Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 152 Five Manifestations (Happy New Year)

Hearing Ying's voice, Wang Daoyi put down the rag in his hand, stepped out from the waiter position, and walked to Ying's side.

"What's wrong? Do you need my help?"

Wang Daoyi asked curiously.

Ying shook his head and continued: "I don't need your help. Sister Beidou told me that I can leave for Daozhu next week. I want to ask you, are you ready for the things you want me to bring to Daozhu? ?”

Wang Daoyi's eyes lit up, it was time to go to Dao Wife, then his plan could be started.

Nodding: "It's almost ready. I can hand it over to you when you set off."

Ying smiled: "That's good. I'm going to accompany Zhongli to explore a ruins in the next few days. It's almost time to set off when I get back. Remember."

Accompany Zhongli to explore the ruins?

Wang Daoyi thought about it for a moment, and it should be the remains of Heulia, the God of Salt.

This benevolent god never harmed his people until the moment of his death.

But those who raised the god-killing sword against Him were still buried with Him under the violent authority and power of the Demon God of Salt.

However, judging from the salty situation all over the place, Heulia's strength is indeed not as good as those top demon gods.

At least, there was no uprising of authority when Dickapian died. It is obvious that even when he died, Dickapian still controlled his own authority and did not lose control.

Wang Daoyi was not interested in the relics of the God of Salt. The only valuable things inside were the two demon relics. Zhongli would not let Wang Daoyi take those kinds of things away, even if Wang Daoyi was his dependent.

If those two things fell into the hands of ordinary people, they would be enough to destroy the salt market in Teyvat. Moreover, that salt ruler, used on the land, would be a big killer for the harvest.

Therefore, without any intention of exploring the ruins together, Wang Daoyi nodded to Ying: "Don't worry, I will be ready when you come back."

After receiving Wang Daoyi's reply, Ying didn't say much. After helping to clean up the living room, she took Paimeng back to her room to rest. She is still temporarily staying in Wanmin Hall.

With Ying's words in mind, Wang Dao also said goodbye after helping to clean up. He wanted to go back to the tea room to prepare some things.

In Xiangling's reluctant eyes, she left Wanmin Hall.

Return to the tea room and open a secret cubicle in your room.

This is where he keeps some valuables that are difficult to carry around.

The imitation Chen-Destroying Spear Head in the Box, the Rock Law Booklet sent by Zhongli, the improved elemental shield generator, a large amount of precious elemental materials, and some important books were all stored here by Wang Daoyi.

Picking up some elemental materials, he wanted to use them to make small props.

Then after thinking about it, he picked up the imitation Miechen gun tip in the box. Xiangling's birthday was coming soon, so it was just in time to give it to her as a gift.

However, it is not possible to send a separate gun tip. It seems that I have to go to Hanfeng Iron Works tomorrow.

After deciding what to do tomorrow, Wang Daoyi took the things to the open space in the yard and placed the gun head on the stone table aside.

Yes, his courtyard now also imitates the furnishings of Zhongli's courtyard.

A certain immortal was very dissatisfied with this. Since the yard was renovated, he has not been back for a long time.

With a touch of his right hand, the Secret Book of the West Wind appeared.

There was a golden glow in his eyes as Wang Dao entered the divine posture.

With a thought, the elemental materials from before floated in front of him.

"Once upon a time, the immortals followed the emperor to fight in all directions. In order to strengthen the strength of the immortals, the emperor gave him the power of three eyes and five manifestations, and I was his youngest dependent. Although the emperor did not directly give me these abilities, He Mandrill, Grandma Ping After asking for advice so many times, it’s time to give it a try.”

Just like Wendy once purified the Wind Demon Dragon and gave Tevalin the ability of the Wind God's Familiar again,

The Ice Queen bestows the Fools with power comparable to that of a demon god.

The power of three eyes and five manifestations is the powerful ability given to his followers by the demon god Morax.

The first is Taotong, which gives immortals the ability to manifest external scenes, create something out of nothing, and transform all things, which is the ability needed to create the Chensong Pot;

The second is supernatural power, which gives immortals the ability to distinguish all things and gain insight into world affairs;

The third is Yitong, which gives the immortal the ability to cast spells. In the game, Mandrill once used the sleepwalking method in various realms during the mission, which is this ability;

Its four reports give immortals the ability to change into various forms. Immortals can change between their true bodies and human forms. The many forms of Emperor Yanwang have this ability;

The five demon powers give the immortal the ability to attach to other things, such as the bronze bird possessing the soul on the stone statue, Zhongli holding the dream and possessing the immortal ancestor Fashu, Ruotuo's good thoughts possessing Kunjun, this is the ability.

The so-called Three Eyes and Five Manifestations Immortals are the collective name for the Liyue Immortals who have two eyes and divine eyes or have five kinds of manifest abilities.

And now what Wang Daoyi wants to use is one of the five demons, the demon power, to make something that has his consciousness attached to it, and let Ying take it with him to Daozhi. In this way, even if he goes to Xumi, he can still control Ying's progress. , can adjust his plan at any time.

This ability is actually not unique. In the game plot, Yae Shenzi, who is also a descendant of the demon god like Wang Daoyi, uses this method to follow Ying into the Pure Land of One Heart.

The gnosis light of God's posture bloomed in the depths of Wang Daoyi's soul, and the vast golden gnosis infected the ends of Wang Daoyi's hair with a faint golden light.

Easily control the continuous disintegration and reorganization of elemental materials. Each rune is outlined into the disintegrated material, and then as the material is reorganized, it is hidden deep into the material.

"Oh, after the battle with Orochi, I became more and more proficient in the posture of God. Is this proficiency? Or did Orochi's tear bring about the change in the posture of God?"

The young man was multitasking. While he was constantly controlling the disintegration and reorganization of materials and integrating runes into them, he was also thinking about the strength of his control over the posture of God.

"No, the serpent's teardrops freed me from two emotions, but these two emotions will also affect me in the posture of God, just like when I was affected by arrogance and became that kind of 'middle school boy'."

"Now, if I enter the posture of God with all my strength, I am afraid that my heart will be filled with three emotions: love, sadness, and pride. What the hell is that, proud and sad, but also loving the world?"

"No, I have to ask the emperor later, otherwise I won't dare to take action with all my strength."

Although the thoughts in his mind were chaotic, the movements of his hands were not slow. Soon, a thirty-six-sided prismatic crystal appeared in front of Wang Daoyi.

Dispersing his thoughts about the posture of God, Wang Daoyi looked at the thirty-six-sided crystal suspended in his hand.

"Although it is not as skilled as those high-level immortals, it is enough."

This thing is a prop that carries his consciousness. After that, he will divide a part of his consciousness and seal it inside. When he meets Yae Shenzi, the clever miko Omiyaji, he will naturally understand the use of this thing, and that is His consciousness will be released.

As for why it was banned, it was because Wang Daoyi's strength and technical ability were not enough. The consciousness he divided had a time limit, and he didn't know how long it could exist.

If the ban was not implemented, Ying might have dissipated while still on the boat at sea.

Therefore, sealing it and waiting for the Eightfold Divine Son to open it is the best choice.

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