Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 211 Demon Scale Disease and World Tree

Xumi·rainforest area·huachengguo.

In front of a tent-like house, there were two people chatting. One of them was dressed in white with gold trim, while the other was dressed in a typical ranger outfit and had a pair of big ears.

"So you came to my place just to find some special ingredients?"

Tinari looked at the young man in white in front of him and couldn't help being speechless when he heard the other person's intention.

"Haha, as a ranger, you know Xumi's specialties best, right? I went to find Alhaysen first."

Wang Daoyi scratched his hair. When Tinari received him just now, he thought he was here to talk about the events of the previous Dead Realm, but it turned out that Wang Daoyi came to find a gift for Xiang Ling.

This made him feel a little embarrassed. When others thought you had serious business, you talked about trivial matters.

It feels like being caught while fishing.

"Oh, what did Elhaysen say?" Tinari had a hint of curiosity in his eyes, wanting to know how Elhaysen would reply to Wang Daoyi.

"He ignored me."

Secretary Elhaysen was on vacation recently. He was a little happy when he saw Wang Daoyi coming to him, but it turned out that Wang Daoyi came to him and asked what Xumi’s specialties were.

Although Elhaysen could solve this kind of thing, he really couldn't arouse interest, so he ignored Wang Daoyi and just recommended Tinari to him.

"Ha, as expected of Alhaysen, okay, come with me." Tinari led Wang Dao towards the house.

Entering the house, you see a young girl really busy with something.

"Hey, Teacher Tinari." The girl greeted Tinari, and then looked at Wang Daoyi curiously.

"This is Ke Lai, my student and a ranger." Tinari introduced Wang Daoyi, then turned to Ke Lai, "This is my friend, Wang Daoyi from Liyue. It’ll be nice if you get to know each other.”

The girl Ke Lai nodded politely to Wang Dao: "Hello, senior Wang Daoyi."

Wang Daoyi also nodded: "Hello."

Tinari didn't pay attention to the exchange between the two. He walked to the desk on the side and pulled out a thin manual.

"A food team came to the rainforest before and entrusted us to collect information on these things. I will give you a copy. However, you can use it for yourself and cannot spread it."

Wang Daoyi took the book and found that it contained detailed information on rainforest ingredients.

The book clearly records where the star mushrooms are the best, where the mushrooms are the tenderest, and where there are special spices.

With this book, it would be much easier for him to find strange ingredients for Xiangling.

While Wang Daoyi was reading carefully, Ke Lai on the side suddenly turned pale, lost all strength and fell to the ground.

"Ke Lai!" Tinari reacted quickly, hugged the fallen Ke Lai and put him on the couch.

Wang Daoyi also put away the book and frowned at the poor girl.

"This is?"

"It's magic scale disease. This disease is very serious in Xumi." Tinari explained, and then tinkered with a lot of medicinal materials.

When Wang Dao looked at Kelai, he saw that black dirt had appeared on the girl's back, looking like black scales.

"It seems, a bit like the pollution power in the dead realm?" Wang Daoyi said uncertainly.

Tinari was still tinkering with the medicinal materials and answered directly without raising his head: "Scholars believe that the Demon Scale Disease, like the Dead Zone, is the feedback in reality after the World Tree is polluted."

Seeing Tinari's increasingly hurried movements and Kelai's uncomfortable look, Wang Daoyi couldn't help but ask, "Do you need help?"

"Huh? Did the previous research on the dead zone bear fruit?" Tinari quickly realized that since Wang Daoyi said this, he must have some trump card.

That can only be what results were obtained from the little bit of dead zone residue that was taken away before.

Nodding, Wang Dao stretched out his hand, and the color of red gold appeared: "There is something gained."

The red-gold power of authority was close to the black filth. Under the suppression of the authority, the filth gradually faded away. Seeing this scene, there was a hint of shock in Tinari's eyes, and then ecstasy.

In Wang Daoyi's eyes, he saw more things. The dense pollution was not removed, but was suppressed. Moreover, in addition to these pollutions, Wang Daoyi also saw some other interesting things: the traces of the demon god's residue. .

Wang Daoyi knew that this girl had been exposed to the remnants of the demon god, but he didn't say anything about it. Anyway, she was Tinari's apprentice and he didn't need to worry about it.

"Oh, did I faint again?" After the blackness faded, Kelai woke up.

Tinari held over a bowl of medicine: "Drink the medicine first, your body is too weak."

He gave the medicine to Kelai, and then gave Wang Daoyi a hidden look.

The two left the room and communicated alone.

"Can the power you showed just now be able to cure demon scale disease?" Tinari asked, looking forward to it.

However, Wang Daoyi shook his head: "It can't be cured. My power only suppresses the demon scale disease."

"Is it just suppression?" Tinari was a little disappointed.

"Ha, you said that this kind of thing may come from the pollution of the World Tree. I can suppress it, which is pretty good."

"That's right. I'm overthinking it. I'm sorry."

The demon scale disease has a serious impact on Xumi. No matter whether it is a dignitary or a commoner, as long as they get this disease, they will have to wait for death in the end.

The only difference is that ordinary people die faster, while dignitaries and dignitaries can survive for a few more days.

Natinari is the best scholar of the new generation of the Life Theory Sect and is currently a disciple of the sage of the Life Theory School. He is very interested in solving things like the dead realm and demon scale disease.

"Have you not come up with any solution for so many years?" Wang Daoyi had some doubts. The Teaching Academy has the most complete academic system in Teyvat, but it has not solved these two problems for so many years.

"It's too difficult. I don't know how many resources have been invested in the Death Domain and Demon Scale Disease, but the results are minimal."

Tinari shook his head and stated the current situation.

"The Dead Zone can also delay its spread by destroying the Dead Zone tumor, but so far, there is no solution to the Demon Scale disease."

"The only special case is Ke Lai. She has experienced some bad things before, and the magic scale disease on her body has been suppressed. This allows her to go out for patrols occasionally. Otherwise, you can only see her lying there all the time. On the hospital bed.”

After listening to Tinari's words, Wang Daoyi was a little silent.

He remembered his previous exchange with King Daci Tree, and he asked King Daci Tree how to solve the problem of the dead zone.

The answer of King Daci Shu is that when the turning point of fate comes, all these will be cured.

[So, is the Dead Realm an incurable disease currently? 】

Seeing Wang Daoyi not speaking for a long time, Tinari had some questions: "What's wrong? Did you remember something? Why didn't you speak?"

"There are some clues, but it's of no use." Wang Daoyi replied, and then asked, "I just said that the dead zone and the demon scale disease may be caused by the contamination of the World Tree. So what can the Order Institute do to make people Have you observed the World Tree?”

Since the Teaching Council can conclude that the pollution of the World Tree caused the mutation, then the Council of Teachings must have a way to observe the World Tree.

"Of course, some scholars in the forest habitat period will choose to link to the World Tree in order to pursue knowledge."

"Lin Qiqi?" Wang Daoyi heard a new word.

Tinari nodded and explained: "The forest habitat period is also called the forest dweller's wild talk period, which is a stage of scholar's practice."

"Oh, you said they would link to the World Tree, how did that happen?"

Wang Daoyi once inquired about World Tree information in the void terminal, but in the feedback, there was only one sentence about insufficient permissions.

The Teaching Council seems to be sharing the Void Terminal with everyone in Sumeru, and seems to be sharing knowledge generously, but in fact, it has blocked all kinds of knowledge that is slightly valuable.

If you don't go to the Teaching Academy for assessment and don't accept the system of the Teaching Academy, you can't even think about obtaining more advanced knowledge from the Void Terminal.

Tinari didn't know Wang Daoyi's inner complaints about the Order Academy. Of course, in fact, Tinari himself didn't like the current atmosphere of the Order Academy. It was for this reason that he chose to be a ranger here.

"It uses something called Lingfenxiang. It can help people enter a meditative state. Only in that state can they have a chance to connect with the World Tree."

Tinari explained first, then looked at Wang Daoyi's shining eyes and warned seriously: "I don't recommend you to use this thing. In fact, there are not a few scholars who go crazy every year because of linking to the World Tree. This It’s a very dangerous thing.”

Linking to the World Tree is a very dangerous thing in itself. If a weak existence is connected to a strong person, even if the strong person remains motionless, the weak one will inevitably be 'assimilated'.

Not to mention that this powerful World Tree has already caused problems in speculations. Trying to link to him now can be said to be courting death.

"Crazy? I have heard of 'mad scholars' in Aru Village. Is there any connection between them?"

"Those are the scholars who went crazy after linking to the World Tree. They have lost the ability to continue exploring knowledge, so the Order Academy sent them to Aru Village."

Wang Dao was stunned for a moment and sent a group of crazy people to the desert. Was this to let those scholars fend for themselves?

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