Stan Winston laughed. Cameron's friends are similar to him. They all pay attention to technical details. They are not those traditional Hollywood directors who just say in general that they want a special effect like ET aliens. They are very sensitive to new technologies and new inventions. "Good guy, isn't this just a cover?" Ronald thought to himself that the appearance is exactly the same, and with a Pixar sign, they can sell it to me for 30% more money? Even if their software is better, it's not good... I've been with Cameron for a long time and haven't seen a single crash, but it always crashes at Pixar.

"Wait a minute, you said that after a week of rendering, you can only generate a dozen seconds of finished special effects?" Ronald suddenly thought of the meaning of Weinstein's words.

"That's right, this is an ideal estimate without any errors. Sometimes the picture cannot be used due to some errors, and sometimes there will be problems that our engineers can't explain, so now we can only render it separately." Cameron explained to Ronald.

Because they are good friends, Cameron did not hide anything and explained the problems that still exist in computer special effects more clearly.

"It takes a week to render such a small shot?" This completely extinguished Ronald's idea of ​​investing in the Monkey King.

"When we were filming Alien, it was more than twice as long. We were very careful at that time to use it just a little bit. According to Moore's Law, it would have to be almost until the 1990s before long-form movie scenes that were completely computer-generated could theoretically appear. ”

"What is Moore's Law?" Ronald asked Winston for advice.

"This is a rule of thumb invented by Intel's chairman Moore. In about eighteen months, the computing power of a computer can double while the cost doubles."

Ronald nodded. Unless it is a TV animation that is not so particular about picture quality, it will take a long time to make a movie that is entirely computer-generated.

Thinking of this, Ronald also put an end to the thought of setting up a computer special effects research department. Being half a step ahead of others is a genius. If you are too early, you will end up in a situation like Pixar, where you can only rely on selling hardware. maintain the appearance.

"Ovitz, Peterson, Schwarzman, please do this this time..."

In the executive suite of the Peninsula Hotel in New York, Sony President Norio Ohga was bowing to three white men in a very formal manner.

Ovitz also followed President Ohga's example and made a ninety-degree bow. This made the two financial elites next to them a little embarrassed, so they had no choice but to bend down a little deeper.

In May, Sony's preparations for the acquisition of Columbia Pictures gradually began to enter a very in-depth stage. Norio Ohga hired three top talents in related industries in America to serve as consultants for the merger and acquisition to assist Sony in the process. This is the largest merger and acquisition case in history between a Japanese company and an American company.

The three advisers, in addition to Michael Ovitz, the founder of CAA, are Peter Peterson and Steve Schwarzman, the two founders of Wall Street upstart Blackstone Investment Company. They jumped out of Lehman Brothers and established their own investment management company. Last year, he also helped his old employer Lehman Brothers acquire Hutton Company, the largest stock broker on Wall Street, and received a bonus of US$3.5 million.

It happened that Sony needed the guidance of mergers and acquisitions experts, so they spent a lot of money to hire two bankers to focus on handling the compliance issues of Japanese companies' mergers and acquisitions in America.

When Ronald met and discussed with Norio Ohga, he also pointed out the complexity of American regulations. Just like in his new movie "Working Girl", a small legal loophole can help Sony get around it. Overcome impossible barriers and complete the acquisition.

The purpose of inviting Michael Ovitz was also reminded by Ronald. Sony's biggest goal in purchasing Columbia Pictures is to accumulate the most complete film library in Hollywood over the years. The copyright issues here are complex and acute, and they need someone who has good relationships with and is familiar with major Hollywood studios and stars. People who have grudges and grudges between them come to help.

Michael Ovitz is the most suitable candidate. As an agent, he has a good relationship with all the stars, directors, and agents. Therefore, we asked him to be a consultant to help sort out some of the intricate relationships involved in the Colombian film library and copyright, so as not to cause unnecessary disputes. After all, after the acquisition, Sony will still have to cooperate with these truly powerful people in Hollywood.

Ovitz and the two bankers also like this job very much. By simply using their professional knowledge and connections, they can get five times the remuneration of domestic customers, and they can also do joint business after the merger and acquisition is successful. I don’t know why this President Dahe took a fancy to me. Didn't this cake fall down on your head?

Several people chatted about the progress of the merger and acquisition. Sony said that money is not an issue, the issue is to be safe. Sony does not want to face the problems that arise when it acquires Columbia Records, and the opposition from the people and the government. It is best to use a Buy Columbia Pictures in a way that satisfies everyone.

This attitude of clearly stating that I want to spend money to buy a clean house makes the two bankers of the Blackstone Group very satisfied. In order to enter the American market, the Japanese have to turn to Wall Street bankers with deep foundations like them.

They and Norio Ohga determined several major principles and tried to choose the acquisition method that would cause the least disputes within the scope of the law.

"Ovitz, I wonder if you have any advice for me in resolving copyright disputes?" Da He came over again and asked Ovitz what he thought.

"I would like to ask President Dahe first, why is Sony only interested in Colombia?" Ovitz asked with a sincere face.

"I consulted a good friend in Hollywood about this matter, and he told me that Columbia would be a more suitable acquisition target. MGM, which has the largest film library in Hollywood and the most classic movies, has a very bad copyright situation and will cause a lot of problems." Dahe also answered sincerely.

"I wonder which good friend it is?" Ovitz inquired further.

"Uh..." Norio Ohga didn't know how to answer. Ronald was helping as a friend, so it might not be a good idea to tell his name.

"My CAA has represented about one-third of famous artists in Hollywood. Among big stars and big directors, this ratio is even higher. If your friend is my client, there is no need to worry about confidentiality. I As a broker, I am bound by broker-client privilege to only act in the interests of my clients, otherwise my license will be revoked.”

Ovitz pointed out the other party's concerns, and he reassured Dahe that if he could know who was pushing Columbia Pictures, he would have more room to gain benefits for himself.

"It's Ronald." Dahe and his assistant confirmed Ronald's agent and then told Ovitz, "It's Ovitz's client. We are very optimistic about him. If he is interested, He is also the right person to run a major production company."

"Ronald-san..." Ovitz also pretended to call Ronald affectionately. Listening to this, does Sony want Ronald to be responsible for the production business of the lawsuit after the merger? I also want this position...

"His understanding of the Hollywood audience is very talented, but he may not have been in Hollywood long enough. In fact, there is another company in Hollywood that may not be suitable for you except Columbia...that is Universal..."

"I would like to hear the details..." Norio Ohga also asked Ovitz to continue. Isn't it because he spent a lot of money to hire this person as a consultant to buy his connections?

“During the golden age of Hollywood, Columbia was not one of the three largest studios, and in the New Hollywood movement that began in the 1970s, Universal and Fox were the two leading the trend, and they also produced the most classic movies. "

What Ovitz said was true. He discovered the two studios of Spielberg and George Lucas respectively, plus Paramount, which was originally helmed by Eisner. In the new era, it is the shooting classic. The most movies.

"Ronald-kun has already said this, but we have already acquired Columbia Records and are more familiar with Columbia Pictures' personnel." Norio Ohga found a reason. In fact, the real reason why he prefers Columbia is that he is not the top leader in Hollywood. Ronald has said that the success or failure of mergers and acquisitions ultimately depends on the acceptance of this behavior by the people and political circles.

At a time when the United States and Japan are quarreling over semiconductor disputes, if they acquire the top three companies in Hollywood, the media momentum will undoubtedly be much greater than that of Colombia. To be on the safe side, and with their connections at Columbia Records (the two companies separated not long ago), they were more confident about Columbia Pictures' copyright situation.

"That's true, but what about Universal's movie rights, ET, Back to the Future, the Jaws series, and movies like The Breakfast Club that have a huge influence on teenagers?" Ovitz knew very well that the Japanese wanted to get it What, selling electronics to teenagers, their biggest target customers!

"I heard that Director Spielberg is unwilling to release the video tape?" Norio Ohga was also a little tempted. If he could buy Universal, who would want to buy Columbia? He posed a problem and asked Ovitz to solve it.

"Rick (Nisita), what has Ronald been busy with recently? Has his new movie not been confirmed yet? Do you need me to give him some help? Recently, some of our newly signed stars have begun to complain to me that there are no top Hollywood stars. The director came to them, hahaha.”

Ovitz returned to the office and immediately invited Ronald's agent Niceta to inquire. After the merger, Sony needs a helmsman who understands both America and Japan.

Ovitz has always felt that he was the perfect candidate, but today when he met President Dahe, he felt that Ronald was a very good candidate, which made Michael Ovitz very uncomfortable.

Norio Ohga felt that Ronald had a unique vision, so to prevent Ronald from being favored by Sony, he would need to make one or two movies that were not good at the box office... Young people can think of that. Oscar, after making money and achieving commercial success, does it mean that we have to turn to artistic recognition? If you try to satisfy him in this aspect, you will naturally ignore the box office results.

"He's looking for a replacement director for the script Steel Magnolias. If he can't find one, he might do it himself. This movie is a story about a small southern town, and Ronald is still a little worried that he won't be able to film the story of Dixie."

"Hahaha, our golden boy is a Yankee." Ovitz laughed. This guy Ronald is so cautious about movie projects. It seems that he needs to increase his efforts to deceive him.

"This movie is an adaptation of a famous Broadway play. It is indeed a bit risky for him to direct it. I will find some suitable directors for him. In fact, if Ronald wants to be nominated for the Oscar for Best Director again, he will shoot the big northern cities he is best at. The story is a good choice.

I will ask all agents who sign screenwriters to pay attention and give priority to scripts that are suitable for him to win the Oscar for the youngest best director in the history of the film. "

"That's a good thing, Ronald will thank you." Niceta stood up and said goodbye to Ovitz, and went to convey the good news.

"The secret to success is to make others think that the idea you sell to them was something they came up with themselves," Ovitz said to himself, "I'm really a genius."

"Ronald, can you make time to attend the premiere of Tom's new movie?"

Paula Wagner came to invite Ronald to attend the premiere of Tom Cruise's new film "Cocktail" and conveyed the good news that Ovitz promised to provide high-quality resources to Ronald first.

"I think it's okay. Elizabeth Sue is also an actress I discovered, so it's right to attend." Ronald was talking about Cruise and Sue's "Cocktail," which will be released in July. , which coincides with Ronaldo's "Die Hard."

"Well, Tom said that he will go to the premiere of Die Hard whether you are free or not, so that everyone can support each other, which is the best." Paula Wagner has completed the main task.

"How is the filming of Tom's Rain Man going? I met Oliver (Stone) in Cannes. He said that he will shoot the location of the new film in the Philippines. Tom will probably be very busy." Ronald hasn't seen Cruise for a long time. The big star has been busy with film contracts and his schedule is very full. It is already very powerful to be able to support Die Hard.

"Ah..." Paula sighed.

"The filming of the movie went smoothly, but Tom is not very happy, and I am also worried."

"What's wrong?"

Paula complained to Ronald. It turned out that since Tom Cruise knew that the previous film was a failure and became the "Hoffman Gate", Hollywood has not been very fond of Dustin Hoffman. But CAA fought for him to get a salary comparable to his own.

Michael Ovitz is too persistent in taking care of the old stars who signed when CAA was weak. The newly signed stars are obviously not treated as well as those old stars after they become famous.

The most obvious example is Sean Connery, the actor of 007. Such a Scottish actor who has no works actually enjoys the largest office of CAA, and even specially created a script for him. He won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, which made Cruise envious.

"I think we have to look at it from a long-term perspective. After all, CAA is still considering Tom. His long-term image management is also the most important part of a star's career." Ronald felt that Connery's role was not suitable for Cruise. Tom's role must be handsome! Handsomeness is the first priority.

"Hey, I understand." Paula sighed again, "But if I don't fight for Tom, my job will not be retained for a long time. Not every client is as open-minded about money as you, Ronald."

"Well... okay," Ronald thought to himself, I make money by producing, and of course it's different from your Tom.

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