Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 210 The Last Believer of the Red King (Praise to the Majesty of the Red Sun) (The First Day

Three days later, an unknown village in the desert.

Wang Daoyi came here quietly, following his inner feelings.

Ever since he obtained the authority left by the Red King, he had been feeling something entangled in his heart.

So after settling the people of Chisha Banner, Wang Daoyi went out and followed his inner guidance and got here all the way.

Silently observing this small village, I found that there were no people from the Gilded Brigade. It was like a clear stream in the desert.

After confirming that there was no hidden boss, Wang Daoyi approached the village.

"who are you?"

After taking a few steps, he was stopped by a group of young people. The young people were only fifteen or sixteen years old, with stubble just growing on their immature faces.

At this time, Wang Daoyi did not wear a mask on his face and showed a friendly smile: "I am a traveler in the desert. I passed by here and wanted to ask for a bowl of water."

There was doubt in the young man's eyes: "Traveller, you are not lying, are you? Our village has not seen a single traveler come here for a year."

"Are you the guard of the village? Where is our village chief?" Wang Daoyi asked gently, completely unable to see the power of the Lord of the Red Sand Banner.

"Why, do you want to know the news? I won't tell you." The young man became more vigilant.

Wang Daoyi couldn't help but shook his head: "Although it is a good thing to be vigilant, you should know by looking at the Eye of God on my waist that I am someone you can't beat. Therefore, it is you who informs the villagers that someone is coming to visit. It should be done.”

"Eye of God? What is that?" The young man looked confused.

Wang Daoyi was stunned. Is there anyone these days who doesn't know the Eye of God? For a moment, he didn't know whether he should explain to the boy what the Eye of God was.

"Ahem, Clark, stop blocking the guests." An old voice came from the village.

The young man's face changed, and he was a little worried: "Oh no, it's all your fault. Grandpa must have been disturbed."

"Ha, then why don't you go and have a look?" Wang Dao said with a smile.

Young Clark didn't answer and ran straight to the village. Wang Daoyi followed him, looking at everything in the village as he moved forward.

"What an ancient village."

Looking at the various strange tools in the village, Wang Daoyi sighed. Most of these tools have been eliminated for many years, and some can be traced back to thousands of years ago.

And this village is still using these ancient tools.

It is better to say that it is ancient than backward.

Following young Clark, Wang Daoyi came to an ordinary mud house.

A gray-haired old man was snoring in the sun here. With Wang Daoyi's eyesight, he could vaguely see the appearance of young Clark in the old man.

Perhaps, it is a pair of grandfather and grandson.

"I'm very sorry, I'm too old to get up to welcome you, distinguished guest." The old man said in a very slow tone.

Wang Daoyi shook his head, with strong curiosity in his eyes, but he still remained polite: "You don't have to be so polite. In my hometown, respecting the elderly and caring for the young is a virtue. I'm the one who's rude to bother you without preparing any gifts." right."

Hearing Wang Daoyi's words, a smile appeared on the old man's wrinkled face: "It's been a long time since I've seen a strong man like you who has such powerful power and yet remains polite. Welcome to Aru Village."

"Aru Village?" Wang Dao frowned.

This name is exactly the same as the largest gathering place in the desert.

Seeing Wang Daoyi's frown, the old man showed a true expression: "It seems that you should have been to Aru Village on the other side of the desert."

"what do you mean?"

Wang Daoyi asked.

The old man tried his best to open his eyes, showing a hint of nostalgia: "The Aru Village over there and the Aru Village here were originally the same, but they were separated because of a disagreement."

"It's obvious that the people over there have abandoned their faith!!" Young Clark shouted loudly from the side, looking a little angry.

"Faith." The old man did not reprimand the rude Karak. Instead, he looked at the young man sadly, "This is really not a good word."

Wang Daoyi was a little curious: "Old man, do you have any different views on the word faith?"

High emotional intelligence: What a different view.

Low emotional intelligence: Do you have no faith?

"Ha, no, I also have faith, and my faith has never faded."

The old man became excited, and his old face seemed to be full of energy.

As the old man's mood fluctuated, the earth veins in this area began to become disordered.

There was a trace of surprise in his eyes, and Wang Daoyi was a little unbelievable.

This old man actually activated the earth's veins simply with his emotions. This kind of thing was difficult for Wang Daoyi himself to do.

"I'm sorry, old guy, I'm a little excited." The old man quickly calmed down, "The word faith is too heavy for me."

"Can I hear your story if you'd like?"

For some reason, the authority deep in Wang Daoyi's soul was beating slightly.

There was a little nostalgia in the old man's eyes: "Okay, if you talk about these things, it might be a lot better."

In Wang Daoyi's expectation, the old man slowly told the story:

[That is an old story,

In order to fulfill the rebellious fantasy and transcend the confinement of the sky,

At the same time, it is also for the future of mankind and the awakening of mankind.

The ancient and divine king chose to set his plan in motion

"Unify thousands of thoughts into one, unify thousands of calculations into one,"

"Thus shall man be the king of kings, and the God of gods."

However, as the plan progresses, when the one he loves dies, the Son of Heaven cannot escape wear and tear.

Dark filth contaminates the earth, and all living beings are wailing in front of the throne of God.

By the time the divine king wakes up, the world is devastated.

Hearing the wails of his people, the king chose to sacrifice himself.

"One day, humans will wake up and know they don't need gods,

Before that, I will become a god other than a god. "

The ancient king is gone,

The people of the desert will leave the palaces and ruins they are accustomed to living in,

Go to the edge of the earth to build a new settlement,

That abode will be named Aru, the old dream of God,

Waiting quietly for Akhmar's recovery. 】

Wang Daoyi listened to the story quietly and watched the old man's body glow with white light.

"Dear guest, what do you think of this story?" The old man looked at Wang Daoyi with hope in his eyes.

Wang Daoyi already fully understood what was going on in this village.

With a gentle smile, Wang Dao nodded: "A very good story."

"Then, can you let me see you?" The white light on the old man's body became stronger and stronger. "Please, let me see you!"

"His wish may not be for you to wait for Him like this." Wang Dao said with regret in his eyes.

"I know, I have always known, so when those people chose to leave, although I regarded it as betrayal, I never stopped them. I just wanted to take a last look at you."

"Your people have been waiting for you to come back!" The white light on the old man's body became brighter and brighter.

There was a hint of softness in his eyes. Wang Dao nodded and stretched out his hand to the old man: "So, my last believer, are you still willing to serve my authority?"

The golden gnosis circulates in Wang Dao's eyes, and the remaining information belonging to Ahmar in the authority is fully opened to Wang Dao.

The black pupils turned into gold, the black hair on his head turned into white silk, and the authority deep in his soul turned into a red-gold crown.

Facing the scene he had imagined countless times in his dreams, the old man stretched out his hand tremblingly, wanting to touch Wang Daoyi's palm: "I have always been willing to serve your authority! Your Majesty, the great Akhmar."

Unfortunately, the white light on his body was faster than the old man's outstretched hand.

The white light suddenly dissipated. In front of Wang Dao's eyes, there were no old men and no young men, but ruins all over the ground.

"Is it a belief that has maintained abnormal earth veins for thousands of years?"

"Alas, believing in a dead god is really not a good choice." Wang Daoyi sighed as the golden color in his pupils faded and his white hair turned into black hair.

The moment a white light appeared on the old man's body, he understood what was going on.

An old man who believed in the Red King was still unable to rest in peace at the last moment of his life. His belief in the Red King fell into the earth's veins, causing abnormalities in the earth's veins, allowing this area to maintain its ancient appearance for thousands of years.

Of course, everything here is fake and is a scene projected from the old man's heart.

The village is from the time when the old man was alive, so it is so backward and ancient.

The young Clark is the old man's projection of his youth, so he feels angry at other people in Aru Village for abandoning their belief in the Red King.

And the old man himself is the core of this abnormality in the earth's veins that has lasted for thousands of years.

As the center of abnormal earth veins, the old man knew that only those who sensed the Red King's faith could enter here.

And what kind of existence can sense his belief in the Red King?

The answer is: Red King Akhmar himself.

Therefore, when Wang Daoyi entered this area through the authority of the Red King, the old man who had never seen the appearance of the Red King mistook Wang Daoyi for the Red King.

The moment he thought he saw the Red King, the old man's obsession disappeared and began to escape irrevocably, eventually returning to the earth, and then the earth's veins returned to stability.

Wang Daoyi was impressed by the old man's belief and did not say that he was not the Red King. He gave the old man the final comfort with the legendary image of the Red King with golden eyes and white hair and a crown on his head.

Compared with the gilded brigade in the desert today who claim to be followers of the Red King, this old man is the last believer of the Red King.

"So, what did the Red King do that caused this land to be polluted, caused a lot of losses, and finally sacrificed himself and fell?"

Wang Daoyi silently thought about the story the old man told him.

In fact, among the most common legends in Sumeru and the desert, ahem, mainly among the people of the desert, it was the Great Ci Tree King who assassinated the Red King.

Wang Daoyi had heard this rumor countless times, but after seeing the gentleness of that being, it was difficult for Wang Daoyi to agree with this statement.

Now, he heard the second theory. In order to save his people and make up for his mistakes, King Chi chose to sacrifice himself.

Wang Dao thought about these two arguments for a moment and felt that self-sacrifice was more likely.

[After all, gods love people. 】

Watching the dilapidated village silently, Wang Daoyi sighed: "Huh~ The Red King has passed away, and this village doesn't need to exist anymore."

With a wave of his hand, the yellow sand in the sky turned into a sandstorm and completely submerged the place.

"Go to the rainforest and relax."

Wang Dao left without looking back.

I made up a short story to let the protagonist unlock a new form.

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