Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 153 Cold Front Iron Weapon

In Liyue Port, a light appeared in the sky, and a rooster raised by someone unknown made a long crow.

It's dawn, and it's a new morning.

Sisi came to the teahouse to work early in the morning. She was very conscientious. On the one hand, she was a serious and hard-working person. On the other hand, Wang Daoyi never deducted her salary, but would often bring her gifts.

Take out the key and open the tea room door.

As usual, Sisi looked inside and saw a pale human face appearing in front of her.

"Ah!!!!" She was frightened.

The scream didn't last long, and Sisi saw clearly that this face was her boss.

"Old...boss, what's wrong with you?" The frightened look turned into a worried look, Sisi looked at Wang Daoyi worriedly, "You're not sick, are you?"

Wang Daoyi was just about to go out, but he didn't expect Sisi to come in at this time, and was shocked by her soprano.

Rubbing his ears: "Your boss, I'm not sick, but I was shocked by your high pitch."

"Ah? As soon as I opened the door, I saw you looking pale. Can you stop screaming?" Sisi, who was complained by Wang Daoyi, retorted, and then asked worriedly, "Boss, are you really okay? There is no blood on your face. None!"

Wang Dao waved his hand nonchalantly: "It's just that I used too much force. Just rest for two days and it'll be fine."

When he divided his consciousness just now, he used too much force and hurt himself, so he looked pale.

However, he did not fool Sisi. The divine gnosis deep in his soul continued to release golden light, and his consciousness or soul power was recovering rapidly.

Seeing that Wang Daoyi didn't seem to be very weak, Sisi nodded with relief: "That's good, that's good!"

"I'm going out first, keep an eye on the store." Wang Daoyi said without continuing to chat with Sisi and walked out of the tea room.


Cold front ironware.

The largest blacksmith shop in Liyue, it only has a simple shop in the game, but in reality it has a huge shop.

It is said that the fire of the earth veins led by the immortals is used for blacksmithing, and there are several mines in the wilds of Liyue, producing various high-grade ores.

And it also has hundreds of formal blacksmiths (who can make two-star weapons on their own) and dozens of senior blacksmiths (who can make three-star weapons on their own).

The owner of Hanfeng Iron Weapon, Lao Zhang, is said to have the ability to create legendary weapons (four-star weapons). In addition, he is also good at making various immortal mechanisms and various exquisite devices.

Arriving in front of the huge blacksmith shop, a big man received Wang Daoyi.

It was obviously November and the weather had turned cold, but the big man still only wore a white cloth, his upper body was naked, and there were dots of burn marks on it.

"Welcome to Hanfeng Iron Weapon. What does this young master need? Whether it's an exquisite weapon or a gorgeous scabbard, we have it all."

The big man didn't know Wang Daoyi. When he saw him wearing silk white clothes and looking pale, he thought he was a young master who wanted to buy a decorative long sword.

Wang Daoyi was not angry at being misunderstood. Anyway, his appearance would definitely make people misunderstand him. It would be good if he was not thought to be a young master with kidney deficiency.

Lifting the box on the handle.

"I'm here to see Master Zhang. I have a weapon and I want Master Zhang to help me repair it." Wang Daoyi showed the box in his hand to the big man.

"Looking for Master Zhang? I wonder what weapon this young master needs to repair?" There are many blacksmiths named Zhang here, and most of them are the disciples and grandsons of Lao Zhang.

But the only one who is called Master Zhang by outsiders is Lao Zhang himself.

So when the big man heard that Wang Dao came to see Master Zhang, he wanted to ask about the specific matter first. If a playboy came with an ordinary gadget, and he took people to see Master Zhang, wouldn't it be too embarrassing? .

Wang Daoyi understood the big man's concerns.

Opening the box containing the gun head very directly.

"Is this Mie Chen in the Box?" The big man was also a discerning blacksmith and recognized the identity of this thing at a glance. "I didn't expect it to be this treasure."

Wang Daoyi shook his head: "It's not the original Miechen in the box, it's just an imitation of the predecessors, but its grade is still very high, so I wanted to ask Master Zhang for help."

The big man nodded. He no longer had the worries he had just now. Instead, he agreed very much with Wang Daoyi's words: "Such a treasure requires my senior brother to take action. If an ordinary person touches it, the treasure may be destroyed."

Wang Dao nodded. It turned out that this big man was Master Zhang's junior brother.

Afterwards, the big man enthusiastically led the way, and Wang Daoyi followed him into the huge blacksmith shop.

The hot breath filled the entire blacksmith shop, and the temperature inside was completely different from that outside. No wonder it was an autumn morning, and the big man was still shirtless.

"My senior brother is in the innermost fire pit. It is said that it is the earth fire that was brought out by an immortal. It is because of this earth fire that we have the signboard of Hanfeng Ironware."

Along the way, the big man introduced Wang Daoyi to the story of the blacksmith shop.

The pace of both of them was not slow. Soon, after passing dozens of shirtless blacksmiths, they saw Master Zhang, who was also shirtless, in the deepest part of the blacksmith shop.

Seeing outsiders coming, Master Zhang put down the forging hammer. He was not working, he was just warming up and making some concentrate. There would be no loss if he stopped.

The person who could be brought to see him must have something important, so he stopped.

"Huh? Xiao Du, who is this young master?" Master Zhang looked at the big man.

It turns out that this big man's surname is Du.

Blacksmith Du smiled at Master Zhang and said, "Brother, this young master is here to repair your weapons."

"Looking for me to repair weapons?" Master Zhang had a look of interest in his eyes. He knew his junior brother, and if it was an ordinary thing, he would definitely not bring anyone in front of him.

Looking at Wang Daoyi: "Master, what kind of treasure do you want me to repair?"

Wang Daoyi lifted the box and placed it in front of Master Zhang: "Master Zhang, please review it. If it can be repaired, I would like to thank you very much."

Wang Daoyi does not have rewards such as Timora, but for Master Zhang, Mora is absolutely indispensable.

Opening the box in front of him, Master Zhang's eyesight was much better than that of his junior brother Blacksmith Du: "This is the Mie Chen in the box imitated by Guiliji in the past!"

He is indeed the best blacksmith in Liyue, and his origin can be seen at a glance.

Wang Dao nodded: "I got it during an adventure. Now a friend's birthday is approaching. She is a master of guns and wants to repair this gun as a gift."

Master Zhang nodded: "If it were really Miechen in the box, I would have to put in a lot of effort to repair it, but this imitation is much simpler."

He picked up the gun head, tasted it, and said to Wang Daoyi: "There is only the gun head, but the damage to the gun head is not serious. It only needs to be slightly repaired and equipped with a suitable gun shaft."

After a pause, he thought for a moment and continued: "You are also lucky. A batch of new mines just arrived a few days ago, and there are high-grade magic crystals in them, which can be used to repair it."

He took a look at Wang Daoyi's outfit.

"Seeing that you are not short of money, I will charge you five hundred thousand molas, of which one hundred thousand molas is the cost of the magic crystal, and four hundred thousand is my purchase fee."

Master Zhang gave a quotation, and his cost was four times the cost of materials.

However, Wang Daoyi did not refute. Liyue may have many blacksmiths who can repair Miechen in the box, but currently the only one he can find is Master Zhang.

You can't go to Zhongli. He can definitely repair it and maybe become stronger. However, Wang Daoyi is afraid of being spanked.

"In that case, please leave it to Master Zhang."

"Okay, come pick up your things in the afternoon, and bring some money along the way." Master Zhang nodded, without saying anything else, and signaled to Wang Daoyi that he could leave first.

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