Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 133 It tastes a bit salty

The sky is slightly bright.

Under the inverted pale golden light curtain, Wang Daoyi opened his eyes.

He waved his hand and dispersed the rock gun. The light curtain shattered and turned into tiny bits of light.

After looking at the sky, it was still early and Wang Daoyi did not disturb Xingqiu and Chongyun's sleep.

Take out a few scones prepared by Xiangling and put them next to the campfire to heat them slightly.

Wang Daoyi took out the forbidden curse scroll that recorded the earth-line traveling technology and continued to study it.

Time passed little by little, the sky was bright, and the sounds of various small animals appeared in the mountains in the early morning.

Xingqiu and Chongyun reached out their hands and rubbed their eyes in a tacit understanding, and woke up together.

Sensing the movement, Wang Dao looked away from the picture scroll and looked at the two of them: "Are you awake? I baked a cake, eat it first, and then set off after eating."

After standing up and moving around for a while, the two of them started eating without being polite. They had scones in one hand and a kettle in the other.

Wang Daoyi continued to read the picture scroll, and he had already eaten it.

"Well, what a strong evil aura, Dao Yi, what you have on your hands is very dangerous."

After all, he was an alchemist. Chongyun quickly noticed something was wrong and looked at the purple scroll in Wang Dao's hand to remind him.

He was afraid that Wang Daoyi would come into contact with something dangerous without realizing it.

"I know, this thing is an ancient picture scroll that records the knowledge of earth veins." He introduced it first, and then looked at Chongyun's worried look, Wang Daoyi continued, "Don't worry, this level of abyssal aura will not affect me. .”

"Okay, you have to take good care of it. This kind of thing is too dangerous." Chongyun nodded and warned again.

"Haha, don't worry, Chongyun. Daoyi is not stupid. This kind of thing is not simple at first sight. He will take good care of it." After swallowing the last bite of scones, Xingqiu stood up, "Let's set off. Well, we have to travel all day today to try to get to the entrance of Qingxupu, which is the second location where we were attacked."

After packing up their things and putting out the bonfire, the three of them set out again.

On the way.

"I felt the remaining demonic aura yesterday. I didn't feel it at first, but I vaguely felt a salty smell later." Wang Dao said while riding on the horse.

Yesterday, he was interrupted by Chongyun. The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was salty, but the smell was too weak to be noticed.

"Salty? Is it the Demon God in the sea? When the Demon God of the Whirlpool came out before, were there other remnants of the Demon God that also escaped from Guyun Pavilion?"

Xingqiu frowned. If the demon remnants under Guyun Pavilion were targeting the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, it would be really troublesome. Those demon remnants were all suppressed by the emperor, and no one knew what weird things were inside.

"It's unlikely. The seal of Guyun Pavilion is very stable. Although the Fools used the Hundred-No-Taboo Barrier to open some passages and allowed Osel to come out, it is basically impossible for other demon god remnants to come out."

Wang Daoyi rejected Xingqiu's guess, because at that time he took the Heart of God and personally peeled off the demon god residue from Osel's body, so he was 100% sure that it could not be the demon god residue of Lord Guyun.

"If it's not Guyun Pavilion, what kind of demon remnants are there in the sea?"

"The salty taste is not necessarily the devil in the sea." Chongyun said from the side.

"Not a demon in the sea?" Xingqiu frowned, "How can there be any demon that tastes salty?"

"Heulia!" Wang Dao said, and he felt that the salty smell was not like the smell of the sea.

"Heulia?" Xingqiu became even more confused. He was really not familiar with things like demon gods.

"Heulia, the Demon God of Salt." Chongyun answered quickly. Unlike Xingqiu, he was very familiar with these demon stories. "It is said that she was a very kind demon, and her power was salt. This demon also fell in During the Demon War."

"So, maybe someone used the legacy of the Salt Demon God to attack my caravan, and then put the blame on the fools?" Xing Qiu rationalized the logic.

Wang Dao nodded: "Recently in Liyue Port, many people are talking about the ancient demon gods. Among them is the Salt Demon God Heulia. This kind god still has followers in Liyue."

"Ah?" Xingqiu opened his mouth. A demon god who has been dead for thousands of years still has followers, which surprised him. After all, this is Liyue, and Emperor Yan has long unified Liyue's beliefs.

"So, maybe it was the followers of the Salt Demon God Heulia who attacked the caravan?" Xingqiu guessed.

Wang Daoyi shook his head: "No, although it is possible, there are very few followers of the Salt Demon God Heulia, and it will be difficult for them to gather strength to attack your caravan. Moreover, what good will this do to them? "

Wang Daoyi's words confused Xingqiu.

"Then who used the remaining power of the Demon God of Salt to attack my home?"

"Haha, aren't we just going to investigate? If it can be inferred so easily, it would be too boring."

Wang Daoyi urged the horse to speed up.

"Humph, I thought you had already revealed the murderer!"

Xingqiu snorted in displeasure, and then together with Chongyun, he also sped up and followed.

Riding a horse and running at the front, Wang Dao had a cold look in his eyes. He indeed had some ideas.

The devil's residue can be used by not only fools, but also many people.

Inazuma's Kairangui was invented by a certain great onmyoji. Use a special spell to seal the power of the devil's remnants so that people can use this power.

Xumi's followers of the Red King, those crazy gilded brigade, will also use a method of sealing the evil spirit, and this method can also be used to use the devil's residue, but it will be more dangerous.

Similarly, in Liyue, there are also some ancient families who also master various methods of utilizing the remnants of the demon god.

This attack may have been committed by an insider.

[As soon as the emperor left, these people started to make some little moves, damn it! 】

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Wang Dao became murderous.

The three of them rushed all the way, and finally arrived at the entrance of Qingxupu when it was dark. This was also a mountain tunnel, deeper and longer than the one yesterday.

"This is it. The Chamber of Commerce was also attacked here, but this time a guy hid under the car and pretended to be dead and escaped. It was this guy who told us that the attacker was wearing the uniform of a treasure thief group."

Holding the horses, the three of them stopped at the entrance of the tunnel.

"Let's go and take a look first."

Wang Daoyi said and entered the tunnel directly.

Before he took two steps, he frowned and looked to the side. There was a very shallow footprint.

"It seems that in addition to us, there are also 'friends' here!" With a slight smile, Wang Daoyi pointed to the footprints beside him and said to Xingqiu and Chongyun.

Walking into the footprints, Chongyun looked at them carefully, and then his eyes lit up: "They are from Foolish People. This kind of footprints belong to Foolish People's Debt Dealers. I have followed them before and I am very familiar with this pattern."

"Fools... let's go in and see if they did it. It seems we can get the answer today."

Xingqiu took the lead and walked in with a slight chill in his eyes.

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