Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 116 Jane Fonda’s Party

Ovitz invited Ronald to get into his sports car and personally took Ronald to the party.

There is a Jaguar silver-gray sports car in the parking lot. The license plate above the tail pipe only has the three letters CAA. Both the sports car and the license plate belong to President Michael Ovitz.

Ronald walked to the front of the sports car. With four headlights and the iconic inverted trapezoidal front engine compartment, the Jaguar sports car looked a bit like a great white shark ready to attack. Opening the passenger door, he tried to squeeze himself into the passenger seat.

Ovitz helped adjust the seat backwards, and before Ronald could fasten his seat belt, he started the sports car, and the powerful engine made a low roar. Ovitz pulled the airplane joystick-style gear lever, put it into gear, drove out of the company and onto the road.

Rick Niceta and two other agents followed in another car.

"Jane Fonda's parties are also famous in Hollywood." Ovitz said to Ronald, "We went to her Malibu home. Ever since she and her ex-husband bought this house, there have been Hollywood stars and young people. The best place for newbies to meet friends.”

"Her father, Henry, once roasted a whole pig in the yard for guests to enjoy, using honey made from his own bees."

Ronald grasped the handle of the car door tightly with his hand and looked around. He only felt that the Jaguar had sufficient horsepower. The engine roared very loudly when accelerating. He could only keep making "hmm" sounds, echoing Ovitz. .

"Do you like this car? When we sell your script to the studio, you can afford it." Ovitz thought that Ronald was looking around because he liked his Jaguar. After all, he was a young man. It is very normal to like sports cars, and beautiful women will look at you more at parties.

Soon arriving at Jane Fonda's big house in Malibu, Jane, who was notified by the waiter, came out with her husband Tom Hayden to welcome Ronald and Ovitz.

After the hug, Jane specifically told Ovitz, "Michael, calm down your energy. Warren and Jack will be here today. Don't scare my guests."

"I know you want to discuss how to deal with the strike. I'm just looking for someone to talk to outside." Ovitz said with a smile.

Jane Fonda nodded and took Ronald into the house first.

"This is Ronald Lee, he is a very good movie screenwriter. This is Matt, a movie actor, the new James Dean of Hollywood." Jane walked to the middle of the living room and asked a young actor Ronald was introduced, "I have to go in with Tom to talk about something, you young people can talk more." Then he walked up to the second floor.

Ovitz disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Not knowing where to meet the celebrity clients, Niceta and others also dispersed. The main purpose of these agents attending parties is either to entertain their celebrity clients to prevent other agents from poaching them, or to poach other agents' celebrity clients.

Ronald picked up a cocktail and greeted the actor named Matt. He had not seen the movie starring him.

"Movie screenwriters, huh? When I was filming 'Cute' last year, they were on set busy using typewriters to rewrite tomorrow's script."

"Ronald Lee, I'm from New York." Ronald stretched out his hand to shake his hand.

"Matt Dillon. (matt dillon)" Matt was drinking guzzlingly with a drink in his right hand, and stretched out his left hand to shake his hand.

"Matt, after My Bodyguard is released, what are your new movie plans?" Some young men and women nearby who were also drinking took the opportunity to ask him about his next movie.

Matt Dillon has become Hollywood's new favorite since he debuted in 1979 and starred in River's Edge(e). His face shape, body shape, and temperament are very similar to those of James Dean in the 1950s, and he is also suitable for playing the role of a rebellious teenager.

Many studios wanted to vie for the rising teen star to get a movie of their own. He has two new films released this year, both of which play handsome bad boys, and are very popular among young audiences.

"I don't know, but Ron Miller, the president of Disney Productions, is talking to my agent about a new film."

"Pfft," a female voice in the crowd couldn't help but laugh. Disney can only make animations for children, which really have little to do with live-action movies.

“Really,” Matt Dillon was a little annoyed, “Ron is the husband of Walt Disney’s only daughter Diane. He was going to turn Disney into live-action movies and hired the famous director Fred Zinnemann. )’s son Tim is a producer.”

"Ron also plans to find a best-seller..." At this point, Matt sobered up from the influence of alcohol and stopped talking.

Among the young people nearby, some began to whisper about Disney, and laughed from time to time, as if they were laughing at Matt Dillon.

Ronald knew Fred Zinnemann, and he had watched his director's "High Noon," an unorthodox Western starring Grace Kelly in Scorsese's class. Playing a Quaker is very beautiful.

"So your new film has not been affected by the strike?" Ronald asked.

Matt Dillon realized that Ronald was rescuing him, and returned to his uncaring smirk, "It doesn't matter, they are all second-generation stars who don't understand anything." He said and took a cocktail. , and took a few steps away from Ronald.

"To answer your question, the strike has no impact on the new film. Tim Zinnemann is pursuing a girl twenty years younger than him, and he wants to promote her as the heroine of the new film."

"So Disney is really getting into live-action movies?"

"Yes, Mr. Ron Miller has just become the CEO and president of Disney. He wants to get rid of the inherent impression of Disney Animation Studio and become a real major Hollywood studio."

"Cheers!" Matt Dillon and Ronald drank the wine in their glasses together, "Come on, Ronald, let me introduce you to Mr. Zinneman. I heard that you are a screenwriter?"

"Yes, Jane Fonda had some interest in my script."

"Oh, you need to tell me more about your script...is there a role for me?"

"Of course, every screenwriter wants an actor like you to play the character in their script."

"Ed, the strike has had a great impact on our film shooting. My husband, Tom Hayden, invited you here this time to discuss a solution." In a small room on the second floor, Jane Fonda is joining several stars in taking a swipe at Ed Asner, the negotiator for both Screen Actors Guilds.

"Yes, the strike cannot continue indefinitely. Our losses will be huge." The person who spoke was action superstar Sly, Stallone. He took the lead and fired.

"Sly, you are just an actor and you are paid well. The insurance company will be responsible for the crew's losses." Asner was unwavering.

"But your attitude has affected everyone in Hollywood." Jane Fonda took up the topic and continued to press, "Our crew started shooting before the strike, but the strike affected the filming progress."

In fact, "On Golden Pond" has not yet started filming the actors' scenes, and only shot a few empty shots of the scenery, but Jane Fonda deliberately made it vague to say that filming had already started.

Asner looked around and knew that these stars wanted to finish the movies they were currently working on so that they would not be affected by the strike. On the contrary, during the strike, filming can be resumed on a number of suspended movies, which can reduce many competitors when they are released.

"I understand your pain, but whether you are a celebrity or someone who has just received a Screen Actors Guild card, they are all members of the union, and the union treats them equally."

"Ed, we didn't talk about the issue of stars. The problem is that the actors and crews here have all started filming. You are also an actor yourself. You know the losses that will be caused by stopping filming. You should give a filming exemption to the crew that has already started filming. After all, you are an actor. We’re targeting the Producers Guild, not your dues-paying members of the Screen Actors Guild.”

Jane Fonda's husband Tom Hayden replied. He is also interested in politics and knows that Asner's real intention is to show off his status in the Donkey Party.

"The union originally planned to open exemption applications for crews that have already started filming. This strike will not end in a short time. We must fight until the capitalists surrender and protect the interests of actors. The current focus of negotiations is 40% of the minimum wage increase, the management has shown signs of compromise.

But they want to spread 40% to the next three years, and we cannot agree. With the current annual inflation of more than 10%, raising the minimum wage one year later will mean exploiting actors for one more year. "

Ed Asner took advantage of the situation and allowed these celebrities to appear in the media to support his tough tactics as a negotiator.

"So we all agreed, right? The matter is settled?" Warren Beatty exclaimed, "I know Ed is a good negotiator. It would be great if you would be the president of our Screen Actors Guild."

Ed Asner shook hands with several stars with satisfaction and agreed to their crew's application for strike exemption, which also added a lot of weight to his future.

"Ed, regarding me representing the Donkey Party in the California Senate election next year..." Tom Hayden sent Asner, the union negotiator, out.

"All settled? Let's have a drink." Warren Beatty, who along with Jack Nicholson is one of the three golden bachelors in Hollywood, immediately became active and talked about the prey target at tonight's party.

"Don't scare Tim's girlfriend. He is very interested in this little girl and is promoting her as the heroine of Disney's new movie."

Nicholson raised his glass to Tim Zinnemann and smiled, "You can't be serious, can you? You want to step into the church for the third time?"

"She is outside. She admires you very much, Jack. She also wants to meet her acting idol." Tim Zinneman is a middle-aged man in his 40s. This time he may have met true love as a real star. My girlfriend came to get along.

"Why not? Why don't we all go out and meet your little girlfriend." Anyway, Jack Nicholson and Warren Beatty were going to the party downstairs to hunt for women.

"Ha, Mr. Zinnemann, we were going to find you, this is Ronald, he's a very good screenwriter."

Tim Zinnemann also smiled when he saw Matt Dillon, the confirmed male lead in Disney's new film, "Wait a minute, Matt, Jack and Warren and I have something to do."

Ronald and Matt Dillon stood there, "He is easy to talk to. I will introduce you to him when he is done."

"Thank you, Matt."

"Come meet your acting idol." The two saw Zinnemann pull a young girl out of another room and bring her to the front of two Oscar-winning actors, Jack Nicholson and Warren Beatty.

"Oh, Mr. Nicholson, Mr. Beatty, I didn't expect to see you."

A brunette girl greeted the two in surprise.

"Meg?" Ronald saw clearly that the person coming was Meg Tilly, who was of Chinese descent, and couldn't help calling her.

"What? Do you know him?" Tim Zinnemann asked suspiciously.

"An acquaintance from the crew of 'Famous.'" Meg Tilly glanced at Ronald, then looked away and replied to Zinnemann.

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