Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 177 Like-minded scholars?

While Wang Daoyi was communicating with Elhaysen, the bookstore owner finally found all the books. Dozens of heavy books were piled on the counter, forming a small mountain of books.

Seeing Wang Daoyi and Elhaysen chatting happily, the boss didn't bother him. He just sat behind the counter and panted slightly. He was exhausted from the pile of books.

After a long time, Wang Daoyi and Elhaysen ended their exchange. Both sides were surprised by the other's knowledge.

Wang Daoyi was surprised by Elhaysen's rigorous knowledge and mastery of language knowledge, which had reached a terrifying level. Moreover, the other party captured all kinds of details, so Wang Daoyi couldn't help but marvel. .

Elhaysen was surprised that Wang Daoyi's knowledge was so broad that he seemed to be able to pick up any topic. He could be called a super chat topic machine.

This made him very interested in Wang Daoyi. It was not the politeness to travelers before, but he really wanted to make friends. After all, at his level, he wanted to find someone who was equally knowledgeable and willing to communicate. It was too Difficult.

These people are either doing research, or there is a huge age gap between them and Elhaysen, and Elhaysen himself doesn't like talking to people who can't keep up with his thinking.

Therefore, among the tens of thousands of scholars in the Ecclesiastical Academy, Elhaysen has only a handful of people with whom he can communicate.

Today I can meet someone who seems to have the same goals, which will inevitably make me feel a little happy.

Seeing that the sky was getting darker, Alhaysen's ear was flashing a faint green light from the Void Terminal, and he extended an invitation: "I don't know if you have a place to stay. If not, you can stay in a hotel with me first. I live in Shapur now. The hotel is a relatively good hotel in Port Ormos, and I think our topic can continue.”

Then he added: "If you go to Xumi City in the future, you can come to my house temporarily. My house is quite big. There is still a guy staying temporarily. However, he is also a scholar, although his research direction is different from mine. People are also carefree, but they can also participate in some of our topics."

As he was talking, he suddenly remembered something and touched his pocket. Sure enough, a familiar touch told him that there were two keys in his pocket.

Directly opposite, Wang Daoyi glanced at the void terminal next to the opponent's ear, feeling that there was some hazy green light, but he didn't care.

He nodded to express his acceptance of the other party's invitation, also with a smile on his face. He also wanted to continue chatting with the secretary.

He took out a seal from his arms and said to the boss: "Boss, this is the seal of the Elchingen Chamber of Commerce. Can you help me send all the books to the Chamber of Commerce? They will settle the bill for you."

Obviously, Elchingen did not lie. The boss just looked at the mark briefly, confirmed the authenticity, and directly agreed to Wang Daoyi's request.

It can be seen that the Elchingen Chamber of Commerce is indeed very big in Xumi. Even a small bookstore that is about to close down can tell whether their mark is genuine or fake.

After settling the issues of books and payment, Wang Daoyi turned to Alhaysen and nodded: "I'm very honored to receive your invitation. I don't know, how much will the rent be for temporary stay in the future?"

Elhaysen showed a smile: "Just use the knowledge we exchange to pay for the rent."

"Haha, then when I go to Sumeru City, I'll have to take care of you, Elhaysen."

"You are Welcome."


The hotel where Elhaysen stayed seemed not to be nearby. He led Wang Daoyi on the road to Port Olmos.

Along the way, ordinary people would slightly avoid the road when they saw Elhaysen and the scholar mark on his body, while some people dressed as scholars would smile warmly when they saw him.

"Since the current great sage took office, the status of scholars in the Order Academy has become higher and higher." Elhaysen sighed, but his tone was uncomfortable. "Although it seems to be a good thing for scholars at the moment, I think it will not work in the long run. , is not a beneficial thing.”

Looking at the passers-by's avoidance, Wang Dao nodded: "If there is no corresponding contribution and you gain social status just because of your identity, it will inevitably have an impact on the social atmosphere. Your feeling is right."

"I once reported this matter to the Great Sage Azar, but he dismissed it."

"Great Sage Azar?" This was not the first time Wang Daoyi heard this name. "What kind of person is he? He can't understand such a simple question."

Elhaysen shook his head: "He is a contemporary great sage, and can be said to be the highest leader of Sumeru. Perhaps he has other considerations."

Then he ended the topic about the Great Sage and asked Wang Daoyi: "Just now, in the bookstore, I heard you talking about the Elchingen Chamber of Commerce. Are you from the Chamber of Commerce?"

"How is it possible?" Wang Daoyi denied, "I just promised to do a favor for Elchingen that may not be achieved. As for the seal, it is just a reward."

"Oh~" Elhaysen responded, believing Wang Daoyi's words, and then reminded, "The Elchingen Chamber of Commerce has a big problem. In many written reports, we can't find the source of its huge assets. , the discipline officer has been investigating them recently, you'd better not get too close."

For this friend he had just met, Elhaysen showed rare concern and spoke a little more.

"Ha, don't worry, I won't have any contact with them again before leaving Xumi." Wang Daoyi said.

He really wasn't ready to contact the other party. He had other business to do, so he didn't have time to contact a businessman who worked for a doctor.

"Well, I haven't asked before. Are you here specifically to buy books when you come to Xumi this time?" Elhaysen inquired out of habit.

Wang Daoyi shook his head: "I want to come and inspect it."


"Yes, I'm here to investigate some things about the Xumi Desert." Wang Dao nodded.

Wang Daoyi didn't lie. He really came to inspect the desert, and his target was the Red King ruins buried in the sand.

Of course, this is only part of his purpose.

In the "God-Creation Project" that the Doctor and Wang Daoyi collaborated on, the Doctor has been hiding something from Wang Daoyi.

In fact, Wang Daoyi's small abacus is no less than that of the doctor. The ruins of the Red King are just one of Wang Daoyi's small abacus.

Of course, this time I came here just to fix the location and record the location of the leyline passage here. After the Sea Lantern Festival, it will be time to truly explore.

"Inspecting the desert, oh, it's a good research topic." Elhaysen didn't think there was any problem. Ancient ruins in the desert have always been a hot research topic in the Apostolic Order. "Then, maybe I can give you I need some help, and I am also very familiar with the ancient Red King characters."

"Haha, I know. After all, young people should master 20 languages ​​when they graduate, right." Wang Daoyi said with a smile.

Elhaysen chuckled and shook his head. This was what he said when chatting with Wang Daoyi before. He didn't expect that the other party would use it to tease him.

"If you don't need it, I don't have to teach you." Alhaysen countered with a smile.

"Hey" Wang Daoyi's smiling face changed and he pretended to be scared, "That's not possible, Sir Secretary, I need your help."

The two of them were laughing and chatting like this, not at all like they had just met, but like friends they hadn't seen for a long time.

I have to say that when you meet someone who has the same interests as you, you will quickly become a friend who you can talk to about anything.

The void terminal next to Elhaysen's ear still emitted a green light that was so faint that it was difficult to detect.


Late at night, after finishing the candle-lit night talk with Elhaysen and agreeing to take Wang Daoyi to pick up a void terminal tomorrow, the two of them returned to their rooms and prepared to rest.

Elhaysen returned to the room, calmed down, and then silently thought about what happened after meeting Wang Daoyi.

Today he actually trusted a Liyue person so "easily", which was a bit wrong, but the good impression he had on Wang Daoyi in his heart kept reminding him that he was a good friend with the same goals.

This feeling of conflict made him very uncomfortable, but it also interested him very much, and he couldn't help but continue to communicate with Wang Daoyi.

On the other side, as soon as Wang Dao returned to the room, he was obviously very excited because of the chat just now, but when he sat on the edge of the bed, he felt inexplicably sleepy, his eyes closed, and he fell asleep in an instant.

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