Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 209 Authority and Authority (The First Day of Ten Thousand Years)

Chapter 209 Authority·Authority (The First Day of the Ten Thousand Years)

Everyone looked at this miraculous building and couldn't help but sigh,

As soon as Wang Dao landed next to West Germany, he looked at the people of the sand who had worked hard for him for a long time. His eyes were still indifferent.

"Go and find for me the Golden Throne and the door to divine knowledge."

West Germany bowed in front of Wang Daoyi: "Your will, my lord."

Then he turned around and called out to the Gilded Brigade.

Thousands of gilded troupes poured into the manifested Hall of the Red King's Holy Epiphany

Wang Daoyi watched quietly behind them.

West Germany led the Gilded Brigade into the ruins, and soon found a stone tablet similar to the one in the previous ruins, with this blue light constantly emitting from it.

Around the stone monument, at the edge of the huge space, there are several huge eagle-headed human statues standing, as if real divine guards are watching here.

On one side of the stone monument, there is an opening in the tunnel.

Pointing in the direction of the tunnel, Sid looked to the side of the Gilded Brigade: "Go ahead and fill this place up. Your Excellency needs us to find the location of the Golden Throne."

The Gilded Brigades took the order with a bang and quickly spread out to fill the entire ruins.

Whether it's chopping with a knife or axe, or pouring fire and water on it

The Gilded Brigade used every possible means to find the Golden Throne that Wang Dao mentioned.

On the other side, Wang Daoyi waited for half a day, but could not receive any news. A trace of impatience flashed in his eyes.

Golden light appeared in his eyes, and he wanted to forcefully interpret the entire Red King's Holy Apparition Hall.

Vast information emerged at Wang Daoyi's eyes. The information was as misty but boundless as the sea of ​​smoke, and Wang Daoyi knew what mythical architecture was.

"Huh, it's still too weak."

The golden color in his eyes faded, and Wang Daoyi showed a wry smile. He had previously underestimated the power of the Red Sand Slate, which made him underestimate the ruins here.

The entire Holy Epiphany Hall is like one body, which is not something that Wang Daoyi can easily analyze.

However, at least I saw something.

"Come here, tell West Germany that the biggest secret is above the ruins, and ask him not to send people to explore below, but to find a passage to the upper level."

As Miss Qingshui in the Sand left to deliver the order, the Gilded Brigade, who had no idea at all, suddenly found their target and began to frantically explore the upper floors of the Holy Epiphany Hall.

Wang Daoyi even saw many gilded brigade groups starting to climb around the periphery of the Epiphany Hall.

After waiting for another half day, Wang Dao saw a happy West De coming towards him in high spirits. He knew that he had found the passage.

Sure enough, Sid came to him with strong excitement: "Sir, the passage has been found, just above the hall, and we have cracked the mechanism."

Wang Dao nodded: "Did you send someone up to take a look?"

"We have already checked. There are some motionless energy mechanisms on the second floor. We found the throne on the third floor, but we dare not approach it."

It's not that I'm afraid that the throne is in any danger, but mainly that I'm afraid that if I touch the throne without permission, I'll make this gentleman unhappy.

Wang Daoyi suddenly turned his head and looked towards the main tent area with a smile. He felt someone breaking free from his chains.

[Can you actually break free from the secret technique of the chain? You are worthy of being a gale discipline official. It's a pity that I will succeed soon. 】

There is no intention to track down Senuo. The Red King's Holy Apparition Hall is more important now.

"Take me to the throne!"

Following West Germany to the Red King's Holy Apparition Hall, we saw two broken griffin statues. We don't know if there were such creatures in ancient Sumeru.

After entering the gate, Syd pointed to the top of his head. Sure enough, a mechanism similar to an elevator was suspended there.

"Sir, that is the entrance mechanism. There is a transparent platform in front of it."

Wang Dao nodded. He saw a shelf set up by the Gilded Brigade next to him, but he didn't need it. He tapped his toes and flew to the mechanism.

On the other side, West Germany quickly climbed up the shelf, quickly came to the mechanism, and activated the mechanism for Wang Daoyi.

This is also a mechanism that requires the red sandstone in his hand to be activated.

The mechanism slowly rose, bringing Wang Daoyi and Xi De to the second floor.

Here, there was already a large group of gilded brigades waiting. Wang Dao glanced around and saw that they were all relatively powerful Erling messengers, as well as the desert tribe leaders who had been conquered by him.

"Sir, the mechanism leading to the third floor is on the opposite side."

West Germany pointed to the platform opposite the entrance to the second floor. Wang Dao took a look and found a relatively intact mural.

Normally, he might stop and study it carefully, but unfortunately, now he just wants to see what the Red King left here.

After passing through many gilded brigades, Wang Daoyi stepped onto the mechanism heading to the third floor.

Others followed suit one after another, and Wang Dao did not stop him at all. When going to an unknown place, it is always good to have his subordinates with him.

When you come to the third floor, you will see a huge throne, and behind the throne is a huge statue of a jackal.

It is worth mentioning that this statue also has ram's horns on its head. I don't know if it is like this originally or if it is explaining something.

Arriving at the final destination, Wang Daoyi finally stopped.

The eyes glowed golden, and the huge throne and the statue behind it turned into countless messages, which were analyzed layer by layer by Wang Dao.

"Oh, the golden dreamland, sitting on the throne, singing songs, haha, this kind of thing, would anyone really enter it casually?"

Soon, the most superficial information belonging to the throne was interpreted by Wang Daoyi. It was a method to enter the golden dreamland.

Wang Daoyi shook his head regretfully. He really didn't dare to try to enter such unclear things.

There was nothing he wanted in the throne, so Wang Daoyi turned his attention to the huge statue.

Suddenly, Wang Daoyi was pulled into a strange 'space'. He wanted to speak, but couldn't. He wanted to leave, but couldn't move.

I can only watch a ball of white light explode in front of me, and then a beautiful picture appears.

In a garden full of roses, three crowned beings were discussing something.

Wang Dao couldn't hear their words clearly, nor could he see their faces clearly. The only thing he could be sure of was that he could tell from their clothes that they were three great beings, one man and two women.

Before he could think more, he seemed to have spotted the peeper. One of the great beings turned around and shook his head at Wang Daoyi.

The next moment, the scene shattered. Wang Daoyi returned to the third floor of the Holy Epiphany Hall, but he found that he was already sitting on the throne.

He stood up suddenly, shuddering a little, and reached out to touch his arms. Sure enough, the token belonging to the emperor turned into nothingness again.

He must have encountered some irresistible danger just now.

He raised his head and looked at the statue, only to find a tiny ray of light floating in front of the statue, calling to him.

Stretch out your hand and touch the light gently


Name: Authority·Authority (disabled)

Category: Non-elemental divine power

Abilities: Deterrence, suppression, enfeoffment, integration

Carry: Divine Knowledge·Light (lv.3)

Introduction: A trace of broken authority left by the great existence Red King Akhmar. It is a seed, waiting for the arrival of the next authoritative lord.

Note: This is Broken Authority, which you can currently use to grant the power you possess to believers.

Note: The power of authority comes from the fulfillment of duties. Only by fulfilling duties can authority grow (the fulfillment of duties is for both parties).

Note: Authority contains information about some previous owners, which may cause you to sense something from him.


With an unreal feeling of gaining power, Wang Daoyi vaguely noticed that something in the desert was entangled with him.

However, these entanglements were too weak, so weak that Wang Daoyi could not even sense what was entangled with him.

Moreover, the surrounding light seemed to begin to get closer to him, as if he was the master of the light.

Shaking his head, throwing away the suspicion in his mind, he turned to look at the gilded troupe.

"You have completed the task I assigned you, so what reward do you want?"

Wang Daoyi spoke indifferently.

The Gilded Brigade members looked at each other, unsure whether Wang Daoyi's intention was good or bad.

They only saw Wang Daoyi walking towards the throne and sitting down. Then the statue behind the throne burst into light. After the light, Wang Daoyi returned to his indifferent look.

After a long time, the former Demonic Rock Warrior spoke cautiously: "Sir, we want more oases and water sources, and the tribe needs a larger living space."

Perhaps because he couldn't tell what Wang Daoyi meant, he didn't ask for benefits for himself, but suggested that the tribe needed a larger living space.

The others also nodded. They were forced to integrate by Wang Daoyi, and they are currently crowded on a large oasis. It was the station of one of the tribes before, and is now used by dozens of tribes. Although it is not in danger, But it's really not big enough.

Wang Dao nodded: "With merit, there will be rewards. I promise you to find a bigger oasis in the name of Red Sand. The sandstorm will protect you."

Stretch out your hand, and the wind and sand gather together to form a seed. This is the power that comes from authority and authority, and can bestow the power that King Dao Yi has on others.

"Sid, you have the greatest credit for this exploration. I will leave this seed to you."

With a flick of his finger, the seeds formed by the yellow sand were shot into West Germany's body.

Sid's face was startled, and then suddenly he was ecstatic. In his perception, the originally terrifying Fengsha was now as close to him as an old friend.

Tentatively reaching out his hand, Sid called out to the surrounding wind and sand. It was exactly as he perceived, and the wind and sand responded to him.

Wisps of wind and sand gathered in West Germany's hands. Although it was incomparable to the sandstorm surrounding Wang Daoyi, this power still surprised West Germany.

Not only West Germany, seeing the power of the wind and sand in West Germany's hands, other leaders of the Gilded Brigade also showed eager and greedy eyes.

Since West Germany can obtain this power, can they too?

The answer is definitely yes.

Wang Daoyi looked at these gilded brigade with eager eyes. Under the mask, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised: "West Germany has received the reward. It is he who has made the greatest contribution, and your contribution is not enough for me to give you the strength." Plant it."

When Wang Daoyi condensed Fengsha's power seeds just now, he clearly felt that his ability to control Fengsha was slightly weaker.

And when West Germany fused the wind and sand seeds, this power came back, and he could clearly feel that he had complete control over West Germany.

This kind of control is not only reflected in the power of the wind and sand given by Wang Daoyi, but also in Xi De's soul.

Just like Wang Daoyi's soul was infected by Morax, now West Germany's soul is also infected by Wang Daoyi.

In other words, West Germany is now Wang Daoyi's 'dependent'.

Therefore, due to various considerations, Wang Daoyi is not prepared to open up this power seed in large quantities. At least, he has to find out the secret of the seed in West Germany before he can choose to open it or not.

Of course, there is no problem in using this power seed to seduce the people of the Gilded Brigade.

"Sir, we also long for your blessing."

The gilded brigade members all knelt down in front of Wang Daoyi. .

Seeing the many gilded brigade leaders kneeling in front of him, Wang Daoyi was very satisfied. Surrendering to him like this was the best choice for these gilded brigade groups.

"If you want to gain power, go and find more Red King relics for me. The one with the highest merit can receive my gift."

"In addition, collect all the stories about the Red King, whether they are true or false, I need to know them."

Upon hearing Wang Daoyi's request, the Gilded Brigade's eyes lit up. Finding ruins and stories was not a difficult task. As long as there were enough manpower, they could complete these tasks.

"Please rest assured, sir, we will definitely do it."

The leaders of the Gilded Brigade expressed their loyalty, ability and attitude.

However, Wang Dao just smiled softly: "Haha, the ruins of the Red King are not that easy to find, nor are they that easy to explore. Besides, you should solve the tribe's life problems first."

Wang Daoyi did not forget that these people had just mentioned their tribe and were still suffering miserably.

"Let the Red Sand Flag fly throughout the desert. I don't want anyone else to compete with me for the relics of the Red King. Do you understand?"

Obtaining the broken authority of the Red King from the Red King's Holy Apparition Hall, Wang Daoyi naturally regarded the Red King's legacy in the entire desert as his own.

This strong possessiveness is also a manifestation of authority.

If it were in Liyue, Wang Daoyi would hide this possessiveness, just like he had always been a good gentleman in Liyue.

However, this is a desert, and he can show his possessiveness unscrupulously, or in other words, domineering.

The people of the sand will only obey his authority more and more, without resisting.

Because Wang Daoyi is not only a strong man, but also a being who can give them strength.

"Please rest assured, sir. Only by raising the Red Sand Flag can we survive in the Great Red Sand Sea. Those who are unwilling to raise the flag, we will send them to see the Red King."

The Sand People are a godless race. Except for some fanatics, most of the Sand People have begun to give up their belief in the Red King.

"That's good, let's go and leave here as soon as possible. The people from the Order will be here soon."

After leaving the ruins, no one asked what happened in the ruins.

Ordinary Gilded Brigades don't care what happens inside. For them, it is enough for them to obtain a large number of cultural relics from this exploration. After being exchanged for resources, the tribe can live a good life for a period of time.

Of course, these people have not considered that the resources they consume this month may be the last food reserves of their tribe.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Wang Daoyi. West Germany and the leaders will take care of these things.

After everyone evacuated the ruins, Wang Daoyi stretched out his finger to show his authoritative power.

He was ordering the Epiphany to hide Himself.

The three huge statues burst out with light again, and a new shield was formed, hiding the Epiphany Hall.

Although the most important thing here has been taken away by him, the golden dreamland that gave him heart palpitations still made Wang Daoyi choose to hide it.

After taking one last look at the ruins, Wang Dao left without looking back. Behind him was the fully loaded gilded brigade.

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