Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 10007 Inspiration from the naming of the script

"So are we Quakers?" Ronald drove Aunt Karen and Donna to church.

"Yes, Ronnie. Your mother's and I's families belong to the Staten Island Quaker parish, and your father is also from the New England Quakers. Don't you remember? Maybe because the church there uses Another name for the sect—Quakers.”

For the first time, Ronald learned about the sect to which his parents belonged. After Aunt Karen lost her husband, she was very busy trying to make money. She often went to work on Sundays and rarely went to church.

In the past two months, the leg warmer business has started to get on the right track, Donna has gone to a key high school, and Aunt Karen finally has the opportunity to resume the tradition of going to church on Sundays.

"Before, there were several wives of Quaker veterans at Little Bud's place who came to make leg warmers. They told me that there is a small Quaker church in Manhattan. Today, a new priest came to preach. I heard that His speech was great.”

"I remember going to church when I was a kid. There was no priest, so everyone stayed silent and communicated with God by themselves, right?" Donna still has some memories of going to church.

"Maybe it's a different way to get close to God. I heard that this priest is from the south."

"Dear parishioners, I hope you will all close your eyes, close your eyes and pray, and pray with me for a miracle in your life..."

"Have you heard the good news? It's the gospel of God, spreading among our brothers and sisters in the congregation... What I'm going to talk about today is Genesis 4:1-4:16, the story of Abel and Cain... …”

"Congregation, we are all brothers and sisters, and we are my brother's keeper, which means you are a trustworthy, godly person who cares for others in their time of need or struggle. This A very heartfelt quote that conveys a strong message…

That's when you show a lot of courage, responsibility, and a willingness to put others before you. "

"God created this world 5,500 years ago. He created it all in six days and rested on the seventh day..."

"The former governor of California, now the candidate for the Elephant Party's presidential election, has gained advantages in 36 states' primaries. He is the candidate given by God to America. Let us pray for him and defeat Jimmy in the presidential election at the end of this year. , leading America to prosperity and security..."

This pastor from the south,

The sermon was very attractive, his voice was magnetic, and his speech was very rhythmic. However, Ronald had no feelings about religion. He just felt a little strange, "Isn't the current commander-in-chief a southerner? Why does this pastor from the south support the Elephant Party?" Former governor?”

The aunt looked at him, dumbfounded. The question was beyond her knowledge. "Maybe the former governor is a more religious person, amen."

Aunt Karen went to socialize with other veterans' wives, and she didn't forget to bring the cookies she baked. Donna secretly said to Ronald, "I don't like this pastor. He said that the earth is only 5,500 years old. He also said that the theory of evolution is wrong and that all living things were created by God. But he ignored the scientific discovery of hundreds of millions of years ago. Dinosaur fossils turned a blind eye..."

"Yes, but what did you mean when there was no priest in the church before and everyone prayed in silence?" Ronald had never heard of this custom in the church before.

"I don't know. Although that church is also a Quaker church, everyone is silent for half an hour, no one speaks, and they communicate with God. Then there are social occasions. It doesn't matter if the priest doesn't need to preside over it."

"Then let's go to that church in the future." Ronald felt that the priest had some brainwashing ability, and he didn't like his family to be brainwashed.

"No, I remember when I was in middle school, it was closed because there were very few believers."

"Girl, you must be talking about the liberal Quakers." Next to him was a man who looked like a college student. He had a big beard and long hair, and he looked very spiritual.

Seeing Ronald looking over, he introduced himself, "I am from the Department of Anthropology at Yale University. I deliberately grew my beard and hair to investigate churches in various places." As he said this, he took out his university library card, and sure enough, it was In the photo, he has the popular slightly longer hair and is clean-shaven, looking very normal.

"What do you mean by liberal?"

"After the First World War, many religious institutions went bankrupt and no one believed in God." The college student discussed with Ronald in a low voice. "At that time, the churches also began to lean towards freedom and did not deny the findings of scientific research. For example, your sister said The lifespan of the earth, the question of evolution. The tendency to view the Bible as an ancient story rather than a sacred scripture.”

"Some conservative institutions use more conservative views to attract right-wing believers. They are fundamentalists. They believe that every word in the Bible is the truth, not a metaphor or description. For example, Moses parted the Red Sea, or Christ’s return to earth is a real event.”

"But these ideas seem too bizarre in modern society, so starting thirty years ago, a southern priest, Billy Graham, began to promote evangelicalism in America. Evangelical dress was more centrist than Fundamentalist, but opposed to liberal attitudes toward the Bible.”

"Did you hear the good news? This sentence is their incision. They often start their preaching with this sentence."

"But we are Quakers, why did we invite an evangelical priest?" Ronald asked.

"This is a misunderstanding. Evangelicalism is not a sect, but an evangelical movement. It encompasses all denominations. For example, the Baptists, who are the most widespread and have the most believers in America, are divided into liberals and evangelicals. faction, and fundamentalism.”

"Liberal believers easily embrace science or doubt the existence of God, so there are fewer and fewer believers. Fundamentalists are too extreme. Nowadays, the better churches developed by Puritanism are basically evangelicals. They It has also reconciled with the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church, and has become very popular in the world."

"What did he mean by my brother's protector?"

"Hahaha, don't you read the Bible?"

Seeing that Ronald was a little embarrassed, the college student explained, "This is from the fourth verse of Genesis. Adam's son Cain only dedicated to God the fruits of plants that fell on the ground. And his brother Abel killed himself to raise food. Cain sacrificed his animals to God with their flesh and blood. God favored Abel, so Cain killed Abel."

"God rebuked Cain, and Cain quarreled with God, saying that I was not my brother's protector. So then to say that someone is my brother's protector is to praise him for having the virtues that Cain lacked, and to protect his brothers and even strangers. Put your interests before yourself.”

"My brother's keeper," Ronald said this short phrase from the Bible repeatedly, feeling that it was very suitable for the title of his new Vietnam War script.

A mentally retarded fool understands the true meaning of God better than many smart people. He didn't know how to throw grenades or aim a rifle. During training, he threw grenades into the sky and almost caused an accident. Fortunately, the platoon leader pulled him into an explosion-proof ditch.

After being deployed to Vietnam, others in the company disliked him and deliberately left him on Vietnamese soil. After the fool was caught by the Vietnamese army, they took him to fight. Even though he was a fool, they didn't abuse him. After encountering the original troops, the ambushing Vietnamese army captured many of the original comrades-in-arms.

His former comrades thought he was a traitor and deliberately brought the Vietnamese here. The fool took care of the wounded among them and secretly released the prisoners at night, giving them weapons and sending them home to their mothers. The Vietnamese came over on alert and led the fool in pursuit.

The fool was playing with his comrade's grenade. Whether intentionally or out of curiosity, he threw the secretly hidden grenade into the sky and blew himself up when it fell. In the chaos, the platoon leader and his comrades were able to escape and return to America to reunite with their families. However, everyone said that the fool was the incarnation of Christ and was not killed by the grenade. He was still on the battlefield in Vietnam and was the protector of all brothers.

Ronald took out his notebook and quickly jotted down his inspirations. He became so excited that he wrote dozens of pages of plot.

Until Aunt Karen asked him gently, "Ronnie, are you done writing? It's time for us to go back."

"Ah? Is it already noon?" Ronald saw that most of the believers in the church had already gone to have lunch. "I'm sorry, Auntie, I got inspired and wrote a lot of plots."

Not only does it have a brotherly comradeship, a controversial plot, an anti-federal war policy, and a religious plot, I'm afraid it's not going to be a big hit. Ronald was pleased with his inspiration.

"Shall we go to Burger King? Their burgers and fries are quite delicious." Donna said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go."

I don’t know what cooking method is used in Burger King’s beef, but it does taste better than McDonald’s. Donna ate very enthusiastically, "Mom, I don't like this priest. What he said is different from what is in our science textbooks."

"Yeah, don't delay Donna's studies. Ivy League scholarships don't have theological content." Ronald supported.

"Okay, I will attend the Sunday gatherings of veterans and families from now on." Aunt Karen actually didn't like the atmosphere of the church, and no one praised the delicious cookies she baked.

"Click, click, click..." Ronald spent the afternoon and evening at home typing frantically on the typewriter. When inspiration came, he had to seize the time to type more. If the inspiration left, he would not be able to get it back.

From time to time, he would take a sip of the red wine beside the table, light up a Marlboro, and smoke while looking for notes made by his friend who had interviewed Aunt Karen.

Sometimes he is immersed in typing, leaving the beautiful Michelle Pfeiffer aside.

Michelle Pfeiffer, wearing a bathrobe and wrapping her head in a towel, sat next to him, looked at the paper he typed, and helped organize it. Pfeiffer knew that Ronald had entered a strange state and was writing very fast. On the basis of the dozens of pages of first drafts that he already had, Ronald was writing very fast and had accumulated almost 10 pages of manuscript paper.

Pfeiffer looked at the man in front of him who was two years younger than him. His concentration was really attractive. Will he be the next gold medal screenwriter in Hollywood? Like John Milius, who wrote Apocalypse Now, or Billy Wilder, who wrote and directed it?

"It's done." Ronald finished typing the 96th page of the manuscript. After more than 10 hours of continuous writing, the first draft was completed in one go.

"Dear, I lost track of time while writing." Seeing Pfeiffer holding his first draft with a smile on his face, Ronald couldn't help but stretch, picked up the red wine and took a sip. The urge to write quickly flowed onto the manuscript paper. Ronald seemed to have not finished writing, and his energy had not yet been released.

Michelle Pfeiffer gently pulled off the bath towel wrapped around her head, and her silky hair flowed down like a waterfall, pouring on the open-necked bathrobe, and also on her white shoulders and chest.

"Ronnie, you are really talented." Pfeiffer was hugged tightly and whispered in Ronald's ear, "Uh...ah..." Pfeiffer exclaimed in a low voice.

It was a man who was encouraged to express his gratitude through actions.

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