Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 176 Alhaysen

When Wang Dao saw the young man leaving the counter, he was not polite and went directly to the boss.

"Boss, what books do you have here?"

Yes, Wang Daoyi didn't have any target books. His idea was to buy all the books he had not read and then send them back to Liyue.

Facing Wang Daoyi's question, the boss was stunned for a moment. Although his business here was very poor, there were indeed a lot of books piled up. He didn't know how to introduce it.

The boss's stunned look made Wang Daoyi realize that his question was too broad. It wasn't like in his previous life. He would directly introduce you to the latest popular novels.

"Sorry, it was a bit too vague." Wang Daoyi apologized first, and then continued, "That's it, I came from Liyue Port and wanted to buy a batch of professional books. Do you have any information about it here? Various professional books.”

After thinking about it, it was still too broad, and continued: "For example, books with detailed introductions to biological creatures, analysis of mechanism techniques, research on foreign languages, introduction to star maps, or books with sophisticated history books and elements supported by data. Analysis, these are also possible.”

Facing a large section of books in different categories reported by Wang Daoyi, not only the boss was dumbfounded, but even the young man who had just gone to read a book also looked up at Wang Daoyi in surprise.

After all, even in this smart country, not many people are involved in such a broad field.

No one noticed that a green light flashed on the void terminal next to the young man's ear, as if a naughty elf had entered his void terminal.

Suddenly, the young man became interested in this Liyue native.

Before the boss could answer Wang Daoyi's question, the young man said: "The books you want fall into many categories, almost summarizing the major categories studied by the Order Institute. Are you going to take them back to Liyue to open a library?"

Wang Daoyi didn't know the other party's identity, but he just heard his boss calling him secretary, so he must be an official of the Order Academy.

He replied directly: "No, I just like to read. Everywhere I go, I buy a lot of books. I have traveled to Mondstadt once before and got a lot of books, which made me gain a lot. Now I have arrived in Sumeru. No exception."

The young man nodded. It turns out that he is a person who likes to read, so that's normal. He continued: "If you want to read by yourself, for something more basic, I suggest you buy the "Collection of Common Species in Teyvat" from the Shenglun School and the Miaolun School. "Introduction to Basic Mechanics" by the Zhiron School, "Analysis of Commonly Used Languages ​​of the Seven Kingdoms" by the Zhiron School, "Starry Sky and Star Chart" by the Myōron School, and "Magical Elemental Power" by the Suron School. These are all very classic and basic. books."

The young man recommended five books, but no history books were recommended.

However, Wang Daoyi didn't ask. If someone doesn't recommend it, there's a reason for it. There's no need to be desperate, and they don't owe you anything. It's good if they can give you a recommendation.

Looking at the boss: "Boss, do you have all the books this friend mentioned? Give me a set of them all."

That's right, it's a set instead of just one. Since it is a classic basic book, it cannot be a single book, it must be a complete set. After all, a single book cannot become the entire foundation of a category. .

"Yes, yes, please wait a moment, I will bring it out for you." It may be that there has not been such a big order for a long time, the boss acted quickly, informed him, and then ran to the back to get the goods.

Seeing the busy figure of the boss, Wang Daoyi did not urge him, but walked to the young man: "Wang Daoyi, come from Liyue, thank you for your suggestion just now, don't know what to call me?"

The young man closed the book in his hand. For some reason, he originally didn't like communicating with strangers, but he had a special feeling for Wang Daoyi: "El Haisen, the secretary of the Order Academy, welcome you to Xumi."

Young Elhaysen's voice was very polite, but it made people feel a clear sense of distance.

However, Wang Daoyi didn't mind. There were many people who had a sense of distance, just like Mr. Diluc. He was like this at the beginning, but in the end he became a 'good friend'.

"Thank you for your suggestion just now, but these books are too basic. Do you have any more in-depth suggestions?" Wang Daoyi asked.

Elhaysen looked at Wang Daoyi, probably not expecting that the other party would need more in-depth books. After all, with so many categories, even basic books would be enough for an ordinary person to study for a lifetime.

However, thinking about the God's Eye on the other person's waist, he might also be a person who insists on pursuing knowledge.

The biggest difference between ordinary people and holders of the Eye of God is that ordinary people may be able to persist in their dreams, while holders of the Eye of God can certainly persist in their dreams.

after all. If you lose your dream, you will lose the eye of God.

Elhaysen did not refuse to answer Wang Daoyi's inquiry, but thought for a moment before replying: "You can consider advanced books from the basic books just now, such as "Rainforest Biology Illustrated Book", which is a A very good ranger co-authored a book on the philosophy of life. It is detailed and reliable and well worth reading.”

"Among other categories, "Interpretation of Classical Mechanics and Modern Mechanisms", "Interpretation and Learning of Ancient Languages", "Secret Records of the Teyvat Starry Sky", and "Advanced Theory of Elements", these books are also very worth reading. However, if you don’t have enough basic knowledge, you may not be able to understand these books.”

Wang Daoyi's eyes lit up, he felt that the other person was God, bah, he was sent by the emperor to be his adviser.

He turned to look at his panting boss who had just finished moving the books: "Boss, do you have all the books that Clerk Elhaysen just mentioned? If so, give me a set of them all."

The boss is already an old man in his sixties, and his physical strength is average. He was out of breath after moving the books just now. However, after hearing Wang Daoyi's words and facing a large order, the boss still nodded vigorously: " Yes, yes, these books used to be hot sellers, and I bought a lot."

The boss once again walked into the back warehouse and started looking for and moving books.

Wang Daoyi continued to communicate with Elhaysen.

"It is said that there are six academies in the Teaching Academy, corresponding to six schools of thought. I wonder which school of thought Secretary Elhaysen is from, but he is so knowledgeable."

Regarding the word Erudite, Wang Daoyi still remembered that when he first met Paimon and Ying, they went to deal with the frozen tree together. Paimon gave himself the nickname Erudite, although he never used it later.

But now, I feel that this Erhaisen scribe seems to be a more suitable title for this scholar.

"I graduated from Shiluobodan College and am a member of the Knowledge School. For books from other schools, reading is just a hobby." Perhaps in recognition of the foreign reading enthusiasts in front of him, Elhaysen was happy to answer the king's question One question.

Wang Daoyi's eyes lit up when he heard the other party's answer. He still remembered that in the underground factory of the Fools, he basically had nothing to gain just because he couldn't understand the Kanreyan language.

Later, Dyne gave himself a scroll of forbidden spells through Mandrill, and the Kanreyan text recorded on it was translated by Dyne in common language.

He also learned these Kanreyan characters, but this one-to-one translation was not a systematic study. Wang Daoyi still did not fully master the Kanreyan characters.

In addition, his study of Zhongli's chain secret method requires a lot of knowledge of runes. These are also the areas of the Zhilun sect. Therefore, Wang Daoyi became more and more interested in this scribe.

"So, you are proficient in various languages, right? I want to learn the writing of the ancient country of Kanria. I don't know where I can find the teaching materials?"

"The Kanrean language is really a niche field. For now, only some scholars who study Kanrean ruins and machinery will take this language as an elective."

Elhaysen said calmly, "However, I happen to master this language. If you need it, I can pass this language to you through the void. However, do you have a void terminal? If not, I don't have one." Time will teach you.”

"I have the Void Terminal Holding Order for Outsiders issued by the Order Council. You can go and get the Void Terminal."

Wang Daoyi showed the other party the order given by the doctor.

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