Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 117 Vanity Fair is a men’s arena

"You two?" Matt Dillon, like everyone else, saw the entire process of the exchange of glances between the two.


Ronald's mind was spinning rapidly. It was obviously unwise to deny that the two of them had a "history" of unknown content. It would also cause others to seek out more gossip. He didn't want to leave a scene of jealousy in Jane Fonda's house.

What's more, he no longer has any contact with Meg Tilly, a china doll, so it would be unfair to cause trouble. Now he even regrets coming to this party. Finalizing the script contract with one of the eight major studios a day early is the top priority now.

What if I were introduced to party guests as the screenwriter of Jane Fonda's next movie?

But before signing a contract, anything can happen. Ovitz also specifically asked not to tell anyone about Jane Fonda's agreement to star. He would then take him to various studios to discuss film projects.

"Well, that's it." Ronald soon found the focus of the story he should tell, and said to Ti Lung: "I was helping with the casting of the famous crew, and finally one of the heroines chose another girl. She Lost."

"Oh, this is not good. She is now Zinnemann's official girlfriend. If she wants to target you, you will be in trouble. Zinnemann has a wide range of contacts in the industry and has a good relationship with the boss of Disney."

Ronald didn't expect to meet Meg Tilly here at all. It seemed that she was far better than she was in New York and was already able to attend Jane Fonda's parties. Her new boyfriend, Tim Zinnemann, looks much older than her. Maybe Meg, who has been without a father since she was a child, feels safe when meeting such a man?

Of course, Zinnemann does have many more resources than he does. He is the son of a great director and a close friend of Disney's son-in-law. Ronald has a bit of a taste. Some people are born with a starting point much higher than themselves.

Hollywood is a vanity fair.

Ronald had often heard people say this before, but he never understood it as profoundly as he did today. Ronald felt a little disappointed. This had nothing to do with love, but that he didn't like losing in competition.

Primate male creatures always compete when they get together, and rank up the ladder of power based on the results of competition. Career, money, love, and the opposite sex are all the spoils of this kind of competition from a certain unemotional scientific analysis point of view.

Ronald doesn't like to fail in his areas of expertise.

Drink all the cocktail in the glass,

He replied to Ti Lung, "You may have misunderstood. There are four men, four women and eight protagonists in that play. That role can only be considered a quarter heroine. And he has not blocked my energy in Hollywood."

"A group scene, huh?" Dillon is actually a big boy under the age of 18. Hearing the last passionate declaration, he inexplicably wanted to show his status in front of Jane Fonda's "Queen Screenwriter", "Tell It’s your secret, don’t tell anyone else.”

"Your secrets are safe with me."

"Zinnemann is seeking the rights to a best-selling adaptation in which he will make me the hero and Meg the heroine."

Ronald looked back at Tillon. Someone would tailor a movie for him at such a young age? Thinking that the studio is Disney, "Is it Youth? Which one is it?"

"I can't say this yet, but I can give you a hint," Dillon said. "We saw him when we were kids." He made a motion of combing his hair back.

"When we were kids? I don't remember." Ronald and America were teenagers and had no common memories. So based on the action of combing my hair, I randomly guessed, "grease?"

"Yeah, yes, it's the new book written by the author who wrote about those "greasers"."

Dillon seemed to have misheard the name Ronald said, but who cares, if he continues talking, the secret will be revealed.

"Well, I'll go to the bookstore and look for it myself."

The party was getting better. Meg Tilly was holding Zinnemann's arm and talking to the two movie stars. This place undoubtedly became a focus of the party. All the guests wanted to be as close as possible to this focus, except Ronald.

And Matt Dillon. He seems to be born to be the focus of the crowd. If there is another focus, Dillon will either join in and steal the spotlight, or he will not participate.

Warren Beatty, along with Jack Nicholson, was the center of any Hollywood party, and Dillon chatted casually with Ronald.

"So what are you working on now? Jane's new movie?"

"The script has been completed. If it hadn't been for the strike, I should have gone to the 'Endless Love' crew as the first assistant director."

"Who will play Jed? You have to tell me."

Well, the young star actor is also a reader of "Endless Love".

"I don't know, the producers are still negotiating. It could be Brooke Shields, or it could be an unknown new actor."

"Oh, Po Ji is indeed very suitable." Dillon stopped talking. After a while, he asked, "Is this movie shot in New York? When I go back, I can go visit the team."

"I won't be involved. The director has hired his old partner to be the first assistant director." Ronald replied, "What, are you from New York too?"

"Of course, why, can't you hear my accent? It seems that my line training recently has been very fruitful."

The two of them were chatting, and a girl suddenly made a loud noise outside the crowd at Meg Tilly's place.

"Chris! Where's your promise to me?" The girl waved her hand and brought two wine glasses to the table next to her. They shattered on the floor with a crash.

This time, the focus of the audience was all on her, and even the two movie stars stopped communicating with Meg.

The blond Christopher Atkins, an actor famous for "Blue Lagoon", pulled the girl out of the crowd, turned around and smiled at everyone, "Sorry, there was a little misunderstanding."

The girl was still struggling, "Hey, you said you could bring me to Hollywood to look for opportunities, so I flew to Los Angeles with you."

Hollywood is a vanity fair, competition is everywhere, and sometimes it's not something you can avoid if you want to.

Ronald stepped forward quickly, grabbed Atkins' hand, and pried it away from the girl's arm. The momentum came between the girl and Christopher Atkins. This blond curly-haired actor is slightly shorter than him, and he drinks a lot. If there is a conflict, he can subdue him.

"Don't drink too much, Chris, there is some broken glass here, wait until the waiter clears it up."

Atkins was now popular, so he got rid of the girl's entanglement, raised his hands to show his innocence, "I don't care about her, she is the one who wants me to introduce the producer to her." Then he smoothed his hair coolly, Instead, he started chatting up other beauties.

"Hello, Miss Lane. I am the producer." Tim Zinneman recognized the girl as Diane Lane, who is known as the new generation of Grace Kelly. He stepped forward and handed over his business card.

"Sorry, Diane is still a minor. You can contact his father." Ronald fended off Zinnemann.

"No, I have already announced in the newspaper that I am independent from my father's guardianship. I can find an agent to sign a contract by myself."

Ronald turned to look at Diane Lane, who had her eyes raised, "Why are you in Los Angeles? Does Bert know?"

"Do you want to take care of it?" Diane whispered slightly.

"Yeah, who are you? Can you represent Miss Lane's wishes?" Zinnemann smiled. If he could coax Diane Lane into signing a few film contracts cheaply, it would be a big deal. Cheap. After all, this girl was on the cover of Time Magazine and has some box office appeal.

"I am a friend of his father, Bert, and I am a film screenwriter. If you want to sign Diane, why don't we make a call to Bert together." Ronald replied.

"Screenwriter, hahaha." Zinnemann laughed.

"There is a running joke in Hollywood that there is an actress who is so stupid that she slept with the screenwriter."

Everyone burst into laughter. Most of the people who came to the party were celebrities, actors, agents, and beautiful girls who were brought in to look for opportunities. Everyone knows the meaning behind the joke.

The shortest way to enter the entertainment industry is to sleep with a few powerful people and be assigned to play a small role in a drama crew. On the hierarchy of power, there are directors, producers, and male protagonists, but there are no screenwriters.

Ronald was furious. This Zinnemann was trying to take advantage by deceiving an ignorant girl like Diane and making fun of himself. The purpose is nothing more than to arouse Diane Lane's rebellious psychology. As long as he could get Diane away from Ronald's influence, he would have a chance to slowly convince her.

"No, Ronald is not only a screenwriter, he is also a director." Diane Lane said.

Everyone looked over and didn't believe that Ronald could become a director at such a young age, and they had never heard of anyone whose son was named Ronald who wanted to become a director.

"It's an advertising director." Diane added.

Everyone burst out laughing again. In Hollywood, there really aren’t enough advertising directors.

At this time, the host and hostess who heard the laughter came over. Jane Fonda saw Ronald standing in the middle of the circle, opposing Zinnemann, and there was a girl behind him. She thought that there was a conflict between the two.

He quickly walked to the middle and said, "Ronald, this is Mr. Tim Zinneman. He is a well-known producer in Hollywood and the son of the respected director Fred."

"Tim, this is Ronald, a very promising screenwriter."

"It has great potential, which means there is still a lot of room for improvement?" Zinnemann jabbed, picked up the wine glass and walked away with his arms around Meg Tilly. Jane Fonda appears here, and the possibility of him coaxing Diane Lane into signing a film contract is unlikely.

Ronald took a deep breath, put down his guarded palms, and said to Jane Fonda, "Jane, I'm sorry for breaking a few cups. This is Diane Lane, who is known as the new generation Grace Kelly." Well. This one doesn’t need my introduction.”

"Ms. Jane Fonda." Diane was very happy to meet the hostess and stepped forward to hug Jane Fonda and say hello.

"Jane, can we borrow your phone? I have a long-distance call to New York." Ronald looked at the excited expression on Diane's face, and after thinking about it, he asked the hostess to borrow the phone to call Bert. Poor brain Men may not know where their daughter has gone.

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