Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 132 The Demonic God’s Residual Breath (Additional update today)

Enter Wanmin Hall.

"Good morning Guoba."


After saying hello to Guo Ba who was playing in the lobby, Wang Dao walked straight into the kitchen.

"Good morning Xiangling, what are you having for breakfast today?"

"Good morning, Brother Yi. There are buns on the stove. You can eat some first, and I will prepare some dry food for you."

Xiangling is always so attentive and kind.

Although every time I go out with Xingqiu, most of the logistical problems are solved by the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, but the layered rock giant abyss area I am going to today has been semi-closed due to some problems, and it is estimated that supplies will not be available.

That's why Xiangling got up early in the morning and was preparing dry food for the three of them.

"Chongyun, hurry up, Daoyi, that old man's schedule, must have arrived!"

"If you hadn't stayed in bed, we would have arrived long ago."

While talking to Xiangling, the voices of Xingqiu and Chongyun came from the door.

Wang Daoyi walked out of the kitchen.

"Come in quickly, Xiangling has made breakfast, we will set off after eating."

The chivalrous and righteous duo rushed into the kitchen at Wang Daoyi's greeting, found the hot steamed buns on the stove with ease, and then skillfully made themselves a bowl of porridge.

Quickly solving the problem of food and drink, the three of them each carried their bags and set off.

"The caravan will pass by the surface passage of the Strata Abyss in seven days, so we need to rush to the Strata Abyss area within five days and reserve one day to check the surrounding area."

On the way, Xingqiu explained the plan to Chongyun and Wang Daoyi.

"On this journey, we will pass by three locations where caravans were attacked, and we need to re-check them all. However, since several days have passed, we may not be able to find anything."

Originally, Wang Daoyi was planning to summon the Wind Eagle and fly directly into the Rock Abyss. However, since Xingqiu had prepared a plan, let's follow Xingqiu's actions. Maybe he could find some key information on the way.

Taking out a map, Xingqiu pointed to the two people's target, a passage on the surface of the layered rock abyss.

"We start from the foot of Tianheng Mountain and take the road to Qingxupu. I have asked A Xu to wait for us at the foot of Tianheng Mountain. He has prepared good horses for us."

After hearing Xingqiu's plan, the three of them quickened their pace, starting from the intersection of Chihuyan and heading towards the foot of Tianheng Mountain.

Not long after, I saw A Xu standing on the roadside from a distance, and there were three tall horses.

"Master, please pay attention to your safety. If the caravan is damaged, it will be fine. But nothing will happen to you, otherwise the master and the eldest master will definitely scold me to death."

With a bit of embarrassment on his face, A Xu looked at Chongyun and Wang Daoyi again: "There are two young masters, be sure to pay attention to safety."

Xingqiu glanced at A Xu speechlessly, and then pointed at Wang Daoyi: "It's not like you didn't see it when we were at Qingce Village. With Daoyi's fighting power, what kind of bandit can threaten us, a demon-level bandit?"

Blocked by Xingqiu's words, A Xu didn't know what to say. The main reason was that Feiyun Chamber of Commerce had investigated many times and found the fools, so A Xu was particularly worried.

Usually when Xingqiu and Chongyun went out on adventures, he would never nag like this.

"Okay Xingqiu, A Xu is also worried. After all, there may be the shadow of the Fools behind this. It's normal to be careful when facing the Fools." He said to Xingqiu, then turned to look at A Xu, " Don’t worry, we are just investigating, and if we encounter danger, we will consider retreating first.”

Slightly comforted by Wang Daoyi's words, A Xu handed the horses to the three of them, and then gave Wang Daoyi a grateful look.

"Okay, let's set off. We expect to arrive at the first attack location today."

Xingqiu got on his horse, shouted "drive" and took the lead.

Wang Daoyi and Chongyun also mounted their horses, following closely behind Xingqiu.

Behind the three of them, A Xu looked away for a while before sighing and leaving the place. He knew that Xingqiu's action had some other effects, so he was so worried.

Where no one was paying attention, a man in dark blue clothes glanced at the three people riding away, and then disappeared into the shadows.

The three of them rode horses and galloped all the way.

The horses of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce have very good endurance. They have been ridden and run for several hours without feeling tired at all.

"Ahead is the first location where the attack occurred. The caravan was attacked while passing through the passage at the bottom of the cliff. No one survived, and most of the goods were robbed. It was not until other caravans passed by the next day that the attacked merchant was discovered. Team, by the time we received the information, it was already three days later.”

Wang Daoyi raised his head and looked at the sky.

"Then speed up and rest there just in time. Don't rush on the road at night."


The three of them speeded up and soon arrived at the first attack location.

Huge mountains are connected together in mid-air, covering the passage on the ground, forming a wide passage.

He got off his horse and tied it to a small tree on the side of the road.

As soon as Wang Dao walked into the shadow-shrouded passage, Xing Qiu and Chong Yun were followed by him.

After looking around, I found that the passage had been cleaned up. I don't know if it was cleaned up by the passing caravans or the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce.

There are still some traces of fighting on the ground, but they are not deep. It seems that the people fighting are not very strong, at least not as powerful as Wang Daoyi to change the terrain.

Opening the elemental field of view, there are some elements left on the ground, showing a sputtering shape. It seems that they are indeed the elemental bottles of the treasure stealing group. Wang Daoyi is very familiar with them and will not admit his mistake.

Traces of red or purple elements are the fire and thunder element bottles that treasure thieves like to use most. These two element bottles have the best lethality.

But just as the Xingxia Zhiyi duo said, there is a black aura that is difficult to detect among the faint traces of elements left behind.

"The aura of the devil's remnants is already very weak. In two days, it will completely dissipate."

Wang Dao stretched out his hand, and wisps of black aura were gathered into his hand.

"An unfamiliar smell, it doesn't look like the remnants of the demon god that I have come into contact with before." Wang Daoyi felt the black breath and said, "Well, what is this smell?"

"I also went back to the clan to check. This kind of aura is not recorded in the clan. It is the remains of an unknown demon god."

Chongyun stood behind Wang Daoyi and spoke, interrupting Wang Daoyi's thoughts.

Coming from a family of alchemists, he knew how to tell which demon god these residual auras came from. However, after checking the family's information, he unexpectedly found that there was no corresponding record.

"It's really interesting that there's no record of your family." A surprise flashed across Wang Dao's eyes. He couldn't tell whose remnant it was. That was because he himself had not come into contact with many demonic remnants.

But the Chongyun family is different. The demon-killing family that has been inherited for thousands of years has recorded the devil's aura that is difficult to count, and with such a background, it is impossible to tell where this aura comes from.

Wang Daoyi had to sigh, this time it was really interesting.

Xingqiu stood aside and did not interrupt the conversation between the two. He really didn't understand such things as demons.

"Let's make a campfire and rest. There is probably nothing to gain here. The traces have been almost wiped away. The only thing that is certain is that no particularly powerful person took action."

With a gentle squeeze, he squeezed out the black aura, and Wang Daoyi said casually.

All three of them had experience in wild life, and soon a bonfire was lit.

"Do you want to arrange a vigil?" Xingqiu asked.

Wang Daoyi shook his head: "No need, it's not easy to rest even if the three of us take turns keeping watch."

Snapping his fingers, the Secret Book of the West Wind appeared, turning the pages, and came to the rune page that recorded this ban and suppression.

Several rock guns fell down and formed a circle, surrounding the three people and their horses.

"Laws, laws and bans."

Pale golden light emerged from the rock guns, and the rock guns were linked together to form an inverted hemispherical light curtain.

"This is... the spell you used to ban the afterimage of the demon god in Qingce Village?"

Chongyun's eyes lit up and he immediately recognized this technique.

"Yes, it can be used to seal, and naturally it can also be used to protect and alert." Wang Dao nodded. This was also one of the techniques he understood after that battle.

"I understand that Chongyun has ancestral spells. How come you, Daoyi, know these messy spells?"

Sitting next to the campfire, Xingqiu couldn't help but complain. He couldn't believe Wang Dao's changing strength every day.

"Ha, read more. If you read less about Zhiguai Wuxia and more useful books, you will naturally understand different techniques."

"Forget it, I'd better master the Guhua sect's martial arts first."

Xingqiu shook his head. He was not interested in weird and weird techniques. Instead, he was focused on studying the inherited martial arts of the Guhua Sect.

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